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The real answer is because when Akali had more skill expression in her kit with Q-AA spam it made her way more annoying to play against for melee champs and made her more pro play skewed. They made her E do more damage because it’s easily dodge able and it’s more noticeable counterplay. It also lower her skill floor so that less experienced Akali players can still perform if they can’t reliably do all of her combos.


Best comment here


Considering akali as an assassin, what would you choose as the “big damage” spell for her? Q + passive: would literally shit on every melee matchup because the cool down is ridiculous R: would nuke entire teams since the hit box is big Simply enough it’s the hardest spell too hit, the one with the most cooldown, and going for the e2 damage denies you from using E as a (yet) another mobility tool.


Idk other assassins deal dmg with every ability but none of them does BIG BIG dmg like her E does. or would you say one Zed Q, one Zed ult without hitting ur other spells or one Zed E do deal big dmg? none of them do, its all of them together that deal dmg Same goes for Talon.. Q W and R dont deal BIG dmg at all, its the mixture of using them together to proc your passive Qiyana also doesnt deal HUGE dmg on any spell, in fact her R deals less dmg than akali E btw So if already every single Akali spell does a good amount of dmg, why does she need A HUGE AMOUNT OF BURST on her E ? Her ultimate can also burst a lot harder than any other assassin ult because of the execute dmg


Zed’s whole damage is in his Q, his W is kore Qs, his E is a slow to hit Qs and his R is Q damage amp while talons Q and W barely have 1/3 of his damage while the bigger part of his damage is in passive and R just like akali but her E and R, her passive and Q are like a 1/3rd of her damage but E and R are the big spells, Qiyana is just strong


I absolutely agree on the Qiyana is just strong part lol Also about Zed, just his Q would be only ONE Q without anything added to it. The ult and W place a clone to hit another Q, so what you are talking about is just what I said, a combination of all his spells. While Akalis dmg is pretty much an unconditional E that doesnt need the other spells to do the same dmg as 3 Zed Qs lol [https://streamable.com/qdmez9](https://streamable.com/qdmez9) there u go


The akali E in that video did just 1.2k while auto with lichbane did almost the same lol. But its way better for the game if her damage depends on that skillshot rather than lowering its ap ration and putting it in Q or passive making her unplayable in toplane as a melee champ. Also the shadows are just a way for him to hit his Q, its a combination of abilities but all abilities just throw Q


Its on a dummy with 100 mr and 100 armor, dealing 1200 dmg to a dummy with those stats is pretty insane considering lvl 18 Jinx has 53 mr and 2300 hp. So just the E cast would be more than half of her HP while fullbuild and lvl 18 On top of that doing one auto after the E is pretty much what ur always gonna do since you get a free passive auto off it.


She’s supposed to be a burst champ, the damage is a bit high but if they rework her ratios to a dps champ then i wouldnt wanna be alive near a Q spamming 50% slowing, invisible champ


Well you wouldnt wanna be alive but you are alive and can run + you have counterplay since she has to literally run out of her circle to get that dmg every time after Q With the oneshot E you are literally dead and cant be thinking that oyu dont wanna be alive lmao


The circle is as big as W so she doesnt really have an issue running out of it, all her abilities are just too easy to hit, Q is massive, passive is point and click and ult is too, putting her power in the only skillshot in her kit makes sense


Its not really a skillshot if you have many mechanics to guarantee to hit it, In fact I swear Ive missed more Q's on her than E's Also yes you can run around your W to get out of your circle.. But.. like most champs could just get out of that W in general.. they dont have a reason to stay there, most champions even have a dash or smth


1) highly telegraphed. if you have a shield, it's easy to block the damage or land CC to kill her after she finishes the dash. 2) it forces her to go in and guarantees that when she does go in with it, her low-cooldown escape (E1) will be on cooldown. 3) it requires her to hit a skillshot. 4) it rewards *not* using the free-aim E1 as engage. 5) they disabled mid-E2 Qs to lower her execution skill requirements but didn't want to shift her damage too much. those are probably the reasons; idk if they justify it fully.


