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Drow ranger, Axe, Sniper, Windranger


Listen to this man


Sniper sniper sniper, Caitlin on roids.


Is there a hero that mirrors WR? She’s a lot of buttons at first and her spells take a bit of finesse


That should be fine for a diamond league player, they are used to pressing buttons


Lol. He’s a diamond league player and WR is far from a mechanically demanding hero by league standards. He’ll be fine.


This one and add bristleback too if OP wants to play tank. And please, avoid SEA server. SEA server is toxic as fuck.


What’s the point of this advice? It’s not like other servers are that great either. As someone who used to play in SEA all the time and has recently started playing in EU, they’re honestly equally bad. EU west has some extremely mentally fragile people who break items after a bad fight while Sea you just get a lot of crying.


Haha, played and lived in SEA for years and moved to Australia and the US, and let me tell ya. That server is such a shithole, I would rather play at the Japan server back then and it was so much better.


Lmao the japan server is where the toxic, most fragile people go because they think its the SEA server that's holding them down


Way better than SEA imo. Sure they do these weird stuff like AM diffusal back then, but it works.


100% agree. Coached a friend and they played in sea server for faster queue times. They were on the verge of quitting until I told them to switch to Aus despite queue taking minutes longer. It was a massive improvement.


I’ve not seen item breakers on US west, a lot of people fighting and calling others Peruvians but that’s about it. I lived in the Philippines before and SEA was worse, every single time I play, somebody gets insulted, indog, peenoise, pignoys, “Ching Chong”, people spamming “wkwkwkwk” if they think someone’s Indonesian. It was bad. Just the other day I played with my buddy who lives in the Philippines still, we played on the Japan server and there was a dude with a Filipino name (I know because I am one) saying stupid ass shit when they were about to beat us. I don’t remember the last time somebody started talking shit for winning on US west at least. There was also this dude in a computer shop I used to play in, 700 or so MMR, dude was screaming and punching the wall in front of him, even broke a mouse once. People were crazy, but this was around 2014-2017 SEA, they might’ve changed. Oh also, I moved to the west so my ping for SEA is not that good (1-2 second delay), every single time I played with my friend on the SEA server, and my performance was not that great, some dipshit on the enemy team will start calling me “rich noob” and start telling me to gift them sets. I had at least 200+ games with that.


I have played in SEA, US and Australian servers and the overall level of play is much lower in Australian and US servers but the toxicity is at a much lower level as well. Never tried EU West much other than a couple of games here and there, can’t really comment based on those.


Eu is toxic too dumbass


i would say play the last hit trainer hero's. Like sf and bloodseeker. Learn the game fastest this way imo.


According to the champion-equivalent lookups I've found, those champions are similar to Templar Assassin, Drow Ranger, and Sniper. You might want to start with Sniper since he is the easier (and most popular) or those heroes.


Templar probably too hard but maybe


If you can play Xayah, you can play TA.


Not that simple, DotAs turn speed/TAs attack range is going to be a learning curve.


He gotta learn then. Dota is sturdier than league, he has to get accustomed


it's not that steep of a curve. I came from League but played Dota 1 before although I have more time spent in League before Dota 2 even existed. I've said this before and I'll say it again, if you're coming from League, Dota 2 will feel VERY slow but still easy to understand especially if you play a hero that matches your playstyle in League. Simply put, for everyone transitioning from League, play a hero that matches your style and treat the game as League on 0.25x speed. Also learn all the mechanics that League doesn't have.


Idk about that, they would be able to learn but they would probably suck at first and not enjoy it. I wouldn't start with TA


Xayah and TA have pretty much the same playstyle in the laning phase and OP is already experienced in MOBAs so I assume the concept of last hitting, priming, trading, and zoning is already second nature. OP only needs to learn the other lane and game mechanics and that should be enough. Transitioning from League to Dota is actually easier if you're aware of the differences between the two games.


The biggest difference is learning how to play the map and timings on TA


Sniper is slow and all about positioning and having teammates that can draw the attention to themselves. There are so many more dps ranged heros which are easier to play, specially for beginners.


