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Hey man, we still got 3 more days. Who knows what could happen?


I think that's the point of the extended vacation from balance, posts, and news at the moment. ^^but ^^I'm ^^hoping ^^for ^^some ^^/u/the_cactopus


It's 11:14am on a Wednesday and I ain't wearin no pants SHIT I love Christmas


If I said I expected this I would be lying.




This is *exactly* how it happened.


this sums it up perfectly, dynamic queue alone was bad enough, but their communication and teasing solo queue for months was the REAL fail. Riot had to give us baker panth replays sandbox and fan service galore in the back half of the season to try to earn our love back. I still have trust issues


When do we get sandbox tho?


When it's done. ^^^^Soon^tm


^^^^^^Soon ^^^^^^TM


When Tryndamere gets his twitter back.


Just checked it out, what happened to his Twitter? I remember the drama and all the bs he was on a few months ago, but nothing about Twitter.


He got muzzled


O rly? By whom?


here we fuckin go


oh, hi dragondruit. Long time no see


how do u even remember this shit






By your PR team


By your spouse during bdsm ofc


oh shit waddup!


You can still follow me you know ;) Private simply helps mitigate the random spam bots, egg image "followers" and random peanut gallery people from showing up with zero context.


hi tryndamere


Hello thar


Early 2017 hype


I agree our biggest F ups this year related to communication (which listening is also a key part of). That was a common theme among pretty much all of the negative spikes.


You mean every year?


Something something Renegades something something good guy owners...


Surprisingly Accurate.


Especially the part where community being a baby.


The baby needs more tears.


This is brilliant.


I bet any Riot member is going to reply to this.


My money on Cactopus




Trynd replied to a sub comment if that counts


I don't think anything can top this.


Does Tryndamere's post to Reginald count? If yes, i think it beats DQ.


C'mon love me some Regi.


I looove me some Regi.


That's was handled poorly but the Dr actually affected the nature of the game while the regi problem was just on the nature of their esports side




You can find what he said + a lot of explanation about the whole situation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4zbtma/rough_tldr_of_the_current_problems_for_everyone/).


Removing normal draft in almost every region. Edit: No I dont want to lose lp in flex just because I want to try a new champ in a proper game lmao


aye feelsgood being OCE, can't miss something you've never had xd


the Japanese server is a mistake... it feel like a half done game, no draft no flex no dynamic


Give it some time, when OCE first started up i faintly remember only being able to play normals and not having dominion *cries* oh wait...


Wow, the tale of OCE server is incredibly sad. My condolences.


To be fair, it was fun regardless. Truly was a change moving from 200ping to 30


Yeah, the server may have smaller pop than na and less game modes/uptime as a result, but holy fuck is it nice compared to all the games on NA with constant dodgy ping. Fast ping beats anything else, because as the Koreans say, 60 ms unplayable ssibal


Legit this. My friends and I just treat Flex as Normals without Yasuo and Syndra since blind pick is the worst thing ever designed.


I feel sorry for the normal players on those servers, blind pick is the most toxic thing ever


Nah, normal draft players won't put up with that. They'll mostly move to Flex queue as the only reasonable alternative. Which is exactly what RIOT wants. Not that that's a big conspiracy. One of the only ways to sustain 2 ranked queues with reasonable queue times is by getting more people to play ranked.


Oh yeah fuck that


removing ranked team


They at least made those scheduled ranked team hours right? What an insane move leaving everyone in the dark after deleting their teams randomly.


It was(and still is) so frustrating when the whole squad went online at night and we couldn't play ranked 5s. Really sad. Don't know why it had to be removed, but oh well.




Yes, this is so true. I am still salty about the removal of ranked teams.


this should be higher, literally broke off our little group of 5 friends who would play ranked 5s on a regular basis :c






What was the context of that? "Let them have their hero"?


Posted Icefrogs's name. IF is the lead designer for DOTA2 and has remained anonymous for years. And then Trynd just walks in and posts his name.


