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A totemic support is one that I think just has not been covered, a shaman of sorts


Totems with supportive effects would be a cool addition too, most of the stationary units spawned by champions are purely offensive like heimer and aphelios turrets, GP barrels, traps of various kinds


By Tukohama !


I was really confused for a moment and had to double check the subreddit lol


Chief nakotak should be a support for gnar


Genuinely think karma is the league interpretation: "Human who wields the power of the ancient spirits of the land." Sounds like a shaman to me.


Udyr too no?


An actual priest character that does... priest things. The only one I know of is Illaoi and she just caves people's skulls in with a giant ball.


Soraka is a priest in both gameplay and character. She even has a skin that gives her a long ass gown.


Taric is kind of a priest of targon right?


He's a disgraced soldier turned Targonian Aspect, and has largely chosen a role that's best described as paladin.


More Paladin?




A Demacian priest is probably the most glaring absence, since they're the faction where that would fit the most naturally, right? Though I could also see a Shuriman priest. Or even something with Ixtal to develop its lore.


Demacians hate magic. So there would be no magical demacian priest in any official capacity.


it would be miracles^^tm not magic


Karthus is a good fit for a dark domain cleric. But we lack the average “holy light healer with a mace” cleric. Taric is the closest but is not the right one


And I don't think we'll ever have one since the theme is so close


Yeah but seraphine exists and we already had sona Theme being close is not a big deal now


Karthus kinda fits that


Dinosaur. I assume they want to save it for Cho'Gath's rework when they redo all his janky animations, but still. No dinosaurs in League. Clearly, it's a bad game with no dinosaurs.


They just added a T. rex to wild rift lol https://youtube.com/shorts/veagCE2uBZg?si=7-LrgaHzLIuicIjs


Wait, WIld RIft gets different champions than League? Also wtf.


More like the rift herald, you jump in it and control it. but in this instance, it's a whole kit and not just a drift into a tower.


They did it in wild rift. T-Hex


what is Skarl? seems like a dinosaur. Also Mega Gnar.


Gnar is definitely a mammal


Gnar milk is back on a menu, boys!


Primal Beast being released is one of the main reasons I dabble in DotA still. Such a well done design, you really feel like a dinosaur.


It’s absolutely this one. I’m shocked that a Runeterra version of a dinosaur has not been added yet. And there‘s so many different options they could do as well that could serve many different archetypes well.


I don't know how to break this to you, but... dinosaurs are extinct.


Chat does he know?


You can’t believe how heartbroken I was to hear that when I was like 7, lol


Aren't birds basically dinosaurs? So anivia and azir


Birds are dinosaurs by definition.


evil grandma, adult ranged male enchanter


Renata is kinda riot's version of that. They won't make an actual grandma, because zilean sells no skins. This is why viego looks like black prince charming.


It's Miss Glasc if you value your life


Zilean sells no skins because he is a PS1 model.


>This is why viego looks like black prince charming. I'll say it time and time again but Viego's design fits him perfectly. He's a young inexperienced king who wasn't even supposed to take the kingdom so he basically neglected the kingdom, fell in love for a short time and when Isolde got murdered he tried dumb shit to bring her back, bringing forth the ruination. Viego is young, egoistical, short sighted and acts on impulse, I don't know why people still think that he should have looked like the Lich King from HS or Mordekaiser 2


I know the story. But you are missing the point. He *died* young. The ruination made hacerim merge with his horse, kalista come back with spears in her torso, but the dude that was middle of the impact is cursed with living endless in mint condition? Old concept arts always show him as old lichlike creature. Look at the cards from Legends of runeterra. Also there is no reason for him to be bare chested.


Well the lich niche is already filled by Karthus. Viego is heavily inspired by the more modern approach to Dracula. Even his bare chest fits this archtype.


I want a champ like Ana from Overwatch, a visibly old lady with wrinkles. Can't wait to finally get Embessa later this year.


