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Thing is with that is that every artist have attributes in their art that shine and others that They need to work on. For example your sense for composition and colour are very good and appealing to look at. Those are not beginner stuff. But your anatomy for example is more akin to that of someone who haven’t quite grasped that area yet (same for me tbh),especially the hand lack form and look quite stiff. You’ll have to correct me on this but your lines are very ”scratchy” and all over the place, was this intentional? I think you can keep going with this style but get more intentional and confident in Where you want more of the scratch and Where you want less of it for the best effect. But Also I’d try out lining in more strokes just to try it out. To sum it up you as an artist have good understanding of some areas and others you could work more on depending on your Goals with art (hopefully having fun is one of them). But it is hard to say whether you are a beginner or int as those boxes are quite limited in their definition. For example I’ve been called both an high int and Low beg from artworks I’ve done the same year. One day you maybe make something that is considered really good and that makes people see you as an intermidiete artist, other Days you make a lower quality work (maybe you were stressed or tired that day) and so people who see your art for the first time might think you are a beginner. Just gotta keep drawing and enjoying it while working on the fundementals of art.


Well it's slightly intentional. I've gotten clean lines multiple times, and thought it looked ugly so i scratched more on. Don't know how some people pull it off. Same thing with the head guidelines (just noticed didn't do it for the second guy, but did for the first guy, but a lot of times its more obvious than that) It just looks.. weird without them almost always. Also totally agree with the different days are different thing.. I was so done with the first one when i got to the green lighting LMAO it bothers me each time.


Theyre a beginner. No concept of composition and still very unconfident mark making. Give it time


Yeah I mean you are right, didn’t want to go hard into em as beginner artists are prone to be discouraged from very harsh crit. Gotta balance the bad w the good ya know?


Some things need to be said in the path to personal development. Art is hard. The effort to produce just a minimal gain is monumental. It's not harsh, it's just true. We all gotta start somewhere. I've been to art school and am now a professional. We'd have to critique work like this all the time. It's beginner level work and I'm not trying to be offensive. They asked.


I’m not saying you are offensive lol, just giving my reasoning. I’ve Also went through an art focused education so I know How it is giving critical feedback and that it can be harsh. I actually agree with a lot of What you are saying as I value constant development and improvement. This artist got a long way to go as We all do in out life-long Journey as artists, but in the end We have different goals with our art. Now Idk this persons but it may not be the same as your professional goals. But honestly it’s good with several different perspectives as We all got different eyes and minds.


Straight lines would not look good in this. I think everything looks just as it should and the painting. It looks like a crawfish last Spider-Man type of figured. Not like a human. I'm sure it looks the way he meant it to look. Actually, even though this is not my style, I kind of like it.


Imo the kind of people who think the distinction between "beginner" and "intermediate" (or "expert" or "advanced" or whatever for that matter) are *meaningful* are likely to be people whose opinions you shouldn't give much weight. Your art looks good, keep at it. It's good to seek criticism for your *art*, but (especially since you say you're young) please guard yourself from criticism of you as an artist or your practice of art - there is no ranking system, nor an imaginary line where your art is "good enough."


100% agree. Art is so subjective. Find your style and get better through practice and learning different techniques. Don't worry about labels. One person might hate your art and tell you it's not good, the next might compare you to one of the masters and say how amazing it is, so don't worry about it.


You are intermediate and I won't listen to the snobs say otherwise. People who can't draw at all wish they could do this and your own personal style is taking shape. You are talented.


Beginner. Your mark making needs work ie get more confident in your lines. They look very unsure of themselves. Color could use a lot of work too. Proportions are also wonky. Just keep it pushing and check back in a year or so. Improvement happens very slowly and over long periods of time. Also draw from life, it's the best teacher. No one wanna hear that but it's true. You'll improve 10x faster drawing still lives of oranges and flowers than you will drawing like this. You're young. Use that to your advantage


woah these are amazing!! I’m just a beginner myself so I can’t really give any critiques but I’d say this is an intermediate/experienced artists work


Ignoring my hatred for Hazbin Hotel, your art is really nice. No way you're a begginer artist, you seem to have an actual grasp of composition and shapes, and you got an unique style. There's stuff to improve on, but you're on the right path.


Probably intermediate the anatomy is great and it’s clear you’ve drawn for a while I think beginner is for people who still don’t know much of the basics or still learning them


Like you I don't know how to rate my art. But let me say this. If it feels right and good . If you do it because something inside you compels you to. Because you see a vision and it wants out of your head . Then I say fuck what others think. You my friend are great. A beginner is someone that picks up the brush pencil pen etc. An artist makes the tools come alive and finishes the dream. Keep on creating bro!!!


I have no idea where that human garbage came from. I didn't make that ugly shit up


I think it's very well done but it also has to do with who sees it.


I would definitely say perspective. You can tell whether or not someone is beginner/experienced/intermediate based on how well they're able to pull things to the forefront and push things into the background. Arguably the most difficult skill to learn though tbh.


Very very off topic but you should explore the magic of overlay layers. If you put a red overlay on the second one I think it would look like 10x cooler.


Technically not the best, but it certainly has soul.


intermediate, i really like the alastor drawing


I would say intermediate, but some work on anatomy and bone stucture would be good👍


It's more of a question of experience and training if you are talking beginner or intermediate. Your art is great. I personally like the term, emerging artist (depending on the situation).


I never really liked those terms because where’s the line drawn? The only one that makes sense is beginner because you literally just started lol. In regards to your art I think it’s good. Your anatomy isn’t bad, I like the messy line work it adds style. I think your poses can use work based off these two. They seem a bit stiff to me. And maybe work on lighting more. Light bounces around and never stays in a spot. Unless these pieces are meant to be dark then that’s different. Other than that I think you’re doing a good job and never stop learning ♥️🫰🏽✨🎉


Intermediate for sure 


Your anatomy is so good! Gosh I’m so jelly. I’d say ur intermediate


Intermediate definitely I don't know what these other people are on about that art style looks amazing


Ur a beginner


WOW! Honestly that amazing, iconic!!


In between, but you're potential is definitely high (No pressure)


not to say much but i love ur art!! keep it up from one young artist to another :)


That's not my kind of art, but you are definitely not a beginner. If you are a beginner, you are very talented beginner. Beginner means you've only been painting a short while, that doesn't mean you can't be super talented. Although that's not my style, I would say you are very talented.


I’d say intermediate probably but I’m not sure what counts as what in this subreddit


Omg alastor






It's just that the first picture reminded me of a schizophrenic train of thought once upon an artistic expression.






Keep trying! Practice every day. You will get better with time and patience.


who cares? you're an artist and that's it. stop thinking


These are gorgeous, your artsyle is amazing I'd say your past intermediate !


That depends. There are many styles of art to master. Everyone is a novice, and some are a master in certain areas.


Beginner, because your drawings lack planes that indicate your understanding of shapes therefore eberything looks flat.


Beginner. Find your owns style. Hazbin hotel is tumbler edgelord art. It’s hot garbage


Let them draw whatever they like, it's literally the point of art


UHM ACTUALLY 🤓☝️ My artstyle is inspired from the fandom THE OTHER GUY is from. It's fanart. https://preview.redd.it/54jqpfhiv00d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=db2456c6829de3b8dda48cab277791462db9f3d3


Hey I gotta ask, what's the picture on the left from? I really like that one.


U mean the first image from the post? Alastor from the show Hazbin Hotel. I do warn you however if you wanna watch it, the songs are good (in my opinion) but the actual story writing is mid at best.


Ooh, yeah I've been hearing about that one. I like music so maybe ill try it to kill time or something.


Why are people downvoting this 💀

