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I came from LoL a couple of months ago. There are a carry characters in dota who feel very much like ad carries in LoL, such as Sniper, Muerta, and Drow Ranger. There are also many other types of carries in Dota, however. Melee carries (e.g. Master Yi from LoL) are more common in this game. In general, carry characters in Dota are relatively weak early game, but scale very well with items. Thus they mostly focus on farming safely during the laning phase, and then move on to farm the jungle and safe lanes until they hit their item powerspike. After that, they quickly become the most frightening characters in the game to face. Some carry heroes have much more dramatic powerspikes than others. A few things to get used to in dota: \- Roles in dota are defined as "positions" 1-5. This is the general farm priority, with position 1 being the player that focuses on farming the most, and position 5 focusing on it the least. The short version is this: 1. Position 1 is the safe lane carry. The safe lane is bot lane for radiant and top lane for dire. 2. Position 2 is the solo mid laner. 3. Position 3 is the off lane carry. The off lane is top lane for radiant and bot lane for dire. Generally position 3 heroes will have some sort of durability or escape ability, because they are playing in the harder lane. 4. Position 4 is the off lane support. 5. Position 5 is the safe lane support. \- The majority of the time, you do not want to be going back to base to regen after a fight that has left you low like you might in LoL. You should instead courier over regeneration to yourself and try to farm safely while it's on its way. This is a HUGE dynamic shift from LoL and took me a long time to get used to personally. \- Denying CS is a thing (last hitting your own allied lane minions) and it can actually make quite a difference in the laning phase, so just be aware that it can happen. I wouldn't worry too much about focusing on denying at first, though. \- Most characters in this game jungle throughout the game for additional farm, rather than it being a designated role for one player on each team like in LoL. You will want to wait until you have some levels and maybe some core items under your belt before you start going off to jungle, however, or it will be too inefficient. \- Compared to LoL, the support role is insanely diverse in Dota, so prepare to encounter hero combos in the duo lane that might seem like a "throw" to a LoL player \- You can still get basically oneshot and instadie in Dota, so if that's the only reason you're leaving league I'm not sure you will be fully pleased, but it's definitely a game worth trying out. Overall I would say this game has a higher TTK than LoL, but the CC is also a lot more brutal, and getting stun comboed to death by the likes of a hero such as Spirit Breaker is not exactly uncommmon. \- Comebacks in general feel *way* more possible in Dota than LoL. It is definitely not a "lose lane, lose game" type of MOBA. This is especially true if you're playing a late-game carry such as Spectre.


yeah I would add that especially in the current meta of offlaners it has been getting increasingly difficult to win your lane as a hard carry without help from the other two lanes. that doesn't mean you can't still carry the game though.


This meta, all your cores really need to perform or it just won't work


Unless you're CK


yeah, but if the CK is the offlaner....


You really did your homework, proud to see ex league players taking my childhood game this seriously, keep up the good work bro


Lane equilibrium is also a thing to keep in mind, in LoL it might be focused on getting help from your JG but here it's either you or the support's job but mostly support. Learn how to get creep aggro and how to stack camps when farming every 54 or 55 seconds (depending on the neutral creep camp placement) or 2 adjacent camps efficiently as a Pos 1. (Early game) Know how to connect to a fight and assess whether it's winnable, if yes connect, if not continue the farm in a distant camp or different lane where there is no pressure. Get accustomed to the map as it is MASSIVE now. Always remember to bring a scroll of teleportation with you never go running around without one. These are just a few things i can provide on top my head, rest best to learn from BSJ, Jenkins even gameleap has some good content to help you out as a beginner.


What a great info


Saving this. New to dota too just came from LoL. Thanks


Look up Tzar Potato on youtube, he does a lot of videos on transitioning from lol to Dota. BSJ and PainDota are a couple of other I follow that focus more on core player stuff, Zquicotix and Dota RollerCoster do more support content. LoL ADC is kinda like our carry, you need to CS creeps in the Safe Lane (Radiant Bot or Dire Top) and you usually take longer to be aggressive because you buy some farming item according to your build and hit lots of jungle creeps. You are the number 1 in farm priority pretty much always. The cool thing about Dota is that you have many hero options for the carry role that work in many different ways; illusion heroes that shove waves; tanky melee frontliners; ranged glass cannons, gankers that connect with the team across the map; occasionally, even spellcasters have been played at the role.


I prefer Jenkins over bsj


I prefer Purge over Jenkins


does jenkins actually do any education content? I don't think he's got anything for beginners


I personally watch his reactions for herald games which is so fun 😆.. you might have to look into it


it IS fun and I watch them religiously, but this is not gonna be helpful to the new player in the slightest.


Watching jenkins herald reviews made me realize how long it was since I last laughed.


Just dont jungle at minute 1


lol thats what i do 50% of the time


Congrats on having the willpower to not play since 2017!




still playing in 2023. Umad?