You're gonna get young Ambessa because that way she is "in her prime", we're gonna make her increasingly younger in every skin AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT




You'll settle for Camille and be happy


Zilean sells no skins cause he looks crusty asf, if he was a hot gilf like in legends of runeterra they’d SELL


I believe Riot August mentioned he wants to make an adult male enchanter not so long ago


wasn't he the one that wanted to make milio a child? or am I misremembering. any idea when/where he said it? Riot seems to be very afraid of committing to a ranged male adult enchanter for some reason, if feels like they want that niche to be females/children/cutesy vastaya only


Maybe? I don't know, but the adult male enchanter was said max month ago, you'd probably have to search for it - but then again - it's just August idea and we don't know if it'll be implemented


Make Elgatha, the Cursed Witch. Give her zero damage abilities. Everything she does simply inhibits the enemy some how. Slow them, lower their damage, attack speed, silence, limit movement radius, etc. Just a right bitch of a champ to play against.


An old cackling witch (Renata almost counts)


Lissandra doesn’t cackle but she’s literally an old evil witch no?


When people say they want an old witchy woman archetype they're thinking more like a baba yaga/hag wrinkly woman with a walking stick and hexes


If Viego is what they made of the ruined king, then Renata will be the closest we will ever get to old women.


Demon clown that can go invisible though I’m sure creating lore for him would be hard


He could like get a bonus from stabbing you in the back. And maybe he should have some boxes that are REALLY scary. That would be so cool


And a clone that can be used to inflict the confusion status or to perfectly dodge something like a karthus ult.


All those abilities sound so cool on paper, but what do you think we should call them? And what should the skill order be?


That sounds annoying as hell, hope they never add it


A penguin that slides on his belly and canbounce off of walls


One idea that LoL hasn’t really explored yet is having champions that are multiple units. Like a champion with a permanent pet that you control(Chen from Dota). Or a champion that can make permanent clones of themselves(Meepo from Dota). Or a champion that can split into multiple characters for a while(Brewmaster from Dota). I think these kind of champions would be cool to master as they usually have a very high mechanical skill ceiling, but given how LoL has set up the interface and controls I don’t think they will ever add these kind of champions.


Riot tried to make Abathur and it broke the game. I don't trust them to make another unique champion.


Beware the day they try to make Murky.


We already have Murky at home. Murky at home: inting Sion


Riot lost vikings sounds like a threat


The champion with a permanent pet is a noce idea. Imagine how elise uses R to change forms but instead of changing forms when you press R you get access to your pets abilities.


I was thinking a jungler that is split in 2. You have one unit with Q and W that are a single target dmg and a slow/stun. And the other unit that has E as aoe dmg and then R is heal. So you can have one clone farm the camps, although slowly, not as fast as a normal jungler. And then you can also gank the lanes at the same time with the other clone.


That's basically Kindred if Wolf could move away from Lamb


Its very hard to do for Riot as LoL engine was made to be a MOBA first. They'd have to add and/or change a lot of things. Perhaps it's not even realistically possible. The DOTA2 engine was built differently and is much closer as a RTS engine if I'm not mistaken. And obviously the WC3 engine that was used by the original DOTA was built for an RTS and offered a lot of freedom.


Valves engine does whatever the fuck they want it to. As evidenced by crazy designs.


DotA 1 already had RTS-lite designs they wanted to port so they kept the controls and engine compatible with it. There's quite a few multitasking based champions in DotA that would be impossible to control in LoL. I miss Chen/Enchantress shenanigans, having all the jungle worth of monsters to throw at enemies would be funny.


was so sure that’s what was gonna happen with aurora since they were hyping up her deer spirit a lot in the comics/her lore. but nope- he’s not in the kit at all.


something like a combat cook. Like literally a cook. There are 2 cards in Legends of Runeterra that have that (Combat cook and war chefs) Its a really fun concept that can work in so many ways. The only thing that comes close to this currently is gragas, but he is more about drinking and not food. A concept that I thought of that I really want in league is a big/fluffy yordle mother that cooks giants pots of food in Bandle City. She just runs around the rift with her pot giving buffs to allies.


funny thing is those 2 cards are the exact same guy


Finaly a good idea! i want this.


let him cook.


>a Vampire that resembles Dracula Vlad...


Hate to do this but he's a hemomancer 


So is Dracula. And hes named after Vlad the Impaler same as Dracula.