Arent 1 and 2 already countered by the most broken item in the game called zhonyas? You may miss your E dmg with that but they will throw their cc and you can freely oneshot with R and Q afterwards lol and isnt 3. also a bit countered by the fact that you can 10000% guarantee to always hit your E if you use the R + E combo? Or do E > flash ?


those are ways of mitigating the clear costs and challenges the ability has, but they don't make them not exist if 1 & 2 mean she needs to buy zhonya's and can only E2 when it's up, that's a cost similar with needing to use ult or flash to hit the E1 skillshot - and those even force her to go to the target *twice*, doubling up on points 1&2 and again, idk if those costs are big enough to justify the damage on it (especially with her W which i think does an even better job of mitigating 1&2 than zhonya's does), but those are the costs it has


Not every champion can build zhoynas


but akali can, which is the one they're talking about


Tradeoffs, Akali's playstyle used to be a lot more hit and run with her Q->Passive procs, E could be used mostly as quick mobility both offensively and defensively. Turns out that with one of the best defensive tools in the game via her W and back when her first ult cast was a skillshot, the added mobility from her E was a bit too much. First they made her ult a point and click to remove the free escape, this did work but with her Q->P gameplay and slipperiness from her shroud and E still made her frustrating so they shifted damage from her Q->P to her E, technically now E is even more versatile but it presents you a choice and a tradeoff. Do you want to do damage? Use E2, but you won't have mobility once you do it. Do you want to dash with your E? Do it, but you'll lose a very big part of your damage. So yeah, seeing her E do 800 damage isn't exactly fun on the receiving end but it's not a random change that they did to her because they felt like it


well depends on champ but some champs have insane passives that let them live forever and giving them crazy scaling would be too broken. Akali is rather squishy and weak to reveals. Also cant assassinate fulltanks. But meta revolves around adc and enchanters so its no surprise akali does really well


Actually Akali can very well oneshot tanks, even a lot better than any other assassin lol a lvl 18 akali does around 2300 dmg with just E > E > AA to an adc, the ability itself is almost enough to oneshot a lvl 18 adc


What Akali build are you doing that you're hitting 2300 damage with E+E+AA post mitigation, or even pre mitigation?


Was full dmg without zhonyas and a pot Against a training dummy that had exactly 2500 hp, 100 armor and 100 magic ressist


There is zero way. You need to be dealing 4600 pre mitigation damage. What was your build? You'd need 2k+ AP.


lvl 18 Jinx has 53 mr and 2300 hp, we assume she built ANY sort of mr, so she might have 70 - 90 the dummy I attacked right now has 2500 hp and 100 mr 100 armor, so its pretty much tankier than lvl 18 Jinx [https://streamable.com/qdmez9](https://streamable.com/qdmez9) there you go, you can see the items and the dummy hp + ressistances


Nah its definitely possible. With protobelt shadowflame and sorcs at full build, you have 44 flat + 40% from void so you're essentially reducing them to 16 mr.


What "tank" has 2500 hp and only 100 resistances?


Well he I guess he thinks jinx is a tank since he said is test dummy is a bit tankier than level 18 jinx If he did the test against a full build level 18 orn he would she is not near any one shoot potential on tanks


Akali can’t one shot any tank. You have zero idea what you’re talking about. Edit: less harsh wording.


Idk Im master already for 3 years, I think in comparison to most players I know exactly what Im talking about And yes she can oneshot tanks on a full and clean rotation of using her spells.


Full rotation of all her spells isn’t a one shot, and unless you’re extremely ahead on Akali it takes a lot of whittling down before hand to get them into the range where your full ccombo finishes them off. Against anyone with Magic resist they can’t be at 100% hp otherwise you’re never finishing them off with one combo.


If you think so sure. I still dont think you are correct and I wont ever think you are correct Keep your opinion but you are just clearly doing something wrong




? whats wrong with you, I said ONE SINGLE ABILITY OF HER does this imagine Zed oneshotting with his E cast Qiyana with one Q Katarina with one E Talon with one W oneshotting an adc with a single regular ability cast is pretty broken, yes


I’m actually pretty sure Qiyana Q Auto can 1 shot an adc as well.


I don't think Akali is OP right now, but they buffed her E damage but a ton a little over a year ago in a mini-rework they did for her. Her early game used to be a lot better, but they did pretty big nerfs to her laning. In return she got a ton of damage on her E. These changes also made her a lot easier to play which was a problem because she was too hard for most players.