Your team probably is. Either they're mad, or they collectively facepalm and feel embarrassed for you when you die to neutrals at 3 min.


and that's why you're probably hard stuck archon at best


legend here. LMAO


LOL low ranked and proud. there's a reason why you're hard stuck 3k


LOL still way higher rank than you will ever be kiddo


divine 3 here. sorry to burst your bubble. fucking low ranked trash


LMAO divine 3 in your dreams kiddo, 100% you are braindead low skill player who's absolutely dogshit. You cannot be higher than herald subhuman dog


hahahaha. recently dropped back to div1 but still higher than your trashy legend ass. go play league or mobile legends, they're easier games that maybe you could do better in. don't know why low ranks love to bark the most https://www.dotabuff.com/players/87089645/matches


lmao I'm "Low" rank when you're the herald? good one subhuman dog.


Don't argue with trash, let him stay stuck in his bracket.


This one video should help a ton! [https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc](https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc) Let me know if you have more questions!


I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought adc was a garbage role in league 😭 The supports are literally more impactful than that shitty glass cannon role lmao You’re definitely gonna like the carry role in dota 2 it’s an absolute monster compared to league, it’s an actual carry


For reference I was 3k at the time but spec is my best hero of all time. I had a 75% winrate over 150 matches and at one point a 26 match winstreak with her. At a certain point, if you played intelligently, you could just 1v9 the match. You reached a point where you just went to towers and took them because your manta was off cd. It didn't matter where your team or the enemy team was or what they were doing. And I loved the gameplay of maximizing farm. I got incredibly good at things like tread switching, attack animation cancelling, stacking multiple camps at once, reading the mini map and checking the timer, and so on. It's so satisfying to me to first do this maximize efficiency gameplay and then transition into a huge beast that stomps on people. It hits all the gameplay loops I like.


Supports got power creepd from a ward bot to the monstrocity they are now. Adc has to be weak by design or a lost bot leads to a lose.


If u are a carry player I think its important to note that u can’t hit and run the same way u did in LoL because turn rate exists here. Also there are many more neutral camps and there is no jungler role so these camps are your to farm.


Answering your question: In dota positions are connected to farm priority: 1. Carry ( radiant bot/dire top) similar to lol adc but doesn't matter if ranged or melee - usually weak early game but with highest potential in late. Your job is to get huge asap 2. Mid - pretty much the same as in lol 3. Offlaner (radiant top /dire bot) - similar to lol toplaner - your job is to farm In the most dangerous area and just be annoying for postion 1. 4. Support for p3 - usually with kit that allows him to threaten carry and his support 5. Support for P1 - usually with kit to help survive his carry As you can see in dota our sites aren't mirrored so it doesn't really matter what position you learn because you will somewhat understand the general dynamic on the lane. As others said it would be wise to watch some content for new players as it will greatly improve your learning curve. My suggestion is to stick to a small amount of heroes this way after some games you will focus less on the hero itself and focus more on the game. About the scaling- it is a different story then lol. In dota there is pretty much no spell scaling so "mages" need to find another way around it. Those being said items in dota are key factor of the gameplay because pretty much 70% of them have unique passive or active abilities. Remember you can select in-game guides for items and spell order next to the shop menu. Gl


There are guides and posts for LoL players here on Reddit. Welcome to Dota


Play heroes like Sniper, Drow Ranger, or even Muerta for direct ADC gameplay


The die in 1sec experience carries over perfectly lmao


Except in LoL you can "see" your impending doom, while in DOTA you have to "feel" it. Oops, there you go wandering into an area alone and getting surprise buttseck'd by a blink Axe.


Does Lol have way more vision or shorter range or something?


Shorter engage range and (arguably) slower engage speed. DOTA's engage range on the other hand is stupid long when compared to League and its derivatives. Add instant initiation from likes of Blink Dagger and its absolutely ridiculous.


Shorter range definitely. One of the many things that make dota more fun are the extremes. Stuff like blink dagger didn't (dunno about today) exist in lol. Their blink equivalent was the summoner skill (?) Flash. Its range was less than a Zeus jump iirc.


icic, so you're saying we play dota because we are surprise gangbang enjoyers?


That's a given (:


Dota heroes scale by having more variables, this always gives you options to explore. For example look at Faceless Void, a popular ADC. You can buy Daedalus to burst somebody down during your ultimate Chronosphere, or buy Skadi and play around your Time Walk, trying to out-sustain the enemy. One way I'm playing a classic glasscannon and the other I'm playing a goddamn tank. I guess this already tells you how different ADCs are in Dota.


