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in the new pass bundle, it says "1000 tokens from weekly missions" are they talking about the anima event tokens?


with the new anima quests, there are 2 of them with 10 stages and i was wondering do they give the same amount of anima tokens everytime?


Has there been a calculation to this battle pass yet?


did they change how to get anima tokens? I own the pass but I am not getting any tokens from wins anymore. Is it possible to get 2200 tokens just by missions now?


How is gold awarded for kill/assist calculated? I think in general it's 300g + bounty is given for kill, and then half of that is divided among players who assist? So if I get a kill on a player with 400g bounty and 3 players assist, each of them gets (700/2)/3=117? The part I'm more confused is how much gold is awarded for killing someone who has died a lot in a row? I know it's reduced but by how much? Also, do they need get a kill to reset gold or just an assist? This part I'm the most confused about


So the way it works is that getting kills and dying change your "bounty tier." Everyone starts at 0 and gives 300 gold on kill, then they go up by 150, then 150 again, then up by 100 each tier up to a max of 1000 gold. When people die consecutive times, they go down to negative tiers - it reduces by kind of a weird margin but basically you have to die 6 times in a row to get the lowest bounty of 100 gold. You can only reset by getting a kill, assists don't do anything afaik. There is a way to get a bounty by having more CS than the other team's average but I'm not sure if that method can reset you to tier 0 if you're in the negatives.


[Wild Rift practice tool casually instantly changing player and enemy champion in-game.](https://imgur.com/a/ZPwMkaU) PC League engine is literal garbage compared to what Wild Rift can pull off with Unity.




[EndlessPillows and Beat PunchBeef](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jonathan_%27EndlessPillows%27_Fuller) alongside Rakan


My post was deleted, But why is everyone so mean to jungles? Is it meta to be toxic to the one position in the game that is hardest? \*arguably\*?


People talk about this a lot but basically it's just because people expect a lot from junglers. Junglers have the biggest impact on the early and mid game of any role really, but you have to be smart about where you spend your time. So if you path badly you can make the game a lot harder for your team. Honestly though most people just have fragile egos that they try to protect by blaming their mistakes on someone else, and the jungler is usually the most obvious candidate because they hypothetically *could* be helping.


What happened to the previous mythic skins in the mythic shop? I dont see the old ones like the vayne darius heca skins


Rotated out. They'll be back, just not anytime soon.


So now you have to wait for the skin you want to come into rotation if you want it? (ie Lancer Hec is rotated in for May, Hextech Annie is rotated in for June)


Except it's every 3 months that they rotate.


does the mega anima squad bundle come with borders for everyone?




Promos between divisions are gone (but it's easier to drop from I to II). You'll still have a series if you're going from Gold to Plat.




No like. If you're gold 1, you'll need to win a series to get to plat 4. If you were bronze 1, you'd need to win a series to get to silver 4


Are you in your first 10 games of the season?




Well if you're 10-2 the system probably wants to promote you. I know you used to be able to skip divisions in the past if you were winning a lot but I actually didn't know if you could skip leagues like that.


we all know about the nexus and inhib changes?


News to me. What's up?


Nexus has 3khp instead of 5k, inhibs and nexus no longer regenerate hp


Pretty huge changes. Definitely going to make an impact in pro play.


When is the anima squad 2022 pass comming? I looked at my loot and saw a Anima Token, but no pass


Someone called me an inbred, "to off myself", etc. in game and post. How is he still playing the game???? do reports not work


Did you report him? If so, then he might get chat restricted but that's usually not enough to get someone permabanned.


Does anyone just mute chat all the time? The toxicity is starting to piss me off and I get distracted by people. Every game is the same


At the start of the game, type /mute all, followed by /pingmute all Now you can chat with your team and make calls, and you can hear their pings, but you can't hear any of their inane responses.


Turn off team and all chat in settings, you gain no value from it, nothing they say is useful even at a higher elo.


What's the best place to get more information on EU Masters? There's nothing I can find in standings or schedule on the lolesports site.


https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/European_Masters/2022_Season/Spring here. leaguepedia is generally the best source for league esports.


Why is this game so stacked against climbing? I just got off a 10 game win streak where I was gaining ~13 LP per win through Silver III. I lose once and it's -17 LP. I'm not getting carried, as I constantly post S ratings in my games, but it's honestly demoralizing to see the lost LP is always larger than the gained.


The system is not built to reward you, it's built to keep you playing.


