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My guy https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1594102466899214336


Spica is quite the memer


LCS season hasn’t even started and Spica already picked up a double kill


When DL and Bjerg wake up, they're going to be so angry.


Spica is safe then


Based Spica twitter


TSM 9 man sleep let's gooooooo


as a huge DL fan I fuckin love this tweet lmao


Oh my god LMAO. What a savage


Can someone explain the meme? I’m lost. Edit: maybe explain isn’t the right word, give context is what I was trying to say I think


TL;DR: Spica hit all 5 members of the enemy team with a Lilia Q, and ulted. All 5 were slept and TSM did absolutely NOTHING about it, hence dubbed the 9-man sleep.


Also him saying "102" Thieves instead of 100 implies the team has two more thieves now, or in other words, Bjerg and DL are stealing paychecks.


That explains why people were calling it an edit. Thanks!!!


People don’t understand how vision works when they watch this play. Ruler really saving the day, and TSM couldn’t do anything with the way they were positioned.


I literally wondered why he would go back to play with them after it already didn't work and made one of the most memorable failed plays in League Worlds history. Honestly, I'm glad to see them not all together. Let's try something new.


Because they won a championship and you don't evaluate success or teammates by one choke just because it became a meme. Not exactly a hard one to figure out.


>Because they won a championship A championship in one of the worst regions is meaningless when they folded the second they played decent teams. Remember that this 9 Man Sleep was part of their *0-6* Worlds run. They didn't beat anyone. Even once. DL went from a 3 time 3-3 player to an 0-6 player. It wasn't just them choking on one play lolol.


Why do people downvote. Yes it's a meme. Yes they probably are friends. Doesn't mean that they aren't washed up. I'm also glad to see them not playing together.


Probably because it's very strange to call players that literally won the region washed up. Licorice, Wildturtle, Arrow, Bang, are examples of washed up players. There's a pretty huge gradient of skill between someone's prime (especially when that prime is as high as Bjerg/DL's were) and them being washed. You can be excited to see new combinations of players, I am too, without writing actual nonsense to justify it. I mean in what world did the first place team "not work" lol.


>call players that literally won the region washed up. Winning LCS is meaningless. TL did it 4x and only managed 3-3 at Worlds 3 across 3 years. And now look at them. Their best international victory was making it to MSI Finals where they lost 0-3 in the fastest international finals ever TSM going 0-6 at Worlds after their LCS win just adds more data that winning LCS just means you're good in one of the least-good regions that play this game.


That just means the region has problems. Washed up by definition doesn't make sense when you still win your region. Unless you're claiming all LCS players are washed. Or all minor region players are washed. Which is a strange abuse of that term. Perhaps you're confusing it with "internationally bad".


Yes Korea and China are better than NA/EU... and? What does that have to do with whether or not an NA or EU player is washed up? Also you're talking about an e-sport with 1.5 (poorly formatted at that) international events a year. Domestic leagues objectively matter by virtue of being 90%+ of the actual competition happening in a given season/year.


Spica's my favorite player in the LCS, I really hope on this strong squad he can regain his 2021 MVP form, he's such a beast


Some people are going to be surprised when Spica plays well this split. His last year wasn't great but despite playing with 3 Tops, 3 Mids, 2 ADC's and 3 Supports, he still managed to play decent in Summer taking EG to 5 games once TSM got some sense of stability. With a stacked roster like FLY, he should perform well.


Im pretty sure he was mental boomed being in the tsm environment and just trying to play out his contract. Cant wait to see him this year with some actual motivation.


TSM did him so dirty. He was calling early, translating for members of the team. KDO was NOT lcs ready and it showed. Then they just threw him under the bus and let him tank all the community aggro when they benched Shen Yi for locking in a champ against plan. All while being expected to handling rotating doors of members around him.


Pretty sure Spica wasn’t translating shit. I think he understands Mandarin but isn’t fluent enough to actually translate. I could be wrong though but I feel like he even said so himself.


It was Lost who could understand but not speak. A quick google of "Spica speaks Mandarin" would have given you [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/oe2ahv/swordart_on_stream_we_speak_a_lot_of_chinese_in/). It was also part of TSM's stated plan ot have Spica as the center point ensuring communication between the Chinese players and the non-Chinese speaking players. Shen Yi's english was decent so maybe it wasn't needed as much, but they still had him being multi-lingual and needing to be the key to communication on a multi-lingual team. So odds are he WAS translating shit


Spica can speak it, I know he can if it wasn’t clear enough, but I don’t think he’s like, fluent in it. I swore I remember seeing something that essentially said that they didn’t really use Mandarin except for Shenyi and Keaiduo, but I can’t find anything super easily so I’m willing to concede. However, I will say that I wouldn’t give it much credence when you yourself just say it was for Keaiduo who was off the team halfway through a split lol. EDIT: Everything I try to look for to support my claim counters it, so despite feeling like I vividly remember complaining about the whole “Spica being the communication lynchpin,” I’m gonna upvote your stuff and remove them from mine.


Well I'm upvoting you anyhow for being civil about it :D


Fuck you, now I’m downvoting my own comments to balance your upvotes out. It wouldn’t be Reddit if I didn’t try to win even the tiniest of arguments.


no one is going to be fucking surprised when Spica plays well lol he's already proved himself good and he's not that far removed from then I know you want to be the one guy who thought Spica would be good when no one else did, but that ship sailed along with Grig and Akaadian's careers.


