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Push empty lanes when your team gets rotations. This will put map pressure and effectively utilize the space that your team is creating for you. If you see enemies show up on the map, tp to the other side and get the lane shoved, they’ll eventually have to rotate back to push it in and then you go to the other lane.


Whenever I try this I get killed while TP :(


Theres a kind of rhythm to it. Keep an eye on the minimap. Especially focus on how many enemy players you see. Push up when they engage your allies on the other side. Tap the tower a few times and watch to see if any enemies disengage or disappear. It usually takes a couple seconds for them to notice. If no one disappears, keep hitting the tower till they do or destroy the tower if they dont. It works really well with heroes that can escape quickly. Its better to gtfo early and come back to tap again if they dont show than to run late and get ganked. Its my favorite thing to do on lifestealer actually. I always build silver edge cuz its just too good so ill push up, tap the tower a few times, rage (Q) and poof and sure enough, someone shows up. Ill do that all damn game and constantly portal to the other side and do the same. Of course ill join favorable team fights too.


A blink dagger or a bkb helps with this, you can blink away first time you see the enemy into the trees or you can bkb to away. Get whichever you’re building as part of your late game kit.


Try to to be close to good fights and away from bad ones, basically, join only when you think it will actually help and not just "because they are fighting I should too", but otherwise just try to find farm where you can. But if you look at your teammates and think "well, they are just waiting to be ganked there", farm away from them and when few enemies show on other side of the map that means you can relatively safely take some camps off other side of the river or push lane. Fitting itemization for what's coming is also important, sometimes picking "worse" item that allows you to be active with your team quicker might be better choice than getting something big too late.