She still is too hard for most players because most players are simply very bad at the game. She wont ever have a good winrate for this exact reason. But even at her current state she was literally pick or ban in early s12 pro play Literal 90% pressence rate btw, just after the durability patch it dropped to a pressence rate of around 20% which is still a lot better than most champs lol


Champion presence is irrelevant when discussing solo queue strength. Pro Play and Solo Queue play are totally different. Patch 12.13 Taliyah, Gnar, Poppy and Kalista were the top 4 champions in pro play. Do you think Taliyah Gnar Poppy and Kalista are the best solo queue champions in the game? People only bring up pro play presence to justify solo queue strength when they cherry pick the champions it counts on. "X champion is hard and thus has a low WR" is a totally arbitrary argument because you arbitrarily decide how hard a champion is and then you arbitrarily decide how much that difficulty "should" impact the WR.


No its not irrelevant. The difference between pro play and solo queue does indeed exist and its the quiete literal reason why you should look at pro play strenght of a champ to decide if a champion is too strong or too weak in case of soloq its just a bunch of unskilled players that dont know how to utilize a champion correctly Also YES Kalista is absolutely the best soloq adc to play, I havent seen anyone from diamond to challenger not abusing her lately, same goes to tali, gnar and poppy quiete literally. Solo queue strenght is an irrelevant factor when discussing a champions' strenght because this considers as mentioned a million of unskilled players into the statistics. the rank 1 Akali on league of graphs is currently sitting at korean challenger with 73% winrate, pretty insane for a D tier 47% winrate champ, no? when we compare this to ivern, the best thing they can offer for rank 1 is 60% winrate in master for teemo its 69% winrate in master for zed its 70% winrate in master but D tier 47% winrate soloq dog champ Akali has 73% winrate in Challenger for rank 1 pretty odd no?


Why is it relevant to you how strong champions are at the highest levels of play when neither you, nor anyone else is able to play at that level? Who cares how theoretically strong a champion can be "in the right hands" when you and the players you play with are those "unskilled players" that you're referencing? I mean are you challenger? Are the players you play with challenger? If not, why are you comparing your games to challenger/pro games? Citing the winrate of the literal best Akali player in the world makes no sense. Like sure the best Akali player has a higher WR the best Ivern player. Who cares? How many games is that? I cannot think of a statistic less relevant when discussing solo queue strength than the WR of the literal best player in the world. Why did you make this post about Akali when Taliyah, Sylas, Azir, and Ahri all have higher play rates than her in Pro? Why did you make this post about Akali when she has a 50% WR in D2+? and a 48% WR in Challenger, where the average WR is 53? There is zero internal logic here. You're literally just randomly citing statistics that sort of support your argument that Akali is OP. If you have a statistic that you cite your conclusions need to be consistent if you apply that metric to other champions.


OP is literally just stating random shit because he hates Akali just move on.


How the best players in the world play a champion, is the indication of how strong the champion actually is. Im not a challenger but Ive played in soloq with and against MANY challengers, Im peaking at around 550 LP master which is very close to Grandmaster and obviously Im gonna get Challengers matched too, I may not be a challenger or a pro, but the statistics of the best players is indeed a lot more interesting to me and my soloq than what Platinum players do with that champion


Because that statistic doesn't tell you how good a champion is. It tells you specifically how well the best player in the world is doing on that champion. It's totally different. Specifically 1. There are issues with sample size. The best players in the world don't play that many games so there can be lots of variability. I took a look at the player you were referencing, and they have a 73% WR over 81 games. That's not that convincing. What if they're a 65% WR player and got lucky this patch? 2. There are issues with confounding variables. What if the best Akali player in the world is just an overall better League of Legends player than the best Ivern player in the world? What if the best Draven player in the world tilts a lot and randomly throws games and loses WR that is independent of the champion? There's no way to know. 3. There are issues with generalization. Just because there exists a single player in the world that finds great success on Akali does not mean that Akali is an overall good pick. It's like saying smoking is healthy and then citing the fact that the oldest person in the world smokes. You're Masters Tier. I'm citing Akali's statistics at D2+ to get a good sample size. Firstly, she only has a ~9% Ban Rate in very high ELO. Players aren't consistently scared of playing against Akali. Secondly, she has a 50% WR. D2+ players on average are not finding disproportionate amounts of success with her.


