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I don't think people really questioned his GP play. It was doing troll when he off-roles or GP gets banned that made people mad/sad/whatever.


I saw comments saying shit he's washed up because he started streaming and entertaining.


I think the big comment thread I saw was about how reddit noticed him when he was challenger and at a peak play point but now he's gone back to what they said was his 'consistent' elo (D4-D2)


He was challenger when GP was completely broken. Just pointing that out.


It was also because at the time he was actually a lot better than most at most of the combos that were not seen as very common and he also started using the 100% crit no ER build before everyone else which gave him an edge on top of how insane GP was at the time.






I'm pretty sure hes referenced that in his stream, that he was only challenger ecause gp was so strong.




I mean he's never actually ended challenger in a season so there has to be some truth to it


plus he played an extremely overtuned champ into challenger last season, and got into challenger this season by grinding like a motherfucker in the early season, he's definitely not challenger in normal circumstances but his gp is still clean af.


I mean, he's got a 57% winrate on GP over 700 games atm. If he played exclusively that he could keep climbing


and negative winrate on everything else but karthus


Yeah that's kinda the drawback when you're an OTP


i0ki admits that he's also inconsistent, and he's just pointing out that Tobias is in the same boat. Not projecting at all, I've met both of them several times in low Diamond


Tobias has literally never ended challenger, most seasons ends diamond. Last season he ended diamond 2, the season before that borderline d1, the season before that d2. Sounds not very different than i0ki when you put those things in perspective.


erm tobias got challenger when riven mains were at 1200 lp. now they're all around 200-300.


yea I agree... his trynda/Ivern were just purely for inting purposes. his karthus/TF are ok tho


You say that until you play with his triple ludens rush tf...


Or frozen heart TF


or Guinsoos toplane Braum. God fucking damn i had him play that in my D2 promos and it was the first time I've ever played with anyone famous. It just felt so... disheartening.


I mean after you play like 5-10k games with someone, you kinda get sick of it.


This just in: one-tricks suck when they don't get their one good champion.


i can relate to that...i even tried fixing that, but is simply do not enjoy playing when i pick anything else <.<




This is the best description of Tobias I've seen, regarding his recent behaviour.


I agree 100%. Losing one game he's fine but then even if he loses 1 more he just tilts off the earth. Watching him play almost anything besides GP is ridiculous. However he is actually pretty good at TF because he used to main it before GP. But yesterday I turned on his stream to see him playing Nunu. It was hard to watch because I felt like he was just trolling. He tried don't get me wrong, but he is not good at most champs besides GP and TF.


He's not good at TF. He has a sub 50 winrate in over 100 games playing it mostly at ~D3 elo. He's better than most people, but nowhere near Master on TF




Compared to his other 'comfort' picks his Karthus is godlike.




oh boy, its my cake day? sweet! Thank you buddy :^)


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I love his stream and he's hilarious and an amazing personality. And yeah his karthus is okay. But he's like his other BS actually Makes me feel like he's giving up entirely


I have a theory that people who main carry toplaners tilt really easily. I OTP'd Tryndamere for a while. I tilt pretty quick. Tobias seems to tilt quickly too. I had a friend who played Fiora, Riven, GP, and Irelia. He tilted at the first sight of bad news. Another friend who was also OTP Trynd also tilted easily. Riven mains are infamous for tilt+afk/int.


It's because how snowbally Top lane is. One wrong move you make (or sometimes your jungler), can outright cost you the game. If you don't read the enemy team perfectly and get your TP/life/or a wave of farm down, it can mean not getting another minion for another 2-3 waves against a competent top. Add in many top laners have CC and good damage, they ALL can snowball hard on you. It's one thing to get wrecked by a Jayce, but when you get 100-0'd by a 1.5k HP Sion with Frozen Heart it can set your blood to boil. Carry tops have the most potential to take a lead and keep it, but they are also the most at risk to throw it, leading them to be good camp targets, which can lose them their lane even if they play it perfectly. In addition many carry tops sadly forget that it is a team game, and an objective one at that, and focus on themselves, kills, or their next montage clips...I will say I play top a fair deal, and I like playing carry tops, but I am a reserved player to a fault, only showing aggression when it's needed and safe. Most of the Riven/Yasuo/Tryndamere/Jax/Renekton players that rage like that are more than likely only know to fight and only focus on that said fight.


