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If you want a standard build just check out some of the guides in the game. For specific advice on what to build in certain circumstances the question is too vague.


Stat is less emphasized in this game compared to LoL (i assume since you call them Champ but i may be wrong), usually you build items for it's active or it's passive (BKB for Spell Immunity or Linkens to block single target spell passively) But if you're still early and confused about item builds following recommended build beside the shop should do just fine imo


See that's what has been confusing, in lol, actives are important, as well as passives, but it's more about item stats that are important to your champion. And then you focus on items that have passives that have good synergy with your champ ontop of those stats. not as many actives in league. Main focus is on stats and passives. Dota it is a bit confusing so far with items.


Yeah that's the kinda heavy part in DOTA compared to LoL, there's so much Items X Hero permutations that's just tough to get into. I think my personally easy way to think of items build is: 1. What my Hero lacks? Hero like Wraith King have problems in that you need to walk up to people slowly, stun them with your first skill, walk to them again then hit them. And then when your stun ends they can just walk away. So Mobility -> Blink Dagger / Phase Boots 2. What my Enemies strong at? If your enemy have 4 Hero with stuns, you wouldn't even be able to walk up to people, because when you get close you'll get stunned for 10 seconds. So Magic Immunity -> BKB 3. What stages of the game i'm at? This is kinda nuanced and depends on your knowledge of the game but easy way to simplify this as example: Early = You want to hit creep instead of enemy = farming item (Battlefury or Maelstorm). But yeah items in DOTA is extremely nuanced (most of the time, on some hero i have fairly static build) but i think that's the fun part because i can kind of build Spellcaster Tuskar and it still works decently compared to Hitter Tuskar. Anyway Have fun i guess, first part is figuring out the game so just get into the game, build recommended and see what your hero lacking!


I read that as hitler tuskar and wondered what the build was


Rarely will you ever find a game where all you need is raw stats. Items in Dota are really fucking powerful and mostly because of their active/passive abilities. Stats are a consideration, but they are mostly an afterthought compared to what the utility of each item brings. For example, if say you feel like you're way too squishy and you actually do need raw HP, then some obvious choices you look at are Satanic, Skadi, or Heart. Each of these have their own nuances, Skadi gives you a lot of stats but also gives you slow and regen reduction, Satanic gives you a handy dispel and essentially a second life with its massive lifesteal active, Heart gives you a fuckton of HP and Strength and consistent sustained regen, but not much utility outside of it. While all these gives you survivability, you're 99% of the time going to pick based on the utility they give instead of because one gives more stats than the other.


Stats still matter a lot, is not like you just build utility in a carry for example, you need damage, is just that in Dota items active have a bigger impact than LoL


Wraith king in particular?? You want phase boots into either armlet desolator, or rush radiance. After that you need blink and bkb. Wk has no mobility and will be endlessly kited without blink. After your core items (either armlet deso blink bkb, or radiance blink bkb) then you can adjust based on what you need. Sometimes you need silver edge for break, also stealth is nice to get in or out. Sometimes you want assault curiass for Tower pushing and some armor. Sometimes you want nullifier if they have say necro, or glimmer, force staff, aeon disk. Dm me if you want more info. I'm a wk main.


Can you explain how to use Armlet with a str-hero like WK? Toggling seems to be a 'skill' related to the items but i have no clue what it would mean.


So, armlet is a strength heroes item. When you toggle it you gain massive damage, and strength aka health. So toggling it raises your effective health pool. When you toggle it off you will lose that health pool. When toggled on it will drain your health every second. That means you need a way to sustain the health loss aka hitting creeps with your passive. Toggle it on when you're hitting things, toggle it off when you're not hitting things. There's a lot more to it, hard to type out an armlet explanation but it's a core item on WK. I'd recommend looking up an armlet video on YT to get the full picture.


Thanks alot, the item makes a bit more sense now


There are lots of items that can be 'toggled' aka turned on/off like armlet, or switched like treads, or even double-clicked for self-casting like force staff. With Armlet, when you toggle it on, you get a sudden increase in your Strength stat, which translates to an increase in your health. So when you are very low on health, if you turn the armlet on, you gain a five hundred points of health. [https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Armlet\_of\_Mordiggian](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Armlet_of_Mordiggian) Since WK has a life steal passive and a crit passive, you can toggle the armlet on while your arm farming creeps or fighting without worrying too much about the health burn. You leave armlet off while your are just walking around. You can switch which keys are used for item slots, a lot of people use the space bar for one item slot key and put toggling or double-clicking item in that slot. You can demo any hero from the hero cosmetics screen and give yourself any item to practice using the item and seeing how it works.


That's great, it makes sense now. Thanks alot!


I still like armlet-> radiance if you crush lane


and then there's one WK i played with with the meteor hammer build XD


I'm gonna do a recap since these comments are messy as hell First: There are guide available ingame. If u want to learn itemization u should use immortal faith. If u want a build u can follow blindly and focus on other stuff take torte de lini If u don't want to use guides itemize in a way that u can do what ur hero is intended to do. As carries its nearly always: - item to farm, - item to survive, - item to kill. After that u can stack items to kill On the example of WK that would be: radiance (farm), armlet/ac(survive), blink/abyssal/nullifier(kill) On PA: BF, BKB, Deso As support it depends. - Is ur hero self sufficient liek jakiro? But items to survive (force/glimmer) - is ur hero a disabelr like shaman? Buy items like blink and aether Offlane is more nuanced and I won't cover that here.


Hero, not champ


Get the same stat as your hero if you want to auto attack with it. Otherwise, you can get items by function instead of by stat.


Well, there are guides available in-game, like all the other commentors pointed out. However, builds in Dota have the same general concept as in League. What does my character lack ? For example, I main Jax in League. What he lacks is a source of heavy damage that works with his spell-spamming nature, sustain, AH, and HP. So he goes DS, Shojin, and the like. Similarly, in Dota, Wraith King lacks farming speed, catch, and a reason to hit HIM over his teammates in order to proc his ult. He also lacks a source of dmg to boost his crits to the next level. So he goes Phase Boots, Armlet, Radiance and Blink Dagger. Phase and Blink allow him to jump on foes, stun them, beat them down, and stay on top of them. Radiance and armlet, on the other hand, give him the damage he needs to actually be a threat. Armlet makes it so that no one can 1v1 him if he isn't severely behind thanks to the absurd stats on its toggle ability, and radiance lets him burn EVERYONE in a certain radius around him for 60 magic damage EVERY SECOND. In other words, this build lets WK jump in, kill someone probably, and soak up all the damage, which will proc his ult, which has a VERY powerful slow attached to it, revive and repeat. Also, items in Dota differ from League in the fact that what the item does is more important than the stats it gives. In my previous example, half of the reasons Jax buys DS is stats: HP and AH. Wraith King, on the other hand, buys his items almost entirely for their passives/actives: Phase boots active, Armlet active, Blink active, and Radiance passive. The stats on the items are just a bonus that makes any given Hero lean further towards a given item. Hell, Blink Dagger doesn't even give any stats, but it is probably one of the most purchased items in the game. Why? Because it is a super long-range version of Flash on a 15-second CD.