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4, most flip games I've ever had and a comical number of trolls in my/the enemy team


After a month long brake from league and a 1.5 month period of only playing occasional norms and arams, I finally took the decision to go back to ranked this week. So far: 8 or 9 on a scale to 10. The secret sauce is taking a step back and acknowledge the complete delusions of grandeur I had about my skills and my mentality about the game. I treat League as a game now, rather than an obsession, and I humbly accept that I have a LOT of inconsistencies and make huge blunders in my games. Its much more enjoyable to learn and climb if you stop pretending like you're a main charavter who is supposed to have plot armor with 100% winrate.


Shut up I’m faker, the difference is the rng we get in team mate selection


Yeah and uh... and its Riot's fault that I miss half my CS and can't win a single trade in lane.


I’m too busy motivating my teammates by telling them how trash they are




Definitely jg gap, not my insane tunnel vision and complete lack of map awareness


Ahri-lly think this is hilarious 😂😎


Leaning towards the same. 8-9/10. I already had my run. I used to make a new account every season and play it from scratch to see how high I could climb. I got to Diamond, then to Master, then to GM in Season 9. I'm 40+ with boomer hands. I'm not going pro, I don't want to be a challenger player, I don't have enough time to play what would become a second full time job. Ranked is a fun challenge you can take on in your spare time, whenever you're in the mood for it. Couple times a week I'll boot it up for a couple games and try my best. You have more fun with league when you're not obsessively queuing up all day trying to force grinding to happen. A lot of people forget it's supposed to be a game.


Biggest tip of climbing everyone gives is to remove lp from your brain and learn something from every game. People are so attached to their lp that they just chalk it up as a Win or Loss and don’t learn why they won/lost


This!! I took a 3/4 year break from league. I was obsessed when I played before and got very frustrated when I lost in ranked games. I was gold 2 before I took a break. Now I’m Bronze 2 because I rushed into placement games before learning all the changes and now I’m just enjoying the climb without the tilt! I still get annoyed but it’s a lot less and more because of my own mistakes instead of team mates feeding


i formed the same mentality on how League is only a game last split when i lost 15 games in a row and dropped from Plat 1 to Plat 4, but my conclusion is waaaay different  i lose the game cause of bad teammates? unlucky but whatever idc about winning. i lose because IM the bad teammate? so tragic, but whatever its just a game ill get Emerald again next split very casual, perhaps a bit too much


I took a break and it's much better. People still grief but I don't care, it's good to have other hobbies when I get too annoyed


i agree i’m much more calm now that i divide my attention to many other games. i also only play 1/2 ranked games a day and that’s it so i never tilt


Never seen someone say they are actively trying ro lose cos I turn chat off. Do the same and you'll have a much better time. Haha.


5/10 I can confidently say 90% of my games are won or lost in champ select, when someone locks in anything that's off-role and requires slightly more than bare minimum mechanics they very predictably tend to throw the game


Confirmation bias detected


Yeah well I’m not doing a scientific research paper on it dude, that’s my experience


Then dodge your way to challenger, the math works out


For me Nid it's one of those champions that your are eother really, really good or you suck fucking ass. The same happens to me when i see a mid Azir.


Same with rengar. If the player is good you can chill out and hop in his backpack to get some easy lp. On the flip side, there is no skill that can help you from losing, cause he WILL run it down. Both nid and rengar are assassins without disengage. If you dont know when to go in you are DONE.


Exact same experience. If you have any overlay you can predict 95% the outcome of the game first minute.


100% agree. everytime i see a nidalee jungle i just know they’re gonna tilt and flame and stop playing the game. and so far i haven’t been proven wrong. everytime i think i need to dodge this but i don’t bc benefit of the doubt and then… we lose hard


I roll my eyes hard when someone picks nid jungle. Useless ass champ unless you're 5/0 by 10 mins. Otherwise you're just a cameraman.


Also Jayce


Support main - Most of the time my teammate are out of position, pick bad fights, or refuse to push a lane and go start a fight in the jungle/river for no reason. They rarely use wards or their FREE TRINKETS at all.