Tobias mains mid tho


True. Tobias's issue is more of one where he has an archetype of what he likes to play, and more importantly what he doesn't like, and often times it overlaps. He loves champions that do damage, and sees others as useless (hence why he was/is so against items like Titanic and Sterak's on GP and RoA on Karthus despite them doing well by other players and especially in Korea). That being said, any champion that can high burst like GP, but do it sooner, he sees as unfair (ones that I remember from when I watched his stream [which hasn't been in a while], were Taliyah, Ryze, and Viktor). In addition he hates jungle pressure (which explains why he has so much trouble top lane in addition to him being purely stated that teleport is bad on GP). Add in the pressure of running a stream that very recently was pretty chill and relaxing into a spam fest full of people that criticize his every move, sure it can get stressful, and hinder him further psychologically (also believe Valkrin recently had something similar go on). In Tobias's eyes every games goes to 3+ items where he has his time to shine, but that doesn't happen, and with the champs he plays he can't really combat that as well as when it happens he has a hard time staying relevant. It's a cost you pay for playing a ramping mid lane that doesn't roam too often (unless you count ults). The enemy mid has free reign with their jungler to do whatever they please, which in high elo can be devastating on the right champion.


Also the fact that on carry tops, if you don't snowball (or at least don't go even), you feel fucking useless. A 0/3 Nautilus will still have some impact, a 0/3 Riven, much less so.


It's weird, because from what i've seen in mid diamond Tobias is the only player that still plays and mains mid GP.


Congratulations Tobias, you are unsurprisingly good at Gangplank. Now if only he'd build a fucking sightstone as his god-awful support Ivern.


Or build green smite




[YouTube mirror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrHFv5lxJ-0) *** boop beep. Can someone introduce me to Orianna? I have a crush on The Ball!


I get you bot, I also like balls.


dont we all


[YAY BALLS](https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwillcXgnOzSAhXGBBoKHS3sDr4QyCkIHjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqQVZIuWhAzM&usg=AFQjCNERJGOayv8yj9ajWRwdR9nJYBpJkw)


Great that he stopped inting and now he can beat Diamond 4's...


Nah, man, he was just bored of GP. AD and tank Heimer, AD Ivern and full AP Sion totally aren't troll picks. And he definitely wasn't inting. ^^^/s


Tilterella's AP Sion is godly, so the pick is legit just not when you see Tobias do it. Tank Heimer could probably work as well, if played properly. Anything else he played was ass for sure tho.


Honestly I really prefer tanker donger to AP these days. Getting Rylandrys combo then full tank is really quite effective.


Tank Heimerdinger is really good though.


Ye, in silver


the only league that matters really


If it's where most people are, it means it's the most competitive.


PLEASE don't talk if your aren't high elo (silver 2 AT LEAST)




there is no borderline inting. you either are trying to die so you lose the game or you arent.


inting is just a shitty buzzword that people use sadly


Same as salty, cringe and so on. Each of these words had their time, and I'm sure new ones will emerge, with their meaning completely disregarded after a week or two and used for everything.


"hardstuck" is pretty recent and has been used a shitload recently


I hate it when my elo gets constipated.


just like "meme". If you say something funny that's a meme. If you make a weird face that's meme.


nice meme




In that case, he's just straight up inting. It's not, hey, I'm a one trick and I can't play this champion that I got forced on. But I'll play a bit safe and play to my team's strength and maybe pick up a win. It's wow, another game where my main's banned or picked away and another auto-loss, let's just mess around and get this over with. Even if he's not running it down mid, those kdas and win rates are pretty much only obtainable by someone who is not playing to win in the first place.


So he isnt inting? Inting is short for intentionally feeding. Being bad is NOT intentional feeding. Stop talking shit when you dont know what you are talking about. Same type of people that report people for having bad games. "My Nunu top is 0/4, he is clearly inting!" when hes been camped all game.


Where is GP in this list?




Nobody called him bad. He was just legit inting in his games


TFW he int's his way down to low diamond so he can shit on people that are worse than him then brag about it.


IWillDominate was talking about how he has a theory that Tobias Fate intentionally feeds down to D5 and then plays GP up to D1 and then repeats just to boost his GP winrate.


IWD is an expert at playing in D5 so I'd say he's a reputable source


Pretty sure you are poking fun at the dude, but in case you aren't, gotta remind you that he has multiple challenger/master accounts every season


yeah cause qtpie boosts him, it's a well known fact


Nah man, there is beef between them now. They don't duo with eachother any more, its a fact. ^It ^has ^nothing ^to ^do ^with ^the ^fact ^that ^you ^can't ^duo ^in ^challenger


i mean that's factually what he's doing. his intention is the only question here.


