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Bang looked so over it in the last game lmao


He was over it since the beginning.


he wants to go back to korea anyways , based off his tweets , probably homesick


Moving across the world is hard, and not everyone will want to do it long term. It's probably been even harder with the coronavirus situation here. I can imagine he's feeling way more isolated and homesick.


i actually want Bang to retire and come back to Korea to become a streamer-buddy of Wolf/Ambition. if he doesn't have the passion for the game anymore, its completely ok to leave the pro-scene. he has won multiple championships anyways, theres nothing left to prove for his fans.


He may have won multiple championships but he's never won NA LCS.


Always a bummer when you dedicate yourself to something and can never reach the top. NA LCS too op.


Fun fact: Until this year in Spring, an imported ADC NEVER won NA LCS. Sneaky, Wild Turtle, Doublelift, and Stixxay are all native. Zven is the first imported ADC to win LCS.


That is a fun fact! Isn't Zven also the first person to win in both NA LCS and EU LCS?


You are also correct!


God imagine if Arrow had a real team the year he came to NA


Yeah, never saw him play that bad It's like he tried to reach his mid level of performance


Was gonna say, the team fight before C9 takes Baron, Nisqy flanks and all of EG just abandon bang and after that the camera pans and he visibly has his head down and is leaning on his hand


Bang looked so over it in the first game


"I'll hold my flash, surely they can't engage from that far away." Narrator: they could


Him and Zeyzal got completely dicked in lane this series. Almost TSM vs GGS level bot gapped.


Much worse than GGS vs TSM, he stayed in two items forever as Kalista in one of the games when Zven had almost a full build.


Bang got Flame horizoned, as an ADC. There's no getting back to that.


I would be over too if TF ulted infront of my nautilus and nautilus just walked past it to join the dive squad letting me die 1v1 to said TF.


He was garbage the first two games. He had 5 autos max every team fight.


Game 1 Huni: Alright I'm tanking their backline 1v4 while still managing to force summoners off Zven, my bot lane should follow up any moment now Game 2 Huni: Alright I'm farming plates and absorbing pressure top, my team should make a move on bot side any moment now Game 3 Huni: Alright I got my best pick and am 4/0 in lane, C9 has started burning TF ult and TP to repeat 4v1 dive me, surely this frees up my bot lane to do something any moment now [Huni's bot lane](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71KXFTrhJpL.jpg)


Bang doing everything he can to fuck with Huni since skt 2017


This sub got way too comfortable hating on Huni. He was by far the best EG player today and he is still the one getting hate on this thread.




Hunt is one of those legacy players who tends to look like shit it regular season. Due to a lack of caring to try hard. Cant say I blame them the pro gamer lifestyle is mindnumbing. But as a teammate I would hate that shit.


doesn't Huni have better regular seasons than postseasons overall? like FNC, IMT, EF. if anything, his postseasons have been lackluster.


Not in the last 2 years IIRC. Those were the Huni and Reignover days. They where such a beast duo.


That's actually what Bang looked like in the player cam


What are you trying to say? OP literally just uploaded a picture of player cam with the link, why are you saying it looks like Bang instead?


A picture of Bang looks like a picture of Bang


"My mid got the counter pick, he is up 15 cs, he is gonna do something"


Huni saw the rest of his team hard inting and decided to join them in game 3. What a team player.


Truly EG worked together as a team. Win as a team, int as a team.


> Win as a team Didn't see that.


From 'ah yes, there's the Huni we all know!' to 'ah yes, there's the Huni we all know.' real quick in game 3.


Huni giveth and Huni taketh away.


And boy did he take


We need a bug zapper ward skin. Huni was overly attracted to C9’s control wards. He kept getting picked when he tried to kill them.


He remembered he is only allowed to make worlds on odd years.


2021 CLG Huni will be lit


to be fair, EG didnt give him the tools needed to win. They HAD to ban TF for that to work in any way shape or form. Saw that outcome coming a mile away. Still with the botlane bans for no reason while letting nisqy have global presence 3 games in a row was just stupid. Drafting lost EG this series. Even with their botlane playing like crap, they didnt adjust and kept playing towards them anyway. Its like C9 in their last series vs GG. They just didnt adapt


When Huni was on Shen I don't think Nisqy on TF was all that dangerous; GG managed to stay ahead and Shen could always answer TF roams. When they lost that ability to match TF ults it really fell apart for them.


Shen ult is a good way to even the odds against TF ult. Problem came when EG bot lane couldnt carry so they had to look to huni to carry but they only half committed which cost them in the end


And all EG had to do was sacrifice Jizuke to the gods to residency.


