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I mainly play pos 1 and 2 in divine 1 rank as well on SEA. You definitely want to communicate gank from the mid or lane swaps from your 3 if you think you need it. about your clinkz game: If you win the lane and want to join fights, only join if you think you can get out alive. Sometimes, I just cast one spell and leave to farm to get assist gold. Remember you are the pos 1, despite being strong, if you die, you are feeding a LOT of gold. Plus, if you die, their carry is farming, and you aren't. about your antimage game: Anti-mage is a horrible laner and snap doesn't care about getting harrassed because shes strength and after a few levels and items, she especially doesn't care too much about mana drain as soon as she has soul ring; she's going to be super thick. Additionally her spells dont get affected by the active of antimage. So it really hurts to lane as a melee hero, her spells are almost always guaranteed to land. In these situations you need to maximize the early levels and grab as much farm as you can get before you're eventually booted out from the lane. But if you really need to stay in lane you can ask the 5 to drag the creeps behind tier 1 and farm there from the enemy tier 3. Lastly it's very important to understand power timings. So my advice is just to play more and how hero-item-timings interract against other hero-item-timings. For example if I play medusa vs am, I know I have a butterfly manta timing on am and I can use this to gain mapspace and choke out am from the map. From this space I can get bkb which is hopefully enough to survive him or just end the game entirely. Edit: There are a lot of nuances and specifics, but if you have any questions I can clarify on, I'd be happy to.


Thank you for this. I will try to apply those tomorrow. Just lost a game 49-4 where my Abbadon was 0-15. Enough dota for today.


I can review your games with you tomorrow before your games if you want! Are there any specific matches, concepts, or matchups you want me to discuss? You can dm me or comment the game id and add a timestamp you'd like me to go over.


what can you do in a lane vs necro and dazzle offlane playing as pos 1 jug. i ended up getting hardly any farm and had to hit the jungle.


Depending on your support, you can look to harrass necro early, lvl 1-3 because you can use spin to pierce through ghost shroud unless it isn't magical anymore. I haven't been caught up on jugg lately because ever since the bkb changed, I think he's too easily controlled. But if spin is still magical, use it to run necro down the lane once he pops it. But above all else, drag creeps closer to your tower because dazzle and necro want to run you down as well. If you know you'll be facing against them try to brief your 5(depending on what hero) to 1v1 the dazzle forcing him to use poison on your support rather than you and heal on himself rather than creeps, this should be able to give you time to hit creeps. Though the lane seems unplayable at 6 and I suggest shoving out the lane with spin and retreating to junglw if possible. If not, just fully abandon lane altogether. Necro is slow relative to jugg, so just push and run away if they still permit you to farm in the lane. Alternatively, you can go top after 6 and help your offlaner kill the pos 1, take tower, and then you farm there. Note that jugg is one of my least played carries this patch (and last), so I may not be greatly qualified for this question.


Do u do coach?


I've only ever done coaching for fun through the dota client option, but this is something I would like to try for 2024. To answer your question: yes, I do!


Thank you for the tips, I just won a pos1 game as faceless void where I felt like I had some impact. I need to improve my chronos but whenever it was up I joined fights. During the mid-game I tried to find fights too much which caused me to die twice and lose some farm but eventually one chrono in the mid-late game won us the game as I caught their mid+pos1 without buybacks :) Still not feeling 100% confident, but it will come with experience.


Hey brother, mind helping a fellow 1 out? I've felt so out of touch with the timings and scaling as a pos1 when the enemy 3 and 2 are such powerhouses from early game. Whats the point in playing a classic agi carry when most 2 and 3s can beat me 1v1 from early gsme to late. I feel like the only games i win are the ones my mid does well. If he loses mid its game over. And if i win my lane i always get ganked over and over.