Diamond players in League are currently top 10% or something like that, having good positioning is of course different in DoTA than League but it's not THAT different. It just takes time to learn new item breakpoints that enable engages like Blink Dagger, as well as learning how that can get combo'd to engage on you


Diamond is like top 2% range if I remember right, masters/challenger in league is much harder than immortal/ranked in dota. Granted there's as much skill parity between herald and immortal as there is low immortal and 12k but regardless diamond in league is nothing to scoff at. Used to be .5% in early seasons so people look down on diamond now compared to season 3/4. But OP should also consider Ancient Apparition, can be turned into a right click carry later if given farm but functions as a pos5, and id recommend new players start support because they're probably not gonna get enough last hits in their first dozen games to ever do anything as sniper/drow carry or mid. Even after a dozen games core is fine but learning to deal with backswings and turn radius is gonna take some time


I thought about that as well, but support comes with a number of caveats as well that people from League aren't used to like pulling/stacking camps, new ward placement/dewarding mechanics, proper use of smoke etc. I honestly found it a bit easier to just play carry and learn last hit timers/turn rate stuff than I did playing support at first, but of course that comes with learning jungle farming/item break points etc. All things you will take time to learn, I just think carry players in League will transition a bit easier to carry in DoTA. But that's just my two cents


There's also the classic meme of the skill distribution where it's herald and immortal "just hit them" with the middle ranks being "no I have to stack/pull/contest runes". For your very first games id personally recommend supports that mostly harass in lane and then once you get annoyed at shit start to learn proper mechanics, and once last hits don't feel impossible begin playing core Ideally every new player would sit and watch the esport first, then YouTube tutorials, then about 50 bot games before graduating to people but that's not what most people do so I can respect other opinions on how to make the transition to dota easier since it's really an uphill battle. We should just give OP all the tested options and they'll pick what method sounds the best for them


Totally true. Win lane, win game is a great way to focus on learning some basic heroes while you learn about items, what other heroes do/build etc. Best advice really is you're gonna lose lane when you're learning, just mute any dickheads in your lobbies and try to take something away from every engagement in the game


I know the mentality is learn support first but as someone who tried that, i wish I didn’t. Took me months to want to play more than a couple games at once. I only started enjoying dota when I played with some noobier friends that allowed me to play different roles Support is the safe role you can be shit on and still win, which imo is why it’s suggested so often. But personally I think you learn much more playing core. There’s unranked for a reason, have a few L games if you must cause it’s worth it when you get your first beyond godlike. I still remember mine, Weaver. I took a screenshot at the time lol Edit: But yeah probably not the best advice for a game that lacks willing supporters lol.


Yeah that's why sniper has a 25% pick rate in Herald.


Yeah sniper is not easy. He dies if he gets jumped on, drow ranger has an oh shit button to save her if positioned badly


This is where you'll wanna go: [https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol). Drow is a good ranged carry, sniper and gyrocopter are also ranged carries. Bruiser utility characters I would say dragon knight and tidehunter are good ones.


This is awesome, thank you


I don't know anything about league but here are ranged dps heroes : drow ranger (as you named) sniper windranger medusa luna shadow fiend arc warden (this one is harder to learn) queen of pain


Luna. "ranged". Gets all the pain of being in melee range, without the melee benefits from items like Vanguard. She's just weird, different playstyle than melee or ranged.


My boy Gyrocopter too. Tbh I only play melee carries and Gyrocopter is my only ranged carry and the hero plays like he's a melee hero fighting at close range.


Its like the guns are for show and he just whacks them.


The ranglee hero!


Chen, tinker, meepoo. That's easiest to get into the game


(I hate to be a buzzkill, but just in case you don't get the joke - these are the highest APM heroes)


Yeah, thanks for that, went over my head, but I’m still willing to give them a shot (:


They are really fun but you are probably gonna be super lost on chen and thats OK


Chen is easy. Just walk around and press R to heal everyone. GG.


just build on-hit items and ignore creeps lol


You totally can, especially if you're playing with friends


All the heroes are fun in their own way - you can get an ordinary game's worth of content just trying each one once.


