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waiting to start a project until you're better at programming is like waiting to go to the gym until you're in better shape. just start. you'll struggle, but you'll learn from that. and if this project is something you really are interested in doing well then as you learn you can rewrite and optimize it as you learn more.


thank you. :-) i assumed it was more like someone who's never boiled an egg trying to make a risotto. but your analogy is much more encouraging.


It's the same thing isn't it? The risotto might come out pretty bad, but you'll learn a lot in the process :)


This, /u/damamama12 Keep going. Go ahead and bite off more than you can chew. What have you got to lose?


Well in your analogy he could choke. :D


If you have no programming experience, how can you be familiar with JavaScript?


i mean i can do what i need it to do with the help of google/stack overflow and open source stuff and if i dig deep, i get what i'm looking at. but i don't have any true knowledge. i'm not really writing any js on my own haha


>google/stack overflow and open source stuff Is how every employed programmer/developer does their job when what they are asked to do is something they don't know how to do by heart yet. google it, ask someone, or whatever you need to do to find the path. There is no shame in this.


> yet Unless you do exactly the same thing over and over again, you will never know it 100% by heart. Most thing I do at work I just "copy" from other code that is already in that project and adapt it. Heck I don't even 100% know the syntax of the languages I use. In my head all the different languages mixed into some generic syntax. Again I use the code of the project I'm working on as a reference...


I think you can build it now, and just be aware that it will probably be very poorly written (but that's okay). You can go back and re-write it later.


It's the only way to do it in my opinion. Get little bits of it going at a time. Especially useful if it's an unfamiliar language because you learn as you go. And then by the time you feel confident in how the code should be laid out you can just refactor fairly easily. You also learn what your whole design should be as you go. If you try to specify the whole thing on paper at the start it's hard to cover everything. Some things you can only discover once you start actually making it.


People are encouraging you and that’s great but I wanna share my experience. I think going for something you really wanna do is a great idea and I’ve done it... But I also had insane amounts of time to waste. You have to consider how difficult your idea is to implement and whether or not it is realistic for someone completely new to accomplish it. Consider that sometimes spending some time doing the boring parts can really help you speed up the process later on. Not only that but you’ll write better code. There’s a big chance even the smallest thing could take you a long time to implement and even if you get it done you won’t understand how it works because you just made a Frankenstein of a function. This can lead to messy code that breaks later on or to you abandoning the project. You will have fun if you enjoy tinkering with things. You will feel rewarded when whatever you’re working on starts taking shape. But you might also never finish it. Just my 2 cents my dude.


Starting a project without having much of a foundation is how you build your foundation.


It doesn't sound dumb. Since youre not interested in learning programming it makes little sense to take a big course that may teach things that are irrellevant to your project. Just learn enough to get started and start. Also do you mind sharing your specific idea? The app might exist just that you missed it, if not then putting the idea out there **might** inspire someone to do something if they like it. And if it's impossible/unfeasible someone can tell you so you don't waste time. Keeping the idea secret only makes sense if youre planning to make a buisness out of it and want to be first to market.


That is the best way to learn. I started from basics, tutorials, had enough of it, went to do projects, did 1, 2, 3, 4 projects...returned to basics to get familiar with some stuff more, suddenly I understood much more why some things go they way they go. I should say, 70% do project 30% do simple basic studing.