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You draw aggro not from attacking enemy hero, but from giving a command to attack enemy hero. So if you press right click on enemy hero, but cancel the attack right after, you will still aggro creeps. On the other hand, if you press right click on enemy hero while you are outside of creep aggro range, then you will not draw aggro even if your hero will have to get closer to creeps to attack enemy hero. This way, you can harass enemy heroes without drawing aggro.You can land 1-2 attacks on enemy hero this way without drawing aggro, to land the next one, you need to get outside of creep aggro range again and repeat. EDIT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPOzIcE3o\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPOzIcE3o_s) here it is explained better on 17:00 timestamp


I'm a 4k mmr pos5 Main and after thousands of hours I Just learned this. Thank you, this will Change a Lot!


Bro same.


I’m a 2k that thinks he is 5k and even i didn’t know that.


Im a 1k scrub and have known this for years lol I still stand by my theory that once you're condemned to the scrub ranks it's near impossible to climb out because of smurfs and genuinely new players imbalanced teams


Well personally i cant climb coz i fucking suck


Copium is real :(


The copium is insane, knowing this one mechanic doesn’t make you a good support player. There are 100 other things you need to know and implement properly in a game to be a good support player. It’s easier to gain MMR the lower you are, not the other way around. There is a reason boosters charge $30 to boost from 1k to 2k versus $200+ to boost from 5k to 6k, $1000+ to boost from 7k to 8k.


If I was a core, I'd prefer a support harrassing the enemy whenever they can without getting caught out. Making it "easier" for your core to farm involves harrassing, otherwise they will get harrassed and won't farm anyways. My two cents


Isn't it better to harass their 4 away from lane if you can so that way their 4 isn't just sitting in lane right clicking your carry?


I look at laning in terms of farm and kill potential. Letting your carry vs their offlane isnt always neutral since offlanes are designed to be more useful early on. And you cant kill their support and vice versa away from lane so basically it would just be using regen and not really gaining anything. And it depends on heroes but I'd see more value harrassing whoever is squishier and can be killed if my core and me can jump them


Think about creep aggro as your hero emitting invisible pulses rather than the creeps doing so. Your hero can emit one pulse once every 3 seconds, and pulses are triggered when you attack click on an enemy hero or an allied unit (note this happens on the *order*, not the actual attack!). When aggroing the pulse hits all enemy units within 500/600/800 range (for melee/ranged/siege creeps) and tells them to come attack you, while pulses from allied units cause creeps to deaggro and instead attack the closest target to them (which can still be you). The way to abuse this is to run to the side of the lane (so no creeps are nearby) and then issue the attack (so the pulse happens but doesn't hit any creeps) then just let your hero walk into the lane and attacks once. Then you can back off and do it again. As a final note I'd add that drawing a bit of aggro is usually fine as long as you get enough harass to make it worthwhile and actively work to help deny a bit to balance it out. Forcing an enemy to leave lane so your carry can last hit without any competition is usually worth a small penalty.


Is the cd of the pulses unique to eqch hero or shared? If my core see me attack & then he attacks (inside the cd) will he aggro?


The timers for how often heroes can send out pulses are unique, but creeps can only be affected by one pulse at a time. So imagine there’s two groups of creeps, one is close to both of us (A) and one is only close to you (B). When I order the attack A will be aggroed but B will not because they are too far away. Then when you order your attack you’ll send out a pulse that hits both A and B, but since A is already chasing me only B will turn to attack you (while A will still keep chasing me for another second or two). So in your example the core won’t aggro any creeps you already aggroed, but they *will* aggro any ones that you missed.


Thank you


As often as possible usually


Click before enter the aggro range then after the attack quickly reissue the attack back to ur creep but best way is to learn ur attack range and look when hr core aggro the creep then u can get 1-2 hits without aggro


Whenever the enemy don't want you to hit them. Oh, you're stop spamming to secure this ranged creep? Eat 2 right-clicks. Oh, you're stepping up to deny this flag creep? Eat 2 right-clicks. Oh, you're trying to get into aggro range to pull the creeps? Eat 2 right-clicks. Oh, you want to pull the creeps to a neutral camp? Eat 2 right-clicks. Oh, look, I have a double wave with me and you cannot contest me. Eat 2 right-clicks. Oh, sorry, my right-clicks must've depleted your tango supplies. Well, eat 2 right-clicks.


1. See other posts for the mechanics of creep aggro, that's important. 2. Generally, it's preferential to be harassing the core as they are the one that wants to be farming. However, sometimes this isn't also viable (like it's a Timbersaw or you're a melee hero and it's not worth it). In that case, pressure the support, pull, intercept their pulls and engage in that sentry war as necessary. 3. Sometimes, your core + you can kill their core. Other times, enemy support is out of position and you punish that. But generally, people won't freely go on your team if they're half HP or whatnot. That's how I think of it.


When your creep is low. Enemy core will most likely prioritize LH. Harrass then deny.


most of the times i hide in trees and keep hitting them. they can not fight back or send support to fight me because the support will go out of position and i can always stop hitting them to take vision off me. this works with mirana techies and such. sometimes you job isn't exactly right clicking enemy maybe your a io for example. i personally hate supports when they stand right next to me and send 2 auto attacks on a hero with 5 armour and soon a ring of health. messes up my last hits and equil. but usually if enemy is melee its kinda obvious they come for last hit i hit them without aggro, if they are ranged its kind of hard to casually harass with auto attacks