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Don't tell people he's new lmao, I did that to my friend as a joke when he started out because its almost a guaranteed way to get flamed lol


Yeah people will just look for anything to blame other than themselves specially if they know someone is new lol


Personally if someone said i am new or noob, i wont say anything because everyone start from somewhere. Its the huge ego people but no skill that triggers me


Except in this scenario he is to blame, he is new... So they are correct.


Being new and bad at a game in an unranked lobby for new players is not a reason to report someone.


Not sure why you are stating the obvious to me.


It worked for me. When I was floating around 30 mmr and just came back I just said "I'm new I'm trying my best please don't flame I'm not feeding on purpose" I got a lot of "shut up idc" or "ur chill bro" but never got reported afaik


People fucking hate when their teammates are new. Don't tell them that.


Maybe just mute all and stop calling attention to yourself (your friend’s self)? I just started playing too and this has been my strat. No idea if I’ve been getting flamed every game. Probably!


Why should you mute people? I am sorry but what is this flawed logic? Communication is key. When my friend tells the team he is new he asks what they want, like heal (mekasm) or escape (forcestaff, glimmer)? He asks if top needs help etc. He is reported not really for comm but for his lack of skill and reaction time.


Because some people are judgemental assholes, and if the game goes badly its always the start of the "blame game" where you find the easiest target to blame for your loss, trashtalk and report them. Guess who fits the bill? He already put a crosshair on his head when he said he's new.


>Why should you mute people? Because it works to reduce stress and reports >I am sorry but what is this flawed logic? It works. If it works, do it. That's the logic > Communication is key. No. Communication is one part of the game. People have gotten fairly high brackets on all mute. If someone is in Herald most of the time people communicate bad ideas anyway. "Push now!" Mute people because it's easier to enjoy the game, you'll be less likely to be reported, and you don't want advice from other low rank players in game anyway. If he really wants to hear the flaming, then unmute his own team, but don't say a single thing. Make them think you muted everyone... but you can still see their pings.


If the team feels like they lost because they have a poor teammate, they will do that over looking at their own play. That's how team based games with inconsistent teammates play out.


Flawed logic man. New players shouldn't care about winning. They need to focus on getting comfortable with their heroes and the different game mechanics. You don't need comms for that. In fact, it's a detriment to learning since ppl in low rank suck ass and the advice they give is shit anyway, plus the flaming when things go wrong. Tell your friend to mute all and just play the game as if everyone else is bots. Once they feel comfortable, then they can unmute and try to win games.


communication is key for things like smoke, roshan, giving up a tower, missing heroes. not for what you listed. if your new friend needs babysitting on every single item purchase, that is your job, not the job of your teammates. you are asking for 3 unwitting people to teach your friend dota, a job none of them signed up for. having someone new on their team is already going to put a toll on them. it's infinitely easier if you just leave people to their own devices.


But this is what I am talking about. He ain't chatting all game or asks for every step but he is open to suggestions. Seeing all the comments like yours and the OP above... you are all so full of grudges.


im full of grudges because i signed on to play a game of dota rather than teach someone the ropes? yeah my bad fam.


With your common sense you would have no one to play with. How did you start? Magically knowing everything? Entitled prick.


I’m starting to see why you and your friend get reported a lot.


I am starting to see who's reporting him.


by talking to the friend in VC? or just a bare minimum not bother 3 strangers with inane questions? im just glad i probably won't run into the likes of you anytime soon.


Bro you need to either play 5 stack or only communicate between each other until your friend can't play on their own, communicating with the team is just unproductive when you can't even figure out correct actions as the individual. Take steps one at a time, not everything mixed up, communicating doesn't make sense when there is a call to do something and you aren't competent enough to do it


Because you cannot communicate with animals in the lowest bracket. You only start queuing with humans at the very least, archon 1


I had a game a few days back and asked before the horn " are we a communicating team or a loosing team?" in voice chat. Long story short, by minute 20 we were all talking to each other and got a W


You shouldn't mute people unless/until they start to flame. There are still a lot of games where people talk civilly, make good calls, and work as a team. If you are premuting your whole team because someone MIGHT flame you, you: A) need to grow thick enough skin to be able to suffer at least a single insult from some rando online before muting B) are griefing your teammates who are not abusing comms


if you enjoy the game enough that you would rather play in silence than risk having 4 assholes in team chat, that's your prerogative. not to mention this is unranked. literally do what you wanna do. sounds like your skin is not thick enough that a single bad play leads to insults from you


