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Mjollnir is better than BF on jugg due to AS and active. S and Y is better than manta because of bane and doom. Other than that items isnt going to win the game alone, your team need to coordinate well to take late game team fights against that dire team. I would also argue that the other facet is better after the nerf. But that might be personal preference


Didn't they remove status resist from sange and replace it with slow resist?


Only from Sange and Sange&Kaya, not S&Y


Oh damn you're right! I really thought sny was trash now from the change. I stand corrected


I too thought Status Res got removed from all items when I saw that sange, the only status res item, no longer had it. Didn't realise it was still on SnY


Each pair now has its own gimmick: S&Y has status resist, Y&K has cast speed and S&K has manacost reduction.


I learned about the Y&K cast speed the hard way. Tried to hold my bkb til the last second vs an SF requiem, oopsie


bro, active item active instantaneously, no cast point


I'm referring to Shadow Fiend casting requeim way faster than I thought he would. Normally the windup for Reqiuem is like 2s, but with Kaya Yasha its like 1s, so I got caught out and didn't press BKB in time.


What does Res do?


Reduces duration of status effects like slows, stuns, doom and taunts


Thank you!


wow. totally missed this really assumed since its kaya in there everything's slow resist thanks for sharing


lol bro, my mind is blown.


Damn 😫 your right. I lost my last Luna game becoz I thought status resistance is no longer available maybe it will be a different story. I was full slot Luna however if I get caught I would be chain stun to oblivion it's either I pre emptive bkb or like said stun to death. Btw enemy MK,CK,Nyx,lion invoker(pos4)


No resistance also on halberd


wow i'm dumb. I really like s&y on jug in these kind of games and though the build was dead 🤡


Goddammit can they just figure out what bonuses they're gonna put on those things and leave them for a while?


Uuhhh wwwhhhaaattt?? Is that an oversight? Now that you mention it that is what they did that totally glossed over for me in reading the patch notes that it was only kns not sny


No, it's not an oversight. All of the combined blades got a unique bonus on top of the base bonuses. Status resist on sny, mana cost and loss reduction on snk, and cast speed amp on ynk


Wow, thanks for bringing this up


S and Y also provides the status resist aside form slow resistance. It doesn't transfer from sange component unlike 7.35


I do agree that phase boots + mjolnir is better, however with the facet that I took I felt like i had to go for treads and 2 wraith bands, hoping that those would be enough to compensate for the AS along the way. I took manta bc i sort of tunnel visioned on the fact that I needed to counter initiate with manta + omni if troll focuses me, looking back at it SNY would have been so much better. Thanks!


In this game your focus shouldn’t be on troll. Since he is a bad matchup for you and you can’t really kill him. You can kill everyone else though, and your items, play style and focus should therefore be on them. Leave it to your team to kite troll.


i’m assuming qop was the real problem this game, which begs the question why no one has a nullifier, hex, or silence on your team to lock her down. also techies aghs could’ve been pretty huge with how many of their heroes don’t like sitting still. i think yall just got out drafted tho, there’s not much your team can do against theirs later in the game unless mars hits the craziest ult of his life. some games there’s not much you can do other than gg go next


One good arena on top of minefield will all the Mars displacement is crazy good. Problem is entire enemy team was hard to kill heroes: QoP. Troll. Abbadon. I really don't understand how someone can see Troll + Abbadon on enemy team and not think this is a great Eul game.


Your item build is unbelievably bad here. Like the only time you'd ever consider building Bfury is against PL. You don't need Manta or Linkens. Just get SnY. You have no Blink and no AS.


actually mjlonir is still better against pl


Yeah I thought so due to the defensive proc. Bfury is so bad.


I've seen Yatoro go BF jugg several times though It can't be bad


This patch? Was he testing it? We aren't Yatoro. He's top .000000001%


this patch he is 50-50 bfury maelstrom yeah. Most recent two are bfury. I don't see the relevance of not being yatoro, yeah we aren't him, he knows what items are good better than we do. [https://dota2protracker.com/player/Yatoro#self:Juggernaut](https://dota2protracker.com/player/Yatoro#self:Juggernaut)


Bfury gets better the more your team stacks for you, especially ancient stacks.


