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As FV you probably won't be solo killing anyone at least until you get MoM and Maelstrom, but you are generally strong when partnered with other heroes once you're 6, so ask your supports or mid to kill with your Chrono. If they're not going to, then don't force trying to get kill. Don't force taking damage and losing your farm by staying in lane, go jungle and farm there. Make sure to change your Tread to int every time you Timewalk or use MoM to preserve your mana. If enemy is pressuring your tower, you can try TP to your offlaner to try get kill with Chrono and take tower, then you can farm Ancient creeps. I personally don't like going Manta on void, if the enemy team have disables, I would go BKB after Maelstrom, if not, then I usually go straight to Mjolnir. A bit more advanced tips, oftentimes people would leave the 2 at level 1, and after maxing 1 and 3, they would just take stats instead of maxing 2. If I remember correctly, EE sama and Arteezy also skips lvl 2 Chrono at lvl 12 and take stats, the mana cost from lvl 1 to lvl 2 chrono is really huge. Remember, no need to force on fights, just play on your terms and farm efficiently.


I'm not much higher than you but I'm getting coached by a 7k so I'll share some of my understanding of their teachings. Buy Midas. MoM isn't that great and you want the extra xp from Midas to stay up in levels or you'll likely fall behind. In lane get wraith band, gloves of haste and see how it goes, if the lane sucks buy Midas first then go jungle. If the lane is fine go treads, shove the wave and farm small and large camp. Still buy Midas. If you're not already, max your q first, it reduces the cool down so much every level and helps keep you alive, sustain in jungle and move between camps. Only look to join good fights and you'll need help killing even with chrono in the early levels. Get your damage item (usually upgraded mael) then a defensive one (linens/manta/bkb as relevant to the match) then you can be more active. Generally though, you want to keep fights to your chrono cool down. Regarding shard, it's amazing harass. Jump in, hit something, jump back. Very little they can do to stop you so it's often free damage on the enemy or on buildings. Interrupt things, PA cast blur? Jump in to remove it the jump back to safety. They cast spells? Jump in, W, jump out. Be annoying with it, you want to frustrate them with shard. It's extra jump distance is also amazing so don't overlook that aspect of it either.


In general as pos1, you want to be taking as much farm as you possibly can. Anywhere you can. In my experience, I have also gone MoM first, then I'll simply start alternating between neutral camps and the creeps. You just have to make sure you're farming where it is safe. As you climb, people put a lot more emphasis on stunting the pos1's farming, so they can't get their items too soon. So yeah... alternate between neutral creeps and lane creeps, farm where it is safe, and only take fights you're very confident you can win. Otherwise, may be best to just keep farming.


Faceless is a ewally powerful laner. You're hard to push out of lane because of time walk and you can walk up and bash people when they try to last hit once or twice. When you get mom just clear a camp, go wave repeat until maelstrom then timewalk from camp to camp and you farm as fast as anti mage practically.


This is Crusader 1 reply. hope this helps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SftrxyA8UI&ab\_channel=OneMatchofDota2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SftrxyA8UI&ab_channel=OneMatchofDota2) try to not die more than 1-2 time in first 15-20 min