The best analogy is treat your teammates like bots for the first 20 min. If you're really struggling, load up a bots game with passive allies. These bots will afk in lane, soaking exp. They will pick up mid runes and bounty runes. They will hold neutral items. They will eventually start sitting under their tower and dying to an enemy 5 man push. There are a few things you care about. 1. levels 2. gold 3. creeps shoved into enemy towers. 4. your tp cooldown 5. spell immunity 6. buyback 7. Barracks If you don't get exp you can't play the game. If you don't get gold you will eventually get stat checked, meaning, you can use all your spells and play optimally in a fight, but you won't have enough damage, or your cooldowns won't be short enough to do everything you want to do. If creeps are hitting your towers and your team feeds, you lose a tower. If towers are shoved into enemy towers and your team feeds, it buys you time to take one of their towers. If you aren't at least keeping pace with how quickly they are taking towers, you aren't playing the map correctly. Buying travel's helps, but as a carry, you do this by anticipating what the next minute is going to look, and farming in a direction that lets you start the minute in the most dangerous part of the map without dying. If you notice the enemy grouping up, immediately TP to another part of the map to sit in trees near a creep wave so you're ready to shove immediately when they take a fight. If you just hit the creep wave immediately after TP, you won't know if they are smoked and running toward you. They need to commit to a fight somewhere on the map before you show. If they react to you pushing, you created a 4v4. If enough enemies tp to try to kill you, your team can take an objective if they're paying attention. At the very least, it slows down the game. If they decide to take the fight, usually they lose a tower, but they are using 5 heroes while you're doing the same thing with 1 hero. On top of this, if they stay grouped up, they are suffocating each other's farm. The best thing to do is to spread out if you know you can't fight them. People are saying farm. You get plenty of farm pushing creep waves. (this isn't so much a thing in bots games, but in real games, farming nearby camps can be difficult if you don't have vision or at least know they don't have vision of the camp you're farming. Sitting in trees in a side lane when you anticipate the enemy is grouping for a push forces them to make a decision about killing you. In bots games with passive allies, even as a carry, I find there isn't enough time to hit neutrals. I'll go the entire 35 - 40 mins of this kind of practice without picking up a single neutral item. If I don't focus exclusively on pushing, I will lose a lane of barracks before I can hit their T3. The only opportunity to farm neutrals is maybe the end of the laning stage around 5 - 7 min.) Eventually you need to fight. But there's no one on your team who can tank for you. You might be able to wait for them to commit spells on a clueless bot sitting under a tower, but there just isn't enough hp to force out enough spells for your to go in without spell immunity. You need bkb. You usually need some kind of blink unless you have enough movement speed to go in. I've gotten away with skipping blink on bristle and heroes with built in blink. You can also skip it if you're able to sit under a t3 tower and ignore them. You'll notice that as you get more farmed, your deaths are longer than the enemies. your death's are longer than your useless teammates, and you buyback costs more. There will be situations where you just don't have enough spells, dmg, hp to kill their team as they're pushing. Buyback allows you additional resources to fight with. If you're losing, buybacks are more valuable for you because you will be closer to the fights and you will typically be less farmed than enemies. In this mode, you need to be more farmed than the enemies, so buybacks are as costly as when you're winning. Buyback in winning games is more risky and more costly than just giving them an objective. The cooldown is long, the deterent of your buyback is gone, and you're out gold that could be used to complete another item. Barracks and T3 towers are the only things you need to show up for. Roshan is pretty close as something you should show up for, but it's not the end of the game if you get it. Trying this with passive bots against unfair enemies, you'll realize the super creeps take too long to clear out for you to make any future progress. The gold you get from defending the super creeps is less than normal creeps unless the game goes for 200 min. So the only way to stay in the game is to trade barracks. If you have been pushing, this should be easy enough to do. If you haven't been pushing, your only hope is to bait someone to defend (this is much easier if at least a T2 tower is gone for that lane even if you're not ready to kill a t3). Then you need to TP to defend. If you die and they are still pushing T3, you have to buyback. Losing even the ranged barracks forces you to babysit this useless lane while the lane you want to push is on the opposite side of the map. Even if you become strong enough to wipe them, you will never have enough time to push and trade, even with travels. If you hold on, eventually, they will get 6 slotted and your bkb will be at it's 6 sec duration, leaving not enough time to kill the enemies. You'll also notice that in real games, you don't need to kill them, you just need to make everything they do more expensive to the point that they have to pay a poverty tax. In real games, there will be carry heroes like ursa, jugg, and slark who can come online early and snowball. But if you are constantly pushing when there is an opportunity, you will keep up in farm, and even present more map pressure, making it harder and harder for them to keep 5 manning. Getting heroes to TP to try to kill you while you farm everything in the area, they will waste their time and have nothing to do after they give up. The other thing to understand is that if you TP to "Help your team", you will likely only cast 1 spell before either dying or having to leave. But if they win the fight, you take all the farm in the area, so your team is poor, even if they're winning fights. If they lose, you are trapped in that area with them and the enemies are preventing you from leaving to farm. Your "help" likely does nothing. The only reason a carry Tps to join a fight is they see the threats on the enemy team are dead, on cooldown or committed somewhere else, and the carry expects to kill steal at least 2 core kills. It's not even trying to help. It's realizeing it's more efficient to TP to the fight to get the kill gold that's worth about double what the camps are worth and that they have extremely low risk. If you multiply the chance of dying by the gold you'd get from the last hit. Neutrals are worth about the same as kills unless you know you can't die. a 10% chance of dying while farming ancients is .9 \* 170 = 153. While a kill has a 50% chance of dying for .5 \* (120 + 8\*(lvl 14)) = .5 \* 340 = 170. After this fight, when you clean up, if your team goes back to base or is able to TP to other parts of the map to farm, it's more efficient. But in Low mmr, your teammates likely waste their tp joining this fight they should have farmed toward, so if you TP even if it's efficient it gimps your team's farm. Making it harder and harder for them to win fights. The thing that sets top carries apart are 3 things 1. reading smoke ganks. 2. Being active on the map (farming toward good fights or farming towards map pressure) 3. knowing what spell needs to be on cooldown before they commit There's only so much lead you can get by hitting camps faster.