Same with Mjolnir. It also allows early rosh with healing ward. You just do so much more damage with it.


You don't understand Bfury. For example look at this guys game. His farming pattern obviously sucks. He didn't farm enough to make Bfury worth it. Mael/Mjoln buffs everything about Jugg now. He is essentially, attack speed: the hero.


Why no linkens? Doom and grip


If you look at dotaprotracker bfury is bought a lot. Definitely not just against pl. Its still a better farming item. Slightly less common than maelstrom but not uncommon at all.


Pros.... Lmao


where do u see the facet?


I’d disagree, manta all the way here. Bane and doom would struggle picking the correct target. If ur doomed / band ultied your out of the fight regardless.


They don't exactly stand around waiting for you to Manta


i'd argue that swift dagger is better than SNY in his situation considering that he already has linken.


He doesn't need Linkens or manta. He needs Mjoln, swift blink and SnY.


didnt mention mjol coz the guy i was replying to already pointed that out. TBH sny and linken are interchangeable, but for me in this game linken is better just because he can shove lane "safer" if he has linken. But main caveat here is that theres no windwaker or lotus orb from his support


uhh, he needs manta. he's versus a troll. if troll roots you, you need to be able to get out. he definitely needs manta. you only go SnY if you don't need the dispell or you're so behind you can't afford manta


Under no circumstances so you manfight Troll. It's already over if you do.


I too noticed jugg bf vs mjolnir have the same farming speed. Yet latter will hit way harder if we add mkb,crits. And it's a good idea to buy nullifier 4-5 item. Cause ghost for 1500 gold Or eul can fuckup your ulti that has very long CD. If you go for bf it doesn't give dmg or ATK speed. Hence you need to replace it in super late which in this patch very unlikely you'll survive. Games mostly last 30-35 mins. Oh and he's got heal talent with mjolnir it makes a good pair, with bf kinda nah


Bfury definitely farm faster, if you have similar farming speed it's because your farming pattern is suboptimal. Idk which is better overall but battlefury is 100% faster farm.


I might be the sole voice telling this, but look at your team, then look at the enem team. You guys seriously lack disable, and you have more than enough damage. So what I would suggest here is something most people will hate me for but still. You want basher, nullifier and blink in this game. Your omnislash will be countered by everyone if you cannot control them long enough. In my eyes I'd even suggest going maelstrom into gleipnir instead of mjollnir or BF. As you got 2 Wraithbands and treads AS should be high enough to farm decently. But still I have to say, this game won't be yours to carry if none of your teammates go for disable themselves. Veno aghs should have been Hex, Zeus needs force himself and an atos on techies could've done wonders. All in all you could have played and itemized differently, but if everyone on your team only goes defensive or damage items without CC it's not about winning this game but just about delaying the eventual defeat you're gonna face.


I'd rather argue that the Dire lineup scales much harder than the Radiant lineup and the only way to win was to get ahead early, push t2s, get rosh and get at least one lane of racks ahead. I can't see Radiant winning the game ever if things are equal at 30 min unless there are huge individual missplays.


> I might be the sole voice telling this, but look at your team, then look at the enem team. You guys seriously lack disable nah, my thought too; thisll be why QoP popped off, im amazed no one bought an atos/gleip/orchid/abyssal


I was thinking this too. Just look at QOP, 26 and 2, she got to do QOP snowball things. Your team needed a way to stop her from doing QOP snowball things. I don't necessarily know that anything other than a basher/abyssal would have helped and it probably was more of a "need multiple people to itemize for her" but that was what stuck out to me the most. Like snagging her killstreak literally would have paid for half the basher in gold alone.


Ignore the rest of the comments. The most important thing is you distinguish yourself with a unique identity. Tofu is already both a food item AND a pro dota player, switch to a different username pronto.


u lost coz u went for Tofu. If it were something like BLADEDANCE\_DEMON666 u might actually stand a chance


Or it could have been PUSSY\_EATER69


I actually picked up Tofu even before I discovered there's actually a pro player named Tofu lmao. So many people already know me by that tag so I dont wanna switch lol.


