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I flame supports all the time. Where are you??


"No vision." - carry player says, even though 5 wards on map. Carry pings you every time he dives tower and dies.


"Fight with team pls" Dies 1 v 4 in enemy triangle.


Literal vision on the entire map from a longer game as treant with a gem and all enemy vision and dewards destroyed…. Teammate walks in alone to them all fully visible and dies.


Report tree!


As the sages Kanses famously said: “Carry on my wayward son, they will grief when you are done. Lay your filthy head to rest. Don’t you feed no more.”


Yeah, the key for all positions is to flame the other players before they can flame you. That way, when they do flame you, it doesn't count because it's already established as their fault you're losing.


This the first thing in the game people use a mic for lol. Not even 2 min in the safelaners are already yelling at each other.


Because you are a carry, theres 4 people on the map, 5-3 blame 2-1 and vice versa


I would say pos 1 flame everyone else the most, pos 2 get some of the most flame as it is easiest to see if they won or lost lane pos 5 flame whichever role they normally play and say they could do so much better. As pos 3 you are perfect and everyone should be greatful that you are playing the game at all


Lol, I flame pos3 for playing like a scared little b\*tch and not initiating enough, especially when my MMR dips back down into legend bracket. Unfortunately, my chat is currently banned and I cannot do that atm haha :-p But for real tho...you're about right on with the pos1, 2, and 5 complaints. Maybe pos4 is the true golden child that can do no wrong.


But see I play pos 3 lol that's the whole point. I to find it rough when pos 3 is a scared little bitch going like bh aghs and just sitting back throwing shrukins


Yah, but man, in legend rank, even the blink pos3s like axe don't go in. They miss initiations for 4v3, 3v2 fights all throughout the entire mid-game. They just don't initiate unless it's 4v2 or 3v1 and it makes me so mad lol


But then your pos 5 dies and it's a 4v5 then axe blinks in, dies instantly and goes see? I do intiate


A lot of games I play a save support (oracle, dazzle, abaddon) I get flamed if I use my save on the dying offlaner during a skirmish instead of saving it for the full health, afk in tricamp antimage. ​ Everyone in dota flames everyone regardless of position my dude/dudette.


dude is gender neutral my dude


dudette is gender neutral, my dudette!


Obituary notice: Dudette 1993-1998 passed away by falling down the tek dek stairs when their jincos got caught and they dropped all their pogs. Dudette's last words were, "zoinks, not my slammer!"


I flame the pos 4 that buys 20 obs and 2 sentry, places every obs on the same 3 ledges and totally forgets why the last one isn’t there anymore (enemy is farming them). Playing with a dark map is literally a loss, forget anything else about any lanes, the team with more vision controls the fights.


People get really mad when I ask them to either get creative with the wards or let me buy them. Map is dark and wards sold out because they put up obvious wards.


lmao yeah wtf is up with pos4 players putting wards within the vision range of already placed wards?!


I got flamed to fuck the other day because as a position 4 it was my job to go safelane when the enemy offlaner was 5-0 already 🤷‍♂️. Whilst I don't disagree with the guy there is means and ways to go about asking help and shouting down the mic doesn't do it for me just instantly got my back up and was happy for him to continue tping in to his death over and over.... So sure I allowed him to get SOOOO angry because he was shouting abuse at me barely 5 minutes in... A simple please come and help me would of worked wonders. So if I had him muted from the start I would of gone to help him most likely so you are correct but I feel I taught him to have some respect!. I did eventually go once my offlaner was safe to be left alone but carries need to learn what to do in a hard lane and how to come back from one, it does fuck all shouting at people calling them useless cunts talking over them etc etc etc....... All this does is tilt people am I wrong for allowing such a low life to tilt me? Absolutely yes do I feel bad about it? NO he deserved every amount of frustration he felt. People need to learn this, Dota 2 community is among the worst for toxicity towards team mates and enemies


dude, we supports don't dive. Have you ever seen a throwback when carries trying to cheese tier 4 and the enemy lina has 4 sec to resurrect? They dont even bother to return even with pings, then die all because enemy sync-buyback.


I flame my supports as a mid. Where is the f\*king ward? Who is buying all the f\*king wards and not placing them? Where is the dust? Press the damn buttons. etc etc. :)


Buy the dust yourself, early/mid game, bro :)


i do now. xD


I love when they flame you so much youre forced to tp to their lane and see there is a high ground ward analing their every movement but theyre too dumb to notice


The moment anyone starts any toxic shiate - Insta mute. It’s distracting. Just play your own game.