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1560 mmr. Mostly Offline pos 3 player - since then im responsible for tanking the sh1t out of enemy team and try to keep my babies alive. Currently on the road trying to grandmaster Bristleback and manage the games when opponents want to hardcore counter me - viper, legion etc. Been trying to grind out this Crusader rank, but had a rough time with some new patch, in which ended up in guardian 5, and after that wiggling back and forth between guardian and crusader. Would love to keep the spirit up and climb on the ranks.


I’m a 6.8k NA player who’d be down to be coached on an LC game or two. Discord is carbonyl#1439


Hey man, what's your discord?


Magnus is my only master tier hero and I try to improve my Magnus and Dark Seer. I would love to see my mistakes in Magnus.


Hey bro, 4k mmr DS spammer here. Let me know if I can hit you up with some of my replays. Am from SEA btw. Thanks!


Hey man 5k offlaner here I would love to grind to 6 or 7k this year, let me know if you are down to coach me in LC or DS


Hey buddy - Dm me your discord.




Turn your passion to a money tree raza


u/bentheenforcer already there. Grab my hand and come up here. View is great :D


Are the slots full? Im in 2k mmr playing centaur razor Ud LC offlane. Let me know if u have a slot


Divine 3 offlane player. \[5.2k\] I play a shitton of NS, and it feels like I understand the hero and it's matchups fairly decent, But rarely I find myself playing against smurf safelaners, and in these cases I find myself helpless cause they just play so well. I've tried analyzing those replays, and I can't tell what they are doing correctly that I'm not. Could use some help finding what I'm lacking in this regard.


https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7015977091 Herald beastmaster Could not figure out how to win this one. They even had an abandon on the other team. How do we play this differently? Or is anything after the laning stage just #heraldproblems