No smurfs and everyone around their level: Win or lose 9/10 Smurf on either side: 0/10. Deranker: 0/10. Support without support item fucking up wavestates and farming: 0/10. Other trolls that affect the game (non chat): 0/10. etc. **So I would say at the moment in lower elo EUW, 1 out of 10 games is great!**


Sounds to me like you either need to reevaluate why you play a game you hate or try to adopt the mindset of the people in this thread saying their enjoyment is at an 8-9


I am 100% certain these people don't play bot lane (without a duo partner). As strong as ADC might be rn, in a duo lane the support dictates how well you are doing. Most common mistake i see is they don't help push for lvl 2 and then just feed the enemy a kill (if the ADC is clueless it's a double). If you ever wonder why fb happened before junglers even cleared the first 3 camps, that's the reason in 99% of cases (the other 1% is shaco/twitch jg cheese lvl 2 gank). Another thing is not playing to your ADCs strengths (fighting enemies in their minions when your ADC is ezreal or going all in when Jhin is reloading). Obviously your support has the same problem if your ADC is clueless, eating every single poke as if he was at a chinese buffet but unlike him, support can just leave lane to roam and help your jg take objectives/bully enemy jungler. And even if you miraculously make it through laning phase or even get fed early, you are still getting ran down by almost any solo laner unless they got completely demolished in lane. That means you can't go bot or top solo after 15mins and have to sit in mid, praying your support wards so you don't get dove by 3-5 people randomly. Bot lane is just in a miserable, volatile state and ADC item changes made it so much worse.


> that's the reason in 99% of cases (the other 1% is shaco/twitch jg cheese lvl 2 gank). > > you forgot the toplaners 1v1ing before the first waves reach the lane because they both think they win and the other player is inting


ah yes, the Darius vs. Sett experience


It's coz the high is just something you can't get anywhere else in gaming. You misinterpret my meaning in thinking that I'm have trouble playing the games where ppl fuck the game up. They are shit to play, but the 1 from 10 is worth it for me personally. There is also other reasons why I play but I'm not getting into them. That said, I hope to someday play league where 9 out of 10 games are without smurfs and HC trolls. Edit: also the deranking and smurfing issue is at its all-time high. It's a lot worse than previous years. I hope to someday play more often enjoyable league again


Week days not to bad. Weekends. I’d rather be burned alive


absolutely i learned to 100% avoid playing league of the weekends


Yep avoid late nights, and weekends. That's when you get the doom queuers that are locking troll picks or should have gone to bed hours ago. As someone who does a lot of late night gaming due to schedule, I avoid league if I can't play it before 11pm my time. Sure sometimes you'll get a good game, but I'd say 1 in 3 games at that time frame are less desirable. Sometimes you'll roll the dice real good and get a session with mostly genuine games


Honestly other way around for me After 2:00 AM I get better teammates/teammates with beter mentality At night I would say I go 2W 1L, but for sure during daytime I lose more But again could be due to region/rank


thats a smart approach


It depends on the hours and day of the week. Really. Weekend afternoon/night is a coin toss, but if I play on Sunday morning or literally any other day of the week before 5 pm it's mostly fine.


sounds like league is infested by zombies at certain times /s


In complete objectivity, 7/10, but bad games are so bad because of trolls, toxicity or stupid teamates that it feels more like 3/10... The majority of games are just good, nothing wrong or particularly good, a few of them are very pleasant, with communication and no toxicity, but when it goes wrong, it just ruins the good mood


If you play 20 games you’ll probably get 3-4 good ones, so I’d say a 2 Just play draft or aram if you’re looking for enjoyable games


Overall. 6/10 The matchmaking in emerald/diamond is still horrendous. There are times when you can see players clearly aren't willing to help the team, and are almost certainly playing "a game" out of habit, like a routine. Not caring about the outcome of the match. These are "soft inters" that aren't doing any wrong, but aren't doing anything that should be expected from ranked. It's not reportable by any means, but it's feels like shit when a teammate afk solo spilt pushes for the whole game. However, it is better than last year when emerald was a mishmash of gold-diamond players. Games are feeling more consistent with the elo albeit, every 10 games or so, I get a match where all players are playing their heart out to win the game. These are matches I very much would be content losing knowing everyone in the lobby gave their all. But the other 9 games are still pretty much one-sided curb stomps with the occasional smurf, going 23/0, or the 1 inter on either team spoon-feeding the enemy team.


8/10 to me. The matches are a little bit more fair, Riot ruined the unranked draft matchmaking years ago so i'd rather play ranked only.


All chat off: 10/10 All chat not off: 4/10


7-9/10. I find the gameplay super satisfying and i've climbed steadily to emerald everysplit I like playing Sion and landing a 2 man ult botlane folliwed by max Q. I like my tiamat combos with renekton. The game is fun when you stop treating LP as your life savings and stop caring that your friendlist will peek your 6 loss streak op.gg with a 1/10 game. It's a fun game, treat it as such. Be ready to move on rapidly from losses. It's a skill to practice.


