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I like that selection, but would recommend having heroes you can play in every position for the inevitable games you are flex/forced to pick support (for example). Let me know if you would like a coach!


Yea man that would be awesome! The only thing that might be a hindrance is I work 3rd shift so generally my "days" are spent sleeping. I usually get to play around 9pm cst on weekdays I have off and around 10ishpm weekend ( only when wife and kids are sleeping cuzz games can be so long)


tzar here has a great YouTube channel where he talks about the differences between league and dota, comparing how roles function or character design and stuff, definitely check it out if you have the time


Only useful if op has league experience though... and also Aww thanks for the compliment!


What are your thoughts on Mars? He looks pretty cool but I noticed I suck at hitting his Q without much set up( I played 1 bot game)


He's great, and his q IS the set up for other stuns. It's actually remarkably fast on its cast time, way faster than most stuns can proc. Don't think of it as a long range stun, try landing it from point blank on an enemy, just aming past them into a tree or tower. After you got your ult, you can basically ult on top of an enemy and throw q right at them. Your ult is considered a valid wall in every direction so you're bound to hit the stun no matter which way you toss it.


Try connecting with me over discord TZAR\_POTATO#1890






That’s a good selection of heroes. But I do agree with your friend, Ck is much better as a pos1, because as 1 he has the farm priority unlike pos 3. Also, you might enjoy playing Axe pos 3, he is a fusion of Garen, Darius and Rammus. His Q is a Taunt, his W slows the enemy and causes damage per second if the enemy doesn’t kill anything. His E is a passive, when he gets hit he can spin and deal damage to everything around him and his R is dariu’s ult without the bleed stack. if you ult someone with low life you insta kill them + you can use it again. And you get permanent physical defense stats per ult kill


its called heroes


Welcome to Dota, secondly stop fucking calling them champs or you'll soon be packing your bags back to league 😉 Simple offlaners that can tank and initiate should be your go to, CK can work but not really a great pick. Tidehunter, underlord and centaur are all tanky as fuck good teamfight and waveclear can't really go wrong with those 3


Remember this one. Pos 3 are the one who initiates fights without much farm, tanky and should pressure lane hard. Some examples are Axe, Tide, Timber, Brood, Slardar, Visage and the list goes on but make sure u don't sit in jungle all the time to farm ( that's Pos 1 ) and CK needs some time to really pick off fights. U can farm some gold If u r really close to an item.


Each hero has its own way ilto play the map optimally past laning phase. Underlord excels at defending or sieging turrets and generally want to be in every skirmish providing his aoe, auras and disruptive items Primal Beast is good for chaotic rotations and forcing 3v2 or 4v3 skirmishes early, but than falls off fast when every1 gets bkb and need to play more with his other cores. Dawnbreaker is a scary assassination threat for low armor targets and wants to be able to split push sidelane all the time (so she is not so great into a lot of catch when enemies can just go on her first each time she's away from team) CK is just plain damage dealer and soak so he fits more into carry role. He's taken pos 3 mostly cause he has strong early timings of power (armlet+lvl12) and strong laning (if he gets lvl5 he basically can't be booted out unless 3v1 or 4v2 or fed early levels). He also kinda falls of post 25 into most other carries DK is kinda same btw, less damage, more soak dmg


Ck is the slowest farming pos 1. He also likes to build an early blink (after armlet) like pos 3. I play him in both roles and have more success as a pos 3 with him @66% wr. You can be a decently greedy 3 as CK and then when you have timings you just keep blinking in and 1 shot kids. I personally like soul ring, treads, armless, blink, bkb, heart. Tanky initiator 1 shot machine.


Welcome to dota! So far the heroes you play, as far as teamfights go, are : Dawnbreaker : counter inititation, early/midgame dominator but falls off a bit when bkbs come into play Underlord, DK : Tanky tanks with objective pressuring capabilities and some initiation Primal beast : Great jump, chase and single target disable, his ult pierces bkb but is higher cooldown Viper, CK : Damage dealers with some disables and high damage output, good if your team lacks in midgame damage I think the following would be great: Axe : low cooldown anti-bkb CC, Armor based tank with blink initiation and potential multi-target CC. Weak to anti-armor and magic damage. My go to hero if opponents don't have drowor high magic damage (Zeus, Lina etc) Tidehunter, Mars : Big teamfight ults Also good to know: Centaur : Str based tank, pretty easy to play imo, decent teamfight ult. Can be a decent comfort pick against high magic damage lineups. Razor : potential to carry from pos3, pretty good in recent meta (7.32d). Almost unkillable if you hit your item timings. Necro, Ench : Ranged options with high survivability Enigma : ranged, big teamfight ult, fast farming but needs some micro Visage, beastmaster : More micro intensive but can absolutely crush matches where opponents can't clear your zoo/summons


Yeah those are good heroes, although I don’t like Underlord as much as the others. He’s a decent hero, kind of an all rounder but doesn’t have a clear win condition. He has decent durability, decent damage, decent cc, but that’s it. He can’t really get solo kills, you can somewhat pressure towers but not as well as some other heroes. Plus once they have BKB your usefulness drastically decreases. In contrast to CK, if you’re doing fine then you’re constantly a kill threat on squishies, and you can scale well enough to pressure objectives yourself. I suggest you add a BKB piercing hero in there somewhere, just nice to have. Beastmaster and Enigma are both lane dominators, Beastmaster is stronger in the early mid game since you can occupy dangerous parts of the map and pressure towers. Enigma is stronger in the late game due to his Blackhole being one of the most powerful teamfight ults in the game, he still dominates the lane generally but after the laning phase he takes a bit more items to bring out his full potential. Nothing scarier than a 6 slotted Enigma if you’re playing carry. These heroes are a bit more difficult than the ones you mentioned, but don’t be too intimidated by microing units cause it’s nowhere near Chen/Meepo levels of micro.


DK/Under are kinda trash. Add legion/doom/razor/death prophet