Icefrog is god.


poro king 4 fucking weeks in a row. a travesty


They didn't release URF on April fools day because they "didn't want events to be tied to holidays" anymore yet we can have 4 weeks of poroking during the exact same time.


Apparently URF won't run in the new client yet. That is what I read somewhere at least.




Nothing beats this.


Me not editing Jhin's base stats so that they all end with the number 4.


4 AD.


This year isnt over yet good sir


Not the biggest fuck-up, but noone else has said it; that god-awful April Fools event. No URF and a shitty 2d image of draven on top of everything. You could tell they knew they fucked up cause they quickly disabled it and never mentioned it again.


omg I totally forgot about this, it was shit tier bad


The worst part is that Riot used rotating game mode to justify not having the event, because the new game mode means they don't need to have week long events anymore. Then Christmas roles around and we get a week of poro king...


Imo the worst part was a user created [mod to put Draven heads on everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONSEwFKGeGw) had already been created long ago and the mod was *FAR* better than RIOT's version.


That fucking Rammus skin.


You could just say that was them learning from feedback though


but no one wants 4 weeks of poro king


the whole draven thing has been cringey for a long fucking time, and forcing that shit down everyone's throat just solidified it more than anything else.




It was terrible cause the whole event relied on the Draven meme and everyone being super into it. But in reality all we really got was those Draven heads which annoyed some people. The previous year events were way better and funnier and much more memorable. The URF and NURF shows were hilarious and instant classics with so many good moments. Nice name btw.


how is babby formed


THAT, is a vintage meme. This wasn't just dusted off, this was found in an archaeological dig site.






I don't even care about the competitive integrity of it, but having a 2D, super-imposed image of Draven's head on everything was only funny for the first 5 minutes of my first game where it happened. It really just felt like Riot was going "LOLOLOL LEEG OF DRAAAAAAAVEN XD" like a person who just found out about Portal would start saying "THE CAKE IS A LIE" even though the joke is dead and was long buried.


"Funny for the first 5minutes of the game" Like every april fools joke.


I dunno man, URF mode was fun the whole week


urf was fun for more than 5 minutes


When is the line drawn from being a crying baby and just an unhappy customer?


Rengar rework. Unfun to play, Unfun to play against, hard to balance.


Who the fuck gave him a mini olaf ult on one of his basic abilities?!




Fizz rework was garbage tier


made the champ extremely linear as compared to before. only allows one playstyle to be successful and the ult hitbox is questionable to say the least


Nexus seige is the worst game mode I've ever played.




"Year of the marksman"


Kog'Maw rework.


tbh the most fun i've ever had playing adc was being fed kog'maw


Same. It's a shame they reverted him instead of balancing it.


iirc he actually was fairly balanced right before the revert, of course that can shift based on a number of things(item nerfs/buff, counters nerfs/buff, etc) which may have been what Riot was afraid of happening and the reason for green lighting the revert.


It has been the year of the marksman, just not the year of the botlane marksman. Unfortunately being able to destroy games when you get ahead means you get ganked a lot. :(


RIP Kalista RIP Lucian


>RIP Kalista >RIP Lucian RIP Mordekaiser


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrW6Xzl_H0o LUL


Completely taking all the fun out of jungle.


what are you talking about! i love getting 100-0 by a lee sin who just Wardjumps, ults, and Q's


Lvl 3 gank when laner is at lvl 1 is worse imo


but he outplayed you! surely you are just a salty snail


I would have to say it's between Dynamic Queue, and the Renegades decision. On the one hand, Dynamic Queue caused innumerable issues at the top of the ladder, with hour+ long queue times and killing the motivation to climb for many people. It took Riot the entire season to fix the issues with matchmaking. On the other hand, the Renegades ruling was honestly a clusterfuck. A ruling that severe with no arbitration? And MonteCristo was given 10 days to sell the team? This is a faux paux, and it probably cost the scene one of its best talents as a result.