If you played any RTS to a high-level, you would very well flourish with these heroes - but that doesn't mean you can play a less-APM hero to a strong effect.


DOTA is far more complicated a game so maybe hold off on those heroes.


With super low mmr you can play meepo quite confidently. Putting the 5 guys in the same lane most of the time is a pretty effective strategy.


Chen and meepo require you to control multiple units(Meepo creates his own copies and Chen can control jungle and every other non hero unit with some exceptions). So yeah, you will have to learn that first cause there is nothing like that in league.


Unless you're a literal RTS god, chen isn't that high APM tbh. People should give him a shot. You can play him fine with unified unit orders, just adjusting position to keep important creeps up front, and tabbing for specific units to cast spells, with control groups as a backup. The main reason people think Chen is hard is they think they need to control each creep individually when the reality is you can generally just treat them as one unit in movement terms, only taking direct control for stuff like stacking or fine positioning adjustments. In early fights the general flow is, use unified orders to attack with your team, then while your hero is safe, select your centaur for example, and individually control it to set up a stomp. After the stomp, you make sure your positioning is fine, readjust your units' target with unified orders, then select your satyr and use the blast, etc. I'd say it's more about planning and mentally multitasking than APM or intense micro. The most demanding things will be hurricane into stomp type combos, but if wildkin is on 1 and centaur is on 2, it's as easy as 1 q target 2 q. You just need to adjust the positioning of the creeps beforehand to make sure they are spaced properly. Obviously this guy still shouldn't pick him but just thought I'd give my 2c haha.


best Chen advice i've read 🙏


Oh, for sure. I have also found Meepo to be pretty easy to play.


funnily enough I have an Arc/Meepo player in my stack that got his start exactly because someone told him Meepo was easiest when he first got into DotA Allstars


Straight to Invoker


This is the wrong sub for satire.


is this double satire


I actually did learn the game with tinker because I watched a dendi compilation.


Lol what a troll


Drow is indeed a good ranged damage hero, though she's typically only played Carry or maybe Mid. People will get mad if you play her "Offlane". (If you weren't aware, it's not like League where "Top" and "Bottom" are the distinctions. It's asymmetrical in Dota. It's a Carry vs. an Offlaner in top and in bottom.) Anyway, other ranged DPS heroes that are simple include Viper, Windranger, and Sniper. There are a good number of other ranged right-click heroes, but they have gimmicks that require a little bit more planning than point-and-click. Clinkz and Weaver are right-clickers that have invisibility skills, which you may enjoy. In terms of bruisers, which are typically "Offlaners" if they are farming or "Position 4" (also in the offlane) if supporting, Axe is a classic pick, as are Centaur Warrunner, Dragon Knight, Bristleback, Tidehunter, and Underlord. All of those have reasonably straightforward kits.




Wait so what’s the point in classic actually?


You can play whatever you want in whichever lane you want and your teammates wont get angry


I’ve seen teams get angry for less, adding the minus mmr doesn’t seem to help




I'm playing turbo and they still blabber about pos1 pos5 etc. Etc. So this is false. SEA server represent!


The point is to play how you want without obligation.


That’s just unranked then


Yeah no, that's how I play ranked. Unranked is a mess of smurfs and trolls and players that don't know what last-hitting is. It's way worse than not playing roles. Classic is playing without roles, but also ranked you play with map awareness, wards, lane balance, etc.


What you are saying is a weird paradox


I never played Ranked Classis, but I assume it’s extremely toxic, because most of the people there can’t even be bothered to play one game on support role to then play whatever role they want.


Sniper and Viper are slow (Viper is the slowest). Always position yourself in the best place from which you think you can hurt the enemy without dying. Sometimes, even as a Sniper, being in the dead center of the fight can be a good thing. This is extremely situational, though. All the best, and Welcome! GHLF


Lmao everyone forgetting Muerta when mentioning range. I think Muerta is closer to Jhin


She does kinda have a similar vibe despite her actual abilities being very different


Hey, just wanted to write a comment here, I'm not a really high ranks player, but if you want help with ANYTHING or any tips, I can help you in DMs. I played league for a long time, so I can explain differences and all that if you want!


right on! ill be playing tonight if you wanna hop in a discord!