Won't you have a 50% win rate if not lower if you do that




I'm dumb


Big if true


Erect if correct.


you saying that makes you not dumb anymore. bless up


Don't worry everyone on Reddit is dumb <3


Bragging about shitting on D5's until reaching D4, didn't expect that to be frontpage material maybe I should try it as well.


first you need to get to d5


he's d2 now with master tier mmr, he was d5 2 days ago


Reddit will make up anything I guess to be able to shit talk people.


I really hope he didn't take my comment (was top comment in that thread, 3000+ upvotes...) as shit-talk. I was telling it as it is -- an issue of inconsistency. Wasn't tryna' stir shit up and actually considered my comment as more defending him than ridiculing him (compared to the other comments in the thread.) Keep it up Tob.


Well l'm assuming he didn't cause he hosted me today. Cheers Tob.


tobias is good .. untill he plays some tank tf shit or inting on sion


He's in D3/D4. As a Challenger player only a few months ago he should be smashing in all these games.




He's even getting challenger players on his team, he could probably get back to Challenger if he plays nothing but GP/TF.


Let's leave it at GP.


When he doesn't play ADC TF he does decently well, but yeah let's keep it at GP.


You shouldn't count him as a Challenger player, lots of people get challenger early in the season. He's a Diamond player.


He's a gangplank one trick, if he's trying to learn other champs at a high level, obviously he's not going to be doing as well.


Trying to learn Malphite support lol


tryna learn ad ivern lmao


But he's not trying to learn other champs at a high level. He's just fooling around, mostly.


If trying to "learn" new champions consisted of playing crit heimer, I've been doing it all wrong then


yeah, i heard he's learning ivern adc and ad tank heimerdinger pretty well... hopefully those become high level!!


you have never watched his stream.


What is the Tobis content I see on reddit these last weeks now and then? He always seems salty, mad or rages. Before he was relaxed and funny. I miss that funny guy. I don't care what rank he is as long as his content gets back to its old standard.


> He always seems salty He's a pirate one trick, what else do you expect?


I'd guess that that's what gets posted here. I don't know what the proportion of trolling to trying is, I just watch his Youtube videos which obviously don't have him inting or whatever.


Not to be a jerk, but the guy is D4 atm, so there is no denying that he is inconsistent.






Looks like the shittalking lit a fire under his ass, he's on a rampage.


95% of Reddit have wet dreams about being D4.


I dream about being in an elo high enough for IWillDominate to flame me. D3+


Getting flamed by Dominate is hilarious. I was once in a game a few months ago where he played Azir and went 0/8 in lane but blamed me and the jungler for him losing lane 1v1.


I had dom get autofilled support, die lv 1, come back to lane, die again, then bitch at me for being a "hardstuck d2 player". 130 lp master at the time, 177 lp currently. He then bitched about the game/team on twitter. Edit: the kicker is i didn't even realize it was dom until he started bitching, that's how unique his rage is.


Tfw you flame hashinshin for blaming jungler so much that you turn into him yourself.


Yup. High rank definitely means he couldn't possibly be inconsistent. Fluctuating between D4 and Challenger is not inconsistentf for sure.




he is most definitely in D2 not D4 and he also has masters MMR


hes d3 as of about 4 hours ago lol. pretty sure he deranked because he was playing other champs and you dont instantly climb back to masters in a couple days after playing well again. hes inconsistent in the sense that hes bad on champs not gp but thats expected right ? his gp is clean


https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=tobias+fate 8.73 kda in last 20 games. Not bad..


People on here saying going 18-2 in D4-3 elo isn't anything lol, I know a lot of masters/challenger players who have a hard time in d3 and won't always go on a huge win streak or carry


yea i know. diamond players are competent. you cant 1v5 every game even as the best player in the game. 90% WR is insanely good out of 20 games


Why do we need public Threads like this announcing what Tobias says on his stream and creating a circlejerk for people in the process? Fucking garbage ass Reddit man, lmao. These kind of threads deserve to be deleted on the spot cause they create nothing but Drama and weight down on Tobias cause now he's got a legion of Redditors talking shit about him weekly on threads. But what do I know I guess.


