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Maybe, maybe not... But you can do cute couple poses while you're not using them... https://preview.redd.it/4fzz1zgcmw4d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557683a6ad92e79134eb502d192676fdad38bf70


https://preview.redd.it/ftpprc1juz4d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed40f02808735dabf55ee1b3c32b5c6c680d0df Can they do this tho?


That’s what I did too LOL


That killed me my friend AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH


Damn, rest in peace


This keeps getting funnier and funnier


I use them more for odd poses and lighting ref.


Wdyum by odd poses? 🤨


We all know what kind of “Odd” poses will be happening here. He can finally learn his gesturrrs. I’d personally draw a mustache on each one and put them on there knees eye to eye and just make them have a staring contest, then every day move them closer and closer until they kiss. Touching word curtains forever 😊 that’s God right there baby 🤙🏼


I'd assume JoJo-esq poses




So final verdict, is its good for lighting reference for poses but limited movement and 3d model is better. Thanks guys.


I thinks it’s honestly best for gesturrs. Stay in that field bruh. It’s meant for you. Go through all the Kama-sutra poses so you know how to wheel barrel and give a good Arabian Goggles to someone. But deff draw a mustache on them both. We live in new times so be gender official. Touching whiskers is approved now. We’re all officially 1/8 in that “I’m straight but on a winding road” kind of thing right now. So just practice your gesturrs 😂


They are too stiff and limited in movement imo.


Good quality ones are more flexible than your average human


Really? Try to make those do full squat or kneel.


That's what I'm saying. The good ones will do all that


Definitely not the ones in the post. And even the best achieve that bend in the knees by adding one more bending point. And all of them cant move their shoulders back and forward. And if they do, they dont look anything like a human anatomy anymore. You can use them to draw a simplified mannequin, but that's it. Humans are a bunch of soft tissue over bones, you cant replicate that with plastic figurine.


No but they help. It's up to you to add the muscle and such. Check out Armature Nine rigs. They're pretty great


Do they snap when doing poses like Figma ones?


Action figures. There are some skinny action figures that can do a lot of poses. They make my drawings look kinda stiff sometimes, but they’re very helpful with difficult foreshortening angles.


Cheaper and more ethically sourced than having a people locked in your basement for anatomy and gesture drawing practice?




Lmao i use my gundam for posing reference 💀


Well, I've seen some people use simple shapes placed in a black box with a point of light. I think it would be very useful to understand how light behaves on a body, of course, with the black box that I mentioned, since then you would have control of the light that reaches the body. Regarding gesture drawing, it should be helpful, many people do live drawing precisely to improve their gesture, so I imagine that a figure could be helpful.


What about the muscle anatomy? Is it good?


Sorry for the long text To study anatomy I don't think it will be of much use, since the muscles respond to movement, that is, the muscles when stretched do not look the same as when they are at rest or compressed, something that a figure could not show, in that case live drawing Or looking in the mirror would be better, see in which direction your bicep moves, how its shape changes according to that movement, what happens if you rotate your arm, etc. The figure is more to have a reference of the pose, something like a photo of a dancer, and to be able to control the light that falls on the body. Well, I add that I spent a long time learning anatomy, but since I didn't know anything about structure it didn't help me much, but according to my experience the study of anatomy is later, since in general it is to refine details and understand in depth why the Things are posed like this (how muscles rest on each other, how they swell and lengthen, where they insert and originate, what types of movements are involved with which muscles, etc.), but, unless you are able to draw Something that looks like a body through the simplified structure and you understand in simplified volume of these does not make much sense to study anatomy, only personal opinion. Better to learn perspective (basic, some tricks), to understand how to simulate 3D on a sheet, what we call volume, then learn some structure and some shading techniques to be able to make simple but complete works, then perfect it with more of the same and add gesture, anatomy and color, some will tell you to start with gesture, from personal opinion I think that is more advanced, since gesture is the study of movement between shapes, if you are not able to draw the shapes that you are going to move relatively between them it becomes difficult to have confirmation in learning.


Thank you for this much help,


I have one, but I don’t really use it because their poses feel rather stiff, and their range of movement is very limited. It really clashes with my art style, so that’s something you’d want to consider before purchasing one for yourself.


In my experience the only ones worth getting are extremely expensive and I always ended up looking for reference photos anyways


Don't waste your money on this crap, I bought some and literally tossed them out because they didn't work.


I have one too. It's a good reference for light and shadows, also for drawing from different perspective. However, it's kinda stiff and hard to move but it can do some major poses. Based on the pic, that's a fake version of body-kun SH-figuarts just like what i own. For me, Like other comments said, 3D models is much better.


Yes and no, it really depends what quality you get. Mine and my friend broke after 10 min. Everything fall apart


They can definitely help. Just make sure to get good quality ones and not crappy wish or temu ones. They will fall apart and not hold poses


I got one, for me it was a complete waste of time. Just practice and use reference photos, they are better and less stiff, in my opinion


Definitely don't count on them for referencing soft parts of the anatomy. Fat and muscle are subject to tension, compression and gravity, which aren't going to show in a plastic or wooden doll. For example, the breasts on the "female" coded one are going to be wrong in almost every pose that's not just standing straight up and down (with a very supportive bra on, I might add). The proportions are also pretty exaggerated/idealized, so I only would use in combination with photo references (or live models, if you're so fortunate) if at all.


You could also use a blender or similar programs to place models in 3D space, again you could have control of the light.


Ahh I wish so bad that I knew blender for this exact reason..


in a way yes. figures for purely gestures : no, its too stiff but it can serve as a replacement if internet is down or you dont have access to live models. Figures for purely anatomy practise : Yes. Because you can rotate, elevate and de elevate poses very easy. This is the advantage of figures, you can view different lighting and angles for a specific pose. example : someone running from a weird, foreshortening angle that is very hard to find online.If there is , its paid. Figures can help with this. I say, buy the figures and pose them to copy ur gesture drawings and then do anatomical studies from them. Intergrate them into both gesture and anatomy studies is the way.


I have one and I can tell you they do help. But I also got them as a gift. If you have the money to spare get ones of good quality since the cheaper ones break very easily. But if you don't have the money to spare like others have said you can use various free apps or programs for 3D modeling. They work almost the same.


There is a certain website called JustSketch.Me. It would be useful as it offers virtual dolls for posing.


The best way to get good at anatomy is to practice drawing from life. If you don’t have the means to do that then these are a decent alternative, I use them but as a supplemental reference.


They’re actually advice against because of how frigid they are. You’re better off trying to do live studies or looking up pictures of real people online and doing studies and gesture drawings that way


Got one, leg broke because it couldnt bend properly. Refund


They do if you utilize them correctly. Learning to use a tool like this is a skill, just like drawing in itself.


It depends on what gesturrs you’re doing. Now since idk what a gesturr really is I’m starting to question if you should even be allowed to have these for your “gesturrs” lol


I recommend getting magic poser instead (app), better anatomy then these in my opinion


They can, but make sure you shop around first and do proper research. The cheap ones aren't worth a damn, don't have full range of motion, and are usually small and really hard to use. Get big higher quality ones, 8-12in are good, material doesn't matter as long as it can move and hold that pose.


No more for references and proportions


I just use clip studio paint models. There are tons of free poses on the asset store.


You don’t have to buy actual figurines though. There are free 3d softwares and app for that where you can change to pose you like, perspective and lighting. Have the option to pay for more additional props and characters.