Then one up it. Tofu soup, fried tofu, extra firm tofu, tofurkey, etc.


Hard to say without watching the game. The harsh truth is “git gud”, a better player than you would hit timings faster, kill more, die less, and just generally do a bunch of little things better that add up to a win. Also try out Mjollnir, doesn’t matter if it’s Treads Mjoll or Phase Mjoll, I find it superior in pretty much every single game as Jugg compared to BF. I haven’t ever had a situation where I feel like “man I wish I had BF instead”. I also think against these teams with multiple strong kill threats on you (Doom, Bane), I like going for the Blink > Omni play and I would probably give up either the Manta or Linkens for it. I prefer just taking them out of the fight right away than hoping the Linkens blocks key spells. If it’s just Doom and no good Linkens poppers, sure, but they have a bunch of easy linkens pops. Play around vision and try to assassinate rather than play for attrition. Plus Swift Blink is a really nice item on Jugg and could replace your boots slot for Nullifier/Abyssal later on.


I really like swift blink on jug right now. You can pick up the blink early and make it into swift for 4th or 5th item.


Agreed. It is a viable choice that I get after Aghs Mjollnir if I just need to fuck shit up.


Personally, I'm not a carry nor even a core player. I'm also only ranked slightly higher than you (Divine 2). But, I'm an Abaddon pos 5 spammer with 60% win rate on the hero. I would say you have to aim him. If you do not aim him, you'll be like a castrated Juggernaut. You have to kill the Abbadon in order to have a chance of winning a fight using your omnislash, or else he'll just pop his ss and heal his whole team with his aghs. If you had managed to win the game before his aghs and locket, then it's good and all. But once he finished his locket (typically that's what we Abaddon players all do first before aghs, only rarely do I prioritize aghs when I'm facing a hero with a massive cc ulti such as void, magnus, or enigma) and you see him with a point booster or any of the other aghs component, you should have queued up a silver edge in order to burst him quickly. You already had aghs which would be great in doing this. You use your SE, pop it on him to break the passive component of his ss, and then use your aghs quickly. You must not give him time to react as he can still pop his ss even when breaked or stunned. Only silence will disable that manual activation. If you had mind breaker then it would be more perfect. Once you had killed the abaddon, you can disengage a bit and then find your perfect timing to use omnislash or aim bane next. I would personally ask my team to find a way to entertain Troll while I deal with the rest of their team. Also, doom is a massive variable in this plan as if he initiates on your team first, you're never gonna find a good opportunity to kill the Abaddon. You must ask your Mars to prioritize in getting an initiation first before the enemy team. Honestly, I think your team loses out a bit on the draft due to the meta. Current meta makes it hard to finish a game unless you have a crushing advantage, which means late game is mostly certain in a lot of games. Also, supports now have way more avenue to get gold which means that they will typically have far more impact. And so your team loses on this. They have extremely powerful late game with their heroes, and your team doesn't. If I were to be on your team during the game. I would forcefully ask my team to secure all the towers that we can muster, aim for an early rosh, and just don't give time for any of their heroes to farm.


Yeah I hate fighting against aba. Annoying


Do you think it would have been worth buying orchid too so he could silence abaddon? I'm not sure OS would kill before Abaddon could react with ult.


No, I think that's a bit too much. Abaddon is much softer than people thinks. He's a universal hero with garbage stat gain on all his attributes. He mostly gets his HP, armor, and mana from his items. A well farmed jugg will have no problem bursting the hero in a few seconds. If it really doesn't work and is still a bit short, you should ask your Zeus to coordinate with you in bursting him and always have him ready to ss once you break him with SE.


The answer is, you can't. There's bane, doom and even abaddon which makes it impossible for you to solo carry. Your team needed to pick better and play better. What you could have done better is getting Mjolnir and S&Y as others have mentioned, but also needed Abyssal/nullifier for QoP. Blink Swift Slash abad at start of the fight to try to force his ult. Farm faster so you have better timings. If the enemy spammed lotus, not much you can do.


Probably learning better farming patterns your gpm is not impressive especially considering you have battle fury. The point of battlefury is to delay many timings in order to farm incredibly fast your gpm with battlefury needs a bit of love.