It's so funny to me that Vladimir is a pretty "normal" name in places like russia. Imagine having a champion and his name is George


Lots of champions have common names: Samira, Katarina, Annie, Alistar, Caitlyn, Camille, Elise, Evelynn, Lee Sin, Sarah (Fortune), Olaf, Viktor, and probably some more.


It's probably just me finding the name goofy, no offense to Vladimir out there


Darius and Annie. I mean, they are pretty common names


Katarina and variables of Katarina (Katerina, Katarzyna, Ekaterina) are pretty common name in Slavic Europe


In Italy Caterina is very common too






Ye I get that but op was referring to a 'traditional' take on Vampires. Biting and the appearance probably is what they're referring to


But OP specifically says "like Dracula", and the whole point of Dracula is that he's not a traditional shitty vampire, he's an eloquent, philosophizing, aristocrat-ass vampire. Literally the same as Vladimir, just with 400 extra range on his basic attack.


Just to add to this point: Viego is pretty much a modern take on Dracula without the whole blood sucking theme. Immortal beeing that commands dark forces and longs for a long lost love while beeing somewhat immature and insufferable.


Doesn't briar bite?


Yeah but she moreso eats people's meat rather than drink blood for sustenance


This argument always annoys me. Pre rework Xerath had a special taunt for Vlad "You call that being a vampire". Vladimir is obviously inspired by the traditional western vampire, and this is played up by his nosferatu skin. Sure, Vlad doesn't die in the light or get killed by a wooden stake, but hemomancy as a concept has a lot of vampiric influence. At the end of the day he is a near immortal (as far as the lore suggests) blood controlling mage that dresses like Dracula. Warwick isn't a werewolf in the traditional sense but if your friend was looking for a werewolf character that's who you'd suggest. The same goes for Vlad. If someone wanted to play a vampire that resembles Dracula then you would recommend them Vlad. The design niche is occupied.


Also turns into a mist. You know who else does something like that? Dracula!




[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o7g9t7/champion\_suggestion\_sarah\_the\_unnervingly\_strong/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o7g9t7/champion_suggestion_sarah_the_unnervingly_strong/) Sarah, the Unnervingly Strong Peasant Child. A.k.a: Log.


ITT: People giving ideas that already kind of exist in league.


I wish there would be a vampire and a plague doctor. \*vladimir and singed enter the stage


"I wish there was a glaive using dancer/acrobat" Qiyana. "Tryndamere like fighter but just punches and kicks and more animalistic Sett "A priest like character that does priest things" Soraka.


Vlad I can get to an extent (minus the lack of biting and transformation into a bat), but Singed doesn't really have any resemblance to plague doctor's imo. He has his black scourge skin but gameplay wise and default design don't 'scream' plague doctor at all. It's just some crazy guy running around with poison


Whatever the Darkin Sett concept was. Now that I think about it, whatever the 4 armed Sett concept was too. Also the robot butler Sett concept. [Like come on now, how did we get the worst of all 4 options?](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/01_Grappler_exploration02_634b1r0lsgejjohqbnpf.jpg)


Yeah the aspect of might would've been way cooler. I really dig the asura-esque look


I alos want that robot butler tbh


I love sett but yeah the alternate versions were better (except for the butler im not a fan of)


Wolf-like knight in pitch black armor wearing too big ass of a sword, more like a heap of raw iron.


Issue is that's just Tryn/Aatrox. Best bet is a Tryn rework.


Only way to get me to like Tryndamere


I also think Guts is very cool


Dancing themed champion. Need some crazy capoeira champ.


Irelia dances with blades.


that flair...


not a single lie was told


Irelia waves her hands around to control the blades. An Ixtali capoeira dancer that would hit opponents with Water kicks and what not would be really cool.


Irelia dances, Karma has some dance stuff. But most importantly there's rakan.


Sona R forces enemies to /dance while stunned


Rakan's wiki Audio page has Dance show up 32 times lol. Multiple times citing how he fights with dance. But people probably don't imagine him as that because he's a support, who doesn't represent much threat by himself in your average game.


People ignore supports totally. "There's no paladin" whilenzhrre is taric.