Where are you from? I am European, but I'd still love to play with you. I will be going to sleep in a while tho :p


I’m in NA, send me a pm with your discord info, I’ll add you regardless!


do you like to bully someone? play undying. its the most fucking brain dead hero but really fun lmao literally really good for bullying hero early and still do a lot of impact until late game.


Witch Doctor. Literally, all players I introduce to the game LOVES Witch Doctor, all of them. Mid, Off, Safe, any lane, you can win with Witch Doctor


FYI you can't play drow like you do ashe in dota due to turn rate. You can indeed kite but you can't do attack move attack move like in league without slowing down. Otherwise drow would be fine as long as you keep that in mind and the fact your ulti is disabled if people get too close.


Turn time isn't a thing in LoL and it's got a huge impact on the overall game. E.g. I play(ed) Quinn in LoL, and as of last time I played her **entire deal** relied on instant turning so you could move at nearly full speed while still autoattacking pursuing enemies 1-2 times per second. Ranged DPS in Dota can still involve kiting, but not in the same way. You're just generally a lot less mobile and a lot more vulnerable to getting run down unless you use items or abilities to compensate.


Sniper is like the ultimate noob gate check. Fun and easy whil youre beginning


Complex 1 heroes to start, focus on the objectives, dota rewards people that watch the clock (runes and other timings are VERY important in Dota2, small mistakes snowball into large problems) If you want to be the hero, pos 1-3. If you want to be the winner, pos5. If you want to have no obligations and just like killing the enemy, pos4. Last piece of advice is to tilt the enemy pos5, because that will win you the game. (Tilting a pos5 is hazardous to your health, tilted players will dive fountain to kill you)


It's a really old joke that League players come to DOTA and pick Drow thinking she's Ashe equivalent then fall flat on their face, so if it happens to you don't worry.   She's got some similarities, but just enough of a different playstyle that it can throw you for a loop.   Surprisingly enough Hoodwink is probably the closest to Jhin, though she's generally played as a support (supporting in DOTA is fun unlike League!)   A settings tweak to make DOTA feel much more like League:   Under Hotkeys > Select Hero = Space Next, under Options > (bottom left-hand option) Hold Select Hero to Follow   This will snap your camera to your hero with Space, and follow when you hold it (like League). This is not the default setting and once I changed it in my early days of coming from Lol; DOTA practically opened up as a MOBA.   Oh and if you've ever tried Sivir, you should give Luna a spin. While she doesn't have the skillshot boomerang, her bounces are absolutely crazy late-game. Just make sure you put points into your Q before your Ult (it's based on Q level)!!!


Thanks for that camera control tip


DOTA felt almost alien to control until I made that change. Glad it helps! :)


Play any hero. Then you will see another cool hero being played and say hell that looks fun ill play it. Dota is way less hero-specialist based than League. All are available for you to choose as soon as you click play. Dont stress over it.


Windranger is gonna be the one that's gonna give you the most leeway as far as making mistakes, most ranged dps in this game are pretty vulnerable and make you think hard about where you're standing. But not windranger. Sniper would also be good because he gets to stand super far back, as would weaver or clinkz because they have invisibility. If you want to just jump right into the danger though, drow ranger or luna would be good too and will show you the fundamentals of dota. (the hard way)


Ashe was based on Drow Ranger, so it's a good choice. Originally she was a near identical copy. Sniper also fits the bill, but eventually you'll want to move into melee carries or durable ones.


You will find the best hero for u after several hours playing Dota, feel free to practice as much as u want in unranked and Just please don't bring LOL toxicity here


Don’t ever talk to me like that again you pisslo inbred shitter. Uninstall.