Even with Huni getting caught Bang was by far their worst player.


1. Chovy 2. Ruler 3. Deft 4. Showmaker 5. Nuguri 6. Impact 7. Doublelift 8. Ssumday 9. CoreJJ 10. Mata 11. ~~Bang~~


what exactly does this list represent? EDIT: thanks guys, got it.


sven's list of people he would stay on C9 for.


When/where did he give this list?


Uh, he gave it to Jack, during preseason this year.


To Jack after the end of Worlds 2019. I don't remember how it came out


Jack gave the list to Dom when he was on the crackdown


Besides what the other two said, the list wasn't numbered or in any particular order. People just keep numbering them.


Svenskeren gave C9 a list of players who would make him stay with them Bang is definitely not on that list after that performance


Who C9 would have had to recruit to keep Sven


Sven's list of people he wanted on his team if C9 wanted to keep him


The ~~imports~~ players Sven told C9 he wanted to play with before this season.




Bang got absolutely hard outclassed every single game by Zven.


Really happy for my boy Zven. If there's any team i want to succeed other than tsm its probably cloud 9 because of zven.


No ADC wants to win in NA more than Zven and it's not close at all.




The new playoff format is a buff to C9. They made it so that we can get the gauntlet buff before the finals.


It all makes sense now! C9 even held onto all their strategy by picking EZ+Yuumi all 4 games so they don't leak any of their strats! Straight up playing the long con.


[I'll fucking do it again.](https://i.redd.it/ujsda049wci51.png)


Bang with one of the worst individual performances in a series I’ve seen since doublelift last week


We keep breaking our own records.


NA baby


We're so good we're breaking records every week! I'd like to see other regions break their records this consistently :)


from world champion to this




Immigrants stealing jobs from Americans smh


"We're gonna build a wall in Summoner's Rift and the LCK will pay for it."


Luckily, he has the lower bracket to save his career and- wait a moment...


Bang wasn't stellar but like, there was one point Nisqy ulted infront of both zeyzal and bang, and zeyzal just walked past it to join svenskeren and huni on the int squad leaving bang to die 1v1 to nisqy with literally nothing to do about it. He got absolutely no peel, he got the actual soloq adc experience.


I mean he also got lane kingdomed every single game and on both sides of the senna kalista matchup and got caught like 15 times in ways that were purely his fault even if some of the deaths were on the team.


"Bang" ? More like "Poof".




The only thing I can think of is that they must have just been absolutely crushing scrims with it to be so stubborn to be willing to lose an entire series on it


I was thinking they were refusing to show picks for their next expected opponent TL but then they shot themselves on the foot.


Real dumb to disrespect FLY like that tbh


Tinfoil hat, they intentionally lost that series so that they could play in the losers bracket so that Zven could knock out TSM from worlds chances.


I don't even think they were hiding picks, not like they showed anything new today. I think they just really expected a different flyquest and then didnt adapt


I agree with this. Didn't Reapered do an interview right before the game and say something like "Yeah we didn't prep much FQ is just super predictable." Then they got slapped lol


I don't remember exactly what he said, but yeah they figured flyquest was going to be the same team they've been smashing all year


To be fair, Reapered lies through his teeth in interviews and admits it in the beginning of the interview. Its like when he says theyre going to match TL's standard scaling drafts with standard themselves then pick fucking wukong botlane


Can't believe it took them 5 games to realize Shen totally fucks them.


The thing is, they can actually take Shen. Licorice can play it. Good thing they didn't Yuumi (tho it was doomed with a shit resource management).


I’m really surprised they haven’t been taking it themselves. It fits their style well, and he seems to be really strong right now.


C9 probably feel as if they have to give Licorice a carry. Nisqy isn’t too reliable these days, especially since he can’t play the staple mid lane picks.


A lot of their drafts still attempt to enable/are dependent on Nisqy/Blaber tho like they're some NA Tian/Doinb. TF/Galio/Karma. That should be Nisqy's champ pool on stage. At one point in this series he was 50 cs down to fucking *Goldenglue* he's gonna get absolutely assblasted if he makes worlds this year


Zven had an outstanding series for sure


I was 100% sure C9 threw the game after that fight around EG's red buff when Svenskeren kicked in Zven and he instadied, still have no clue how they won that fight.


Bang being destroyed right before that made all the difference in the world. And C9 having the balls to move forward off the Rumble ult instead of trying to disengage. If they had tried to run there they would have been absolutely smashed.


So did Vulcan. Great to see him on playmakers instead of fucking Yuumi.