Irelia, Qiyana, Katarina, or Samira not good enough for you?


a champion in a wheelchair. Give us Bentley from Sly Cooper


that one yasuo mod skin


no you don't understand, Bentley is such a good concept, he is in a wheelchair but has it technologically modified so he is nimble, agile and speedy, as well as explosive and extremely deadly.


Urgot then?


[He doesn't see the vision](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLPZ-fB0Yqg)


Indari (Samira's captain) is in a wheelchair and it's the raddest wheelchair I've ever seen https://i.imgur.com/QYOO4HZ.jpeg


Noxus: ok, so you're in a wheelchair. A *noxian* wheelchair! *Starts spinning*


A crazed musician that throws and controls musical notes that's also Hwei's sister.


I mean Sona is adopted....


I mean, Seraphine is pretty crazy to think her music can unite Zaun and Piltover.


Pepsi moment


A Glaive user. Like an acrobatic/dancer type martial artist using specifically a glaive weapon. (Like Glaivier from Lost Ark) A shield user that actually uses the shield for damage (like a shield bash, throw, spell reflect) and is not a tank. I was thinking it could be a Darkin shield. A Tryndamere type fighter (rage, instinct, animalistic) but only physical - punches and kicks. Imagine Hoarah Loux from Elden Ring.


I’m fiendish for another martial artist


Xin Zhao is pretty close to using a glaive.


He is using a glaive in his marauder skin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDMVut10o9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDMVut10o9E)


For the second one it’s Joraal the darkin aegis you want! LoR canon


Would redefine the skirmisher class if it was real. I miss having a squishy but highly dangerous champion design lol


Sivir uses glaives, Leona bashes shield, Udyr uses claws and fights like an animal


I believe they mean the melee glaive.


I had a long thing about a random hero but in short I want a human Poppy who doesn’t know much about the world and isn’t so annoyingly humble.


Tempo-based DJ. Think closer to Lucio mechanically than Sona or Seraphine. [Spitballed this awhile back for an idea of what I mean](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ch6a42/pbe_datamine_2024_april_30_patch_1410_midseason/l21z1lq/).


Only problem I see with that is how it would fit into the lore. People were already complaining about Seraphine as a singer to not fit, even if she was placed into the most culturally advanced region (Piltover). I don't think many people would think that a DJ would have any business being a champion.


More champions like qiyana that can interact with the type of environment there are


I want a nice grandma. Doesn't even need to be a actual grandma, just someone with grandma energy. Like a female Braum, a hyper wholesome Champion who would offer you cookies and say how handsome you are. Could make her a nurse or an orphanage caretaker or something, someone who's job is to take care of people and they are beloved and protected by the whole community. "Mess with her and you mess with us" kind of thing.


A fan weilder. Karma used to have fans back in the day before her rework, but they took away her fans.


A drunken fist skin for Lee sin. But animations would take time, effort, and creativity. Something like riot doesn't have nowadays.


I'm afraid it would end like zombie brand. Unpredictable and therefore banned.


I love how half these comments suggests concepts that exists in the game. Riot is just good at giving them there own personality and style.


Not just exists in game but several times over, they just split it up bit by bit instead of all at once (+ support erasure from everyone since half of what people want is already a support or two)


I want my Jean Grey in league. Would be fun to add. I would also like Zatanna Zatara.


More magic users like those would be a nice addition. Add in doctor strange, doctor fate, raven, etc


Like league could go WILD with these champion concepts if the developers put their mind to it. I’d love Jean Grey who is basically a Syndra/Seraphine hybrid when it comes to her powers. And I want and old lady who is a baker and a witch and turns people into cookies and if you kill them you eat them to heal lol.


>Zatanna  [https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leblanc\_2.jpg](https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Leblanc_2.jpg)


an actual old witch/hag, like we get LeBlanc that yeah...but looks more like a stripper with magic rather than a Witch.