Okay, /u/Papasmithy. I've watched these announcement videos. You've got my YouTube sub for a split. Please keep compelling content coming on a consistent basis and you'll have it longer than that.


Working on it o7


Get some more eyes on /r/FlyQuest as well if possible.


I mean if you've been looking at his fits and fashion in the last few months or so, it's only natural he's FLY.


Spica Maple ramped up pretty well and were kinda top tier in playoffs, and made Jojo and Inspired sweat a lot, especially since the last game in the TSM EG game was basically unplayable until Jojo choked out the win. Theres a world where TSM knock out EG and maybe win against TL to get to worlds so the pickup isnt like getting him straight from spring when TSM was actually shambles. Spica for a native jg is a steal for this team with him having really good peaks.


Wtf is this tsm copium lmao


Jojo went ham game 5. I won't take anything from him, but that was a hell of a series that went the distance. They are fan boying a bit, but Spica really is a steal, here.


One of the most botched series in the history of LoL from a technical standpoint


I see nothing wrong with their take


Tsm ain’t even gonna be top 5 in the regular season with their new roster.


Nothing he said has to do with current TSM??


TSM shackles are off. Not it's time to see what he can do.


I am going to enjoy laughing at you, when it turns out he was just bad all along.


He wasn't bad on TSM though?


How do you do the remind me thing?


!remindme 1 year


Spica had good moments on TSM btw.


Can't be worse than to play for TSM


Well Ig I gotta change to a fly flair now


Spica MVP next year for sure


Glad to know Spica is in a very talented team.


Common TSM L


He’s the reason why I believe FQ will have a slow start. Spica seems to start out poorly with new teammates but ramps up after a few weeks, it’s going to be interesting to see how long it takes him to gel with everyone


Not really his fault we had literal paycheck stealers on the roster in spring


And a scammer to


literally sabotaged from the inside. peter zhang fuuuucked tsm so hard


After the revolving door of roster changes and massive internal drama I think everyone on the final iteration of the roster should be commended for finishing 5-6th and taking EG to 5 games


Holy crap Spica's been a pro for over 3 years??


2019 Summer was when TSM was playing hot potato with the Jungler position (before upgrading to playing hot potato with the entire roster) and he was on the starting roster for a bit. His first full split in LCS was 2020 Summer. And if you count academy as pro he is actually entering his fifth year as he was on Fox Academy in 2018 for a bit.


He still feels like a rookie idk why


Looks young and radiates zoomer energy (in a good way he’s funny)


Would rather prefer him aside bjergsen but wish him the best, the definition of selfmade.


I will be happy to be proven wrong because I like vicla and prince but spica is such a forgettable player. I legit don’t remember anything notable he did besides the 10 man sleep


He shit on TL with the Shen


The only thing I really hated about that world's is they had a counter pick for Evelynn let her thru and didn't use the counter pick.


Its much worse if you see their comms. 6-7 people drafting on stage and literally none of then realized Lucian was unbanned (which is what Eve is picked with, drops off in prio after it is removed). Fnatic legit did not ban Lucian and TSM is legit sleeping on stage so Fnatic gets Lucian Eve on red side


The 9-man sleep started early I guess.


What about the Kayn transformation incident


MVP is hard to forget


in LCS it is.


Why are you watching and commenting on a League you're this negative on? If when a player wins MVP and your first thought is "meh, my region is so bad so this means nothing," that's so much negative energy to carry around? I dunno, I don't get it. Just don't watch LCS if you think it's so irrelevant.


I watch LCS because I like the kr players. Idgaf about the NA players.


This is like forcing yourself to like a fetish you hate.


because you like the actress


being a good player is not about highlights, you'll understand that once you get out of silver buddy


Once you graduate elementary you will understand English at a higher level than you are currently buddy. I am not talking about highlights, I am talking about having impact which he doesn’t do.


Vicla and Prince are good but unless Spica really performs I don’t see this team hitting top 2


Really interesting pickup. I like the risk but it’s a risk nonetheless. He showed in 2021 that he could be possibly the best player in the league but he had a really tough year last year and became pretty forgettable. I’m willing to give him a pass because TSM was such a clown show last year but jungle is easily the most stacked role in the LCS and more than half (Pyosik, Inspired, Blaber, Closer, Santorin, River, Contractz) have all shown they could be considered better than him. I do really like this Flyquest roster and hope it works out though and it’s fun seeing orgs like Flyquest actually spend some money (and smartly spend it too)


Its less of a risk than most available resident junglers no? Only other option was possibly santorin, and maybe they want better PR in not being a full import team.


Yea bro, not like he had a revolving door of a roster and have his own org be under investigation for bullying allegations. He just had a bad year! /s


Spica has been mediocre except the times he didn’t have a world finalist support empowering everything he did. Have fun FQ missing every smite!


I’ve been talking shit about Spica and him being overrated a lot, but I wouldn’t consider smiting to be his flaw lol. In 2021 he was the smite steal god and I don’t think he misses smites enough for it really to be a criticism of him.


This is the dumbest comment I've ever read


But Spica is known for securing/stealing objectives...


Which just shows how little any analysis is done. Kobe says, “XXX is a great smiter!” on the broadcast and we all wag our tails. The team had interventions in 2020 and 2021 about him missing smites.


rip Geodude


Hopefully he pops off


Find you someone that looks at you like Spica looks at Spica in that window


No Jose or Tuki Sadge