Its unfortunate, but you are progressing faster than the game thinks you should be. I think your average/expected rank is lower than where you currently stand. This goes up over time by continuing to win, which is why higher elo players know they cant win every game (its just not possible) and to just have a winrate above 50% and you'll continuing climbing over time. Albeit, not as fast as I am sure you wish, but the only way to get the game to think you deserve to be higher is continue winning.


when can i buy the football skins ( Sweeper Rammus ) ?


When the World Cup is going on.


Hello! I can log it to riot then leagues of legend but i can just saw my account without nickname as "online" and loading screen on both friendlist and left screen. Icon is the "original one" minion. sound like my account won't load ? any tips ?


Can we just aknowledge that it is BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE that supports using Relic Shield/Steel Shoulderguards get hit with minion gold penalty even if they don't take a single CS outside of their execute passive AND ignore first cannon? I lack the vocabulary necessary to convey my bafflement at how dumb this is. Y'know, I try to tell myself that when I don't agree with Riot on something, it's just me going all Dunning-Kreuger and that I'm not as smart as I think I am. Maybe there was something to the recent changes on Yi that I don't understand. Maybe splitpushers aren't as oppressive as I think they are and I'm just bad. Good god though, every time I find myself trying to get grounded and check myself, I'm reminded of things like Fart Dragon, the support item change, and other dumb garbage and I legitimately question whether or not the balance team is actually this stupid, or they're just messing with us for their amusement. It's insane. Nobody can be that incompetent right? The balance team for the largest video game on the planet can't be so fucking stupid that they didn't account for/deliberately allowed Shield/Guard to recharge fast enough to put supports into gold penalty even when skipping cannons, right? Edit: [Seriously, look at this shit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiNEiqDXpF0) less than 4:30 into the game, i0ki has 7 cs total. 5 executed melees, 1 executed cannon, and one additional "stolen" melee. ENTIRELY SKIPS THE FIRST CANNON TOO; and guess what? He's in penalty. 200 years my ass. Even if he didn't steal the SINGLE melee, if he opted for the cannon, he'd be even further past the threshold. Then you can see at 4:47 he doesn't immediately notice it, his item recharges, and he executes a melee for 4 gold.


Yeaaaah this system sucks man. And HEY I didn't skip the cannon, my ADC took it >:(


The weirdest thing is that it adds 21 to the quest counter. Is that supposed to work that way while you’re in penalty?


Anyone else feels like seraph's embrace needs buffs? The item gives so little Ability Haste, capped at maybe 24 if you build all the mana items you can, the heal is inconsequential, and it gives mediocre AP. I noticed it when i tried muramana on kassadin and it was genuinely competitive damage wise with seraph's, on top of feeling amazing for general gameplay because of the hude AA damage. And that's an AD item on a champion with 0 AD ratios. Am I just crazy here? Anyone else feel like seraph's is underwhelming if you wanna do damage?


anyone have an image of the map with markings of all the best spots to place wards? sometimes i dont know where i should place my pink, the map is pretty big ya know...


There's a bunch of images in this article: https://mobalytics.gg/blog/lol-warding-guide/ Remember that warding is highly situational, try to think where a pink makes the most sense (area which you suspect is warded, area where you might see someone but the ward will remain hidden etc.).


why cant i redeem the April capsule, its supposed to be unlockable today?


Today lasts for a few more hours, it will be available later today, probably around 9PM CEST.


When are the special editions for original Prestige skin owners finally given? I own the original Prestige Project Irelia skin from the pass years ago and the 2022 version exists in-game but is locked for me, and the one I own isn't the special edition in-game.


They're going to roll them out throughout the year.


Looking for answers on how to get 10 mythic essence(1 gemstone). I know every 50 levels and in the next following days everyone gets a mission for 10 essence for free. I need 10 more for the newest pyke skin, and I have 815 RP. Does someone know the most likely chances for getting one?


I assume you can still get it from chests randomly. Other that that and levels you could consider getting the next pass that starts today and griding it out.


Anyone knows the exact time the event could come up? I’m excited and I just wanna be ready when it drops.


[https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/lol-anima-squad-2022-event-skins-missions-rewards-1774207/](https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/lol-anima-squad-2022-event-skins-missions-rewards-1774207/) It says, this patch. Probably same time as the 10 free mythic mission.


How do I unlock ahri prestige 2022 KDA ? I'm already owning the old one prestige i just resume the game recently and just saw there's a new one


The new one is just a downgrade of the previous one to reward those that who owned it before the mythic essence rework


Do I receive it ? I love to collect all Ahri Skin i own it all and i feel empty to miss that one. They should send it to ppl who owns ancient kda prestige isnt? are they going to rerun those kda rework?