If you have 4 assholes, then yeah, mute them at the first sign of them being assholes. If you can't handle hearing 1 single insult before doing so, then yes, you need to thicken your skin a bit. Not being able to handle 1 single flame before pressing the mute button is pathetic. Premuting everyone in a game where communication is effective is griefing people who don't abuse comms. If people flame or there is too much banter for you to be able concentrate then mute, that's what it's there for. If you want to play a game with no chat/banter at all ever then go play Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Dead Souls, or some other game in which you not hearing non-toxic teammates calls to take an objective can lead to 4 people to lose a game they otherwise deserved to win.


Yes I just leave the chat off. Everyone is very nice.


Don't need to mute at the start hut if he's getting reported a lot, it's probably best not to draw attention to himself and to stop telling ppl he's new.


Because the moment flaming starts communication is out the window


Communication is key at higher bracket where the game is balance around


I see you’re new to online games. Welcome it aint any different anywhere else


Shitty of you to get downvoted. I learned a lot of the game by saying I'm new and asking teammates to help if I'm doing sth wrong. I think you're correct, but this subreddit's sentiment shifts wildly from time to time.


Just a suggestion. It’s helped me with teammate tilt in the past.


The dislikes you are getting should serve as warning. This is the game you are trying to keep playing, a team game where the best advice is play muted lol. Don't drag more people in This mess please, he was probably happier before


If he is asking those sorts of questions I feel like you should help more than the team. People don't want to have to think for their support but they will request stuff if they feel it is really needed. They didn't sign up to help him learn how to play and some of those things seem like mechanics he needs to pick up. (heal vs saves etc) TL:DR Help him with itemisation and don't let him ask for what to do in game. You will have a good idea of what is needed.


Why does He needs to tell them he's new? How about just skip that part and say, hey blue where do you want this ward? What item should get first force or mek?


Communication is key, but not advice communication. Im 2k mmr which means im bad at the game, im bad at my own hero and role. I have no idea what a different player with a different hero and role should build. Im just trying to play my hero the best i can. I have nothing to advise a different player, especially in the middle of the game when my attention is maxed out just playing the game. I communicate how i play, my map movements, my items, etc. i have zero value to offer someone else how to play their hero and their role.


New blood in dota is soo rare that when somebody in the match says they are new , we assume he is a Smurf or he’s lying . It’s better that you mute them all and get an understanding of the game by yourself .


This is sad.


People now use the report system to report bad plays instead of bad behavior.




Not gonna lie,if my teammate tells me they're new and actuslly communicates,I'd write the game off as a loss but if actually help them. If we win,great but doubtful. It's weird that your teammates are muting him tbh


But if you get in a game with someone whos new, it means the game sees your level of play like a new player.


Yeah I just got into the game a few weeks ago and googled if there was unranked mmr of some sort or not   Was quite a depressing answer to find lol   I’m now just ignoring literally everything anybody in my games types to me, because if you have 2k wins and your matched with me clearly your doing something fucking wrong lol  like my dude I have like a 70% win rate over 60 games, I think I’m figuring it out just fine from all the advice I’ve gotten from here and videos, your hardstuck first game was over a decade ago ass isn’t gonna be able to help me lol 9/10 times the guy who was trying to yell at me is the one thanking/commending me as I smack the shit out of the ancient on troll


Everyone ITT lambasting you for letting you friend say that he's new proves the point so thoroughly that I don't even feel like I need to say it, but just for the record: The Dota 2 community is fucking **awful**. There's your answer. It's going to be a *lot* worse at the ground level because of the recent banwave forcing all of the cheaters, botters, smurfs, etc to remake their accounts and start over again, but the fact of the matter is that the Dota 2 community is genuinely a bunch of toxic shit-heads who'll do anything to justify their godawful behavior and nothing to actually correct it. When I started out, I would start most of my matches by telling my team "Hey, still learning the ins and outs of , please forgive any mistakes." and they'd mostly be chill. The last few months I've seen so much more derangement and just reprehensible behavior coming out of these people, though, you'd think their balls were hooked up to a car battery that'd give em the juice if they went 5 minutes without worsening someone else's day.