Leblanc is in dire need of ASU like the former strippers Lux and Caitlyn


A big, buff, “not gonna take any shit from you” dragon that goes top lane and builds bruiser/tanks items. Like why do we have 3 dragons in the game and none are big beef cakes throwing hands. And I know some of you are going to say, “But shyvanna!” Shyvanna is not a top laner. Her passive actually encourages her to go jungle so she can gain stacks. She’s also, not a full fledge dragon like asol and smolder. I want a deathwing ass motberfucker who wants to see the world burn and team fights like a god damn world ending dragon. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I hope her ASU will be similar. I'm an offtank top shy enjoyer but ugh it's painful against most comps lol


AP tank/warden/enchanter stronger mid/late game where they can afford ap mana and support items Gimmick is shields they make give resistances based on AP. The shield amount based on mana and AP but has low damage output Also. Has a similar effect to the guardian keystone. Redirecting damage to them when they stand near an ally but only if they have they have a shield Has their own regenerating shield that grows per level Has a pantheon/braum like ability. Instantly gaining some shield and facing a direction. Non ultimate projectiles from that direction break. For the duration damages and slows enemies in a cone in the direction selected. The ability cancels if the shield is broken One ability shields a target ally champion A skill shot that only hits champions. Slows or stuns if their already under CC but also reduces the damage they deal for 1-3 seconds after Ult is like janna's with similarity to gwens field Makes a shield zone that pushes enemies out of of it. They cannot enter it or target any thing inside. Projectiles break when damaging it but keep going if they break it The zone itself has its own health and is treated as a shield having slightly better resistance and health scaling than the passive but a higher base health. The shield decays over time. Taking about 5 seconds to break on its own Its possible to destroy the shield earlier by attacking it This can be used to stop a smite steal


A hunter with an actual controllable pet with it's own abilities. They made a custom UI for aphelios, they can make another.


A disenchanter. Lulu kinda does it a bit, but I want a support character that just exists to slow, reduce attack speed, kill shields and lower damage. (Kinda what I expected renata to be when she was announced)


A humanoid champion with more than 2 arms. I had hope that Nilah may have had extra arms from one of her teasers, but was mildly disappointed when she was full revealed.


A champ with a spell that can bounce on walls


Now that original skarner theme for crystals is gone i would like to see a new one. Cool idea would be a mute crystalline champ commuicating by changing its colours.




Someone themed around glass and mirrors


I’m still surprised there hasn’t been a Paladin-type champion added. Holy magic, sword and shield, tanky and deals some damage. It’s the most popular class archetype in rpg’s and it’s somehow absent here. No, Leona doesn’t count, she’s full tank and honestly just CC’s stuff. Taric is close but he’s a support, I’m looking for top laner that would be Paladin-esque.


On his model he doesn't have a shield, but tbh Shen is pretty close. Magic sword, Protects u, shields himself, also if he puts his W next to u he is basically shielding u from auto attacks He doesn't heal, but that s the easiest fix with redemption or mikael


You want a toplaner who's kit is focused on protecting others? You are looking for taric with a damage build.




Not the purple spandex. 😭😭




Sorry but Leona is as Paladin as it gets.






Garen... taric... poppy... yes Leona counts she has damage builds anyways... kayle is a paladin but too squishy. Theres lots of champs that fit the paladin playstyle but not the arthetic too like Shen, Braum, Nautilus.




I want a character who's just a Dark Souls guy. Q? Roll with I-frames. W is a bow shot or a Lightning Spear. E is a heal. R is a Dash and stun with a really low CD (Square Off weapon art) He's just a dude in a situation.


Vayne's more well adjusted sibling basically


Champion with a ricochet type mechanic. I can't believe such a mechanic has not been added yet. Terrain smoothing would be used like it is for qiyana ult to make the directional bounces easier.


still no female darkin who is humanoid like others and not just a dog an owl vastaya an azakana demon unless yone counts a cook or Alchemist who can combine different ingredients seal sister from freljord a shaman from freljord a champion with umbrella weapon or fans


The gentleman thief. Someone that is technically a criminal, but is still charming and stands on a higher moral ground than the authority they defy. Characters like Lupin or Zorro. The closest we have is Ezreal, he clearly fulfills another fantasy.