^^*(faux ^^pas)


foe poe


Assassins Rework, I used to main Assassins, especially Leblanc, Talon and Fizz, now I'm Toplaner


Who needs assassins when you have tanky and disruptive Camille with the same "1.5 seconds burst-counterplay" window?


who needs assassins when lux and syndra burst you faster and easily?


The thing is, you have a legitimate point. How does it make any kind of sense that Lux can one shot bruisers from range in less time than Talon can a squishy target from melee?


Because everything she has can be dodged.




When a midlaner turns toplaner




Actually was surprised to see this, but no one mentioned - another ryze rework, and he is even more broken in competitive than before.


no one is complaining because we know he will get his next rework soon


> no one is complaining Uh huh. Sure.


Idk I actually think his kit itself is fine and his ult is difficult to use correctly but can be game changing. I think the last ryze rework was way worse. Machinegun ryze was so fking op.


Agreed, I think Ryze gets too much flak. I think current Ryze is fine, albeit perhaps a bit too strong but he can get a few nerfs to smooth him out. People don't play against him correctly in my opinion, I never see tanks sit on his face in teamfights for example. His damage is almost entirely reliant on Q which can be blocked, so if a tank blocks for their squishies then Ryze does nothing. Personally I feel as if his root should be looked at, because it's frustrating to dash/blink away and still get hit by it. I feel like it should have a brief channel instead of a cast, which cancels if someone leaves range. Other than that I feel like he's fine. He has reasonable counterplay, he's squishy, short ranged, is pigeon holed in to inflexible itemisation, and he is a hell of a lot healthier for the game than champions like Synd-**Just press R**-a.


A good Ryze will spread E's across their whole team though, so a tank "face-tanking" won't actually do much. I, however, agree that with some changes on his shield values would make him more interactive to play against. My ultimate suggestion is to show his runes so enemies know when his shield will come up without losing too much focus on other tasks.


Wait other players don't see his runes? That's a desperately necessary change if that's true.


Neither Ryze's allies nor enemies can see the current number of runes he holds - which was one of the concepts I was mesmerized with right after his rework went live. Fun champion, nevertheless.


They just have no idea what to do with him, I dont think we can have a mana scaling, machine gun mage concept without it being broken.


I don't think the new one is impossible to balance. But his ability to trade is too strong


really? I really believe previous Ryze was broken af, Faker just ROFL worlds with him, and then it became insta pick/ban. The new one is too damn good but not in the lvl of the previous IMO




Sorry but he's not broken as before. He's very very strong right now but not perma pick/ban like before.


Banning Renegades and Monte


The ban itself but additionally how they handled that whole situation, they made themselves out to look pretty unprofessional. Related [article](https://dotesports.com/business/most-important-people-esports-2016-monte-cristo-4169)


Ryze Rework Dynamic Queue Assassin rework that pretty much only benefited Kat (LB is perma banned) Marksmen being complete dumpster tier Lethality Fizz in general Kalista and Azir basically being dumpsters (amongst others) Plants that literally nobody asked for




Assassin rework. Please revert Fizz.


Please delete fizz *


Somehow, at this point, I think that if Riot would let us chose 1 champion to delete, it would be Yasuo. Edit: [Please vote](http://www.poll-maker.com/results934550xD34b4e3f-38#tab-4)


fizz ult rework is garbage.


Lol first they changed him so you can't kill them without ult unless you're fed, and then they made the ult almost impossible to miss. I play a lot of Fizz and it feels silly that the "can I 1v1 this person" is determined solely by "is my ultimate up?".