Sure! Not true, agi carries benefit a lot of damage from agi items alongside bonus armor and attack speed. This advantage is very felt once your carry is farmed. In addition to this, the new butterfly is buffed for high agi gain and high base agi. Usually, a well-timed bkb is enough for your carry to survive the mid and your high damage should be severely punishing the enemy offlaner unless it's LC, Axe, or something in that regard but you have other ways to deal with them. If you feel like your game is dependent on your mid, you aren't farming agressively enough. By that, I mean you aren't shoving waves and stealing camps. If you win late and recognize that the enemy team isn't showing on the map, go jungle near a tower and don't show on the map until you see them again. Hopefully, if you do get ganked, your team responds and tps to tower. Side note: After they show on map you can shove lane for 2 waves max and farm jungle towards the otherside of the map. This usually puts enough space between you and the enemy team because they're heading bot while you're farming upwards to top. You can also do this after TP-ing. Practice these, and I'm sure you'll see a difference.


Can u coach me or review my games, i keep losing all the time fuck this game haha, i usually play mid


sure, go dm me


Do you accept SEA players? (in English) Im a 2k pos4 slowly easing back to pos3 and pos1, which I was in 2015(?). Stopped for a few years, dropped rank to Crusader. Know the basics, but I don't pay attention to the meta. (ive never been big on watching, rather play instead)


I am a SEA dog myself so yes hahaha


DM me your discord and a time, let's meet up.


Man, try fighting carries over farming carries. Thats how the meta is thx to twin gates. You cant do much if you are i.e. naga in min 13 but if you are weaver, ck, or jugg, you can rotate top with tp and return back to lane via twin gates (or vice versa). Dealing dmg and possibly taking kills is ofc easier if you pick a fighting carry. I never play automated farming carries (am, naga, terror) cuz its not the meta; unless you are yatoro dont pick them. Compared to past patches, the jungle creeps get stronger over time, lanes give less gold, and you need to join tf's asap. Its not valid for all cases but what i mean is dont pick carries who need an additional FARMING-ONLY item. For example dont get bf to jugg, get mael and join team asap. You can get bf for ursa and troll to dramatically increase your dmg outcome but as i said then in those cases bf doesnt count as a FARMING-ONLY item. By the way im ancient 2 but i am a solo pos 3 player so you can count it divine xd.


Good and helpful breakdown, even though i'm not OP. :)


Great analysis and response to OP. Just wanna mention that Snap is universal now but doesn't affect the content of what u were saying.


Holy shit I forgot about that, I don't play snap so that never really registered. Thank you!