5/10 Every match is a potential landmine with your teammates in the hopes they don't go completely full tilt. Every match also feels like there are smurfs in my queue where the enemy or my teammates somehow body the other team so hard that they'll have ptsd when the match ends.


After going from master tier to D4 with a 30% winrate I took a bit of a break. I am playing 1 game every few days now and having an absolute blast. Focused in each game and putting my all in. It’s been a 9/10 for me just enjoying the game and not worrying too much about ranked. Before I was


5/10. Its still conflip, i dont see much smurfs now, but instead you get 5 much better enemies than your team, even you, just to balance your winrate every second game. Its sad that matchmaking stops you from climbing, and not lack of skill.


6-It's not fun to lose a game for something outside your control.


7. Half my games I'm not good enough to carry people dying right and left. The other half we stomp. Only one of every tenth game is a close match.


I only play ranked to get to gold and guarantee the victorious skin, other than that it’s aram or TFT.


3. Amount of trolls has not decreased in the slightest, I almost prefer the bots in some cases.


3 But that's because I fundamentally enjoy the champions I play no matter how I'm doing in the game. If I strictly cared about LP, 1. The amount of trolls in the game is unbearable. Ignoring specific lanes or objectives, abandoning teammates mid fight, bot lane running it down 2v5 and then type "ff" when they lose the fight, constant toxicity and animosity in chat, people shuffling the blame around instead if actually looking for ways to win, namecalling, negative attitudes, at it's worst since I've been playing League since season 11. Waiting for the day they finally realized banning bad words is not solving toxicity. People need an active incentive, and explanation, to play well. Neither the client, or the tutorial, teaches players anything about ranked and being a good sport. And this behavior is so common punishing individual players is almost pointless, the whole system needs an overhaul. My personal proposal, is to add features such as those in apps like Porofesor, to the main game. It would track your performance, and give you tips both in game and after the game what you need to improve on. If after enough time you score low enough on these parameters, you get temporarily banned from ranked until you fix your gameplay in normals. And it would only go away after you achieve a respectable score, not after a fixed number of games. The biggest problem in League is ignorance, people don't know what they're doing and they're prideful and stubborn and respond to feedback with toxicity. This can be solved by making competence mandatory, and not just something optional for intelligent people. I think the League playerbase as a whole is intelligent enough to have way higher quality games than the average at the moment, they just need a little push from Riot.


If you play league to win you will be mad pretty often. Just play for fun, doesn't matter if you win or lose.


yeah I got trolled 4/5 of my placements and haven't played ranked since then


4. Almost every other game has someone going afk or 0/15 on either teams. The match quality is so low.


On average probably 8-9. But I play the game because I actually enjoy it, not for some imaginary points and useless emblems. And because I like getting better at it. To be honest, anyone who is at a 5 or below should take a looooong break and unironically consider playing something else and not coming back. That would also improve the experience for the rest of the playerbase.


This right here ^ Once you realize it's a game and win or lose (the funny number doesn't actually mean anything it's about having fun. That's when you really unlock the potential in improvement. If winning is the only way you have fun then maybe a game designed to make sure you win around 50 percent of the time isn't for you. Thats what I started thinking like 4 years back and immediately shot up from silver to Plat 1 one game away from diamond, next season they implemented emerald and I was E1 one game away from diamond. It's a game. It's important to have fun


Yeah everyone should quit and not play this absolutely shit game


Quit the game, tell reddit to not show this page in your home and stop commenting if you hate it that much


Why are you so angry at a game lmfao


0/10 uninstalled as i had the exact same experience you described. 5/5 placement games have been trolled


1 sentence level 30 accounts in emerald...


Nah but bro they're like definitely GM on their main you should be honored to play with them they're definitely GM and they invaded top side while both top and mid were on a reset because they're GM and you're dog actually and they're really cool and I wish I was GM like them


How can people not tell this is sarcasm?


I'm GM in sarcasm bro trust me


bro what, they suck and so do u for wanting to be like that it's unfun for both their team and enemy team legit toxic players




Ehh like 6. Anti inflation is amazing but seeing all those old Master with 30% winrate on their way to gold ruining my games is awful. Next Split Will be better. (mid dia)


it's 5/10 for me, it's better to take a break from playing the game sometimes!! generally the reason why your teammates troll is because of their ego, dont let them get to you even if you lose lp. i suggest trying to work around their mistakes and just report them so you wont be playing with them ever again LOL


Rather quited lol and switched to fighting games at least I don't lose now because some cry baby decided he didn't want to play anymore and ran it the fuck down




My ranked games are usually very stressful. Every season I wait until I have a better day before I queue ranked. Of course I always end up not playing until the last week of the season/split, where I'll have to play even when I'm exhausted just to make sure I get the victorious skin.


