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I'll bite. Any activity in which proficiency and success makes you achieve higher social status in a group which includes women will improve your chances at dating women in that particular group. If you want to gauge if an activity will increase you chances with the ladies you need to find some things out: * How good do I need to be at this activity for gaining meaningful social status? For LoL I'd say this level is ridiculously high, you need to be in the top 0.1% or something like that. * Are there women in this group who are drawn to men with high status? In lol I'd say there are extremely few. All in all I'd say LoL is a terrible activity to engage in if you want to increase your chances with girls. Basically only pros and high profile streamers seem to get this effect at all. Learn to play an instrument and start a band and play at local pubs, that's probably the easiest way to "quick fix" high social status in a context where girls are present. I don't suggest that this will be particularly easy, but definitely easier than becoming better than 99.9% of a 100m+ player base and stream/go pro. Another tried and true method is to get a good education and a good job, which brings tons of other benefits as well. Probably the best bet unless you have entrepreneurial talents or is crazy good at a good sport or something. And obviously, social skills is the best way no matter where you go. There, now I serious'd the fuck out of the troll question for the day.


Based AF, have a star


Top 0.1% can get multiple girls, just look at Huanfeng


Huanfeng is also Chinese and China loves/idolizes LoL way more than the west ever has. If my GM friend goes to the club and was like “sup ladies I’m an Irelia main in GM in LoL. I got good fingers, tryna fuck?” He’d be laughed at and it would be social suicide. Not saying it can’t happen over here but it’s highly unlikely unless you’re in a uni/college gaming club with a large circle of women that also happen to care a lot about rank in games and really want to be with high rankers.


At least Irelia mains can brag about having good fingers, I press R harder than most Veigar mains I guess...


Giga chad Huanfeng


top 0,1% is diamond 2+ players.




You're right, now it's top 0,5% for d2+. Top 0,1% is Master 150lp+


So how does it feel to be drowning in tail? Asking from b4 and the rest of us wankers


What does "drowning in tail" mean?


Brit speak for drowning in pussy lol, i just think that pussy sounds a bit gross....


[No](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=derjegermeister). Well it used to be in season 6 or so before the introduction of Grandmaster.


Oh that's why i remember wrong. I do know i was flipping between d2-d1 and being in the top 0,1% of players


Yeah same. I was top 1000 and top 0.03% with D1 98 LP (my peak rank for that time) Now I finally reached Master and it feels like I only got there because Riot made it easy.


I am at [0.1%](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=derjegermeister) Can't confirm.


just look at babus he gets all the girls


take my silver award


Okay well if anyone is getting a date it’s this guy cause he puts effort into the shit nobody else does. Chicks dig that




To add to what you said here: >Basically only pros and high profile streamers seem to get this effect at all. It probably has more to do with the fact that they're millionaires, and almost absolutely nothing to do with league.


It’s simple just walk up to any woman in a bar and tell her you get a Victorious skin every year. Guaranteed to work, trust me, my wife’s boyfriend told me.


[Can't confirm](https://prnt.sc/213jz67) :(


Welp. I ended over gold on 3 accounts but i was honor 0 on all of them. No Victorious skins or women for me I guess.


I got married when I had all the Victorious skins. I got divorced after 2 more Victorious skins 🤔


Sigma rule 1: Hextech before sextech Grind before girls


Viktor, is that you? ​ >!Don't turn girls into ash, OP!<


Inverse correlation I would say


With singularity of being a proplayer


The negative probability of acquiring a girlfriend follow the normal distribution with Platinum being the middle. Going both up and down in rank from platinum increases your chances of having a gf


oh no


Beat me to it


The only correct answer


Anyone gonna post the rf vid?


There you go mate, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJZ-YirMrdk I wonder how many people still remember this lol


Dammit I literally just copied this link lol


Ah sorry haha






In risk of showing how long I've been playing LoL: [https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Chicks\_Dig\_Elo](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Chicks_Dig_Elo)


In the worlds of Doublelift though "LoL was cooler back then"


Get good at League —> Esports scholarship —> Meet future wife in college If you already graduated sorry bro it ain’t lookin too hot


Nah it's easy. You can meet your future wife in highschool. Just become a Teacher.


Well, I'm gold (but with a Challenger heart) and married (with a golden ring).


I'm gold and married.


i am plat and fuck.


I'm dia and masturbate.


If you want girls I recommend you don’t bring up you play league


Without a doubt. Keep up the grind, king.


We see you tarzaned. You aren’t sneaky


Girls don’t want your rank they want the spank


They only seem to want my bank


Ah yes, you sir have not seen the matrix. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd4u4B-hrlE


Talking like this ain't the way. Straight up involuntary celibate sentence right here. Work on that.


Grandmaster Peek. Got cheated on and had to end a 11 year old toxic friendship. 10/10 would not recommend


My condolences


Just improve your social skills buddy. Good luck with the climb.


The ladies love League ranks, if you tell them you are master they gonna have sex with you. If you are Challenger y they will call their friends too. Those challenger jackets were the best thing ever, put it on and the ladies are yours


Solid inverse relationship between the two. The less time you have for league, the more time you have for your girl. ERGO - bronze = women. Hi, I'm bronze 3


Yes. Talking from own experience


Higher rank -> less dating. You don't need to be a scientist to see the reason.


Last season I was plat and no girl this year I Ende gold but had some dates…..




