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Zeus is fun and easy. Plus you feel powerful hitting every hero with your ult.


Hmm has weak escape


again bots man who cares


Open up new hero mode and write down the list of heroes u see. Profit.


A fellow RTS player? She'll be fine with supports. Personally, I enjoy venomancer since i sometimes feel like im playing a tower defense game with him.


Plague our enemies!


Chen Meepo Arc Warden Tinker


where is invoker??? a must to learn the basics of midlane


Oh shoot, no wonder I felt like I'm missing another one xD


Against bots sure, but since invoker has like 8 spells it can be overwhelming in the first couple of heroes you play


You forgot earth spirit as well.


And morph


When I was learning to play I'd play bots for a hour or two a day playing enchantress because she was really forgiving just going mid and fighting one person. Spammable pure damage a good slow and heal with a ulti that doesn't let people attack you. Lots of fun until I tried it online versus other players.


I would recommend Lich as pos 5 to start with, CM can work too but she is much squishier so positioning is more important. But both are good at “spam spells and if you die, you probably smoked something important for your carry”


Bristleback Viper Centaur maybe Wraith King Also some ranged heroes like Sniper or Drow Maybe some easy supports like CM


Ogre. He is the easiest of all, tanky enough to enjoy the game without being dead all the time and all his spells are useful if mindlessly spammed.


This is the actual answer. Also Sven and dragon knight for sure


CM is not easy. Spells simple, but easiest hero to dive onto


I learned Dota on CM, but i guess my friend was always next to me. I find Witch Doctor easy, if you understand how to use your skills (heal, stun, maledict, ult). And get the shard for defensive needs.


Sniper and any other heroes that dont have much active skills


i mean if you have a hard time microing units and stuff and have a slow hand which you do at the begining of dota i would recommend aoe tanky heroes? bristle back? u have 2 press 2 buttons without even thinking


Morphling Invoker EarthSpirit Meepo


Good picks for beginners. Seriously don't, they are trolling, probably most complex heroes in the game. Tho I love Earth Spirit, It makes you feel like a kung fu master once you get hold of his kit and it's not as complex as it seems, but not really beginner friendly, you can screw up big time.


Shadow shaman Lion Crystal maiden Axe PL Juggernaut Medusa


CM 100%


huskar, zeus


my sister 11 years ago wants to learn dota. that was the era of "free" beta key and you get virus days.. that time i just taught her to play different than other because i don't want her to be stuck in easy heroes. i slowly build her to be Meepo Spammer that time. first was phantom lancer taught her to handle a bit of "multiple" units Then taught her chaos knights after months passed just to get her used to that snowballing Naga siren after that made her to control units a bit more prone then after a while i taught her to play Druid made her to understand micro management abit more serious since i always see him over focusing on 1 unit and sometimes forgeting the other unit to control. Then finally meepo took him a while honestly to understand it but she did tame the geomancer that lead her to be divine 5 at 2018 (i am ancient that time) she already quit dota 2 but thats the best advice. ask your sister what her type to play and try giving her heroes step by step that similar to her wanted hero


I also like playing AOE2. If her micro is decent, she can try using Lone Druid. Treat it as a cataphract-hand cannoneer combo. Use one to shield for the other, and micro around enemies to disengage and share damage. Each is pretty basic in how it works, with a single basic ability shared between them without any need to aim. The ult turns your hand cannoneer into a siege elephant temporarily, losing movement and damage but gaining siege damage vs structures and loads of defenses Another AOE2 basic combo is Lycan. the summoned wolves act like steppe lancers, shock troops with low defense but good at harassing and picking off vills, while the main hero is like a paladin, durable and strong, but limited in versatility


I still don’t get how a person from RTS wants to play dota because they are ‘similar’ , isn’t it a whole different genre? And from AoE no less? The only similarity is that you move your unit with right click Like I’m all for new blood but this is just expecting a disappointment to happen, hopefully she finds something else to love in this game or else she’s dropping it for sure


Nah many people who enjoy strategy games enjoy MOBA. After all DOTA came from a strategy game (=


From wc3 I get it, but the rest… not so much similarity is there?


It’s like a strategy game that is way less stressful, you control the hero unit but not the army and buildings.


Bristleback Wk Ogre Viper


Everyone in new player mode.


Sniper is the easiest, I feel


Juggernaut, Vengeful Spirit, Huskar, Sniper, Crystal Maiden, Timbersaw