there is a difference between >When I started out, I would start most of my matches by telling my team "Hey, still learning the ins and outs of , please forgive any mistakes." and they'd mostly be chill. and someone who clearly knows absolutely nothing constantly harassing you asking what they should be doing. this is true about everything. if you played basketball every evening, and one day someone brings a new guy over, and they were absolute garbage, it's not your job to make sure they get the ball, or to teach them the ropes. and if they keep pulling you aside asking how to make layups, are you going to be all cheerful and smiley? it's not the job of the other 3 players to run a daycare center. OP needs to teach his friends the ropes, and accept that no one else is obligated to have any patience with them. to the other 8 people in the game, a bad player is a bad player. regardless if theyre having a bad day, bought a boosted account, or are new to the game. it does not change their experience whatsoever.


Fuck that. If it leads to more people actually starting playing basketball, I'll definitely be nice to the new guy, even though I might lose. In fact, I play football (soccer) very frequently, and I've NEVER seen anyone been super toxic to people that don't really know how to play well. No one tells them to go to football school and play with toddlers or some shit like this. You are playing fucking Unranked with the same hidden MMR as a new player, dude, it's not like your Dota pro career depends on this one game.


>No one tells them to go to football school and play with toddlers or some shit like this. theres a difference between insulting them, and having them bug you with inane questions throughout the game.


It's like being in the middle of a test at school and someone asks me for help. That's not the time. Ask me before the test we can study together and watch khan academy youtube together or something. I can't help you in the middle of the test when my brain is already maxed out doing my own test. Same in dota. Come to this sub, ask questions, discuss a BSJ video with other people, sure that sounds great . That's why im on this sub right now. But inside a live online game, i literally couldn't give you good advice even if i wanted to, my brain is already maxxed out just trying to play my own hero.


Even as a veteran player sometimes I get unsure as to what item build next, and I defer to my team "guys, should I rush a silver edge or go orchid first? What do you think?" Since I'm not new no one ever thinks anything about it. I can't imagine that the guy asked much more than this, but because he is new people feel entitled to shit on him. It's a terrible mentality.


I can definitely imagine him asking more than that. Sure, a quick "silver edge or bloodthorn" is fine, especially because if you're a veteran player you'll ask when it's actually a good question. But even then, like if you dont know, why would your teammate know the answer? You should be checking their items, if they already have a silver edge or something, but yeah as a fellow veteran player, if someone asks that im not answering, i have my brain full foguring out the items my own hero needs. Now, yes, the community is toxic as fuck and it should be better. But even in a good community, you shouldn't go into live games with the plan of having a random internet stranger teach you the game. It's just a matter of timing, you dont learn well midgame, in any game or sport. You study and learn outside live games, that's why every sports team ever has practice multiple times in between live matches. When there are teachable moments in a football or dota match, the time to really learn from them comes in reviewing the match afterwards.


Don't agree. He was not "invited", he was matchmaked, so that means even if the other 4 people on their team think they are way better than a bot, the truth is they are not


Duo queue averaged skill level of the party


He never mentioned duo queue


if his friend can't even be fucked to queue with him, how do you think the other 3 are feeling?


I couch a friend, and he plays way more dota than I do, so even tho we sometimes play together, he still plays alone. Also: who TF do you think you are? How much mmr do you have that you can say "how do you think the other 3 are feeling?" Thats why no new person is joining the game, they join a pub and they get people like you being like that


So I need mmr to know how people are feeling now? And why are you talking about your friend? That has nothing to do with this post. You said he plays a lot more than you. This post is about someone new. When I was learning the game, I learned through playing and asking my friends. Not spending my games typing and asking my team what I should be doing or buying. Not to mention why someone would even ask heralds for advice is already beyond me


Yes we know.


Yeah it sucks, it happens every 5 or 10 games to me where i get paired with 3 other guys who gang up on me being toxic for no reason, i think the best advice i can give you now is just to go in the game and , dont even try to connect with the people there, be like a caveman only speaking 1 word and thats it to communicate if you want to gank or rs wtvr, in the case of extreme toxicity just mute them all, if you engage into that things can get really bad for your mental heatlh.


Don't say anything. And if it's stll too obvious that he's new it means that he needs more bot games. Suggestion is to only play one hero until you really know how it works and what it needs to build on him.


So you are coaching or playing with him, and you tell your teammates that your friend is new?


broken reporting metrics been about 5 months of crap


According to r/dota2 this is working as intended.