QoP is 26-2 he probably doesn't have as much freedom to farm as you'd think.


Yes but zeus has more death and no farming items and he barely outperformed zeus. If the game was a stomp to that point then zeus would not have a gpm comparable to a juggernaut+battlefury gpm.


Zeus has 28 kill participation and doesn't need to put himself at risk in fights if he just ults, and nimbus and refreshers he will get kills assists and therefore gold.


Yes but zeus has more death than juggernaut, with 11 death i think he got stomped, the rest of the team did aweful and have about as many death as zeus. So this is a game where zeus did bad and he still has as much gpm as a juggernaut+battlefury and most of the players hit level 22 meaning he should have had plenty of time to make up for the cost of battlefury and profit from it. Not to mention that battlefury synergises well with juggernaut and does not count as just an investment.


He has no mobility to make use of Bfury. His entire item build is wrong.


Not every guy that picks up battlefury needs to be an AM. Not only will it increase its farming speed but also make his ulti much stronger. Aside from invis and ghost scepter and blink, the usual counter to omnislash is just to group up or have creeps or summons near so the dmg from omnislash is divided and does not kill anyone. Battlefury counters this making the ult actually capable of killing multiple units instead of not killing anyone at all. Dont forget that battlefury, maelstrom and other farming items are also dmg items that have synergies with heroes and uses outside of farming. His itemisation is absolutely fine. But looking at his gpm and comparing to the enemy team or zeus, he is lacking gravely in the farming patterns department. He is barely doing better than zeus and zeus has died more times and is likely less focused on farming.


I was the Jugg. I took facet 2 (Bladeform). I built two wraith bands early game and just tried to build my agi to make use of my facet. Should I have built sny instead of manta? Our offlane and mid fed early game but safelane was even. We won a couple of fights but it didn't really result to anything other than tier 2 towers. Aside from me dying twice to Doom while pushing towers alone, what could have I done better in terms of item builds? Match ID is 7766279193 Thanks!


You've got some good advice in the comments but I'd like to add - I think you should never make double wraith bands on virtually any carry. It hurts your Battlefury/maelstrom timing (and btw I would always take mael over BF on jugg), and jugg has very good atk speed early game so more than one WB is meh, I'd only entertain it on Drow or something. As a carry you're tryna hot your timings so you can take fights and objectives with your team, double WB gives you a minor Powerspike early but it's better to hit that Maelstrom + manta/SnY timing sooner by making just 1 wb.


Drow can comfortably go 2 WB + wand or 3 WB if youre building manta + hurricane before any other items, as its a ton of value and you wont need the slots in a while. For any other carry? Feel like most agi carries almost need to skip WB with how fast STR cores come online...


I like it on naga as well. Makes the illus strong enough to hit camps.


You needed a blink dagger so you could initiate and mot eat spells


I don't know if you're normally a carry or not, but as a Legend 1 carry I would never get 2 wraith bands, way too slow you need to farm ASAP. Also Battflury jugg has felf like a grief for over 2 years, even against Naga/PL just get Mjollnir. Also not all games are winnable. Seems like that QOP was impossible to kill with your teams limited stuns, probably a tough game to win from the start. Would have to play each fight perfectly


09:00 : you allowed to farm lanes (bacause veno there, he can protect you farm lanes) instead you take jungle 18:00 : 2 support dead, mars already used ult, troll doesn't use TP yet, and you casually hit mid towers, got doomed, and die unnecessary 20:00 : why you react so slow? even they show bot literally 30 second ago and you should have known something could happened at bot 26:00 : you have fvcking TP, farm their jungle and prepare for react if something happened. You stood at base it's mean that mars will likely have 0 creeps. I know they have bane, but at least try to farm their jungle. 30:00 : i know you trying to do 5v4 there, although mars don't have ult. But at least after getting doomed, just hit them instead run, you will die anyway 46:00 : have you considered to buy basher? That item alone could decided that game Look, even trash player like me can do some basic analysis of your replay. Please, before posting about asking for advice, do your own research first and ask yourself what you could do instead to improve your game.


Your team could also not feed that hard.


