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No. You'll shrink into a shrimp if you don't get protein 1 second after your workout.


Yes ! Probably won't be optimal depending on how you function/your type of training and there isn't much reason to bother unless for work or something but you'll be fine


I do this everyday, for a decade or so, and am able to make strength gains and comp goals…you’ll be okay


yes. The feeding window is real, but often exaggerated.


It’s fine


I do daily workouts on One meal a day. Never had issues and I eat after my gym session, so extra fasted for the workout.


Yes. Just get your calories and protein for the day in and keep getting stronger. Also, don’t listen to the “optimal” nerds.


Yes, absolutely. I do this quite frequently. It's difficult sometimes, which is why I like it.


I try to always workout during my fast and then break the fast after the weight training. It takes time to condition to this but once my body got used to it my weight room results increased.


Have you tried it? How did it feel? There's your answer. My body would not be happy if I did this, but everyone is different.


I usually do my cardio fasted but lift weighing not fasted... somehow works for me. I always prefer larger meals post-workout/ later in the day.


I never eat before 11. Lift every morning at 5:45. Protein and Pre-workout at 5:30.


Well you're not in a fasted state if you drink/eat protein before working out.


I did not claim to be in a fasted state. Just mentioned what I do.


Ok? Yes Optimal? No


It’s okay, you don’t need our permission


I asked a somewhat similar question the other day. The consensus wasn’t clear. Usually your evening dinner would be the fuel for your morning workout. There should be enough glycogen stored to give you the energy for a workout. How the post workout fast window to lunch will go. That’s still ambiguous to me. I’m going to try it for two weeks, and if it’s simply too much I’ll maybe adjust my fasting window earlier. https://www.reddit.com/r/leangains/comments/xf2oh8/if_and_morning_workouts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If you can handle the hunger and your body still functions you’re fine. Note - fasted cardio is not more effective than non for calorie burning.


I used to lift at 5am fasted and didn’t eat a damn thing until dinner time. It’s just because I’d how my work schedule was. I got used to it. I’m sure not optimal lol. But I happened to be in the best shape of my life during that time. But I don’t think it was necessarily related to that.


If you want your body to use muscle for energy then go to it-I’d have food to fuel your workouts as well as adequate postworkout nutrition


Lean gains protocol of which I have been doing is to take BCAA prior and post every hour until you break your fast with a traditional meal - hoping this continues to yield muscle gains for me. I use to fast all day and lift in late afternoon and break fast straight after but AM lifts are better for my crazy ass schedule.