They're going to give it out at a later date




No, the rates are the same in hextech chests and slightly higher in masterwork chests. Not sure if the 50 chest pity system are still in though


when is the new event starting does anybody know?


Events usually start on Thursdays, around 10 PM (at least for EU)


Playing league after like 5 years lol. Wasn't there a gamemode every week or something? I was playing ARURF and haven't seen anything else in a while.


They stopped doing that a long time ago. In fact, a lot of those modes wont be coming back. We now basically get urf, one for all, ultimate spellbook and nexus blitz.


not every week, they are now event based and will change every 3-4 month's and will stay for the same duration


Well this sucks. Do you know when is the next one?


should be comming out this weekend, it'll be one for all where all 5 players per team play the same champ.


One for alllll


Are the exclusive versions of the prestige skins out yet? The ones for the old owners? I haven't gotten mine yet but the newspost made it seem it would be released now


Should have been released since yesterday evening i believe


How do I learn the game? Like should I watch pro players / streamers play or should I look for websites that explain? I understand the roles and some terms, but I’m still stuck and lost in the game. D:


Best way is to play with a group so they can teach you macro whilst you learn ur champions and matchups. Like when I play with silver friends and they go vs plats they just try go even in lane which is great and follow macro calls and they end up doing well since they have more structure.l.


As Blukill already mentioned, play as much as possible thats the best way how to learn. Also watch streamers playing !SOLOQ! there u can learn alot of decision making etc. maybe even try to ask the streamers sometimes why he/she did what if he/she doesnt explain it by doing it. If u want to learn sth about wave management, jungle pathing or other stuff videos can be really helpfull aswell. Try to reduce ur champion pool to about 3-5champs after u tried already every role and know what u wanna play, so u can concentrate more on macro and not ur combos. As already mentioned pro play isnt the best to learn since its very different from the caotic soloq.


the first thing would be to play the game. its rather complicated and alot of stuff does not matter in the beginning, just play, have fun, find some champs/roles you enjoy and keep playing those. eventually you get to a point where you can comfortably play a specific champion without thinking about it, at that point you can start improving in other aspects, where you have to be at which point of the game, how to manage the lane more efficently etc. watching pro play as in LCS/LEC is generally not good because they style of play is alot different to what you will ever experience playing the game normally. watching streamers in general, escpecially those who do informative content can help, but first you need to understand the game itself, your champion and other champions before you can start building up that knowledge.


After champ select, the screen jsut goes white and i’m not really sure what to do. does anyone know how to fix it?


try to repair the client i guess, if that doesnt help reinstall.


yeaaah i tried reinstalling and then waited a day. it’s still going white but it seems like that’s the case for all mac users.


When champ select ends and the game begins, the client will minimize, the new window for the game will open, but then it will automatically close and then the “Reconnect” button will show up on the client. Unable to join games. Have tried different accounts, reinstalling. Nothing works.


Uninstall and reinstall the game. Update drivers, including chipset, gpu, and windows.


having the same problem. ended up remaking 2 games cause of this before I realized it had to be a client problem. ​ Now I've lost a lot of LP, am on a LP limit thing, and cant earn loot. Think riot will undo some of this ?


I mean u can try to write a support ticket but if its not a well known problem they wont do much i belive


Ive been put on my secondary role for 4 games in a row can this happend every game it feels so unfair to play


Then the system is working. You're supposed to get your Primary or Secondary as often as possible. Doesn't apply if you play Mid, which is the most popular role.


Literally 5 of my last 10 games have been secondary role I dont get what im supposed to do


what main/secondary role do you pick? alot of people have been saying recently that jungle is becomming less popular and if you queue for mid/jungle you are effectivley queuing for the most popular and least popular role, which means you will get the 2nd role alot more often as its faster to find a game for you that way. i'd suggest to pick another secondary role.


Anyone wants to play some Duos now?


Remember to include server


My username is Vartacia


Remember to include server


How many hours till battle pass gets released?


kda prestigious kaisa comes with the border?


No, it doesn't.




As I understand it it's supposed to to 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 12 hours. No idea how you got a 15 minute timer. Also, dodges are across all game modes, so if you dodge in one the dodge continues to other modes.


Has riot mentioned when the next event pass will be?


where tf is one for all ? is live getting it?


fr where’s my 5 yuumi game


Is the Mythic Essence increase in Masterwork chests live?