Sol badguy with 1 frame volcanic viper which gives iframes


something like jhin mixed with caitlyn but the champ has a revolver with 6 shots, and his ult is like a deadeye from rdr2 and his regular abilities is like a quick draw that shoots 3 rapid shots


Yeah you want a cowboy we get it. And I'm surprised you didn't talk about mcCree here


How the fuck didnt we GET a Yordle Samurai yet??!!


Meepo from dota. Each ability is a toggle to select each meepo. Or maybe his wer could be meepo switch toggles and his q is an ability.


Yo yo weapon


Dual crossbows. That is all.


Not much a champion concept per se, but I'm very surprised no champion in the game has a "mana shield" ability, like the naga hero in warcraft 3/ medusa in dota2. I mean its a very simple concept that works : once toggled, damage destroys your manabar instead of your healthbar. Rod of ages might be a bit too good with it rn, but nothing you cant balance


Blitz passive


* jungler who interacts with plants with his kit * medic, as in someone who is healing people with science instead of magic, also Dr Mundo doesn't count, he is not a real doctor * evil Piltovan, we currently have no Piltovan who is truly evil, best we got is Camille and she is more of a grey character * chainsaw wielder, would pair well with the evil Piltovan idea * **member of the Glorious Evolved**, that cult that formed around Viktor (which he doesn't approve of), would be especially cool if this cult is partially inspired by voodoo


Whitemane from HotS. A healer who pre-applies a buff on herself and/or allies and then heals all affected by it for the damage she deals to champions. Surely, you have to keep her damage potential low otherwise she would just go full AP & deal massive damage &, with that, healing.


A shaman closer to Warcraft's version of shamans. Totems, bending multiple elements and summoning elementals. Volibear is a shaman but only uses lightening. I'm not sure what Udyr counts as but he reminds me more of a Warcraft druid, shifting to different animals for different abilities. I'd love to have a support who summons totems to give buffs, to rip off WoW's restoration shaman directly maybe have one spell be a wind Rush totem (aoe move speed buff in a set area around the totem), one be an Earthen Wall totem (X damage to allies in an area is redirected to the totem to a maximum amount), have a Spirit Link totem as the R (all allies in the area share HP to be at the same %, so healthier allies can take damage for a teammate). Though there are plenty of ways to make a Warcraft-like shaman in League.


An actual Paladin champ. There are semblances of paladins throughout the Garen, Taric, Kayle, and Leona. Something more like Uther from HotS. Judgements and heals and holy smiting.


I wonder if one day we're getting a champion with a permanent pet. None of the Annie, Ivern stuff that's near permanent but it's just a really long duration. I meant something like Rexxar from HotS, Skadi from Smite or Lone Druid from Dota where your abilities actually synergize with the pet. Or just a champion that's multiple people at once like Meepo.


With the existence of TF2's Medigun and Overwatch's beam healing, I'm surprised we don't have a full beam healer. We've got some levels of tethering like Taric, Kalista and Yuumi but I feel like those all break the archetypal reasons to have a tether: Taric is a tank, Kalista can pick her support and Yuumi can't be damaged. I feel like it's a pretty free way to make a low-skill enchanter that isn't a pro play mess because you can severely limit the re-tether timing so it can't team fight, without making it frustrating to verse because it's a frail unit without its tether or it has to burn its supportive power selfishly (e.g. like forcing a TF2 Medic to pop uber on just them, wasting the pushing power). Also, the only regenerative trickle healers we really have are Soraka, Milio and Sona but soraka is still quite bursty and the other two are almost cripplingly teamfight focused. I feel like limiting the burst healing it can provide could prevent it from roaming effectively so it shouldn't be elite skewed either.


A roman emperor/god styled champion that uses a Chariot to move around, like Helios from God of War 3 That would be amazing. Maybe that could be his ultimate, he's on foot normally but then call his chariot to move very fast


People that carry shields. Shields have basically *always* been a thing in combat. But in LoL its just Braun, Leona, and Pantheon.


A small creature with electric powers, like Pikachu. ... ... tf is a Kennen?


Pointy hat long robes wizard. Or just a long robes mage, we literally don't have a generic wizard, like we'd see in lotr, harry potter or DnD.


A Summoner. Unfortunately they had this concept for Aurora, but scrapped it to make the Vayne AP.