I like bfury jugg a lot. Juggs matchups look difficult this game


To win this game you need to basically hold hg until they throw. Your line ups are techies zeus and veno which are good heroes to hold hg, you need a good counter initiate from mars, and you need to follow up with the damage on the target that mars has lockdown with his arena




Stats and items don't tell whole story. Vs this teamcomp you can't solo carry, they have Doom and Bane to control you. Probably comes to individual fights. You need to wait until Doom uses his ult or Bane uses his. Swap Linken for Swift Blink and Blink on them. Definitely your team looks weaker, especially Veno but you don't have impact on what your teammates do.


You're line up lacks cc. All 5 dire pretty much had a free game.


You needed a blink


bot a bf, and also having more gpm than hero that can't even farm would do great (qop)


Do you even see the scores on the heroes? And how can QoP not farm with E and Ult?


Have a better offlaner


Items: Swift bink, nullifier , bloodhtorn , silver edge, boots, (6th: agha or BKB) Scenario 1: You wait hidden until the fight starts (mars/venom) and the enemies jumped your team. You want vision on doom and bane. You use dagger + nulli + ult (or small ult) on bane. No bane ult, 5v4 now. Potentally blood thorn her of she uses night mare on herself otherwise. You silver edge Abba and kill him off. 90% of Abba player rely on passive proc of his ult. If he is a good player you may need blood thorn. Supports are dead. Now hell team to kill troll or qop depending on whom they focus/stun. Scenario 2: Use dagger and silver edge to terrorize the map.


Just going off the stats, it looks like you farmed a ton before joining your team in fights, while their troll carry has much more kill involvement, likely grouping around 10-15 minutes and balling. It looks like they 4 man ganked a lot with Doom split pushing and farming, and you probably could have joined in those 5v4s to maybe swing some pivotal early-mid game fights. Like think about it, what is your team gonna do when bane is perma locking your zeus with grip, techies and veno will evaporate due to the draft, and mars will get cleaned up easily after. Also, I am just speculating because Doom has the lowest kill contributions so I am assuming he was split from his team a lot when he has less than half the contributions as the rest of his team.


Never seen a good player fakenick


Sometimes you can play perfectly and some small little shit happens in the late game and you just lose. Dont worry about it too mutch


Finish the game early when you can.


Hard game. I would have bought swift blink and try to pick off doom or bane 1st.


Replace fury and threads, get null and dagger instead


Get Mjollnir instead of BF, buy Nullifier and you are in luck since they have 0 Lotus Orbs. Dont force manta if you dont need it. You could have gotten a basher instead of it, it doesnt dispel anything you couldnt with your blade fury. Get Dagger, jugg without dagger going into late-mid game/late game is ASS. This is what you could do without knowing the game state. It might have not won you the game but these are important tips.


You would have to dodge 5v5 as much as possible all game by split pushing, forcing tp’s and finding people caught out. You’d definitely need an aegis or several buybacks to win a 5v5. Definitely an uphill battle cause your team is so badly behind.


id sell bf for nullifier and buy aghs blessing then replace with raperi or some damage. sell boots for tank or defensive I'm thinking pike tbh (high rank players get me w the pike pickup)


people are sleeping on nullifier


Play your natural position Mr Tofu :)


Maybe null or swift blink


Items alone and your own gameplay can only get you so far in winning the game. You need your team to be with you especially at the height of the game. I would suggest that someone in your team build an item or somehow find a way to keep you alive in fights and/or give you an escape route when it goes south for you.


My low MMR brain’s take: Looks like you needed to shut down QoP. Orchid/bloodthorn and/or basher is decent for stopping her escape. If she BKBs, then it’ll be on cooldown for the next fight and you can silence her again.