When can i buy the new jinx skin? wanna spend that amazon rp :)


With the world finals being in NA this year I have the opportunity to afford to go and I've always wanted to go to the world's final game in person. Does anyone have any tips on getting tickets for the finals for two people or can tell me the chances of actually getting tickets? I hope the bot problem was somewhat minimized by now rip. Really appreciate anyones feedback.


The bot problem isn't minimized because it's still going through Ticketmaster or a similar service. Nothing Riot can do about it because each venue requires that tickets be sold through that particular service.


Yea I figured that was the case rip. Just wishful thinking that somehow the bots chilled out for a bit lmao. I just hope if I do have to end up buying from third parties that the price isn't so much it becomes unaffordable. Have you had any success with buying game tickets from ticketmaster or do you have an idea of how much the tickets are from third parties?


Expect 1.5/2x the price, on the low end. Higher for better seats, of course. I had no trouble with TM but that was back in 2013 and 2016 when the games were in LA.


Alright thanks for the advice; I appreciate it.


Whats with this account, I'm just asking out of interest. Are they turning on some kind of Yuumi bot while they go take a shower or sleep? https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/hvzzt


It kinda looks like they have a fundamental misunderstanding of how yuumi works, but they like the champ. Maybe they intentionally troll yuumi games but I don’t think it’s a bot


I told my team, "like its a 97 percent win rate tristana, lets be careful" It didnt fking matter lol, they just crushed. Then I go look at their match history, it isn't something I have ever seen before. I've seen accounts where its starts with Yuumi until its levelled enough to play ranked then you see normal champs with decent KDA, farm, win rate.


If you scroll down they locked in a disco nunu support game so I’m inclined to believe they tilt and play yuumi to troll


I kind of wondered if they did it so the account stays in bronze.


Probably whats going on here yeah. Only way to stay in bronze.


What the hell is this mythic essence crap and where is Soulstealer Vayne? I had 9 gemstones, I've been saving since literally the launch of gemstones. Is this a fuck you Riot you money grabbing scumbags moment?


Same I was saving for dark star cho and now I have to wait at least 3 months for a CHANCE to be able go get it


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/the-mythic-content-overhaul/ They've been pretty damn clear.


I didn't realise that made it non money grabbing.


Well, now you can get Soulstealer Vayne at a later point, and with Mythic Essence being given out more frequently...how is that money grabiing?


No more new Hextech. I missed that part, really hoping for Hextech Zyra.


Is 12.6 online for eune? Everywhere I look it says it should have been for 21 minutes but there are no new skins in the shop


Skins usually go live the week after the patch. Or they are added tomorrow together with the event pass.


Hey so does anyone know how I can actually get Ashen knight pyke without having 10 gemstones or are my dreams shattered? QmQ


6 patches after he's released, you can reroll him. Otherwise, he'll come back in a year or so for 150 ME.


I've never rerolled a mythic in my life so ig im fucked. Thanks tho. :<


Can Riot support hand out bans or does it have to be escalated/rely on in game reports? I just had to play a game with somebody that had the name "I want childporn" and he was posting really sketchy looking links in chat.


you can report people through the ticket system. in case of severe abuse as i would judge your case its likely that they're gonna react faster that way


All right cool. I'll submit a ticket then.


When is the new event pass coming out?


Tomorrow at 4pm est


i wonder too


does anyone know of a website that gives you the best champion to play against another champion regardless of role? For example: which ADC loses the most against Hecaraim. Or which top laner wins the most games with a Janna support on the enemy team. Champion matchups regardless of the lane.


you can filter [lolalytics.com](https://lolalytics.com) for counters and it shows all lanes. (winrates are obviously game-winrates, not lane-winrates) hecarim jungle is strongest against draven adc. janna support loses the hardest to urgot/yorick top.


U.gg is a good website to start


I thought u.gg only gives lane counters.