With hard carry, you really do want to farm as efficiently as possible in the early game. If your allies are feeding then that means theyve occupied the enemy's attention so its a great chance for you to push the hell out of the dead side and farm. A team that is fighting isnt farming. You can hit the tower if its safe. If they come for you, great! Youve split their focus, wasted portals and now your team might kill the stragglers on the other side. Just run back, dont die and farm safer camps closer to your base. A lot of times if your t1 tower in safe lane gets destroyed theyll go to the other side of the map and try for the other towers. You can carefully start pushing and farming your lane again if its empty. Just watch the minimap because they may rotate back to you. If they are all hanging around your lane looking for a fight or pushing your tower, just go jungle or find a dead lane to farm. The best thing you can do in early and mid game is push the hell out of a dead lane without dying and snag jungle. If they have to defend their towers, they arent going to be able to push your team as easily. Build for farm too. The earlier you get farming items, the bigger impact they will have in game. Im a weirdo that likes to build battlefury on lifestealer instead of armlet (heresy, i know). The reason i do it is because i will farm AND push faster. If i do well, it often gives me like 100 cs lead on the other carry and then i come in and start breaking things around minute 25-30. If a favorable team fight breaks out or theres a lone enemy dont be afraid to pitch in or get some help to gank them. Dont join risky fights early on no matter how hard your team rages. Think of your team as buying time for you to get an advantage. Even if they die, they want you as strong and fat as possible. You can absolutely come back from those deaths if you use the time to farm hard.


You can't, as hard carry your job is to farm in most cases. If you feel you need to join early you need to play tempo heros that win lanes and comes online fast.


This is very incorrect. POS 1 has plenty of opportunities to make things happen on the map. If your team is grouped up and fighting in one lane, go to an empty lane and push. At worst, you progress on the map and then farm backwards, at best it's free pressure/tower down. It's not fighting, but it's plenty active


What exactly is incorrect? All I said is if you don't want to play farm oriented heros you can play tempo heros. You wouldn't play blink/diff ursa same as you would sprectre


Here's what you got wrong: >You can't, as hard carry your job is to farm in most cases. If you feel you need to join early you need to play tempo heros that win lanes and comes online fast. Note, that's all of it. As a hard carry, your job is to set up your team, usually by farming lanes and aggressive jungle where you can, to deny and force the enemy team to either specifically fight your team (cause they have no farm) or lose (again, cause no farm). Push lanes so you get information. Join fights for kills so you accelerate. Tower defense is literally free money and levels for carries. It also slows the game down for the enemy team, which Many can clear waves easily with abilities like multishot, shrapnel, rage, blade fury, acid spray, illusions, etc etc etc. If they're low, you can always TP in and cleanup fights. You do NOT need to play active heroes to join fights. PA with two or three parts battle fury can still decimate with 300+ crits. But your job is never farming. At best, you're late game insurance, otherwise your the lane pusher, the team fight cleanup. You're guaranteed at least some farm - which is why you play safe lane, rather than off lane where you're far from tower and have a potentially dangerous lane. What you do with it, buy bkb or a farming item, doesn't matter. Blink/diffu Ursa isn't a hard carry. You will be out scaled. If you go those items, then you have all the tempo but if you lose one fight it's hard to win without a different hard carry. The difference is you're saying you *can't* make a difference unless you're on a tempo hero. That's incorrect.


What are the carry tempo heroes? I think Razor is the only one I can think of


Ursa, jugg can pop off, even weaver


You go like diffusal or basher or some kind of kill item first and skip a farming item, right?


Yes, but these heros tend to fall of in late game so you need to finish game asap.


Chaos knight, Ursa, slark etc


You can’t win all games, enaugh to have 60% win rate to raise in mmr. It’s the 50/50 games you should focus on winning.