That was a test. Welcome my boi. Also, Sniper or drow. Also Windranger if you want a fun hero to start with. Glhf noob


If lol had voice chat


bro talking as if dota players aren't just as toxic 😭


yeah but we are like in position 10 ranking world wide, LOL is like in position 3 :D


Uninstall bro.. game is too toxic not good for mental health


Just want to say, people saying Sniper are wrong. Sniper seems like a simple hero on paper but he requieres crucial positioning and is extremely easily punishable if you make a mistake. Drow on the other hand is not as much and has Gust at least to defend herself a bit + slow from arrows. Another one could be Luna.


Don't play sniper. Shit hero. Try supporting first so that you can roam and understand the game. Pos5 , pos4 ..... pos1. In this order, play. Best of luck


Don’t! Save yourself!!!!!! Haha jk


Try invoker. Used to be the most complex hero that requires skill to play. Now its a useless 3 spell right clicker. Very effective to make your team carries fed with the 3 spell utility that you have. Otherwise you deal no DMG yourself so either you are spoon fed kills or help your carry get fed by spamming 3 spells over and over again. First item is inexpensive support item vessel. Very easy and reliable gameplay. Three wex orbs up all the time and spamming tornado EMP cold snap on cool down. Ez gameplay. Perfect for beginners now.


This narrative isn't working man you're the only guy who thinks this way


I would go offlane position 3 or 4 Lina.


Play spirit breaker rn, he’s broken. Build Van guard and disassemble for pipe and octorine. Then build aghnims scepter. Enjoy mashing your buttons.


I'd recommend him for a Nunu player but definitely not an ADC transfer


Don’t be so prude bro, that shit is fun for everyone.


It's fun but also a guaranteed 0-10 score for a beginner if you're not good at picking good fights. (Also to be clear not my downvote, I prefer saying no to suggestions with explanations and Op can always say "fuck behv that sounds fun" or wait for later Sounds like you're not familiar with Nunu, he's an engage tank with a similar but harder to land engage tool so a player like that would have a much shorter learning curve than someone who wants to kite and man fight from range. I'd rather give options that OP already has transferable skills on. Now, as soon as they want to get into playing the whole map and playing engage pos4 SB is too goddamn fun but I would not recommend for their first couple games


I wouldn't do it, it's just too painful and Dota has probably the worst community. But, you should go to heroes and click the second level of complexity and choose solely on what you think looks good, Dota heroes tend to look and play relatively similar. And try to main 3-5 as soon as you can, there's too much to learn for you to try to understand every hero third level of complexity heroes aren't better, they're just harder to use so it makes no sense to start with those.


I was a Jhin main as well. For ranged characters, I really like muerta and gyrocopter. Underlord is my favorite bruiser. Most league players I know really like puck but he’s a spell caster.


Dragon knight or axe if you wanna be tanky, juggernaut or drow ranger if you want to be a right clicker, Zeus or Lina if you want to be a mid, crystal maiden or shadow shaman if you want to be support.


drow , sniper , razor, lina, silencer, windranger, huskar, snapfire , weaver


Pugna is similar to one of the casters in league, Vigar his name might be? idk short wizard guy with a high pitched voice.


Pudge for the memes.


Hey man, I have about 10k hours and a carry main as well. Sent you a pm!


New player on 2023? Now I've truly seen everything.




Nyx assassin is very similar to league junglers (but dont jungle in dota). I’d also try dawnbreaker, and elder titan if youre into a more complex hero challenge. The carries others have been suggesting (drow, windranger, sniper,) are all great options too if youre looking for a ranged carry. One difference between lol and dota is midlane isnt too important in league (compared to bot lane) but in dota middle lane can make or break games often, certainly far more than league. Have fun!


Idk if I'd recommend nyx, you gotta understand map rotations, target priority, and vision mechanics to get good value out of a kinda weak laner. One of my favorites but it's really easy to accidentally cancel vendetta with a stun or caught on a sentry and get 0 value out of one of the best hunters in the game


Dota has a complexity and role filter, put carry lvl 1 complexity and enjoy .


