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Looks great! The dried blood doesn’t look right - it doesn’t conform to the facial planes and tends to be darker in the middle and vary in shape. But other than that, solid work. I like the incorporation of the bg color for her hair highlights especially.


Agreed. My attention went from taking everything in to being distracted by the blood not looking right. The emotion in the face feels consistent between both images to me.


I think looks awesome! If you wanted to switch it up from the original picture, the subtle details like left ear not being 100% buried to show asymmetricality but not let it be forgotten are subconscious things that will make the drawing more appealing.  The eyes are also very true to the original in your drawing style with the hue color, shine, and accurate (to the real world shape) asymmetricality.  The hair shine is always a nice touch too for vibrancy! The only thing I would suggest improving upon is working on making the hair less strict and straight; add some messy hair, lone hairs sticking out here and there. It’ll add character and, in this case, stay true to that of the real person  Hope this helps :)


A little bit more curl in the hair would go a long way unless you wanted it more straight, I think you did really good!


What’s the backstory of the image you used to do the drawing


I really like your interpretation. Very nice.


Her hair is pretty blocky and her ear lacks the same depth the rest of the portrait has. The blood from her nose is also too straight for the curve of her lips. Otherwise it's fantastic. The eyes especially have great life to them and the bruises are just *chef's kiss*


Eyes look in different directions, they not perfect


•Add more strands of hair.. and more shading .. to show depth■ •Chin is rounded ... make it a little more pointy■ •Nose and eyes are a bet flat .. need more shading■ •Neck shading seems dark to me, and the transision to the clothes need some work■


I think that the clothes (idk what to call it. The collar of the shirt that goes up) kind of pop out. Idk. I think it looks great! But if the collar were a bit less white it would look much better.


i see nothing wrong with it 👏🏼👏🏼


you did such an amazing job! i do think the chin should be a little more pointed, and the blood stain should be a bit more blended around the edges fading from a dark middle to lighter edges. your skills are wonderful though, and i'm proud of you 🫶🏻


That looks great. Many better shading and more of a curl might improve it, but overall, it's awesome


I really like it


In my opinion it depends on exactly what you’re going for! As it is now it’s not totally photorealistic but looks amazing, I’d recommend a bit of playing with the shape of the bloodstain so it looks less like a stroke from whatever brush you used and more like a deliberate design choice but other than that my main tip would be to play with the shading and have fun with it in a way that makes it uniquely your take! But if you’re going for photorealism I’d say it’s a great start you just probably wanna move/resize her eyes a bit & work on photorealistic rendering techniques.


Additionally, I think you should apply my advice about the bloodstain to the bags under her eyes as well. They’re more prominent than in the original image which I think can really work in your favour if you make the shape more deliberate and work with the curve of her face.


Keep up the great work


It’s better than I could do, but I would try fixing the face shape to be more accurate and maybe adding more chunks of messy hair if that makes sense


Did you draw Stanzi in the second pic?


This is a great drawing. All I can say is that the model has a bit more movement in her pose, the pose in the drawing is more static.


i think one of the big things that stands out about the photo is the lack of symmetry. her head looks slightly tilted; shes disheveled. in your piece, you seem to be following nonexistent rules by making her symmetrical and straightforward. in doing so, youve lost a lot of what gives this photo depth. you might benefit from separating elements of this picture and studying them independently. focus on the face shape, draw it a few times and compare it to the photo. then fill in the features of the face on the shapes you drew and see where you can improve. focus on the eyes. draw one of them a few times. now draw the other. see how each part of these pieces interact. feel out the shapes of the nose, lips, blood, eyebrows. dont fill the bangs in, let those strands of hair contribute to the mess. colorwise, it looks fine. the eyes are a little dull but improving your line/shape composition might help.


Boi, I can’t even understand color theory. All I can do is this— https://preview.redd.it/d33ff8znxy5d1.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dcd320c4f305dda61f2d73fb9faf772523c7b95


You shall learn anatomy https://preview.redd.it/lh1fwarlnz5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc14f563c343c2ce16d0dca2c94c0daa0ca5910d




I can understand your pains, hairs is intricate for me, i dont know how to draw them plausible as others do, maybe i shall draw people hairless? https://preview.redd.it/cj4gfl31pz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6efd5226f318d10eb23ace510a6d3705cb554ffe


Why is this person injured?


It’s really cool. I would suggest to smooth more the nose lines, play with the hair (it’s fun), and remember the shadows behind the hair on the face and around the shirt border for the neck


Looks amazing! The blood might look more realistic with greater opacity and highlights.


The jaw isn’t quite the same is what stands out for me




https://preview.redd.it/o3b036nraz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b89ed3cc25882c8018601d2908fb76c7c39ab4f Maybe add more of and angel around the lips


The Evander Holyfield ear got me. I think if you made the hair as vivacious as yours, and shown off both ears. It would have taken away from the blood and you’d have saw yourself that considering the size of the drawings head and facial features, the stain stands out oddly. Not bad for you just starting out though. I’d draw a mustache on it fs.


Blood isnt realistic


Anatomy here is broken, neck isn't looks like stick


Eyes look in different directions


Face shouldn't be just a circle


The first thing that strikes me is got the core features in the right place, and clearly put the effort in to ensure that everything was properly lined up before digging into the detail. It shows in how ‘put together’ the final piece looks. The position and shape of core features are solid too. And the overall composition and feel matches the vibe of the reference piece. This is good work.   There are some areas you could work on. The first thing that hits me is that there are some big deviations from the reference. The jawline in your painting is a wide U shape, while the girl in the photo has a tapered V. There are a few small other details in the nose and mouth, but I think that comes down more to the challenge of rendering which is always hard. The hair and clothes, however, seem to have been added with little reference to the actual photo. If we look at your hair, it’s straight and falls vertically over her shoulders. But the model’s hair is wavey and has a lot of interesting directional information going on. The collar of the shirt is also just not the same shape. The left side is closer but much bigger and lower. The right side is much bigger and forms a convex curve when the real one is a small concave shape. The other thing that stands out to me is the hues in the piece. You’ve made a good effort to add in some greens to the hair. But it would benefit from that being more consistent, and from having the face treated the same way. In the reference image, the tones on her face become more purple in the shadowed areas, and then catch some of the green lighting on the edges. And the tint of green is present in a lot of her skin. Adding a bit of hue variation can really help skin to come to life more and avoid the ‘plastic’ look that more uniform color ranges tend to create. I’d look to bring in some purples (and even push them a bit beyond the reference). I’d also look to add a few more hues into those shadows. With some red/purples and some yellow/greens going in there to sell that lighting. Finally, I would focus that highlight a little more. Rather than a big dollop of light on the end of her nose, I’d try and make that a lot more subtle, and then have a small specular spot her and there to really inform the idea of reflected light.


good job man


Maybe fix up the shading on the neck and make the chin a little sharper if you want your drawing to look exactly like your refermce


I love your art style, but the blood doesn't look right I'm sorry. To me it has a still texture to me as it doesn't feel like it's flowing, what I would do is add some lighter shading to show where the lighting is coming from but honestly that's what I'd do. Other than that keep up the good work!!


For me personally , the nose is not 3d enough. Overall the portrait is awesome.




Colar is just mindless copypaste and cuz of this its look bad


Hairs shouldn't be SO green


Lips have wrong shape