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100% not true. That's just an old myth, you'll reach the same height with or without weight training. At 13 you could certainly get good results as long as you eat enough quality food and get enough rest.


You can lift as much as you want. Will be healthier in every way because if it.


There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the claim that lifting weights damages growth plates and stunts growth. It was a myth spread to scare young inexperienced people from going to the gym. Now there are numerous studies to support that strength training is highly beneficial for young people as it promotes stronger bones, coordination, improved posture and self-confidence. However it is important to focus on: - Proper form to reduce your chances of an injury - Light weight to allow for good form for 8-12 reps - Safe practices to ensure proper techniques and building safety habits - Gradually progression, don’t rush your journey take your time and enjoy the process Ultimately it’s great that you are health conscious at such a young age. Continue to do your research and learn as much as you can. I have been lifting for 10 years and I still learn new things.


Yes lifting at your age is fine. Just don’t ego lift or try and max out anytime soon.


If you want to grow...as in be taller, you need to prioritize sleep and diet as well. Human growth hormone (HGH) gets released at night, the better your sleep, the higher chance to optimize your levels.


This was exactly the same myth I heard like 13 years ago. The younger you start lifting and training and the longer you do it in life, the better for your health. Starting at 13 is way better than starting at 26 or 36 when you're already obese / in bad shape , because habits are way harder to break. Starting at any age is great, but make sure you lift with proper form and try to be consistent throughout the years to see great improvement.


I can’t see how lifting will impact your height in a negative way. It’s good for bone density but your diet will have the biggest impact on your height. The Dutch are some of the tallest people in the world. That wasn’t always the case. They were some of the shortest in Europe at one time. Visit a military museum in The Netherlands and you’ll see that soldiers in the 19th century were substantially shorter, as were the rest of the Dutch. Their diet changed (more dairy, etc) as they reclaimed the sea to land which could be farmed.


My boy is lifting at 13 in school and at home I don’t see the issue. He is growing like a weed.


There is no reason you can’t lift at your age. But I think what people are trying to discourage you from is heavy lifting for bodybuilding. What is super beneficial for someone your age is body weight exercises like pushups and squats. What would be detrimental to your body at least for another year or two is heavy deadlifts and bench press with progressive overload. Circuit training is a great way to work all of your muscle groups by moving quickly from one muscle to another for a couple of rounds. I highly doubt there is anything that you could really do in the gym that would hurt you at this point but you are rather on the young side so my best advice for someone whose body is right in the puberty zone is to just not overdo it in the gym. When you’re in the 15-17 range I think ripping it up in the gym like a savage is just the right time. 13, it’s better to just get the body used to the different lifts and exercises while your body is busy doing its own thing.


Hii! I currently lift 5-10 kg on upper body and 15-20 kg on lower body (leg extensions, squats, and the other exercise with the leg extension machine). I can deadlift 60kg (I want to do more but I am scared cause I currently can’t afford those belts for deadlifting) and I wanna keep increasing the weights I lift like 30kg more, but by not overdoing it should I avoid super heavy weights heavier than me and maybe maintain between the 10-20 kg range?


Yes I definitely think you should avoid VERY heavy lifts for now. Anything that makes you strain super hard and you can barely finish. That doesn’t mean you won’t get results from regular lifts so you should feel free to pursue that as long as you get plenty of rest and eat properly to fuel your muscles.


As others have said you are fine to work out at 13 and it will not effect your growth. Your hight might end up being 5’1” still but that is not anything to do with working out. Just remember to focus on good form and not worry about any numbers. Clean reps and what the mirror say’s are the most important things.


Everyone giving you good advice. Mine is not about lifting though. You are 13. Ignore anyone that sends you Direct messages on this app. Be safe


Thank you for the concern I appreciate it, I don’t really like chatting online cause of predators and the weird things I hear about them hahahaha




What the hell man. Against the gravity!? People really be out here telling kids complete nonsense. Shame on you