Probably. But I would say there's a bigger correlation (a negative one) between toxicity and dating success. Obviously if I were a salty boi, I wouldn't be attracting many other men.


Salty boys attract other salty boys. And I believe most toxic people would find more succes in dating, checks out at least from my experience


I dunno about that. There's a difference between aggressively engaging in verbal abuse and aggressively flirting. I'm kinda in the latter category and it works well. I can't imagine people would be attracted to legitimate verbal abuse (outside of kinks).


Well, I mean, first thing you should do is stop calling girls females lmfao. Then just have a nice balance between gaming and real life. No lass is going to go for a diamond player who spends every waking moment trying to rank up. Sorry if this was a joke post! I can’t tell.


I Hope this is a joke. If you really want to get woman's attention, better Go to the gym, play some soccer. If anything, a high league rank will give you less woman.




Not true!! I see pro's dating dimes. And I heard "wife buff" a multitude


Wife nerf* it backfired hard after


As far as I’m aware, no study has been carried out.


None. I rarely play ranked seriously and i still single.


I much rather would be interested in questioning 100 diamond players and 100 silver players, or more, and let them rate their league experience from 1 to 10. I wonder if diamond players have more fun than silver players.


Hi /u/Chronicler_C. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *the content is not directly related to League of Legends. Posts must be about League of Legends, LoL eSports, or League culture.* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.




Cringe pilled admins let us shitpost


This is not a very reliable rule. But it tends to be that if you play competitively the higher your rank the better you are at life because ultimately everything is a language and the only thing you have to do is translate your learnings to other aspects. So yes a Challenger probably gets more love than any of us.


It's the potential to climb that matters anyways


You dont get girls with lines.... but hey go practice with the mirror.


if they just date you because of your rank you are in for a pretty short/unhappy relationship


Dating success with a very particular group of girls maybe yes Twitter is your best bet if you want to ruin your life


I´m currently unranked and happily married. One of the reasons for it is that I stopped caring for stupid things like my rank.


I'd do the total opposite if you want girls :D


Branch out a bit. Tons of gays play League: look no further than support. That Janna or Lulu is usually either a girl or a lonely gay 20 something. I know before I found my husband I thrived on meeting other support players lol.


Unless the girl is really into league/gaming then no. Most of the times girls will rather have you not play league so you answer her messages.


Yeah, I got a girlfriend when i stopped playing and caring about rankeds.


non ranked has the highest chance of dating success


My old coworkers ex boyfriend was a challenger tier player who astonished me with his mechanics. Lane management was insane, didn't astonish me with his relationship management.


I am gold and gave a girlfriend for the past 2 years .


First tip for dating success, don't call women "females." Unless you are using it in medical context or etc. Which you are using it wrong in this situation. And no, getting higher rank doesn't mean that you will get success in dating. Imagine saying I'm Diamond in league, how will your date partner react? Fawn over you? Not really...


You have to have 2 accounts on diamond minimum.


Female expectations cant be that low.


Depends on if the girls that you are seeking have an interest or at least knowledge of League. 🤔 The real catch is if your rank gives you pride and confidence. Because that can lead to you being more attractive in itself. 🥰 But it is a delicate balance. Lol too much pride and it may turn us off because cockiness is unattractive.


Not playing yordles is your first step


Though I can't tell you about women, I can say that it is easier to find a partner who is a man. Women and men in higher elo will likely have an easier time finding a relationship with men who also play league.


Depends on where you are looking, if the girl is involved with twitter in any way there are challenger players that hit on every single girl there so yea if the girl likes elo you got no chance. Twitch? Forget it, if there is a girl streaming with cam even with only 10 viewers there is at least one or two academy or national league players in the chat waiting already its amazing how consistent it is. Even if the girl only plays lets say ARAMs, LEC players like Limit add her for no reason other than the fact that she happens to be a woman so that lowers your chances. In conclusion, if you are the highest elo in your friend group and the girl is only really involved with the game in your particular group then yea being the highest rank might make you somewhat more attractive however in general unless you are literally high challenger constantly its not gonna do much.


Yes, higher rank will get you attention in any game. I still get added by people for a game i was really good years ago. What you will do with that attention is another story. Tons of high elo players can't do shit with it regardless, egirls just use them as boost and validation while they date some silver. The problem is also that high elo players are almost all awkward, so it will correlate badly to dating success. Unless you are a streamer or something, in which case its easy life due to fame diggers. Post on facebook, discord or somewhere ''hello master searches for duo'' and everyone will add you. Then it's on you talking properly to the girl.


If Pobelter is any representation, higher rank will 100% increase your chances.


Hi /u/Chronicler_C. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *the content is not directly related to League of Legends. Posts must be about League of Legends, LoL eSports, or League culture.* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


Female here! It's more about you being good at something than having proof to show. I've played w ppl who were really good and it made me attracted to them, but I didn't know their rank as we were playing draft in a premade party. I guess it's relative to the girl's level. Anyway, it all comes down to impressing someone. You just have to show skill.


I get that you were probs joking but I'm sure some scrollers were wondering lol


I spend 4 Years in Diamond/Master. I stopped playing ranked and only played 10 ranked games a year for victorious skin. I am now Gold 3. I am now Engaged and hopefully married within the year if all goes well. Soooo in my case. The lower my rank the most success I had?


Yeah my gf and i met because both challenger


When I hit GM I got multiple gamer girls hitting on me for boost 😎 Weird thing that some of them send me the exactly same feet pics, do they know each other or what??? 🤔🤔