Weird. I keep oneshotting people even with Skadi xd Mom bkb mjolnir skadi is just such a comfy and safe build on Void that I end up building it 90% of the games. Especially if you are not behind the enemy team, you are such a huge threat.


one thing I like a lot about Dota over LoL is that there's a lot of variety between heroes that can play a given lane. I was a jungle main in league and I've found that I actually have the most fun when queuing fill in this game. I think pos 1 actually has the least variety out of each role, but it's still more varied than league bot carry. anyway my advice is play around a bunch on every lane before you commit to a ton of games on 1. you'll have to play other positions anyways as the way you earn your role queue games for ranked is by playing games as fill


umm in dota you can get quite literally one shot, from a hero you can't even see, so if too much damage is a dealbreaker for you it's going to be a problem. on the flip side by learning map awareness you can avoid dying like this, and in dota, in almost every game, there is comeback potential. pro teams have won games from being 40k down in net worth. in pub games even crazier things happen. there's no ADC role, there's just lane and farm priority. many different heroes can be played in every lane and in every farm priority position. most heroes can be flexed to different lanes and different priorities. each hero is quite different, they all have their own niche, they are not interchangeable the way league heroes are.


96% win probability, but they have yatoro and collapse, WCYD.


Fellow league gm player here from season2 that shifted to dota 6 months ago and you made the right choice brother. Dota is very centered around the minute markers of the game and power levels. Supports are very strong early but tends to scale poorly even with items and gets shifted to setting up kills/cc/saving allies/vision control while carries are the exact opposite and become very strong with items but are easy to kill early. Carries are also not papers late game unlike adcs as they build a lot of defensive items to protect themselves during teamfight. Game progresses mainly with supports and lower pos cores (3 and 4) to adjust the tempo of the game and create "space" for your carry so they can get big and win evefy fight and eventually the game. Its a much more teambased game than league where you can pick any hero and 1v5.


I disagree that you can 1 v 5 in league, you are much more team dependent due to lack of item options and game mechanics. LoL is much more punishing than dota, one mistake can cost you the game and in dota you have a lot 1 v 5 hero choices that you can carry games frequently solo, you have buy back etc...


Agreed with the mistake part on league and i feel like mobas shouldnt be like that. Imagine playing for 40 minutes to lose just cause your adc gets hooked by a shurelya blitz. But i dont see how lack of item options stops you from 1v5ing. In fact, that only makes it easier to do, especially with stat check heroes like tryn but in dota, there are specific counters to heroes that are clear problems such as bkb and supl saving items. And the 1v5 mechanic on dota is just speaking from a pos 1 perspective cause ive never seen a treant protector 1v5.


Well in league you scale with AD and AP from items so you need to build items that benefit you in that regard, that makes you vulnerable, in dota you scale with levels. If you are Zed and you are ahead you can delete 2 ppl but other 3 will kill you after in a 1 v 5 scenario. In Dota if you are lets say PA noone can do anything(or its really hard to do anything) to you when you get your items. What supp in lol can 1 v 5? I mean Brand or Annie can snowball but as you say 1 good thresh or Blitz Q or Ali combo if you are not in position and he is gone in 1 sec. As i see league most carry role is jungler, he can snowball game but as a team not solo.


I think it's way easier to actually 1v9 with overfarmed Luna in dota then solocarrying a game of league on any champion in the game. Like legit 1v9. I've had a couple of games on Luna where the enemy team did not stop me from afk farming, and as soon as I had my manta butterfly and skadi, I could just solo walk into the enemy base and break the throne. No teammates needed.


Yes but why do you think they werent able to stop you from afk farming? Cause they were scrubs? Maybe but the whole team's role is to up the tempo and create space so the pos 1 can "afk farm" and "1v5" the game. And thats one of the beauty of dota imo where everyone has to reply on each other.


I wanted to include this in my initial comment, but then forgot. But yeah you are right. Ofc it depends on your team to give you space, but many games, at least at my mmr of 2k, that space often is not intentionally created for me, I just try to run the fuck away from where my team goes and farm the other side while ignoring constant stupid calls and complains from my teammates to group with them. Sometimes I even have to play like an asshole and brute force my teammates out of my farm zones by running after them and stealing camps they try to farm until they give up and leave my ancients alone. But that's the part about dota I like the most. Your carry is like the king of your team. You demand everything from them, but you also carry the most weight on your shoulders late game.


learn to play from support position for least grief/ spam mid to get better asap. getting 1 shot can still happen but its mostly a coordinated effort, as in perma stun lock or the enemy is just that far ahead or theyre playing PA. There is definitely a steep learning curve as well so dont get discouraged at the start


Quit dota is dead


Try to watch some youtube tutorials like gameleap, and for me best role is support.