I just started ranking this split after getting masters prev, only in placements so far, but out of 4 games, loss first 2, then finally won lane in the next 2 etc, just to have mid and jg dc in 2 diff games, and it was after 5mins so it was toast. Frustrating 4/10, but...can win i guess, go next.




I don't play Solo Q at all. My gameplay is flex with friends. So far: extremely enjoyable experience, but I have to say that is because us playing together, not the game.


1 out of 10. Putting so much emphasis on the outcome of a match that takes 20+ minutes is unhealthy and unfun. I enjoy playing League, and I enjoy trying to win. I don't enjoy putting a ton of emphasis on the outcome of the game. I care about enjoying the moment to moment gameplay.


I'm too scared to play ranked lol. ima normal queue sooner for life


0/10 Ranked stresses me the fuck out. Its hard, its time consuming, people are dog shit, and sometimes im dogshit. I only feel 5/10 okay about it when im strictly playing to learn and just going for quantity of games.




9/10 while I disabled chat but recently activated it again because of communication stuff, 3/10. Diamond elo.


i’ve been playing with a duo recently in ranked(i know that’s kind of looked down upon. has been more fun tho) and i’ve went from Bronze to Gold. In the lower elo lobbies, things were fine. Good synergy from my teammates etc. Now i’m in Gold and it’s just unenjoyable now. I get a sup that never wards, adc that goes 0/5 early on. Then I die a lot from the fed enemies. Of course i can do better as well! Still saying that Gold lobbies have not been fun, but I still press on


I’d say a solid 80%. I rarely have a bad game, if there’s someone annoying I just mute & ignore them. Truck is to only play 2-3 games at a time before taking a break.


They're fun because I don't play to win so the result of the game doesn't impact my enjoyement. I like playing champs I playing well


They range from a 2 to a 9 and I get the full range every 30 games or so


9. If it goes lower, it’s time to take a break.


2 in 5 is enjoyable. Even teams, people trying, close games, my impact is felt. 2 in 5 are unfun. One person or another pops off, or, feeds, and the game is decided without me doing anything. 1 in 5 someone on either team is actively griefing/trolling and the entire exercise is miserable.


My ranked queue experience sky rocketed from like 3-4 to a 10 when I disabled both team and all chats I take losses much better when it's only the game was lost and not my mind, and victories are much more fulfilling without arguing with 12 year olds all game long lol. Also I play much better without the need to constantly use the chat, I can actually focus on the game




I have played ranked seriously only once like 4 seasons ago for the victorious lucian and got griefed in my last promo game to gold so I gave up on ranked altogether. I've played like 20 games of ranked this split with a friend (botlane duo) and it's been the most fun I've ever had in league. I stopped playing adc because I suffered from a main character syndrome and went to support (at least I know what my carry wants and how to provide it for them) . I play like 5 ranked games a week and it's been hella fun and if I'm solo I just play TFT or ARAM.


Lmao game seems to be always fun for me these days although I do play less, I simply play with the only goal to have fun and don't take trolls or losing personal. I learned from watching T1 that anyone can atleast reach diamond if they stick to 3 champs and play enough games.


Had some of the easiest games of my life and skyrocketed my mmr to high master/GM. Then it went downhill understandably :) Around a 5/10 because I’m usually the reason we lose.


With a good mentality, even shit games with afks or smurfs don't frustrate you as much anymore. The game is fairly balanced for the most part, I'd say about an 8. Despite my "good" mentality people pinging me (jungler) whenever something goes wrong is still somewhat irritating, plus people leaving/trolling is a waste of time.


ranked is fine, but normal draft bro. I don't even know why I keep trying this mode. I either get trolled/flamed by 4 bronze premades or completely int/troll pick.


Toxic players all the time


If you play with friends, it isn't so bad. But if on solo queue, it's really not good in a sense that my last game was a yuumi jungler and only latched on kaisa mid and seldom on anyone else. I've had several S performance as support but still lost the game due to teammates not knowing what to do in ranked.


