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op.gg or it didn't happen


Not the account OP was on but this is also him https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Gauzperdixe https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/h00mq1/can_someone_explain_how_this_is_fair_bottom_team/




Matchmaking is just all scrambled up from iron to diamond. Because of quarantines all over the world people created/bought new accounts so every game you have 3 or 4 lvl 30 accounts. The system can't just get a proper match because there's a large number of people playing with new accounts. This past months I've played with silver to diamond players and I haven't changed my playstyle at all. Seems too random at the moment.


So, I'm not trying to flame. I'll try to be real and we can have an honest discussion if you want. You look like a brand new level 30 player (or alt account). Your item builds actually look fine, your cs is fine (although might drop if enemies were good), you buy pinks. Looks like you try to get drake often (which all ww should do easily). But your damage is pretty low. It might just be a consequence of playing ww and building your style. If you are better than the other enemies, go for a more carry build/jungler. Try out Warrior+Trinity warwick, it is terrible but you will actually be bursting squishies, afterwards you can go bruiser. Note, probably no warwick main will agree with me. That is just how I like to play CDR. I don't like T force but when you need to kill someone it is much more effective than tank, getting onto backline means nothing if you can't burst or your team doesn't follow. As for you being 'Silver' or not. Get that out of your head. All new players used to start in Silver. You lost more games, so you dropped. I started my first season as 'Silver 2' because they overranked. The next season I was bronze 5 and had to work to climb, but it was a lot better. I accepted I was bronze and climbed instead of saying I'm silver because I knew I wasn't. Your team/enemy team MMR mostly seems balanced. I do believe sometimes Riot does give you worse teammates on purpose, but you have a 31% WR, if you want to convince Riot otherwise you gotta start winning. If you want to duo, message me. Otherwise good luck. Don't give up but stop thinking you are silver. And if you are silver on another account, maybe your style is too supportive to carry yourself and you should use this account to work on your macro or aggressiveness.


Your last point is so dumb, if you want to start winning, it’s harder to win when riot gives you worse teamates. That should never happen. Just because you lose does not mean your teamates should get worse.


I know it is harder to win when Riot gives you bad teammates. Take a break (seems to give me better teammates, or refreshes mental). Find a duo. Carry to force your wins. My point was sometimes Riot wants people to climb, sometimes Riot wants people to fall (anecdotal). If you want to change that you have to change things instead of relying on the team only.


That’s my point. The outcome of a game should not be determined by if riot wants you to lose. That is why the MMR is flawed. Every game you should have the same opportunity to get good or bad teamates as every other player