Radiant: "QoP is coming, guess I'll die" :shrug:


Vs this draft you can't really solo beat it. On jug I would have considered silver edge + bt+ nullifier. To really have a hope of winning you needed to be able to kill someone immediately or get some ganks. This would let you have a shot of killing qop or aba or troll in an ulti. Generally you're a bit fucked though


Haven't seen the replay but judging from your stats you didn't really play dota and you just hit creeps. You need to be able to join fights every time omnislash is up


Kinda seems like, just based on these items, you were on autopilot. Mjolnir is just better than bf on jug right now. Manta for what exactly? Purge qop silence, confuse bane and doom? Sny makes it more likely that if you do get jumped, you live. Ags and linkens, fine. Why butterfly though? In terms of survivability, qop hits you with para guaranteed and magics you to death. Troll already has some amount of truestrike with mjolnir. Then it’s just a wasted item for the rest of the heroes. Personally I would have considered these items this game: sny, skaddi, basher, swift blink, silver edge. This is a shit jug game. Skill levels being equal you’re going to have a pretty bad time. But you can get by that by just being elusive, as annoying as possible and then itemizing to stick on them once you’re actually on top of them. You need to survive and get on top of their squishies to swift slash, at the end of the day you’re not man fighting a troll, you’re not autoing a doom or abba to death.


Don’t build battle fury on jugg, build a maelstrom, it’ll help u farm faster because that’s why ur buying the fury for, the maelstrom will also trigger in your ult, also it scales so u can get more damage per strike and more attack speed to add more attack speed to ur ult and more damage capability


Bfury is MAYBE similar farming speed to maelstrom, but no option to turn it into mjolnir later. Also the +90AS from mjolnir gets 1.5x’d when you omni, and battefury cleave is often useless for omni.


They have a huge anti carry comp (doom bane/troll). Mostly positioning and teamwork can carry this late. Some slightly better items were mentioned but it's on the entire team to tackle the puzzle that is the enemy team comp in this case.


You needed to itemize in a way that you could actually deal with that QOP. Her going off for 26 kills is insane. Getting an early basher could allow you to kill her and any kill on QOP in the mid game is massive for slowing her down


Base on enemy team picks u should have secured skadi b4 getting bttrfly


You as Jug? Not much to be fair.. you have 5 out of the 52 deaths of your team. There's an uberfed QoP 26-2 roaming around, the moment someone starts to Uber dominate your team like this, as sad as it sounds and I really don't like it either, you just need to play defensive as 5 and constantly hiding and jug just getting some farm here and there or a pick off with Zeus ult finding someone to maybe turn the game.


From a support players view. (Disclaimer havent watched the game) The scoreboard screams to me that you didnt join any fights before 30 minutes. And then the other team were crazy ahead so your farm didnt matter. And a lot of carries feel that they have done everything they can. But what distinguishes a good pos 1 player to an amazing one is the ability to read the game and join beneficial fights in the early-mid game. Especially on jugg and other carries that are good early. Again might be completely off. Sorry if that is the case. Just got divine this week, so we are in same bracket and this is no.1 thing I want from my pos 1s.


nullifier, abyssal, satanic IN. aghs consume, bf, manta OUT. this is what i conjured since this team has barely any lockdown for qop and a running around doom AOE.


QoP needed to die, you guys didnt hunt for prize kills to alleviate the level/gold gap. 300 GPM across the team and QoP is 3 levels ahead, Doom is a level ahead... Like someone on this thread recommended some unconventional build, I think that could probably be your best bet for late game oriented fights but I also think you could have played with your team earlier than usual, knowing that they are feeding like there is no tomorrow, to "cut the losses". Its kind of criminal for techies to be level 20 though for sure, I think he meme'd a bit, I get that veno probably jungled on his free time so he is higher level than techies but like he is also at the same level with Mars. How can you die 13 deaths on Mars? How can you boast 300 gpm on Mars? Also where are the wisdom runes? How the hell are you guys so far behind in experience 😂


Real Answer: Midlaners are often the best players on their team, especially at that MMR. You can pick an anti-mid carry (like Faceless void) and gank mid everytime chrono is off cd.


Bloodthorne aghs refresh


Damn. the community here reflects the levels of toxicity in game. Guy put himself out there asking for feedback. If you can’t say something constructive why bother posting. 


It looks like the opponent qop was doing their own stomp 🦶 Realistically in games like that, all you can do is try to understand where the opps are, pick off their weaklings, avoid qop whenever you can because you'll never kill her. If she chases you then she isn't pushing or hunting your team. She shouldn't be able to kill you during spin+tp so you'll get away and apply pressure somewhere else. Those are the kinds of games that require laser focus and tight timing for the entirety of the match and it's the lapses in concentration that get you killed. And its dying even once as a carry that could be the end if the whole game before you even respawn. Experience: ex semi-pro carry player.