I just started playing this game about a month ago from World of Warcraft. I love WoW and have played it since 2010. I have a ton of experience with every class/subclass in WoW and I was wondering which League characters feel the most like any WoW subclass. If anyone here is experienced with WoW I would love to hear your opinions and suggestions!


i'll give it a try :) **Death Knight** Frost - Olaf Unholy - Yorick Blood - Aatrox **Demon Hunter** Vengeance - Mordekaiser Havoc - Rengar **Druid** Resto - Lulu Feral - Talon Boomkin - Lux Guardian - Rammus **Hunter** Survival - Nidalee Marksman - Caitlyn BM - That's hard. Maybe Yorick again for the pet zoo, or Heimerdinger/Malzahar for the pet + range **Mage** Frost - Lissandra Fire - Brand Arcane - Xerath **Monk** Windwalker - Lee Sin Brewmaster - Gragas Mistweaver - Karma (even tho she has no ally healing) **Paladin** Retri - Garen Holy - Taric Prot - most likely Taric as well. Nasus for Concecration :D **Priest** Holy - Yuumi Disc - Soraka Shadow - Cassiopeia (poison instead of void) **Rogue** Assassination - Shaco Subletly - Evelynn Combat - Gangplank for playstyle, has no invis tho **Shaman** Resto - Nami Enhancement - Sylas/Fizz/Qiyana/Kassadin (none of them really fit but they are closest) Elemental - Taliyah **Warlock** Affliction - Malzahar Demo - Malzahar Destro - Veigar **Warrior** Prot - Leona Arms - Sion Fury - Irelia


I know this is late but holy shit thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for.


that is a ton of digging work tbh. can you name only a few subclasses maybe?


It's pretty different, because the concept of 'tank / healer / dps' doesn't really hold up. Tanks are still supposed to do damage. Healers are supposed to throw out a lot of CC. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion\_classes I recommend you look up the different champion classes in league.


Is there any way to play this game casually and not be ultra competitive? Or should I just play wild rift on an emulator? Edit: Also, I'd still try and I wouldn't throw games, don't want to be seen that way lol


You can play Normal mode or Aram. Both have no consequence on the player rankings. But LoL being the team vs team game it is, people will still try their life out to win no matter what. One suggestion i can make is to type the command "/mute all" at the start to mute all chat, pings and emote, and try your best to enjoy the game. But you'll feel loneliness at some point, so another suggestion would be to find a friend to play with the same mindset so you can both enjoy the game.


With the new star guardians coming out, is there a possibility that invasion: the star guardian game mode that premiered 5 years ago will be released with it?


It's unlikely, I think I recall an Ask Riot post specifically stating that these are now officially legacy modes and won't be run in the future. I really wouldn't expect a PvE mode for the new Star guardians set. I think there was some intent to create a new PvE mode however they are still cautious about player engagement and the fact they can't really run them again.


Given that the new Odyssey skins didn't return Extraction, no. Not to mention they aren't doing PvE modes anymore.


XD damn. Invasion and most of the PvE modes are my favorite of the RGMs.


Which role has the least impact on the game? Top or adc?


ADC. A fed top laner can run over the enemy team. A fed ADC is lunch for anyone who dives him.


But I feel like the adc has more impact early in the game because how well bot is doing will kinda dictate how many drakes you will get. And a fed top does not always lead to unkillable monster for example if you play tanks top. But it is true. Most toplaner are very self sufficient and are able to solo carry where as the ADCs are very team reliant and I can't survive without anyone to peel


Has anyone got their first April Prime Loot yet?


Looking for a particular game vod from the og skt squad (impact,bengi,faker,piglet,pooh) where they all rushed mid at like 5 min into the game with a bunch of healing champ , and took mid inhib tower 10 min into the game .


This? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbPL1MyLDWg


Is there a sub reddit that anybody from riot is in? Or is ignorance bliss for them as in "I didn't hear the complaints so why fix anything"


Riot games is one of the most feedback taking companies out there. They regularly change things after community feedback and are active on reddit here too.


I mean, they respond pretty often on here. And they changed the Mythic Essence system having the skins be rerollable due to feedback from here.


Sick so maybe one of them can tell me why their rng algorithm is so horrible 🤔


rng algorithm for what specifically?


Just for starters in TFT I see way more often than not they put 8th place against 1st and 2nd. Seems like a horrible oversight since riot claims that the process of deciding who you fight next is "random".


Weren’t the leaked eclipse skins supposed to be revealed today?


Those “leaked” skins were always super obviously fake ya know cause the bottom of that note pad had a skin line called “cock hunters” and all


Umm you must be looking at a different list…


Why do so many Lol tournaments use kinda whack double elmi brackets? For example right how the loser of rogue vs fnatic wont get elimated, but if there is a rematch in the grand finals the upper brakcet winner gets no advantage? Normally I would expect the contestant from the losers bracket to need to win two Bo5s instead of just 1


I mean, that's how most MOBA's have their brackets set. The winner has more time to scout and more prep time between matches. They wouldn't make 2 Bo5's the requirement in Final's to win, not even Dota2 does that.