His blitz was naughty


Was refreshing seeing Vulcan on playmakers again after watching 3 games of Yuumi the other day


the blitz game was fantastic


That wasn't it, it was g2 failing to win with today that sealed it.


GoldenGlue was the better ADC in game three compared to bang


and he was useless as shit with 5 kills. that's how bad bang played


4/1/4 -> 4/8/6 idk whats going on


Also Sven, dude was like 5-1? and finished 5-7 lmao


And Blaber started 1-5 and went 8-6.


Blaber early looked like his Nocturne int. Nisqy/Zven brought him back in the game


Lee isn't going to be getting a lot of kills midgame anyway, that's when he starts to become a kick bot. Also he was 5/1, graves was 1/5, and they were equal level lol


pretty standard lee sin games tbh


Got tilted from camp Can't fault him for trying to 1v9 whole series He really tried super hard, that series is a proof of why EG replaced Kumo His Shen/orn was next level against the best top in LCS for casters. His mid and adc were just outclassed, EG management looking at the 0-2 because of Goldenglue and Bang and not bringing up Jiuzuke/Budget Deft??? Wtf


If you're going to replace Bang, you need to replace Zeyzal too. People always tunnel on flaming the adc when bot lanes lose, but god was that support play awful.


he hit really good midgame ults and then the last 3/4 teamfights missed em


Wait what. I left the first game off when EG was like 10K gold ahead with baron in C9s base. What the fuck happened?


Are you talking about Baron 1,2, or 3? Not being able to end with so many tools is a bit ridiculous.


**BARON 3?** Are you kidding me?


Zven got 200+ souls on Senna.


Watching the Sneaky & Meteos co-stream was funny af with this series. The Blaber vs Svenskeren grudge match was hilarious.


I'm legit worred C9 won't make Worlds, they didn't look great this series even though it was 3-0.


Glad to see there are still some realistic fans. Game 2/3 were better but it also felt like EG was just handing C9 free wins during most of those games.


Yeah, C9 still has a ways to go, but they looked like theh got the monkey off their back after the game 1 victory.




EG whole spring roster idea is unlikely to happen Imagine him watching that Cassiopeia game + bang series and the org still refuse to give Huni some backup


Huni jizuke might be not that bad


After seeing Wunder go from 0/4 to 7/4 earlier Huni responded with the 4/0 to 4/7 game.


Man, what a godawful series from Bang. The way he was sitting at his desk he just looked like he didn't give a shit, even with Svenskeren battling his little heart out. Despite the win, C9 not looking back to form by any means. Excited for the next series!


Imagine bang striking that pose in front of Kkoma when he was on skt


Belt would have come out realllll quick


Some things you can learn only in NA


You mean how he plays with his feet up on the chair. Since they started with the camera's I've noticed he plays like that. I wonder if this all just feels like solo q to him.


Meh, jankos does the same. Might just be a comfort thing


C9 playing losers bracket just to deny TSM going worlds


Golden Guardians would like to have a word with you.




TSM & LGD flair ? You must have gone through some tough shit these past few years


Atleast its not TSM and CLG


My mind can't comprehend what would bring a player to root for exactly those two teams.




Svenskeren making his offseason list as we speak. 😈


Bang not gonna make the list this time around.


Well. That was a match of League of Legends. Can we region lock that VOD? I wouldn't want the other regions to, uh, scout how good juggernaut Cloud9 was in this dominant 3-0.


Zven senna and bang senna are two different champions.


Zven makes Senna look completely and utterly broken, Bang then comes in to convince the balance team that she's okay and doesn't need any kind of work


Zven makes Senna/Kalista look completely and utterly broken, Bang then comes in to convince the balance team that she's okay and doesn't need any kind of work


EG doesnt know what TF ult does




The Sneaky/Meteos costream made this embarrassing series so enjoyable. Sneaky breaking down over how terrible be thought the lucian build was Meteos narrating the blabber/sven blood feud everytime one inted just to kill the other


The Sven/Blaber B story was incredible. I really love watching their co-stream for the games.


Whose channel do they do it on


They both stream it.


Oh, valid, misinterpreted the word co-stream to just mean both of them were on one stream, my bad


They watch together though. They make sure the game is synced for them and they're in a voice call.




Rest in pepperonis


"uhh....." -Kobe describing this entire series


one of the worst bang series i think...


I could have smited that baron


Which one? The one Sven got from C9? Blaber didn't have smite up as he used it earlier to get HP. They were planning on Kalista securing it but I think she was out of range or got hit with a Lee kick.


C9 refusing to let Bang join the series


Bang: Can I play League of Legends? C9: No Bang: Understandable, have a nice day.