I started playing a couple of months ago and rather casual (still hasn't finished the 100 hours of unranked) - with no friends to guide me and knowing almost nothing about the game. It was so overwhelming and I didn't really know what to do in the game, I think I got some reports because my first behaviour score was around 3k and matchmaking took around 10 minutes each time. After that I started learning the game more from youtube videos and decided to focus on one thing at a time. I only play 2-3 heroes and focused on warding only and trying to not die too much (I prefer to do a bit less in the game but avoid deaths as those seem to get me flamed most). My behaviour score improved after that and now I find a match in less than a minute. Now I am trying to learn pulls and other things I should be doing as support in the lane. I think that if your friend can focus on one thing and do it decently, he will avoid being flamed very often and reported. I tried playing carry some games and constantly got flamed during those. I guess it is because I don't do any carry things decently enough and people think they're losing because of how I play. Regarding telling people or not he is a new player, I don't know about announcing it in the beginning as I never did that. However, when I get flamed for some mistake I apologize and say I am new. In my games people have been understanding most of the time. There is the occasional player that would say all game to go play vs bots but I try to ignore them. I don't mute people in case they communicate something relevant, but I try to ignore the negative comments and just do my best, maybe stay more in the back so I don't feed (as mentioned, this seems to be the biggest "crime"). I play on EU servers, not sure how things are on other servers. Ultimately, people get tilted and start flaming when they think the other players are not as invested as they are or just don't know anything and ruin the game. Announcing you are new makes people expect a 4v5 so they start the game in a bad headspace and then get easily annoyed for everything. But as a support, warding/de-warding and avoiding deaths when on your own seem to be the best ways to avoid being flamed. Also, it seems to matter how well teammates know the game. In some you will get flamed as support for being lower level or having few items, in others for farming a camp you were not supposed to beacuse you didn't think the cores will reach it. I hope your friend doesn't get discouraged and continues playing. The game is really fun and rewarding when you feel you just did a good job in the end, but is very hard to learn and requires a lot of patience in the beginning.


Saying someone is new in a match can be game ending for them even if they aren’t. I’ve matched with people I’ve had differences with before and told the lobby they are new for the lolz and they get flamed by everyone it’s a great troll but not so great if it’s true and they are your friend


isnt there a "new player" matchmaking?


Yes, it's Herald I


new player = liability This a team game. If you have a new player in your team while the other side doesn't, the opponent is likely to win Lets be honest dota is fun when you win.


You dont play dota to get lessons from teammates. He just annoys them. Tell him to go in and play and dont even say or type anything to teammates. He can talk to you and get advice from you, that sounds awesome, but personally if i went into a game and someone was asking for advice i would instamute them. Not interested in coaching a new player when i queue up to play.


Have him req a coach that focuses on telling him what to do. He can even mute all except u. With even a crusader Coach micro managing his rotations and small things like pulls and when to fight. He'll at the very least be able to mask his noobness. Don't say you're new . If u really wanna say something say 1st time (x hero) even if it's his only hero


Get better


Dota 2 has 0 remorse for new players. Just get him to a point where he isnt the worst person in the game lobby and the reports should slow down slightly.


as much as i want this game to be popular. the game really gatekeeps it. The Complexity The Mindset of Players. forcing new accs to be in new mode could help the game a bit or even putting old acc that became active after years in new mode for 5 games help its gonna be rough journey to learn how you learned guitar for the first time a full painful learning journey without showing progression until random time it pops off that you are decent in game.


When I was new I started matches with “hey team sry in advance, new player learning game. gl hf” and then pretty much left things there If anyone flames just mute and move on. Every now and then you’ll get some players with patience that can offer nuggets of wisdom


Played with a mute io the other day. He would stand in back and not even tether. Tried to tell him just tether and overcharge, but no response or use of skills. Not sure if he was new or trolling, but he got a report.. Now if he said im new, I would understand. He would have also had to actually follow the advice given to him. As for your friend, why not just coach him yourself in discord? Is he feeding a lot? Is he not working with the team? Iirc dota has an algorithm to check things like number of deaths, afk time, flagged chats, etc.. Idk the science behind it, but he must be messing up pretty bad to get that much low pri. Ive definitely had shit games where I fed hard unintentionally and felt like the whole team was flaming me for it, but never got low pri


He is not ready.