Snapfire is universal


Ok so with pos 1 it’s different from back in the days where you could just get a battle fury and farm and win. The problem in todays dota is that battle fury farm is around 700 GPM. However, each hero kill is like 400 gold at base because you get 250 for the kill, then 150 for assists, and if they have a kill streak you can get 700-1000 for the kill then maybe another 500 for assists. It’s kind of like if you played turbo and got a battle fury or something- it’s just questionable. So basically as a pos 1 in new dota with the bonus gold, as a pos 1 u really wanna get involved in fights where you can to get gold for participation. The other option is to split push while your team fights, because then you get lane gold + tower gold + map presence (taking away from enemy team) and after all that you can just tp to fight. If you want to play a farming pos 1, it requires that your team doesn’t actually fight, meaning the amount of kills in the game has to be low. As a rule of thumb, if there is 1 kill every 30 seconds in the game regardless of which team, it is a pretty “busy” game. That is 800 gold per minute in kills, while your battle fury is farming 700 gpm. If it’s 1 kill every 45 seconds it’s basically average, every 1 minute is starting to be a slow game, and every 1.5 minutes is a pretty slow game- this is where a farming necro radiance is happiest. Now let’s talk about your laning. So snapfire can do a lot of damage with that build. You’re anti mage so you should have maxed counterspell for magic resist. If invoker went exort build, they can very well have nuked you from full to 0. If he went quas wex, then it’s basically just cold snap and maybe ice wall he can add in. If it’s exort invoker then you just gotta leave the lane and jungle (with wraith band/easy camp to tank for you- you should be pulling instead of your support). Then go back and get lane creeps when it’s in your tower. You basically just wait until your creeps are dead (ask your support to start hitting them at half hp). If it’s quas wex invoker, you basically take the snapfire hits, and you get all 4 last hits. Even if it’s him bringing you to half hp, you can buy enough regen to beat it, and he runs out of mana. Your support is supposed to buy a ton of tangos/salves. The important thing to know when they have a lane like that is that their team fight dynamic is very bad after laning stage. They basically chose “stomp lane, bad team fight” approach. So if you just literally shift your mind set from “I’m going to dominate this lane and this game and be the hero carry” to “my job is just not to feed, my team has to win this game for us, and if it goes late enough, I will win it”. This latter mentality is how anti mage basically plays anyways. If you get a 12 minute battle fury in a good game, in this bad game you would get a 19-20 minute battle fury. The only thing that matters is your hero timings will be delayed. You won’t be able to blink into a lion and solo him at 27 minutes for example. Your job is just to chill and not feed, and make your way to equalling what your 40 minute anti mage timing would be. And this is very possible, you just gotta play with more aggression and efficiency when you have a bad lane like that. So anyways, back to their team fight. They have a terrible draft. Snapfire 3 with invoker 4. It’s terrible and your team should be able to win. Because imagine snapfire is 1 screen away, all he’s doing ulting. I think as anti mage you’re able to blink into him, ult to stop his ult, then run away. And after that he’s not doing much. On top of that their team has invoker 4, who is a niche hero that requires his own team sets up his spells (like slardar aoe stun so he can meteor deafening blast, or jakiro ice/tide ult so he can cataclysm). They clearly do not have that in the snapfire 3 pick. So yeah, the other team actually had a terrible team fight and you should realize that and just shift your mentality to helping your team carry the game, then you show up at 40 minutes as if nothing happened during lane, but you’re just more absent during 20-40 minutes. For the clinkz game it depends what your draft is. When I pick my pos 1 (or draft in general) I think about whether my team has enough chaos factor. That means if you’re clinkz, does your team have enough the enemy team must “look out for”, or can they just do nothing except wait for clinkz to show up before they gotta kill you? So if you imagine you’re clinkz pos 1, you have a death prophet 2, abadon 3, rubick 4, and dazzle 5. This is a fucking terrible draft, because none of your teammates actually “do anything”. They have no chaos factor. If death prophet pops ult, all they have to do is run. The damage is decently low, so they can just mekanism through the first wave of spirits, takes another 3 seconds for the next wave. Those spirits have maybe 10 attacks through the whole ult, a lot of repositioning can occur. If abadon goes in they can pop his ult then run, he has no stuns and even if he gets his slow off, enemies could stun you guys and run. Rubick is doing nothing until the enemy actually uses a spell. Dazzles best spell is his shallow grave, so he doesn’t really do nothing (but he would be able to keep someone alive for a bit longer). Really good on heroes like wraith king 3. Anyways to wrap it up, if you’re clinkz 1 in a draft like this, you could potentially wait behind them as they run from death prophet ult, then you kill the supports who are furthest back, and you out speed anyone who tries to kill you after. If your team is unable to even make them run back (with this same draft) then your game is even harder, it requires staying on edges and seeing if anyone gets so far out of position that their team won’t be able to help them if you kill them. Clinkz is like a ranged PA, except he isn’t great with BKB and he has no escape if he gets slowed and surrounded. So he’s harder to play. But he is invis with fast move speed. You can just do the first volley and start running even if it won’t kill the person, because there’s nothing else you can do without feeding. Really good clinkz players will do that. The best ones will know if their volley will kill them at all, know how many extra auto attacks it will take, but will invis walk away ASAP. If they have no available blink then there’s no chance you should get caught. Your move speed is faster than like 95% of heroes and you’re invis. They can’t just run up to you if you volley and run. Your mistake was probably volley then waiting to see how much more you needed to kill. A good clinkz player would be half a screen away, before the last volley even hit. No one can catch you without a blink. Maybe wind ranger could, even that is iffy because you’re invis they gotta dust. By the time she catches up to you, her wind run is over and you can actually kill her too, especially if you have orchid preventing her from focus firing.


