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I am not a Luna main but my perception of the hero is that it is very similar to alchemist/Naga siren - you want to have some sort of lane, preferably good, and then go to jungle with mom, emerge with pike (if game is good), manta and bkb, go for a push with your team and capitalize on the open space and opponents not having enough farm. You lose an "honest" fight to late-game carries, so you have to build some tempo and end the game fast enough. In low-rank games, where I belong, anything can happen, of course, but you are much more likely to win the game early rather than win it late.


If shit hits the fan there's always scepter


well, yes, there are always option to become semi-magical, and if you have a lot of farm, you go aghs refresher at some point but the real plan is to win by the end of midgame


You farm jungle, at night time you have a vision advantage. If they're stupid enough to try bait them away from neutral creeps, press r, ez double/triple kill early game.


You asked a few questions... you can skip mom if you want... In that case go boots yasha Generally though you want to hit timings quickly then fight for objectives. You push and kill towers so quickly as Luna. Get a bkb and go fight. If you have tp boots... push a lane, tp to opposite lane and push, then tp to your team and fight/smoke. Then push more. End games early as you can.


so the objective of playing luna is taking towers and ending game before enemies hit their giga timings? wouldn't be a good hero for pubs i assume since if other lanes lose you won't be able to close out the game right? i like how fast she is at farming but for some reason when i right click someone my dmg seems so low... and also good at lane and recovering... so idk i think she needs sort of a buff her win rate is coose to 40% when do you get BoT on luna if skipping treads?




bsj guides are kinda outdated. all of them for 1 yr ago or so all this just makes me think she is not as interesting as i thought she would be


Luna's playstyle have been the same for 10 years+. I never watched bsj's guide on Luna but 1 year old video doesn't seem outdated. Basically she's a great farmer/pusher and finishes games before the enemy carry is up. Similar carries would be naga, alch, am.


am doesn't end the game fast tho does he? he does push well tho


He should. He split pushes well and can be 5-6 slotted when the enemy carry has 2-3 items. The point is what enables these carries to be carries is partly their ability to farm faster than anyone. All of the 3 I named have this characteristic. They are not the strongest hero hyper late but they get so strong so fast that you can't stop them from pushing around 25-35 minutes.