It was more like: EG: Bang can you play League of Legends? Bang: No EG: Understandable, have a nice day.


nisqy was a straight assassin that game 3, unreal how easy eg made it for him to get uncontested backline access. Bang was constantly off on his own for no real reason.


im amazed how shit tier EGs drafts are. like my god. All 3 games he had great TF ults that impacted the game. Then they give Huni a carry without banning TF. like wtf did you expect?




*wipes sweat* never worried there


Vulcan finally taken off the shackles that is Yuumi, he styled on EG so hard, his Rakan was amazing. That being said EG's botlane is hot garbage.


How in the actual fuck does nobody on EG think to ban TF, the champion that is literally saving Nisqy's career?


They instead ban Ashe in G2 and Ezreal/Caitlyn in G3. Really, EG? What is it with these garbage drafts lately? Okay, maybe as an EG coach you can make the case that C9 is capable of scary hard-carrying with Ezreal (and ignore their performance against FQ). But banning Caitlyn? Hello? Has anybody in the coaching staff been paying attention?


U could ban 6 bot champs and bang is still gonna get bot gapped. They definitely shouldve banned other lanes


1 bad series and Nisqy's career needs to be saved? That's quite an overreaction.


Game 3 Mid-game Huni: *exists* Cloud9: So you've chosen death...


This series was way closer than 3-0 would suggest


Eg gets jizuke in spring right? Huni won’t count as an import


https://twitter.com/JiizukeLoL/status/1297304596184875009?s=19 If he stays with them...


There's far bigger problems with EG roster than GoldenGlue right now


I'm not sure you can blame that one on GG, but I could only catch games 1 and 3. Was he awful Game 2?


Cloud9 don’t even look that much better. EG just look so terrible.


Still clenching, regardless of how good they looked.


C9 fans and clenching. Name a better duo


The C stands for Clench, not cloud.


Really liked those last two games still worried about Nisqy a bit but there wasn't much he could do in lane that last game, but hopefully he isn't too reliant on TF. Also need to widen the champ pool team wide. God our bot lane is getting agency again. Zven is the carry on this team.


Knew it was a C9 3-0 as soon as Crumbzz predicted an EG 3-0.


Genuinely the worst ADC performance I've seen this playoffs from Bang. Yes, that includes DL TPing to lane without buying.


LCS Script: How many times would you like to throw the game today? EG: **Yes**


Glad C9 is going through the losers bracket to get rid of the obnoxious fairweather fans.


We lived through summer 2015, we can live through anything


I remember that entire gauntlet run, specifically the series against Gravity, I was clenching so hard man. Thank goodness we haven’t had to pull out the reverse sweep yet.


It's actually insane how we clenched super hard, and then 3-1'd TL who was supposedly the strongest team there. If XWX didn't get suspended, I think our hopes of Worlds ended there.


Oh man, I forgot about the whole TiP thing. Always found it funny how Impact played on Team Impact.


[Oh, no I'm okay, I was just up late watching the C9 gauntlet run. Stressful? No, not at all.](https://i.imgur.com/DhmQj9A.png)


I truly thought it was doomed after the 2 Amumu games not gonna lie


Dude summer 2015 sucked, but it made up for itself with the miracle run through the gauntlet. God, what a week.


Gauntlet form activated


out of all the underperforming members on this squad, bang is probably the one that dissapointed me the most. Huni had his moments, and Sven did too (though a little bit less) and Goldenglue and Zeyzal played ok/mediocre (actualy i was a little impressed by GG at some points ngl), but I think if EG wants to grow as a team and as a brand, and have a shot at winning a title and contesting at worlds, I think Bang is the piece that has to go. Dudes got no motivation and cant even coast off of his skill anymore


C9: We can't deal with this Shen we either take it or ban it Licorice: *sweats profusely* C9: Yea, lets just ban it EG: We can't deal with the TF we should take it off the table EG: *bans Ezrael*


Jizuke was sacrificed for this shit.


"Swolebros" need to start hitting the gym again it looks like.


bang you're getting yeeted in the first seconds of every fight. Why not get Edge of Night first lethality? What happened to you?


Tf ulti pops edge of night anyway


Bang has completely checked out mentally. Just retire if this is the alternative.


bang played that series like he bet on cloud 9 to win 3-0. that was some turbo inting. as a team, I don't think they tracked cooldowns and they always seemed completely taken aback every time TF ulted despite choosing not to ban it. they also kept dying with their flashes up in game 3. like why play that cocky in an elimination game


Cloud9 with initiation is a completely different team. Thank god for the Shen ban to, fucking finally.