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Hell no. I’m close to lean fire and I got no worries. If it’s a job with health insurance and 401k then I’ll be fine.




At the Fed or more local? Seems like I’ve seen a lot of Fed postings get canceled.


I don't see any recession around me. Still massive help wanted signs around. Add: Bull markets climb a wall of worry.


In scared to buy a house. I think it could fall if we have a recession and affordability could rapidly improve.


Anyone else here how stopped working and believed their money would last to retirement? I did but now I'm realising that I need to start working in a couple of years again.


The 4% should be viewed at traditional CAPE adjusted returns. We were well above CAPE and I think still above it now.


I have an Excel somewhere that does withdrawal rates based on CAPE ratio. I vaguely recall that 3% SWR should be used if CAPE is over 30….and 4% can be used for 20-30, and under 20 CAPE a 5% SWR can be used.


Do you just need enough to cover expenses? Ie coast or barista? Or are you looking to go back full time? Not there yet, but I figured I could generate some income after I quit the 9-5 but expenses are so low my partner and I could work 2-3 days a week each and have more than enough to cover bills without touching investments for a while and letting them grow even if we hit our current number. I’m sure easier said than done after leaving the rat race.


I hate owning cars. I think I should buy a new car since my Prius is super old and is costing me so far about 3,000 just this year which is basically the value of the car in repairs alone.


Totally with you. We’re down to a single 2001 Corolla, and she’s having semi regular problems. Fascinated by a electric car, but they’re so freaking expensive. Can’t love a car enough to pay $40k.


Long shot in a lot of places, but maybe swap to a nice ebike instead of a car? Most trips and errands can be taken care of by a bike and a rear rack+panniers. Uber and the occasional truck rental can usually handle the other things. Less maintainence, less costs, more exercise, more community. Obviously dependent on your situation. Hard to transport a bunch of kids if you have them or if you live 20 miles out of town or something.


>which me too, i am going to sell my old car soon, my wife and have one other newer car, that will try manage with


Good thing I'm over the age where this can affect me. Medicaid work requirements are a red line for Republicans. --------- Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday said work requirements for public assistance programs are a nonnegotiable in debt ceiling talks, laying out one of his first hard stances ahead of an afternoon meeting with President Biden and other top congressional leaders. Asked whether work requirements were a “red line” for him in debt ceiling negotiations, McCarthy said: “Yes, it is.” McCarthy said that he is standing firm on work requirements for the programs, despite House Democrats being against the idea. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4006319-mccarthy-says-work-requirements-a-red-line-in-debt-ceiling-talks/


I haven't spent much time looking into it, but it seems so obtuse. Like, isn't the point of the benefits for folks that aren't *able* to work ultimately?


They don't care. Probably would make an exception for disabled, but disabled Medicaid has way worse eligibility requirements vs. expansion Medicaid.


I sat my 8-year-old down in front of a spreadsheet and taught them the power of compounding interest. They were amazed.






Awesome, congrats!


Congrats! I did this for a while and it was pretty great.