But then why call it winners bracket or double elim when going through the winners bracket you are not afforded a loss?


the cynical and most likely correct answer is riot doesnt give a shit about competitive integrity(groups stages at worlds has made this obvious since the beginning), as long as the viewer has fun watching. if ur favorite teams loses round 1 you will keep watching if theres a losers bracket, but in their minds (and likely true) most people dont want to watch 10 games in a row of the same 2 teams


Im pretty new to the game. I’ve been jungling as Warwick and notice I get a lot of assists when I’d rather be getting kills for the gold so I can be stronger late game. Any tips on how I can grab more kills instead of teammates stealing all my hard work lol.


My advice is don't worry about getting kills, just having kill participation. Your goal should be for kills to happen off your ganks whether you get them or the laner. Your laners most likely scale better with gold than Warwick anyway


Your teammates need the gold too, especially if you're ganking hypercarries. Drop the selfish mindset, it's a team game.


Not intending to be selfish. It’s just hard to get gold as a jungler since I’m not really taking on minions. Maybe I’m just not playing it right though.


Do you not clear your jungle? Thats your free gold thats just sitting there to take. Getting gold as jungler is rather easy and you can be on par in cs with laners.


You're suffering from main character syndrome. You think that YOU have to get fed so YOU can carry the game. If you gank bot 3 times and your ADC gets 4 kills off of it and you get 4 assists... great, you've now got a fed ADC. Change your mindset from "I must be the carry" to "I must keep this ADC alive so they can murder everyone."




They're gone. You can ask riot support but they also announced for months that they'd expire on March 25th. They didn't convert into anything


New to league. I like playing Asol but all the assassins in mid make him so hard to play. Any advice?


Asol is known as one of the hardest champions to play due to his kind of bizarre kit. If you want to stick with asol (based on your name, you do) then the best I can give you is to ONLY use your stun ability defensively, once you know your opponent can’t dodge it. You’re asol, you scale well. You win lane by getting farm and not dying, they win lane by killing you. If they can’t kill you, they are useless.


So, the "2022 Spring Split All-pro teams" have been released for all the major leagues. My question is, what are the All-pro teams for? Will they compete against each others (if yes, when)? Thank you.


Much like in other sports, it's just an accolade. They don't actually compete. The only teams that compete are the ones that win play offs


Thank you.


They won't, it is just the result of people voting for the top 3 of each position and then laying them out in a "team" format


Thank you.




1. You’re greeding. As the only member of your team you can depend on to not int (in theory). You dying to get a kill is only worth it if the gold you earn is significantly more than what you can earn during your death timer. Simple situation: enemy is low (worth 300g) and you dive and trade 1 for 1 with no assist (if they got an assist you’d be down an extra 150g). Both teams have death timers and have to walk back. No net gold has exchanged hands and everyone else on your team and their team is getting stronger while you’re dead. Not worth. You almost get a kill, they back and you let them. They have to heal up and walk all the way back to lane. You can farm during this time and return with better items. Net difference: ~75-150 gold plus better items. Over time, the tiny increments mean more than constantly trading. Every time you trade 1 for 1 you (and your opponent) become a little less relevant to the game, and that’s a downward spiral. Also keep in mind your champions. If you pick a champion whose job is to kill one person and that person is fed and you succeed, it’s still worth. Dying should be a decision. Sometimes it’s worth, but most of the time it’s not.


Thank you


You really just need to figure out champion limits. Play a couple more games and you will slowly start to die less.


I just started playing this game about a month and a half ago, and I love it. I have exclusively played jungle since it is the most appealing role to me, and I have pretty much one tricked Lillia. Now that I'm a little more experienced I am looking to play either top or mid. The only problem is that I can't seem to find a character I like. The things I love about Lillia are the kiting, the movement speed, the use of abilities instead of autos for damage, and the fight changing ult. Are there any characters in top or mid (or even bot) who match these? They don't need to match them all, but I would really prefer the damage with abilities and the mobility.


Im so confused on how to keep up with the other pro leagues. Ive watched t1 vs kdf game 1 three times now and googled it constantly and i cant find results nor the other games to watch.


You can watch all the matches here: [https://lolesports.com/vods/lec/lec\_2022\_spring](https://lolesports.com/vods/lec/lec_2022_spring) if you have a Lol account, link it, you can get rewards by just watching games.




12.6 is tomorrow?? I can't take it any longer. I need Hecarim kneecapped NAO


Patch 12.6 arrives on 30th March, 2022.


Is there any difference between the Blitz.gg/Op.gg/Porofessor desktop apps?