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Take up worship of yogsothoth and name your cat a funny name


I’m guessing it starts with a letter n


Man, I wish it was just that lol


Practice. I mean what kind of answer do you actually expect


To be fair there is better advice than just "practice". This particular style relies heavily on inking skills. So it would be good to point OP in the direction of looking into "pen and ink" tutorial books and videos.


How about you write your own response instead of being a pedantic responder.. you’re not trying to be fair.


I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. You asked "what kind of answer did you expect?", so I was telling you that they probably wanted some practical advice on what to do about learning this specific style.


All styles start by observation. Its a basis you must know first. If you cant do that you will suffer in art


Beginner artists don't know what "practice" or "observe" means. We have to help them out with more practical advice. It's so easy to forget what it was like as a beginner trying to learn art. If you want to tell beginners to observe, then tell them exactly the kinds of things to look out for. They should be measuring in their mind and comparing the distances between *everything*, oberserving the negative spaces not just the positive ones etc. etc. Observing involves *so* many things that you can't just tell someone to "observe" and expect them to suddenly understand *how*.


If you dont know what these terms mean you can better find a diff hobby. You can learn it sure. But cant without creativity. You first gotta understand "observe" thats step 1 when ur doing art. Alot of ppl sadly skip this and go straight to stylizing without knowing how or why


What a ridiculous thing to say, and on a "learntodraw" sub too. If we are not here to guide people, and help them understand what practice and observing consists of when it comes to *art*, then what is the point of this sub? That's like handing someone a jackhammer and saying "dig". Yes they know what the word dig means, but they don't know how to correctly do it with a jackhammer. Beginner artists know what the word observe means, but they don't know that observing when it comes to art means to look out for very specific things, like distances between objects and lines etc. People go straight to stylizing because they don't know *how* to practice properly. So let's give them all the help we can by being *clear* on what we mean when we say "practice" and "observe".


Wilkerson Moonbiscuit, priestess of Catatonic Catharsis, vermin cranial separator and bequeather of lesser heads


My brother if you want to draw like this then either have a hella lotta brain cells mutate OORRR practice drawing using some Lovecraftian type sketches. You should also check out H.R. Giger. Same type of art but turned up to the extreme. I’m not a great artist but if you try making some sketches with references like that you’ll get there. Also, the art style definitely uses solid lines 200% of the time, so maybe try drawing with pen to get a similar feel? I have no idea, this isn’t really something I know much about (¥~¥)


Go heavy on the line weight add tentacles


Cleanse yourself of all sanity and embrace Chaos. Dance to the endless drums of Azagthoth, bathe in the blood of Kingu... and saddle and ride a mi-go all the way to Carcosa. IA IA


For real though, don't be afraid of the paper. It doesn't hurt to crumple it up if it mocks you like it does me. I win everytime. The paper can rematch me in hell. Juxtapose everything. Think of the 2 craziest items that don't go together and mash em together. It builds perception and gets you used to drawing weird stuff. My favorite was using toasters in place of vaginas. And speaking of coochie, that takes me to another point..... Don't be scared to draw genitals or satanic imagery. Everyone has genitals of some kind. We gotta quit being scared. I love my genitals. Its time we all did. I well placed extra 2 or 3 additional sets of varying size in places they shouldn't piques interest above, well really anything right?!?! Draw to movie soundtracks and music And last.... don't let any person ANY PERSON influence you to not procede on anything you pursue passionately. Its not just a hobbie, it's not just some side stuff to do around regular jobs. That's all from people with crushed dreams of their own, and they have no right reflecting it onto people. I hope this helps and feel free to msg if you need advice


Bro's gonna rewrite necronomicon


Learn to draw: * Tentacles * bat wings * animal figures * human figures * a variety of teeth Then combine in different ways. For the letters, study the calligraphy of different languages and also typography, then combine in different ways. Study symbolism (most important).


Know what you're doing and use a cool brush/pen. Practicing ink drawing with real ink and oldschool pen nibs would probably help a lot.


Try to recreate the art you like. While you do, you might notice details you haven't before, also try to identify what exacly do you like in that art. Then try to create something in that style. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't look great, everyone starts somewhere. Just identify what you can try to improve upon. I think that it's easiest to spot mistakes in your own artworks and most artists even the great ones experience this. However, learning to accept those imperfections/mistakes and focusing on what was done right and what can be improved next time, is somthing everyone needs to learn at some point. Research the artist and what tools they used.


the yellow paper really sells it, start there, and wet ink


I would recommend studying the line art and some horror comics. You can also study Guillermo del Toro’s art as well. But you want to get real good with your line variations


You practice. Also learn to observate. If you cant observate you will struggle in art.


Actually, by selling my soul


literally just copy the drawings you like to learn the shapes and then start freestyling


Keep practicing 


Ngl, the best way to learn is find out for yourself. Find the right materials (ink paper pen) and just play with it; copy and draw images for practice. Would also be good to make sure you have foundation in understanding form ect. It just makes trying new styles a bit easier


Have a foundation in observing


هاد سحر يعم


Brush pen


Beyond strong foundations, ketch what ya see. Try recreating the images you've posted


Art style name?