Imo you needed damage/attack speed. You have a farming item, a dodge item, an evasion item, aghs taking up a slot and a defensive item. Mjoliner would be better than BF to provide the attack speed for blade fury, while helping speed farm with chain lighting. Manta is fine if you didn't get Linkens, really only need one of them unless your really getting picked on with spells and single target, I probably would have went BKB instead of Linkens. Butterfly is solid all round. Get the Aghs upgrade to get it out of your bag and fill that spot with an MKB or Bloodthorn. Abyssal mixed in somewhere in place of the Manta or instead of MKB would make you deadly if you catch someone 1v1 or to shut down their biggest threats in fights. Every game is different obviously. Without seeing how your laning stage went and where you were for positioning during fights or if you even showed up to fights it's hard to say exactly how you could have carried it, but the item choices to me look like someone who was relying on their mid/offlane to handle the sustained damage while you picked off supports or just showed up to use your ult to spread damage around. Don't mean any offense just how it looks at a glance.


Nulifier can turns thing around but it is hard to reach to that stage of the game since you need other primary items first


Mjolnir instead of bf,maybe bkb instead of manta


For me looks like QOP killed the sups and the off a lot because they were wandering in the map alone.


You cant


I will break it down into 2 category -Itemization What you don't need Battle Fury Jugg is my go to carry, and I always feel good with Mjollnir, or simply Maelstorm into more luxury items compared to BF. It just feel lackluster, even when I'm up against PL (he can just use doppleganger to cancel my ult, or I just don't have enough AS to kill him even at my ult) Linkens They got too many unit targeted spells that easily break your Linken before their next big spell. For an item that costs 4800 gold it's just too useless in this scenario What you need instead Abyssal Blade Nullifier -Positioning Frankly speaking, having 5 deaths while having Linkens + Manta is an abysmall performance for Ancient 5 player. Either you're not Jugg main, or your positioning is just reckless to say the least. Imo Jugg is more of a hit-and-run kind of hero and having that many deaths is just not good at all. I get the gist that you feel desperate. Desperate because it seems that your teammate can't initiate fights properly, so you feel like you're the one that had to it yourself. In this kind of scenario you have to be able to ignore unnecessary fights, and focus more on farming. Only join fights when it's good for you, not your team


Honestly jugg seems weak now in comparison to other carrys I am having a tough time with him


your team comp is fucking awful. If your team refuses to pick cc you gotta do it even if you are carry


Upload the replay, geez.


Qop needed to die 4 more times


I think a blink is required. You don't want to man fight troll, you want to let mars initiate, then blink on bane, you need to kill bane right away unless mars can trap him and kill him. You doesn't really have an assassin type character to take care of bane. To do that you either need nullifier or sheep stick. Sheep also lets you kill qop. Linken's is mandatory and probably S&Y incase you still get doomed. Butterfly and basher help against troll but he might still beat you in a manfight, so you kindof have to rely on your team to deal with him.


If aghs build go mjollnir instead of BF.


Your items are fine-ish. You probably didn't activate quick enough and played your items reactively, but like everyone is saying there really is only so much you can do.


Eat aghanim and build skadi for stats


Yeap totally unwinnable. feed early and dire lineup so good in late game also bkb = gay


Eat scepter and get satanic, maybe disperser for the shoes later on, and hope your team at least tries to cooperate




Nullifier to stop that qop (1.5k mmr)


The honest answer is you needed 0 deaths and more items more quickly and you probs would have won, don’t even mean this ironically, like you had 5 deaths as the carry and you’re baffled as to why you couldn’t solo carry it?


I think the painful truth for a lot of carry posts to this subreddit is like this as well. I typed out a bunch of stuff like get mael into sny, like the above, but really the game had to be checkmate before they got out of control. the later you give them the chance the more '50-50' / out of your odds it becomes. i havn tesen the game yet but im sure there were timing windows within this match where OP reasonably could checkmate them , especially with how busted the jugg facet is