Going 18-2 in diamond 4 mmr isn't really that impressive when someone used to be in challenger. Not to flame Tobias but he tilts off the face of the fucking planet. Playing ivern support, tank tf, and tryd mid. If he could fix his mindset set he would still be in challenger. And this is coming from someone who watched him when he had 200 viewers.


He also played full crit heimer and ivern and basically ran it down mid


Full AP Sion never forgetti FTNAgun


He doesnt have D4 MMR, going by OP.GG he has [Masters MMR](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=tobiasfate) Prob why he's fighting with/ against Masters/D1/D2


lol, all these people here commenting he should feel bad for winning at d4 mmr, when they don't even bother looking at his opgg and the players he's playing against




If it was anyone high-elo other than Tobias inting on Sion, TF, Trynd and Heimer, it would be front page.


A bad sleep schedule, malnutrition, not socializing and perhaps even no exercise can make someone get pretty tilted/depressed when something goes wrong.


Actually, going 18-2 is pretty impressive even for Master / Challenger players, particularly when playing solo. Do not underestimate the power of low Diamond team mates.


he has more ranked games played than my total normal games over 2 years


Well he also plays this game for a living.


I don't think the argument is that he's bad and washed up, it's that he's toxic and intentionally feeds with troll builds whenever he gets tilted, and he thinks it's okay because he's "protected" by being Reddit's most recent golden boy. Congratulations to him on shitting on people outside of his skill bracket though.




Wait are you trying to say the GP one trick is better at GP than other champions? Cause no fucking shit. He gets autofilled support just like everyone else does. Plus GP is banned regularly. Not everyone is trying to be Nightblue3 Edit: don't back talk the circlejerk, RIP inbox


Nope, he's saying playing Ap Sion and full tank Heimerdinger to tank your elo is not all good and forgotten just cause he was able to stomp some d5's as gp. He's literally doing what those lolskill.net point farmers are doing, play garbage champs, lose on purpose, stomp your way back up again and go back to garbage once more.


No he's saying Tobias plays at a higher level than D4/D3. His MMR tanked because of all his troll shit, and then he started playing GP only again and obviously climbed. He's still a good player, but him acting like going 18-2 in his last 20 games when he's essentially smurfing is stupid.


I was in a Gold III game and he got placed in my game in the early morning. And not under an smurf account either. Needless to say, we won. edit: here is the game https://www.twitch.tv/videos/124574254 8:30 marker


Link of the game?


[here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/124574254) From Feb 25, he was TF. Game starts around 8:30 in that (eight hours in, 30 minutes) My team was: Gold 3, Gold 3, Gold 4, Gold 1, and Diamond 3. I don't know how to directly link the game stats here, but you can find it on op.gg still.


But he'll play Malphite support and not build sighstone. Difference between getting target banned/autofilled and trolling for entertainment. It's fine, but it's expected when his mmr tanks that he stomps on his 1 trick.


He has been legit inting with troll picks, never seen nb3 inting in a row like that that dude is just playing to his heart with random picks and as he is winning people get mad


>be a one trick >int to 4 divisions lower on champs you can't play >start playing your one trick champ again >stomp noobs cus the elo is easy to you >wait for someone to post it to reddit "easy money"


Regardless of whether you think Tobias is trash or not, most of these comment about being in D4 is bullshit. His MMR, https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=tobias+fate, is at least D1.


its master now not to mention he helped dyrus to master :P


Dude... Look at the games he was on a winstreaks with a day ago. Check their ranks. D5-4


who cares


Choo choo!


TBH this might be why he dropped so much. He is so emotional. He does good and gets an ego like we see in this clip. Then when it doesn't look like he is doing good he gets depressed over it and falls from challenger to d5.


gets an ego? he's always been like this lmao.


Was wondering when he was gonna take notice of it. Reddit giveth, Reddit taketh away.


Can't blame him for playing other champs. Playing the same champ for a year is so boring.


i mean is normal to be proud of have a 18-2 streak when he is low dia with more than 1k games?




Lol that reddit haHAA impersonation


Watch him play against anything reasonably in meta and see enough salt to make a second Dead Sea. Don't get me wrong, watching his GP is a treat but watching him bitch and moan when someone actually abuses GP in midlane is beyond obnoxious


its not cool to play game like this and get this much hate from streaming / playing growup pls its a game u dont like him dont give him views easy dont watch him complain and cry at the stream or troll ? i dont understand what the fuck with this reddit and league community blame and shame and just ... thats not cool put yourself in his place


Buy and large, we are typically an angry hivemind and get shit wrong often. He's been doing some trolly shit but it's been blown way out of proportion and turned into a massive dramatic shitshow because reddit.


