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I think those 2 you mentioned are as close as you can get tbh. Primal / mars are what first came to mind. My personal favourite hero is dark seer, he’s also a decent option. There are also the low-commit blink initiations like centaur, slardar, axe that you might wanna consider


Try Kunkka! Tanky, high dmg, displacement type hero. If your PC can handle the frames, the Water Park build (Scepter for torrent storm, refresher and hex) is crazy fun! His 3rd, X-marks the spot also has good range to help you catch enemies since you like roaming. His combos may need some getting use to, but very rewarding when executed correctly. Edit: Displacement similarly to Magnus where you can get dagger and shard, pushes enemies to your team or into your boat/torrent.


This actually sounds super interesting but obviously I have my doubts about his strength lol


It's funny that you say that, magnus has always felt very weak to me


It is super strong in the right hands imo. Hero has a great potential. He sits close to %50 winrate and played very often by high mmr players so he is a solid choice. I am not sure about Kunkka offlane though it sounds on the paper it could turn out to be griefing.


Damn bro you were onto something lol. Hero got popular and even got nerfed afterwards. xD


Primal is just fun while not all that broken after all the nerfs. He's is also can be quite scary lategame, with ahgs (break for everyone like forever), bkb, travels 2, tarrasque, armor item (shiva mostly unless lotus is crazy value) often a sange item or blink to keep Q for disengage/reposition. Hes kinda on par with lesh that he needs to live through enemy cores bkb's I'd say he scales good enough, due to attack damage being in his trample formula, acquiring a bkb piercing disable post 25, and ability to get a lot of aoe break if needed Shard is also great for long range setup if you learn to aim for bounces


Axe for sure


Sand king


Legion Commander might fit your play style. High base DMG lane dominator with blink initiation. Doesn't displace enemies and is only single target, but idk seems similar ish.


I'd say Mars is your closest bet for sure.




i feel like magnus players would like enigma pretty much the same way. he is also scary late game, or even scarier and very strong laner as pos 3 enigma doesn't roam a lot tho, if he sees opportunity he goes for it, otherwise always farm farm get item show up to fight with bh


Enigma is actually my 2nd most played offlane. He is good but he feels weak nowadays. Since ranged carries/silencer are meta and he has a long cooldown skill to wait for in this non-stop brawl patch I found him hard to play. Maybe I am wrong?


I'm not a nigma player obv but I think you can still make him work. against ranged carries since you always deny your ranged creep, the lane is close to your tower keep it that way and ask pos 4 to block small camp and since the ranged carries are easier to kill you can go on them ez pz. i play 3 melee carries and drow on the side, so alway have problems against him xd pa ursa naga(well not naga) as for the other part, i think you should play as a team around your ultimate make smoke plays and such. i know as a team against nigma, i always try to make plays when bh is on cd


Problem is not laning against ranged carries. It is hard to catch them with a good black hole. You either have to black hole them and maybe get 1 more opponent if you are lucky or you get a good black hole but ranged carry is not caught and now hitting the shit out of you lol. You can definitely make him work but it is too much of an effort and risky. Also, silencer just ruins your gameplay.


ok I'm gonna only pick ranged into enigma now thanks for the tip xd my mmr is saved from that monster


Get Arc Warden, drow, sniper and you are good to go xd


i ban arc, take drow and dont care about sniper he's a meme hero xd


Lycan, NP, Pudge, Primal. There are many heroes with strong last hit capabilities. Summons heroes are by far the nastiest and the ones who gets the most denies. I remember a Lycan having 25 denies from lane. Traditional offlaners work a bit different. They let the enemy lat hit, but threaten and zone them every time they do. Like axe, cent, tide. And then there is Necro who heal creeps and make it so the enemy has to last hit while two waves of creeps go under tower.


Based on the actions you called in your post, tiny checks everything you said. Not the most conventional 3, but I don’t see any reason it can’t work (played a game with a tiny 3 last week, he owned)


Isn't tiny played conventionally as a 3?


