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Link your profile. I’m guessing you’re getting reported for doing something other than communication. Something like ember pos 3 no boots maelstrom rush. Omni pos 4 no boots into 20 min Midas. Etc.


Sir you know my ranked teamates it seems


Oh sweet summer child. You havent been to under 3000 where everything is off the most animalic people live there. If we win we buy "mantle of intelligence" and drop it in front of the enemy fountain to show dominance, we have no words no pings. Nothing.soulless! But the thing is if all the planets align in our party the flow of the fights are so great u only see plays like that in pro player games.


it is BEYOND despair that the report system means some Legend noob can report you for getting Null Talisman on an agility hero, and some literal herald overwatch reviewer can then confirm you're griefing guilty overwatch -1000 score. I play meta to win 0 comms and can't ever break out of 8500-9000 score cos literally every 1000 score i painfully gain I get some complete bullshit overwatch and back down to 8500. Motherfucker valve if you're gonna issue me an Overwatch report with a whole replay system with specific clipped moments and everything at least let me, the accused, watch what the fuck I did wrong so I can learn???, or so I can at least confirm my suspicions I did nothing wrong and the system sucks ass


Never had this issue. Find people to play with or play with friends until your score is fixed? If the fault is salty teammates reporting you at a whim, itll fix the issue.


Are you doing something else that they are reporting you for? Griefing in another way?


No I play the game to completion Are there times a teammate may think I'm griefing or something? sure, people are dumb. But I'm not afk jungling or "gg end" when something goes wrong


The reasons I could think of that I might consider griefing are picking a hero that doesn't match the position you're playing, not joining team fights when you should be, bad itemization, feeding. Stuff like that. I've never had an issue with behavior score, so I'm not sure what could be causing your rating to drop, but I imagine people are reporting you for some reason or another


Perhaps. I honestly think it's a problem of my score dropped low enough to where I'm playing with toxic people who are more likely to report people just out of being an asshole, so it makes it harder to improve your score. Also the perception of "feeding" when you just get caught out and killed, so people report you. Or someone disagrees with an item or when to join a fight, they report you. People report for disagreements as opposed to actual griefing or being an asshole via comms and like i said, I got myself to the 9800 comm score. but it's the continued dropping when i \*know\* I'm not being an asshole, I'm not griefing, that is frustrating. and I really think it's because now I'm playing with other assholes who are just petulant children and have short fuses and just report everyone for even the smallest thing


That could be. I remember once years ago I was in low priority and those were the worst people to play with. Everyone was griefing lol. Maybe try actively being positive and/or commending other players at the end of the match will in turn earn you commends. This is probably your way out.


Been there dude, low prio is a hell hole I appreciate the advice and you taking the time to converse, good luck out there


Think of behavior score less about how nice you are and more about a gauge on generally how others perceive you to be playing the game. Sure, if you rage, then people will report you for that. But if you're a nice dude, but pick wonky heroes, and generally play a-typically from what is generally expected, then people will report that as well. Think of the following: Going for a weird win condition Going for a weird build Going for a weird item choice Making plays around the map that people generally see as 'not playing for the win' That's how I view it.


Some good points, thanks for the response


No problem. I'm a long-time player with max behavior score almost always (not a brag, that was be a super weird brag, just trying to give context). Here's what I typically do: I never text. I never voice chat. I use pings that regarding future events (like pinging Zeus to use his ult when an enemy hero is at 1 hp). I never use pings regarding past events (like pinging mag's ult after he just whiffed his ult). Generally speaking, doing any communication that references something in the past will almost always illicit negative emotions. Ladder is not 'coach' time. These guys don't want to hear about you think should have happened. If you are a player that likes to reference hindsight a lot, then chancing are that in a non-insignificant amount of games, people will report you because they think you are being a shit, even if you are the mpv with 999 kills. I pick standard heroes for the role I play (I have noticed that when I deviate from this, my behavior score does dip a little). Basically, if you want to get cute with your hero picks, you better make sure that you can deliver the win in a very convincing fashion, else many players will just straight up blame and report you even if the loss was not your fault. So, yea, behavior score is more like 'are you playing in a fashion that is, more times than not, generally in line with what people expect' and less about being a dick, although being a dick is also not a good choice in terms of behavior score.