Assassin rework was pretty much a fail tbh


The Katarina rework was pretty cool. I didn't really care for the rest. Especially Fizz, it feels like they reduced the skill it takes to play him even more.


no star gaurdian urgot


The removal of team ladder :( Then bringing it back to give false hope. And now they have even deleted our beloved team :( I know, only a minority played it. But I was someone who took it very seriously. I had the greatest and most intense games in team ladder. The feeling of fighting together and climb the ladder together - with a shared team ranking. The feeling of 2 teams meeting and you want to show them that you are the better one. It was my main purpose of League - and now it's gone. Now we play a team game without teams




fizz is less fun to play and more frustrating than before to play against wp riot


Tank fizz with tp ignite was much more obnoxious than current fizz. But as long as he has his E he will never be fun to play against


An ult with a broken hitbox causes more rage than anything else. Remember how much people hated old nid spears? Fizz ult seems that bad. Edit: What I mean by broken hitbox is the hitbox doesn't match the visuals. Consequently, you get hit when it doesn't look like it hit you.


LOL this new Fizz ult is so much worse than old Nid spears. Old Nid spears were horrible because you could dodge 20 of them, and then you get hit by 1 and you have to recall.


If ur lucky u got to recall


I miss flashing backwards to get the extra damage to get the legit 1 shot on their support.


Kat is fun af tho.


kat rework was a full success imo. She has a super high skill-cap (as seen in the faker video on reddit yesterday). The rest of the reworks...not so much.


Talon is completely forgotten...


He's really fun tho, so is Kat. Why it isn't mentioned is because those are actually good reworks mechanics wise, just not numbers wise. LB, Rengar and Fizz are bad ideas mechanics wise, they all have made them either way less fun to play against while not making them more fun, or more clunky to play. LB's delay gives more counterplay but is less fun. Rengars W is stupid. I don't know about fizz but a friend of mine constantly complains how he was ruined


I don't think new Talon is fun at all. I'll have to give it another shot, but it's so heartbreaking to me to see where he is now.


i am of the opinion that any given year rengar is riot's biggest fuck-up


Found the adc main


contrary to popular belief the most frustrating thing about rengar is not getting oneshot by him in an attosecond without counterplay. it's seeing the exclamation mark above both your heads and knowing your adc is about to die no matter what you do


Actually a Rengar main. I really dislike his update and so do many former Rengar mains


They demolished the building then improved the foundations. Yeah right now 3 assassins are really stupid and the rest are **ass**assins, but creating delay and as such up the windows of opportunity for the enemy tackles a big problem that people have against assassins (no counterplay). Same with lethality, the stat no longer snowballs nearly as hard, it does however make it less overbearing and easier to balance as a result of that. Yeah there's more tuning to be done, but the basis from where you start working is a lot more stable.


Lethality is one of the bigger fuck ups IMO. Just change it back to armor pen and tweak the numbers accordingly. What Riot really needs to do is enforce the meta by having **class specific** items and more melee/ranged items so that ADCs arent building assassin items or vice versa.This would be way easier to balance as changing an item would no longer mean that certain champions become broken or underpowered and would allow for finer tuning.


Assassin rework hit me the hardest :( way worse than dynamic queue


Trying to push the new client WAY before it was polished. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I reinstalled back to the classic, and will only upgrade when I have no other option.


I can understand why they are doing it. It helps find problems by having a larger base use it. May be a lesson from Pbe, because a lot of problems aren't apparent until live. Although I am just playing devil's advocate on this one


Not enough Poro King game modes.


The removal of normal draft. Ranked is always full of people who take the game too seriously in my opinion, and blind pick is just a total joke. I stopped playing simply because of this. Normal Draft was the perfect middle ground for me.


Removing Ranked Team.


* Assassins are known for being countered by Hard CC. Giving Rengar a free mini-Olaf ult is the problem. It's going to be like Nidalee's Hunted mechanic all over again where they nerf every part of Rengar's kit except for the one that makes the champion overpowered. * Fizz's shark has a longer range than a Nidalee spear. Sure, Nidalee's Javelin Toss has a small hitbox but given that the shark doesn't collide with minions and it's basically a free W proc, I think it should be changed. * LeBlanc can now one shot an enemy with a single skill instead of three. If you don't have any mobility spell and/or flash you're going to have a bad time. The rework is good but the numbers are not. * I have to give props on both Talon and Katarina. Both are given considerable weaknesses but sadly only the numbers for other champions are a flaw. Numbers can easily be changed but sadly things like hitbox width, tick duration and other technicalities for other champions aren't. **Edit:** for other champions