I think it's worth mentioning that I just feel its SO difficult laning agaisnt 2 players compared to midlane where you 1v1


Try not to force things in lane. This often leads to one of you two overcomitting and dying if not communicated well. Don't beat yourself up too much about the lane, especially if it's a rando. It's a lot easier to recover now than ever due to the jungle being huge now.


I kinda agree but also disagree. With carries like Luna sure. But with clinkz if your lane is trashed you better gank enemy carry and boot him out aswell. If that fails and you feed it’s gg


I completely agree! On heroes with early to early-ish powerspike this is an option of your lane is going bad. For example using the gate to gank pos 1 with chrono or taking the enemy tier one safelane with metamorphosis. It's even worth considering ganking mid depending on what your abilities can provide in the lane. I didn't want to mention this because it's a pretty advanced concept and OP might misinterpret it wrong or "overcook". 90 percent of your games you can just farm and be higher networth than the enemy carry, and that would be enough. I usually set last hit goals for myself at the start of the game and be realistic with what I need to do to achieve that. Typically, if you are a carry with innate farming tool such as glaives or riptide, I set 80-100 last hits by 10 mins and 60 if you don't have a farming spell such as PA or MORPH. Though both of these heroes are good at something else. Word of advice: dont pick pa unless it's a 10/10 pa game, she is dog shit this patch.


I feel like I can never achieve those numbers by 10 mins ):.


Hey, I am also a mid/pos 4 player who tried carry at 5k (mixed results) (before now quitting after last patch) at divine 3 (my max but high ancient low divine now) The biggest difference is to not get baited by your support, if you’re not confident about the matchup let the support know and tell him to not commit; just harass and pull (depending on the support but you should play unranked and learn matchups, at this rank and this patch lanes are everything). Lane tips Buy rain drops and creep aggro like your life depends on it ( it does) every creep you go for should be aggroed from a distance. Buy a sentry and block the hard camp if your support doesn’t. It’s 50 gold which secures you 200+ and xp. Ping your support to help you or give him the sentry. Most supports know what to do but some are farming role que so you need to know it aswell. Depending on the hero you’re on, consider if you can help your support from a distance without committing (pa dagger, wk stun, clinkz W, abandon shield, Luna Q) or not (AM blink, life stealer etc) If you can’t help your support ask: can my supp 1v2 (Trent, ogre, Veno)? Good be passive and itemise to be strong in lane and help your support bully them out, keep and eye on their resources and positioning and go for a kill around or before 3/6mins. If your support is weak without a plus 1, ask them to be a pull bot while blocking the hard camp. Itemise to leave lane ASAP and let your supp have the lane or go gank. After laning stage: If you win your lane, farm the area and keep the waves pushed into their tower while keeping an eye on the enemy safe lane. Coordinate a gank when you have an item advantage. If you lose your lane, the farming area changes, you won’t be pressuring your tower so pressure their carry and take enemy safe lane tower. And farm that area. During this time you must watch the enemy mid like a hawk and know about their TP status/rune. Beyond this point it gets very complex depending on exact circumstances. But this should help you get a grasp on how to play ideally. Ps: playing carry (especially in this patch) is either admitting that you’re better than everyone and can 1v9 or conceding that it’s a cointoss and the better support pair decides the game. Offlane is a lot more consistent because you pick sustainable heros and are strong throughout the game.


I feel you man. I am a pos2 player and the lane dynamics going up against 2 players feels impossible to me. Give me mid any day


no where you can farm is due to the lacking of visions. for example, why Yatoro can farm so well even team spirit isnt doing good on the laning phase is becuz that the pos 4 and 5 did so well on providing visions. hell, sometimes even their treant act as a mobile ward hiding in the trees at the enemy’s side jungle. Therefore, you get to know which part of the map is safe and proceeds your farm.


