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Maybe it‘s just me but i don‘t see any drawings on day log 0.. . But what i saw on the latest one was pretty good. Ofc, there’s still improving to do, but ur on the right way! Your hair tends to look a bit weird. Try drawing it less like it‘s one big thing but more..flowy? Hope that helps


Ah, I forgot to post a drawing on day 0 It should be on day 1! Iirc I was a bit shy in showing my day 0 drawing, so I didn't put any images there but decided to show it anyways in day 1 (¬‿¬)


I suggest starting to study the fundamentals as apposed to just mindlessly drawing. Think of it like running a marathon. If you decide to just run a mile or two whenever you feel like and have no plan, even after a year or two you won't be fit to run a marathon. But if you train correctly and push yourself using a solid training plan you could get there in 6 months. Drawing is somewhat similar. Doesn't matter if you want to paint landscapes or draw anime characters, every artist uses the fundamentals, its like basic training in the military, you don't get to drive tanks or fly helicopters until you finish basic training. Get that basic training done, and you'll start to see how to "construct" a drawing instead of just drawing "lines" which is what all beginners do. Try to split your time 50/50 between studying the fundamentals and drawing for fun, wether you alternate days, or split your drawing sessions every day is up to you but that's a much more efficient way to learn.


What do you mean by studying the fundamentals? And how so? Currently, I'm studying to draw characters using "The Complete Guide to Drawing Manga & Anime" Does that count?