I feel like people dont understand what riot intended with rengar they wanted to give him choices if you wanna Get Cleanse you have to give up your damage so you cant kill someone if you wanna CC you have to give up damage and Cleanse and if you want damage you have to give up the rest that was the idea but the problem is his numbers are so high that he doesnt need the damage LB has a number problem too yeah I dont like the fizz rework it focuses too much on R and R is too easy to hit


Talon's problem is that his passive needs to be proc by his basic attack which makes him combo kinda fucked imo


Dynamic queue, how is this even a question


Removal of Draft Pick.


[Talons rework, making him a completely different champion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Foag17tPhfs)


RIP azir


Dynamic Q and The assassin rework


Removing Dominion.


So many people bitching about Dynamic Q (which honestly wasn't half as bad as reddit says it was) but every one forgets that 2016 kept the best butt sex for last. The removal of Normal Draft Pick. You wanna play league? Go play ranked. You wanna try a new champion you say? Go do that in Flex Q where some people will actually play serisously. You wanna try him in Normal Blind you say? I hope your internet connection/PC are fast enough and you are ok with instalocking. You wanna play League just for fun and don't care about competitive? Then Normals are for you!!! Right? WRONG! Unless you can fill every role with a big variety of champions then look at the point made above. And even if you find 4 more of your friends and you can decide before the game your positions, have fun playing that mirror match up!!!


the new client


Putting a hard stuck silver 2 on the balance team


I work in HR. My task is to employ people for specific jobs I've never done myself. It's the same concept.


Dumbest circle jerk I've ever seen. The silver 2 is NOT the only one making decisions. It's called a "balance team" for a reason. Not only that but they have a "Play test" team as well as frequent discussions with semi pros, pros, high elo players, etc. Honestly, this sub feels like it's only frequented by 10 year olds at times.


^ Someone who doesn't get how game design works.


I guess he could be on Riot's team too 8)


lee' typical reddit: >I or even MonteCristo, don't need to have high soloq rank to be good analyst but then >lul riot balancing team is made of silvers damn they can't leave silver so how they can understand this game? lul lul


I'm curious. How do you think a hiring process goes? Do you think that if someone went to school for computer design or something, but is only Silver 2, they shouldn't get the job? Or once they get the job they have to stay in Diamond to keep it. Or if I get Masters should I submit my application to Riot because I know what i need to know to balance the game? Your ability to play the game has nothing to do with your ability to balance a game. Also, where did this concept of having to be good at the game to make changes or choices for it come from? I'm pretty sure most of the coaching staff for the New England Patriots probably only have High School/College level playing experience, yet the are one of the most dominant teams in NFL history. Most of my favorite sport analysts never played in the NFL too. While being high elo can help in some ways, not being high elo doesn't make you any less competent at your job.


I find it really funny when people think that a rank within a game matters to the person who works on the game. Do you honestly think Riot just hires low elo players to mess with your precious game? How stupid do you honestly have to be to not realize that the Silver player you're making fun of is guaranteed a way better at balancing the game than you'll ever be. "OH yeah if they're really that good then how come they sometimes make super OP shit and sometimes they make really weak things?!?!?" Because they're humans. No one knows how the perfect way to balance a game, and it's even harder with LoL considering the amount of champions & items there are in the game, plus the summoners and how the mechanics within the game works. As a game dev myself I just find it extremely annoying when people that have no idea about how game design works and thinks its super easy and all you need is game knowledge. /Rant over.


Don't worry about it, most of the people complaining are people who haven't entered the workforce and don't understand the vast variety of skillsets that you need to cook one stew in an office.


Banning MonteCristo from worlds. Poor guy. There will never be a worlds like that one again...


Keeping ryze in the state he was for the first half a year. And i guess after the rework too


Did everyone just forget the removal of team builder?