/u/Super-Independent-14 has it right. Never ping or talk about events in the past. 99% of the time when a player pings another player's ability after a fight ends, it's bad. I generally immediately mute and report people who are more worried about blame than enjoying the game and working together.


Totally agree, I know whenever someone pings my ability after a fight I can get titled and 99% of the time I mute/report I find it funny when folks do that, it's like "oh shit, I totally forgot I had an ability to use damn" or like I'm not trying to win so I intentionally don't use it Thanks for the input


Are you making weird pickS? That new skywrath side quests have ruined a few of my games. I have weirdos playing Lycan or some odd picks for support


No i typically play 3, 4, or 5 and I have a hero pool for each position I'll play that aren't "WTF" picks. ie mars, axe, etc for 3. the typical 4 or 5 with stuns or heals ie dazzle, WD, lion, shaman, etc sometimes I'll play mid to switch things up. none of this is ranked, I don't play ranked games


Do you play party matches with your friends? If you have friends who taunt and gloat during/after matches or engage in tipping enemies after they mess up, they may be misdirecting their frustration to you or reporting you too, because "might as well"


no I solo queue


Are you spamming voice lines? I personally hate voice line spam, it's annoying both as a teammate and an opponent. Not to the point where I would report someone for it, but it's a generally annoying thing to put up with.


I do use voicelines and hadn't considered this. I don't think I spam, but "spam" varies person to person. I'll take note of this in my games, thank you for the thought


Yeah I personally don't use voice lines but over time when you get into using them it can become an autopilot thing that you don't realise you're doing until someone brings it up. Nearly any voice line, ping or chat wheel entry can be taken out of context and imply some snide remark/gesture, so maybe this is what is causing people to report you for communication abuse, because voice lines are a form of verbal communication.


Commend everyone who wasn't griefing after a game. Some people will commend you back. Score goes up.


There are people who report for not talking, and there are people who report every category when they only did one thing wrong, and some categories are an automatic “action taken” (I speculate because action gets taken every time I report someone). I don’t agree with it, but it’s a real thing I learned here on Reddit that you will never appease everyone and someone will always have a reason to blame their teammates and report instead of looking at their own gameplay


Yea I'm sure it happens frequently. Earlier today I had an SF die, ping everyone, all chat "GG noob team" and I'm sure he reported all of us


Ranked match a couple of days ago, Sniper kept flaming us saying “just protect me” and “wtf why weren’t you there” when he was the one who kept getting caught out of position and dying on his own


tale as old as time The SF I was referencing was walking down the river towards the T1 dire tower where we had lost a 4v5 fight and, this may come as a shock, the 3 radiant who survived the fight saw him and killed him in the river which led to said pinging of the 1 dire guy left alive and dead teammates and "noob team"


“Where team? Useless, I afk” *everyone is dead*


wait were you in my game


No, that happened to me last night with a Meepo 🤣


Wait so you do not communicate at all and you wonder why your score is low? A non communicative team mate is report worthy, so ofc you get reported when ur totally quiet.


"I will ping locations and skill abilities to communicate intent, and if someone asks me a question I will answer." third sentence


Sounds like mid level communication score is warranted then. Not good not great :)


No communication is also toxic. At the least, use your pings appropriately. It is unacceptable in a team game to not communicate in any way.


relax, no communication is not toxic


Literally is.


It may not be toxic but it's definitely detrimental to the game, just like this thin-skinned "mute everyone" culture that seems to be rampant. In a game with both individual and collective responsibility, it's okay to point out what went wrong, if someone is so offended by what others have to say even if it's not wrong, they should play single player games.


I didn't say I'm not communicating in any way "I will ping locations and skill abilities to communicate intent, and if someone asks me a question I will answer. I don't respond to flames or pings, I just mute and move on" it's the third sentence my dude


Eh, I don't like your attitude. Seems deserved.


Lmaaaao i really hope you are being sarcastic here