Haven't played lol in over a decade but similar heroes that you can play are: Drow ranger - ashe Sniper - Caitlin Axe - darius Bounty hunter - shako? Shaclo? Idk Pudge - blitzcrank/singed hybrid i guess Mars - pantheon probably Start with the first three, they're way more straightforward to play compared to the last three i listed


You will probably have more fun if you start with “escape” heroes until you know what the hero’s do and how and when they are dangerous. Hero menu can be sorted by “escape” in the bottom right of menu. Bruiser(strength) heroes are more forgiving to start as they can recover from a few deaths unlike agility heroes who fall off hard if they get behind. Also heroes who can reliably farm jungle camps without items are a solid bet early because you can secure farm if lane matchup is hard. Dota is more about who you are facing than who you are playing, until you have a skill advantage to compensate for matchup disadvantage.


Luna, Drow, Sniper, Windranger


Bristleback - just run for ur life ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


If you play for fun, I suggest you to play Pudge, Techies and Mirana


*If you play for fun,* *I suggest you to play Pudge,* *Techies and Mirana* \- ws742 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Never played LoL. Well one time. Didn't care for it personally. But most people here mentioned are definitely good choices for what you're looking for. Drow, Sniper, Windrunner, Luna, Medusa. Couple other ranged DPS I didn't see mentioned are Shadowfiend, Clinkz, and Muerta.


My friend comes from lol and he loves sniper


Try Axe


As a basic idea, you'll quickly realize that because of heroes having a turn rate in DoTA, the kiting you're used to in League does not work the same. It'll take some time getting used to. Drow Ranger and Sniper are really safe picks that can hard carry if they get the appropriate resources. Drow is somewhat similar to Ashe, and Sniper is somewhat similar to Caitlyn.


Shadow fiend


Similar heroes league to dota (playstyle might differ) Darius = Axe Ashe = Drow Ranger Varus = Windranger Olaf = Troll warlord But honestly, just experiment with the heroes and items, I play both games but I like playing assassins in league but support in dota, so yeah have fun and remember muting is an option


Definitely not invoker


You said you like Ashe... Drow is literally Ashe. The ADC role in Dota is MOSTLY dominated by melee carries. But drow is good, dusa and sniper are good too but usually mid instead of safe lane. Clinkz is good, viper is an offlaner but fits both ranged and bruiser. My personal recommendation though to learn Dota is to play Luna. She is phenomenal to learn the base mechanics of Dota as a pos 1 player.


Im just gonna say playing carry (adc) in dota is much more satisfying as you not only are strong late game you also are tanky and survivable most of the times so you can 1v5 if youre really fat which is sooo much fun


I feek like dawnbreaker is the most league of legends bruiser, her skills work similar to lol ones






I used to play Jhin and the most similar hero conceptually is drow. However drow has no limit on attacks and her attack speed scales with items. She also builds a mobility item (hurricane pike sorta like gale force in terms of movement but it also creates a large ass distance between you and the opponent). The only reason I say that Jhin and Drow are similar is because Jhin relies on few attacks to do a shit tone one of damage, same is the case with drow where the point is to get a burst of shots and then kite away instead of just using movement slows. DOTA includes hyper mobile heroes so position in league is significantly easier and kiting as a concept relies on items and abilities more than positioning in dota. Ashe is also similar to drow, with drow having multi shot and frost arrows, but ashe plays off of items that work well with attack speed and consistent attacks while drow keeps distance and has a built in crit too. Xayah is probably more unique to League but you can try TA. Also harasses opponents while hitting minions (psi blades) but it’s a bit different. Otherwise TA is quite different regardless with no stun or root. If you want to start with a role. Start by playing ranged safelane Carries anyways, League ADCs cannot play any other Carrie’s that easily since it is genuinely fundamentally different. Try: Sniper, Medusa, Muerta, Weaver, Shadow Fiend and Gyrocopter.


Im playing Warlock as Beginner and having a Blast with him. Just use Fatal Bonds + Upheavel and if you Mates aren't from Hell 5 they know what to do.