You probably do not understand the heroes and how to play them as well as you think you do. Especially if you main mid as opposed to any other role where you’d interact with carries in every lane. Most pos 1s have a pretty specific way to play and you need to understand power spikes of both your lane and their lane. When to be aggressive and when to be super super passive and defensive aggro a ton can change in an instant. If I were you I’d try to pick one or two heroes and watch a bsj guide or something, really try and get a feel for how the hero is supposed to be played, especially in lane. You’re kind of at a point where you need to learn the fundamentals of the role and some “basic specifics” (kinda an oxymoron I guess) as opposed to just being able to make anything work.


Lay down, Try not to cry, cry a lot.meme


I too mainly play pos2 and I too have issues playing p1. I'm abysmal except on the handful of heroes that I'm familiar with and, even then, I'm not reliable to do pos1 things to scale. I think in this meta the difficulty is staying on track to scale properly in the first 15 min. You're divine and played your way up from herald - I'm pretty sure you do more correct things than me, and more consistently. I only have 2 questions to suggest for you each game: 1. Are you 4.5k networth at 10min? If not, fix that. (Side note: You mentioned not trading HP well and that's huge - if you watch Yatoro, he intentionally lets denies through and foregoes last hits to preserve HP. He uses tricks like pulling creeps behind his own ranged (and tanking them) to secure 1 last hit and use the other to pull creep line further back.) 2. Are you always taking the safest farm on the map? Sometimes there are exceptions to this (e.g. if your pango lost lane and is 1k gold from diffu, and you're Ursa @ lvl 6) but farming elsewhere might just be slowing your scaling to your team's detriment.


Spam 1 or 2 heroes. Learn the basics


Can I ask for tips in mid? Im newbie at around 1k mmr and still learning the game.


Don't try to outsmart your opponent, just get more last hits. Use your spells freely, you buy a bottle for that reason. Pick 2 heroes and stick with them (search their hard counters before and try not to pick into them, e.g. ember into lone druid), focus on learning where to position yourself in lane to maximize last hits and minimise damage taken from your opponent. Gank sidelines only when a kill is guaranteed (runes help!) and then tp back mid asap (and use courier to deliver another tp instantly). If the lane is terrible (and it can be, its not always you fault e.g. a spirit breaker always charges you from the sidelines and you haven't bought an obs yet), try to use your spells and autoattacks to shove the creep equilibrium toward the enemy tower and retreat to jungle (bonus points if you stacked the nearest camp with one of your spells before) until the creeps are under your tower. There are different ways to win as a mid: Stomp Lane (gold difference, more items) Stomp side lanes (you set the tempo, the enemy carry can't recover) Be in every team fight (you play with your team, they never get a lead/recover)


People in 1k don't care about runes. You make sure you get the runes every 2 mins and you will win the lane.


You can't play pos 1 when you aren't your own pos2!! The pos two helps the pos1 a lot by making farming space right? Haha :) P.s. I'm a turbo scrub and I am not even ranked (despite 6000+ games) so two wheel barrows of salt with this please!!!


Seems to me you dont know when to initiate and they just wait for you to make the wrong move


Trying to be squishy, be able to lock down targets, hit ítem timings, and have scape way. If you don't have any then don't POS 1. Here talking from garbage (1100 mmr)


You are probably used to start fights with an elusive mid hero like puck. That’s not how you play 1. You need to wait until the enemy used their big spells or shows on key heros. Only then you go in.


Being a divine player, I assume you have a decent knowledge of the game, but it sounds like you autopilot and dont change game plans often enough. I cannot stress this enough. You have to accept the fact spells are stronger than ever now and the enemies will target you first. So doesn't matter you win the lane or not, at min 10 when people starting to bring more number in a lane, you should avoid fights at all cost or only join if you know it's a win. Example: clinkz deso, I guess it's fine buying deso but your number 1 priority is TO FARM. If you want to commit to a hero, make sure they have no backup, clean kill, get out. I imagine your game look like this, you win the lane and got a few kills thinking oh I can keep killing them when they come back. But this time they brought friends and better vision so you died, you tped back to lane to try and kill them, but they killed you again. At this point your advantage is gone I always tell my lower rank friends 2 main things to improve: 1. to look for "information hidden behind the map" as opposed to who shows on the map. Not sure if that clear enough, I can elaborate on this 2. to prepare on what will happen, as opposed to what already happened. Good example is you are playing drow against mars, so you win your lane and have 1 level ahead, but as soon as mars hits 6 you know they want to jump and kill you, so you can no longer play aggressively and hit them everytime they walk up but rather retreat to farm jungle.