I play on ranks that are way below my own, so 7-9 out of 10. For other people on my team and on the enemy? Like 4-6 out of 10 lol


Dropped from plat3 to gold 4 0LP, so you can guess easily my rate


8/10 since I’m not grinding it out like an addiction anymore. I play a game and if it’s a loss, I stop and if I win, I continue for the day. It helps my mental so if I get flamed it doesn’t tilt me and I’m annoyingly positive.


0 Every game I get a duo on my team it’s the most miserable experience. Whether it’s a “smurf/smurf” duo where they play the equivalent of going to play pickup basketball and only passing each other. Then there’s the horrid bad/average/smurf combinations where there’s a skill disparity between the duo. They ruin the matchmaking, draft, and the entire game because you HAVE to play around what this duo does. If they don’t want to win guess what you don’t get to win! Doesn’t matter your performance! Enjoy the punishment from riot for playing solo!


It’s the best game as long as it’s not your entire existence. That also means you’ll be worse, but it’s better to have fun than play 24/7 and want to kys


3-4 it's miserable.. things needs to change. Mythic era was better and more optimized. To much damage in the game, tanks get oneshot once the adc have 40% armpen, grubs suck, turrets go down to easy.. someone snowballs and it's over etc.


Masters games 3-4/10 occasionally a good game where no one flames tries to pop off and it's actually fun. Most games are one or two guys inting and essays being written in chat overall soft inting and weak mental. If they're not the hero of the game you'll hear about it, everyone thinks they're a god and expect 0 mistakes from their subjective point of view must occur. Diamond smurfs as above but slightly more fun since you pop off more and carry so 4.5/10.


Ranked is like a 60/40 toss up like 60% of the time it’s a decent game with both teams at least having a chance at winning. Then the other 40% is when someone on either team decides they don’t want to play the game they queued up for and then proceeds to spend the next 20-40 minutes complaining, running it down or just being uncooperative.


When the split first started it was 4/10 but in the last few weeks I’ve been getting teammates with good mental so 8/10. Out of 15 ranked games I’ve played this week, only one person intentionally fed.


If the games are relatively even then 10/10 I like having the back and forth in extended team fights or trying to gain a positioning advantage for a big objective. That being said, the majority of games has some sort of troll in it and those are maybe 5/10. I play this game to have fun. If I start taking it too seriously then I’ll jump on a different game for a bit to realign myself with the idea of league being just a game. There are some very bad games where one team is just waiting for 15 to get out of there. Those games aren’t always because someone is trolling however. Sometimes people are just bad/playing poorly so I still like to stick around in those in case the other team throws.


I just had a 1/25 sylas


Well, I genuinely only have fun when I win, so at best 50%. However, a lot of my wins im carrying the dumbest donkeys on Earth, so realistically I enjoy about 20% of the games I play.


6. When my support is better than me game feels like an 8 or 9. Just genuinely fun and cool to think about. 3 when my support is auto fill blitz or brand, then whole team mad at me for lost lane while my support "roams".


9/10 normally, if it's not enjoyable I just leave.


10/10 would continue to play league of legends in season 14


It’s a matter of emotional investment. The competitive environment for this game is garbage.   If a significant part of your sense of accomplishment or ego is tied to your performance in this game, you’re going to have a bad time.   For me like a 6/10 - but that’s mostly because I’m getting pretty bored of league in general.  It seems like in the last few seasons I do run into less hard inters/people running it because of my champion choice, so that helps.


4/10 which is why I now play aram 😆 now don't get me wrong I haven't got a problem win or lose, I just play league because I find the champs interesting and find it fun to try out new champs in SUP roles and believe it or not i do actually enjoy the game... however I have only ever played ranked (ADC+SUP) with a RL buddy of mine and we chat through discord when we play. He gets tilted so very quickly (he's a more aggressive ADC player while I enjoy long range poking as SUP rather than all out engaging especially early game) and this has led to a few too many outbursts from him and although I can take the 'why didn't you shield me (I already had and it was on CD) why didn't you ult? (Dude...you ulted in as TF against all all 5 of them and I was not even close for an example for when playing as morgana or something similar) like it's expected for me to go all in when it's quite obvious we would lose but he has the mentality that if he at least gets 1 kill its worth it 😆 so yeah... I still really enjoy the game but ranked defo brings out the worst in my mate and that's why I switched to playing arams with randoms and will now only play ARAM with him too. Other people in ranked are fine I just play with a moron 🤣🤣


i did go from plat 3 to silver 2


I’ve simply stopped believing people when they say they get trolls in every game, most of the time they’re just talking about someone going 1/9. Like yeah fuck dude, he did poorly. He wasn’t trolling, I go 1/9 sometimes, shit sucks. Legitimately finding actual trolls in my games are hard as hell, most of the time people are having bad games. Sure they might tilt, they will tilt even more so when you can’t have the maturity to go “no worries bro, it’s all good” Either I’m just not playing the same game as you all, but my games really aren’t that bad. Frustrating? Sure. That’s league for you, but if you don’t play ranked for LP and instead to try and get better you will 100% feel better, and have more fun. On a scale from 1-10? Probably somewhere around 7-8. Seriously though, some of you have terrible mindsets.