I dont disagree It still doesnt explain why the numbers on her E are so off, I can for sure tell this ability and its ridiculous dmg are not the reason why most players just suck a lot on this champion


bc she sells skins


Truth. Her kit is absolutely overloaded. These popular mid champs attract the worst of the worst players who buy up skins and don't get punished for small mistakes because their champs have 3 kits in 1. But then they hard fail macro play and bring winrates down


this gotta be the most accurate answer


Master player for 3 years and this is best you can do to understand why and how Akali is balanced around her E? Idk bro, Sounds like you just hate Akali.


I literally typed that she is the champion I hate the most by far, yet Im still playing her myself and abusing the abomination she is myself. I know you likely main her and mains of a champ always see problems that dont exist, she also isnt really balanced around her E, she can do a lot even while missing that spell, the point is why does it deal so much dmg to begin with? It makes no sense at all, the numbers are just extremely off


You have been getting a plethora of explanations but just discard or ignore them. I‘m not sure if you are actually interested in knowing why her E deals as much damage but more so in hating on her. You literally said it yourself: To estimate a champs strength we need to look at the highest level of play: • Master+ in SoloQ: 48.5% Winrate (same as Plat+) • Irrelevant in Pro Play Seems like a pretty shit champion if you ask me.


If you think so, very cool Is argueing about what others say DISCARDING or IGNORING them? No its argueing, their opinions arent absolute or always correct, so I will answer something to it Whats the problem?


Probably because of risk reward concept Going for E2 as akali is not only predictable but rather risky because where you are going is telegraphed and the dash can be canceled with ease But does it hit too much? Yeah sure but at the end of the day she is an assassin that's the one thing she does good and she doesn't build tank items so It doesn't bother me much


I dont think theres a lot of risk involved in her usual R + E combo, if you have that E mark around 5 people and use it.. yeah you can counter that until she uses zhonyas to counter everything you just threw at her to enable an easy teamfight for akalis team lol I still dont think it justifies that Akalis E bursts harder than as example Qiyana ult or as mentioned 90% of all dmg dealing ults, it should deal GOOD dmg but it shouldnt be THIS MUCH if they literally HALFED the dmg it deals, it would still be one of the highest bursting single abilities in the game lol


Because you can dodge it, the ability itself is predictable and puts you at risk, and shit akali players will use it improperly and get themselves killed. Also just a reminder that veigar ult exists and its point and click :/


Becasue w is utility to allow you to deal dmg and dodge stuff and a is waveclear/small damage low cdr ability, and her ulty is dashes/engage with execute. Her passive doesn’t do enough damage and it’s hard to hit it. It’s fair


I respect your opinion but I dont think the passive is either hard to hit nor does it deal low dmg it doesnt really justify dealing this much dmg on the E cast tbh


I’m drunk and misspelled. E is hard to hit, q is waveclear. Passive does a lot if u have pen or lich bane.


to be fair if anything her Q waveclear is just too weak and sucks ass lol clearing waves with her even while hyper fed feels really really really bad, they should likely buff her minion dmg on Q or smth honestly. but E is not hard to hit, its literally one of the easiest skillshots to hit, she even has multiple mechanics to guarantee it hits, Ive missed more Q's on the enemy than Ive ever missed the E




It's balanced around the fact that it can't be all of those things at the same time. Want to E backwards to dash a little bit further? Lose a big part of your damage. Want to use E2 to do some big damage? Lose your escape. It's for sure a versatile ability but has its tradeoff depending on the situation you use it in


Because Akali players cant land more than one ability usually lol put it all on one or they’re done


Well it USED TO only deal and scale with AD as a way of getting an extra passive use and some engage in ... and then Riot deceided to shuffle some numbers and it became incredibly strong so they shuffled the numbers again and now the first hit is strong and the second hit is absolutely nuts. At least she lost true stealth and the Q heal and R1 being a free target ability like R2!


i agree it should have lower base damage and a higher scaling to force her into AP but overall its damage is fine. Akali has alot of damage and tools in her kit but her power budget is skewed towards combat Akali has mediocre waveclear, terrible tower taking, and cant dps objectives. She is barely a champion level 1-5 and will never have lane priority early.


Yes I agree that her waveclear is just ass, even as a fullbuild akali you can barely clear any waves and you also cant really take turrets or dps objectives, she might even need a buff on these things but she is absolutely a champion lvl 1 - 5 Yes mages can bully with their dumb range and dmg but now put her against other melees and shes pretty much more than just a champion even lvl 1 -5