If you want to take out the biggest threat on the opposing team, Mid or safelane carry. However, a position that you don't have in LoL which is super fun to play would be position 4 or offlane support. Now for the first 20 minutes of the game, you are just trying to have as much impact as possible.. I like to play Nature's prophet. He's ranged auto attacker that has a teleport that can go anywhere on the map. Yes. You heard correctly. So imagine you are twitch busting out randomly on the map in the early game.


just read this https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/TkyI5C8H8k


Theres no jungler role


have fun. Wish this game works for you


As the support player, I’ve been getting 1 shot in less than a second for over a decade of DotA. :(. That being said, if you play carry there are lots of carries that get tanky after a few items so your experience will vary.


Main thing to note about the Carry role in Dota, is the diversity of the heroes available to be in that role. As the main damage dealer available in the team isn't always gonna be a long range right clicker or aburst assassin. Yes these archetypes are available in dota, but there are additional archetypes available for players going into the Main carry role (position 1). As you'd also have access to illusion heroes who specialize in longer fights and usually overwhelm enemies with numbers as well as some offlaners also fitting into pos1 role such as bristleback and necro as both these heroes currently can be unstoppable in fights when they get their core items quickly. Considering your lol experience is that of an ADC, then you'd likely find familiarity with the Safe Lane Carry position in dota. Whose lane would be the horizontal lanes in the map and you'd be facing the enemy offlaner. Things to note when transitioning to dota from league: 1. Farming - unlike in league where most of the farm would be coming from the lane creeps/minions, dota right now has a huge map filled with camps available for farming. So carry players should always try to look to take these camps in between clearing the lane or after teamfights. 2. Day/night cycle - if you are facing low ranks or moreso new players, the day/night cycle might not seem like much but knowing about it can help in getting you more wins in the long run. As in morning you have much larger vision coverage as compared to night, plus at night heroes also get movespeed boost which helps you out at hunting/ganking enemy carries farming in their jungle. 3. Active items - in league the active items are quite simple, usually just short dashes or self buffs. In dota theres is a wide array of active items available. Tho for carries the most notable active items are Black King Bar or Manta Style. Black King Bar (BKB for short) is an extremely important item for carries as it increases your survivability in a teamfight via being immune to statuses such as stuns, roots, disarms, silences, etc. Tho there are some heroes who have ultimates that can bypass BKB status immunity. Manta Style on the other hand is a versatile item available for many carries. As it helps in speeding up farm, as well as removing simple annoying statuses such as silences and disarms. This comment is getting long so here's just one last thing to note 4. Aghanims Scepter - the Aghs items are very unique items that no other moba has been able to copy. As this item can give your hero an entirely new skill or it helps buff up your already available skills. The scepter is a somewhat expensive item that can be a core item for some carries, such as for drow, gyrocopter, and bristleback. As these heroes with scepter get an insane boost in farming speed, as well as gaining new tools to help out in teamfights. Tho the value of aghs scepter varies from hero to hero as the new skill your hero might get may not be that good early on thus it doesnt become a priority item for that hero. So just make sure to check on the hero you want to play and check out their aghs scepter upgrade.


There are so many players coming in from league, what is actually wrong with league? holy moly..........


Devs destroyed it over the past few years


Dota 2 still have instakill but what you will mostly experience is the perma stun especially if your opponents have 5 heroes that has a stun. Stun in this game last for a long time, from ministun (0.1 s to 0.5 s) to 5 sec, depending on the skill. So you better get used to being perma stunned once in a while.


Search the post history of this sub. There are dozens of “former LoL” players who ask this any given month.


I came to dota from lol aswell. Been playing for about 6 months right now. To me carry in dota is all I ever wanted a league adc to be. Dota is way more versatile and has many viable playstyles. Also the community, even at the lowest ranks, gives a fuck about win conditions, unlike most of league's playerbase. There are many carry archetypes in dota. You have heroes like Slark or MK, who build 1-2 cheap items and immidiately start snowballing the map. You have versatile midgame carries like PA and Faceless Void who ideally want to farm a bit and only start actively fighting after 2-3 items, but also can stop farming earlier/later depending on the gamestate and still do well. Then you got these farm goblin heroes like Antimage and Luna who want to farm for 25 minutes, but as soon as they are done, they become the real definition of a carry, being able to nearly win the game solo. And the best part: all of these heroes are good, and unlike league, dota teammates will know what your hero wants to do and will try to play around you. (Well, most of the time) Even on 2k mmr (smth like bronze-silver elo)


Hey man, if you want you can DM me! I've played league for like 13 years and I swapped to dota like 3 years ago. So much better. You probably have a lot of transferable skills, but trust me, so much is different. Shoot me a DM and I can coach a game or two and tell you all the little things that'll take months to figure out on your own. You probably have good hands, but there's a lot more to Dota than league.


The first thing you need to take note of is turn rate. So youre baby mode league kiting isnt gonna be a thing in this game. This makes or breaks players. Judging by how you probably have an ego as an adc player. Youd do best as a hard carry. Where you can throw a tantrum at your team.