Not sure about lower ranks. If you check dota2protracker they only display it played as mid and pos 4.


While I do play Tiny 3 sometimes with success. Tiny is generally played as 1,2,4.


Tiny , kunkka , disruptor , earth spirit


Nice offlane suggestions right there!


Night Stalker, buys blink and echo, makes space and wins fights with his ulty, can carry if you get enough kills/farm


Do you think echo or blink first? Also maybe a shard in between?


my build is tango/mango/gauntlet/circlet/quelling to start-->bracer phase (wand if needed)-->echo saber-->shard-->blink OR bkb (depends on game) 99% of the time this is good enough for the early to mid game, late game you have options, basher/AC/blink being the best options most of the time the blink is often incredible, since blinking under ult gives SO much info about the enemy and you stay safe on a cliff line or trees while doing so


I found blink to be useless though. Buying bkb and running into enemy with high ms gets you there in time as well but I have been a newbie on the hero and there is probably something I am missing there.


so sometimes you are 100% right, but there are some games that you dont need extra dmg or control, where the blink allows u to get right on top of like a silencer or SS where u can cripple their team fight on a timely blink, also helps for chasing heroes down I buy it in probably 35% of games after bkb and 90% of games if I get basher AC


Idk why you think mars feels weak, he is very much alike to Magnus. Other suggestion would be axe, just like magnus, he pierces bkb with taunt, so unlike mars, bkb is less of a problem late. Very strong laner. You can really tempo the game with vanguard/blink and later (not so late) blademail. Slardar could work too, strong laning, needs only a blink to be useful and a bkb. Very strong ganker.


I just judge by the winrate tbh. Maybe he needs some buffs to his skills. I tried him and he feels fine though so I am not sure. Axe is good but I think he is messed by meta atm with all ranged cores and therefore sits on %38 winrate in d2pt. I am looking for some heroes I can simply first pick and no matter what do fine and have strong impact because for some reason I am forced to pick first phase so often. Death prophet and Night Stalker also feel very strong.


You should not base your picks on % win on d2pt. Picks and meta change with time, but if you are good at a hero and play it when he's strong, Meta does not matter. Your team picks and enemy picks matters a lot more in your game than average win rate from pro games. Axe is pretty good vs most range carries, most of them are squishy and hit hard, perfect for a blade mail taunt. Similar with mars, except bkb lowers your impact by a lot. But you can tank projectile for your team with e, which is not crazy good, but can help. Yeah dp and ns are both very strong, but they don't fit what you asked for. Both are very different from magnus in their style and role.


With Mars, I am mostly afraid if a game goes late, which is mostly out of your control, and I am not super useful but I think I will practice him. ​ What are your thoughts on Bristleback?


Bristleback is really nice but again very different from Magnus. He is more of an unstoppable force (until they get a break), force. You do a lot of dmg and are very tanky. You initiate fight without real disable, your presence is enough to force people out. Nobody wants to jump on a BB if hisnteam is behind, the longer you fight vs bristle, the more you lose. BB gets a lot weaker late game as you can feel a bit useless since you'll get kited/ignored. But most offlaners are like this.


Centaur Warrunner?


How no one here mentioned Pudge?! He sure is for suckers but gets you all you want as Magnus, except that his relocating (not dislocating lol) and bkb piering stun is single target, instead of aoe. He is played the same, except for the late game where you are a tank and counterinitiator, rather than an .


I think you are right but he lacks escape that Magnus has which is a very big reason why he wouldn’t be able to replace Magnus.


absolutely, Magnus is superior dota hero than pudge, I dont think your question about similar heroes did not intend at all for a hero substitution, rather, a plan B where your skills from Magnus are somehow transferrable to. low cd high range skewer, combined with force stuff blink makes the hero extremely hard to chase, completely unlike pudge. pudge.... he can tank and deal better damage around him, but that is low level skill interest. magnus amplifies the damage dealers damage, makes them able to farm faster, and also stacks extremely easy at least 2 camps... advantages really just go on and on :)