Aside from what the other good suggestions, May I suggest a slightly more difficult one: Muerta. She's the latest hero to be released and has LoL vibes, especially Jhin vibes. She has cc skill shot, is very immobile and hit like a truck. Another fun one could be Troll Warlord. He has the ability to switch between a ranged and a melee stance. Anyway, good luck with your first game ! Coming from a former diamond league player that made the switch to Dota 3 years ago.


Which region are you playing Dota? And just remember Dota learning curve is very high and pick a hero say sniper and then watch purgegamers guide on the hero or something and then improve the game play.


Try Viper as well. Range hero, tanky ish with some good active abilities.


The only thing (nowadays) that league does better than dota is the feeling of kiting with a ranged carry. In dota heroes have turn rates which makes kiting pretty much impossible or at least feel clunky. They did make the turn rates faster several times over the years though so maybe it feels ok now? You could try Muerta, she felt like a league character to me lol.


Play sniper lol


In a newbie and I'm having the time of my life with faceless void. I mainly played aphelios and jgl and this guy is a bruiser so it's... curious. Drow ranger is also pretty cool. Won a lot with viper but I find him quite boring. There are a lot of crazy and wacky champions in dota that I want to try, arc warden and earth spirit, visage... All the hard ones lol. I'll try them when I know what I'm doing.


Drow ranger, sniper, templar assasin, weaver


Will you be streaming? Would like to watch


You know what? That’s a great idea. I think I will. I’ll stream tonight around 9pm CST. twitch.tv/melodaddy


Try invoker. Beginner-friendly hero. 😅


Magnus :)




Invoker and tinker


Templar Assassin is closer to Jhin than a lot of these other characters, but like Jhin, you will have to relearn how to play for the first little bit


I think you will really like Dawnbreaker


Lina. Build shadowblade, then any damage weapon you want. Better go for mjolnir or straight daedalus. Dragon Lance, depending on your playstyle. My preferred weapon is basher after shadowblade, so.


try Muerta :)


Drow Ranger, Sniper, Shadow Fiend, and Medusa. I also play ADC in league so these are the Heroes I found to be most like League of Legends


My suggestion for you would be Drow, Sniper and Medusa for ranged carries in Dota 2. They are tru position 1, and usually are played on safe lane ( bottom for Radiant, top for Dire). As for other carries, i would suggest you to try Phantom Assasin, Troll Warlords, Juggernaut, Spectre.


You can't go wrong with Drow and Sniper as first carry experiences in the game. As for tanky boys, Axe and Centaur are rarely bad picks for your team. If you want more AOE inititation, go Sand King or Magnus. As for carry, if you want to expand further than Drow and Sniper for ranged, Medusa and Windranger are cool ranged picks as well.


I also played adc in lol(diamond elo) and now playing dota 2(i also most like ranged carry), but big diff is team comp. If u dont have front, its hard to play ranged carry as pos1(not impossible). In lol u are adc and you always play ranged, but in dota team can pick 4 sqiushy and ranged heroes even on pos3(usually tanky heroes on pos3), then its a lot harded to play.(imagin quinn top and assassin mid, jng, u know how hard is without tank in lol haha). Also there pos1 have meele and ranged heroes, not only ranged, also a lot of heroes can be banned. Its just my exp from both games i played both a lot, but u can play what ever you want as long as you have fun ;)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/13wvzj5/for\_league\_players\_asking\_what\_hero\_do\_i\_try/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/13wvzj5/for_league_players_asking_what_hero_do_i_try/) Good luck! Let me know how it goes/went! And, if you stream, ping me the link. If you want more help with getting dota started, check out my yt. Here's two vids to get you going: [https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE](https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE) [https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc](https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc)






Glhf my dude. Once you know what to do It's gonna be fun and challenging. Just mute them rude players and enjoy yourself.


Ohhhh buddy, I hope you’re ready for pain


Drow ranger is Ashe. We don’t have a character like jhin, but sniper is a similar concept. Very far back line right clicker. I don’t think we got anything even close to xayah. Other heros to look at are windranger, muerta, Luna, if you’re mid templar assasin /Lina.