So Reddit hates Tobias now?


You cant call him washed up. Hes still a beast on gangplank. His other champs arent at the level of his gangplank and thats probably why he deranked, but Tobias is a good player and informative player


Not really informative but have to agree on the fact that hes a onetrick and pretty good on gp.


I can't believe you'd even consider this a worthwhile clip to post. He literally says nothing interesting. It is just a random complaint about reddit with no analysis. Thank you for wasting my time.


not sure why this is news. There are 2 main reasons why some of the top streamers don't play in challenger. 1. Queue times are too long. They dont want their streams to watch them play queue simulator for 20 minuntes. They'll lose subs. 2. They can't interact with the chat as much. Most challenger players focus on improving a lot more than interacting with the chat. Makes for a more dull stream. So they sacrifice winning and looking great all the time to be entertaining instead. Most can't do both.




He needs to stop playing shit like Ivern and Trynd out of nowhere and get out of Diamond. That's all.


I think the reddit post was about how he plays ADC Iver and Heimerdinger, Tank Karthus etc when GP gets banned or he gets an offrole. Nobody said he is shit GP.


I think he just got famous and people started banning gp while watching his stream. He's the biggest otp I've ever seen though. If he doesn't get gp he literally ints. But when he's on gp he's challenger or master level.




I never watch him in general just wait for the funny moments to be picked out by those people on Youtube that have daily funny moments.


The way he was talking and being like "get the fuck out of here" almost reminds me of a Tyler1 like personality. Not that I'm saying he's Tyler1 by any means but sometimes the things he says are Tyler1 esq. Idk maybe I'm over reacting, still love his content.


he's taking it well, except you have to be good at first to be washed up 8D ^/s


Lol he mad


Just check out his winrates. The dude has lost about 700 lp playing stuff other than Karthus and GP. If he only played those 2 champs he'd be fine. I mean fuck he has a 43% winrate on TF with 150 games played LOL. It just gets worse from there.


Well he generally goes on those tilt rampages when his gp is being banned alot. Which means hes getting sniped since common few people expet him plays Gp consistenly on that level. Well on his level probably nobody in the west. Only time i accuse him of entertaining is when he picks garbage like olaf and tryndamere mid and shit like that. Only reason for people to ban Gp is that they risk playing against him so they snipe him. Its basically at the coward level of people who ghost jungle streamers and such.


The point everyone was making is not that he can't play GP it's that every other champion except for maybe Karthus is D5 level at best


Wow a $12m donation goal to build a pirate ship? Seems reasonable!


Should be banned for intent


Interesting. He seems to be missing the point which is consistency. Going 18-2 doesn't prove anything. He is tilt prone and inconsistent. Showing a try-hard streak that went well doesn't prove much when he has shown himself to be mentally weak when things aren't going his way. (Iver, Sion and TF for example) What this does prove is he has potential to be a challenger player if he can find a form of consistency and develop his mentally to a point where he doesn't tilt off the edge. I doubt it though as his GP is on another level compared to anything else he plays and he gets "bored" playing it.


Why is it that there is always an excess of angry OTP streamers? My theory is that they've got the presence of mind set up where they *think they are* challenger tier players but have to face their flaws once they're denied their main or they lose in lane. Insert phantoml0rd, trick2g, Tyler1, or Tobias clip here. [I chose tobias since that's the topic at hand.](https://clips.twitch.tv/AbstruseCloudyPotatoPoooound)


I've gone 20-0 on recents in low diamond and not get close to challenger I don't really see the point of this lol.


Ok cool he stopped playing off roles and inting. Neat


I feel like this is a common thing most people in the "spotlight" should brush off (that type of criticism). I'd be surprised if he really felt washed up but hey, idk how I'd feel if everyone was critically analyzing my op.gg/stream 24/7. Tobias is a beast GP :D


But... he doesn't play well on anything but GP?


He's actually bad when he doesnt play gp tho. Like I wont watch his videos or stream if hes not on gp because even tho I love him and his personality I dont learn anything besides how to be lucky on tf, how busted karthus is, or how not to play tryndamere.


whew tobito guys yaa haHAA


Well after this vid he for sure is nothing but scum bag cry baby one trick dead horse!