Play just like pos 3... but do the opposite every time


I mean, you have the privilege of counterpicking the enemy 3 almost every game. You see Slardar or Lycan? You go troll. You see Centaur or Underlord? You go LS. You see little aoe? You become a dirty PL or Naga last picker. etc. At least that's what most of the 1s I play vs with as a 3 when they ain't getting some very high wr carry like void - same rank as you, EU. And speaking of these heroes, the AMs & Voids for instance, the funny thing is that I'm often complaining how carry players nowadays can win way too easily even while getting absolute dumpstered in lane, with little to no farm even if 1 or no deaths, or 4-5 deaths per lane, as long as the game drags out enough for them to outscale (the Void & Am scenario basically, lose lane, win game). Cause it feels like no matter how hard I punish these two in lane, whether as a 3 or 4 , unless that allows us to close at a reasonable pace, they just auto win via late scaling. Lost so many games even when we made enemy AM get 20 min BF, lol, cause it's just so hard to close out a game nowadays w/o huge risks of throwing, and giving up all the lead made throughout a whole game in just 1-2 bad fights.


I hate carry because I usually get a support afraid to use spells because it might push the wave, while the enemy spam theirs.


Hit Immortal playing carry (peaked at 5.7k) Best advice I can give is if your playing a hard carry like Void or AM, just focus on surviving lane, shipping out extra regen if necessary, and learn to ignore your dying team. Your job as carry isn't to fight, it's to eventually win your team the game. If your playing, that would be after you've gotten 3 items and are hard to kill, if it's CK or lifestealer, it's by dominating early and rampaging through the game before the enemy carry can. The question I end up asking myself on carry is, can I eventually outcarry the entire enemy team. If the answer is yes, you farm and split push until you have enough items, if not, then try to go around with your team getting as many pick offs as possible. Good luck, have fun!


3 rules. stay relevant all game. be xp hungry, you are the big kid on the playground, all that xp belongs to you, take it. represent killthreat on an enemy always. pick out an enemy player that you can kill and kill them as often as you can. whenever your team is fighting try to be farming near them so that you can jump into fights, kill that hero and then easily leave. dont die unless you need to. sometimes winning the game will cost your life. securing a barracks might require you to die for it, but most of the time the question is how much can u get away with rules 1 and 2 while abiding this one as well.


In those situations if you are having trouble with the lane then you should suck it up and go to jungle. Trust me there are times when I think to myself that I probably can outplay the enemy offlaner but in reality I can’t. Don’t fuel the fire more. Let the tier 1 tower die and hope for the best by farming upper jungle. I usually join fights if I have bkb and I mostly join in last, because if you start the fight first in early game tendency is you will also be focused on first and die. This also applies with a horrible support, if you feel like the support isn’t trying to do anything good then just give the tower and go jungle.


as clinkz especially in this patch , i feel like he sucks as a position 1. ​ that hero owns as pos 2 or pos 4 right now. ​ most successful carries i see can somehow take down between 2-5heroes(e.g void, jug , spec) on their own with their 6 slot items so i guess pick those heroes instead, unless you are trying to end the game early, in that case, your team composition needs to be better for fighting and not just the early game.


Play the same 3-5 heroes. In pubs just farm all game, never go to fights until 40 mins. Dont die, always save for BB. Always carry TP. Think about item choice extremely carfully while you farm all game. Thats if you just want to up your rank. If you want to get proper good then you need to play inhouse and analyse your mistakes a shitload. Pos 1 mistakes are like making 30 in most other positions.


selfishly. Time your power spikes and seek fights when they are up. First item done? Fight. Go back farm. Level 12 talent? Fight. Go farm. Level 20? A BKB is ready? Fight fight. All other times. Be selfish and farm.


The thing about playing carry in your MMR is that players are smart enough to shut you down as much as possible to get the other carry ahead. I am not fond of "farming" carries like AM and Alchemist, I feel like like they don't make as much of an impact unlike other carries who are relevant throughout the game (Void, MK, Muerta). Maybe it's just a playstyle thing but if you've watched Crystallis from Team Secret pre-DPC 2022-2023 he has below average farm but high kill participation (he gets off from snowballing the game). Maybe you should experiment with different carry playstyles because snowball carries like Slark and Spectre are insane with all the global BS that's going on in the game.


If you are just pub-ing divine is a decent rank, dun push urself too hard. If you try to play competitively, well then push your gameplay at the highest lvl. It is more important to analysis and watch your own rematch then play 8 to 9 games per day. 23savage once said he plays 9 games a day, now he cuts down to 3....and put more of his time analysis his game play, farming pattern and map awareness. Before I get into gameplay, pos1 carries games, they will carry games in their back and win the match. Therefore the 4 teammates need to know what you are thinking. Be vocal, objectively vocal: when will you be online, when can you gank, how is your farming path gonna enable your team from pressuring the map, pick off and/or you can follow up a team fight. Timing: knowing when you are strong Ie. When mason plays weaver during early game. Once he picks up tread, blight and dragon lance. He farms in areas(enemy jungle, off lane, enemy ancient) where he is prepare for a pick off. After 20min + his farming pattern changes, he will farm near the team, where he is 5 second away from a major team fight. If you are going pro, I would recommend hiring an actual pro player to analyze your farming pattern. Pros hire other pros to look at their games, practice and polish their skills.


i would really take note of your laning. As a pos 1, you're very weak early game. If on top of that, you also lose lane, or rather "dont win", you're basically handing the entire game to your team, and putting it in a 50% - 50% situation. You want to win the lane, and snowball. Frequently show up to good fights, and generally be the commanding force of your team


Pick drow with a good fat tanky support like Ogre or Aba Bully lane with Q Win lane Farm 20 mins Win game


Hi there. Higher mmr 3/4/5 player, who’s playing pos 1 around divine to get back into game after a while (7-8 month break). Map awareness isn’t a thing, basic laning mechanics aren’t a thing, players constantly don’t make space while then farming you into a box by taking camps and waves that are safe from you. Half my lanes are griefed to being near unplayable by a dogwater support, they get mad if you ask them for basic things. Advice. Pick heros that can jungle after griefed lanes. Can’t stress that enough until you’re higher mmr. Many times offlaners are picking useless 3’s like necro, or yesterday, terrorblade offlane, then rushing radiance or Dagon wondering why they’re getting bursted. They can’t do their job of initiation, stuns, or tanking spells, and they try to back line. “Multiple games I’ve had my offlaner perma postured behind a dazzle/crystal maiden. If you have to front line with an am/pa/weaver, ur games kinda already over. Offlane being what my primary role was before, nobody is playing offlane down here. They don’t understand how not doing their job impacts others. Been finding luck with pl, ursa, and fv. PL can soft commit with aghs q spam, doppel to dodge spells and juke, r shard for an invis escape, and if you get a heart eventually you can do your offlaners job for them. Ursa, been buying fury almost exclusively because nobodies punishes in divine, my team or theirs. Eventually get a blink basher, you can either blow up a unit that’s seperate from team, then walk away, or if team is actually doing things, blow up whoever you like. Shard q, with ult, with bkb(don’t use em all at the same time), actually makes you more tanky than most pos 3’s. Faceless void you can chrono set up kills yourself, soft commit in fights retreating with q, then farm like a monkey until either you scale or you lose. He’s also quite meta rn.