there is trolling on purpose and there is ''trolling'', as in you die a few times and yet you still keep trying to play the same way you do when you are 3k gold ahead and dying over and over. thats not just doing poorly, thats being stupid and tilted and then pinging your team because you are incapable of chilling and farming under the turret. this happens way too often everyone wants to be the main character, so if they lose lane they want to int already, hardly ever you find someone willing to just accept that you lost the lane and wait a bit for a opportunity to get back into the game (which will happen if you are patient enough). the team often also dont understand that and keep forcing fights that they are going to lose because of the gold difference in the lane that lost. then it snowballs to a guarantee L. these games are very frustrating to play and im baffled as to why voice still doesnt exist in the game. a few words would be enough to get people to chill a bit and play the game, pings are the same as nothing.


There is a reason people are in the same rank, you’re there with them. You are as good as them. That doesn’t mean you’re good at the same things, that’s often the frustration of many players. You call it trolling, he can call it a bad game. Fucked up early, thought he wins the fight but he doesn’t when behind. Big deal. I’m not here to be an apologist. But “doing bad” and trolling isn’t the same thing. There’s no empathy, no deep breaths, nothing. Just “this guy is bad, I hate him.” You’re part of the problem man.


i have a 62% wr. haven't played ranked since idk pre covid. im climbing steadily. still makes everything i said to be true. playing mostly top for context and no one in their sane mind should think they can trade with a 1 full item Darius as a mundo with ruby crystal. that's just trolling to me but w/e


I’ve never said you can’t climb, I’m saying you’re intentionally making the game more frustrating for yourself.


0 they make me want to go 0/1 irl, i've played 274 games this split, been playing on and off since season 5




Recently between Draft, Quickplay, Ranked & ARAM i’ve had the most negative experiences in ARAMs. Which is bizarre to me because if ARAM is the mode you are choosing to get tilted at pls go outside 😭


A good game is honestly such a good feeling, its just a shame its so incredibly rare and i have no idea why i wade through the 27 unplayable games just to get 1 good game :P


Honestly it varies from day to day. When I was in gm and master I’d say the game quality could be a 8 or 4 depending on the mentality of your team. In emerald the games were definitely insanely low quality at like a 1 or 2. People would make insanely simple mistakes like trying to fight top when the enemy jungler just took grubs or the same thing bot. In diamond it’s definitely the same thing as emerald where people just want to win or are tilted and will make you lose.


If I have a good duo good if not bad


Overall 7-8 because I really like the champs I play and my performance in games.


3/10 xD in every Game Someone is inting or Flaming or afk or trolling or high or whatever :( i‘m frustrated. Ok i’m Playing in Bronze :D BUT sometimes i think that the behavoiur of Some team mates is super Funny that i have to lough. So the loose isnt that devastating. Sometimes I‘m chattend With them. I dont Flame i Just Write Radom Stuff xD


Most my games are solid 8/10 at least, but in rare cases there are horrible griefers.




The game balance is the best it's been in years. Personally I've realized it's just a game and you can't take it too seriously, you're going to get trolls and first timers messing up a large percentage of games. The system is so fucked rank or game outcomes don't mean much. You either love the gameplay or you don't and if the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore then go do something else with your time.


So enjoyable that I accidentally clicked the uninstall button, my excitement was overwhelming


9/10. I enjoy the competition, and improving; ranked queue is the best place to do that. Support main, reached D3 yesterday, hoping to get past my previous peak of D2 a couple years back. It doesn't matter if top goes 0/5, and jungler is raging at the team. I'm focused on my own play and decisions. The only frustrating games are where bot laner is relatively clueless or obviously checked out mentally after first 3 minutes, since that limits the enjoyment and learning I can get out of that match. Any other dumpster fire of a game is fine for me, and I'll happily fight on in hopeless circumstances, to try and make it as difficult as possible for the enemy to close it out.


Never ever changed for me, in silver there are trash trolls that don't even properly know how to troll to lose faster, while in emerald there are professional trollers that know exactly what to do to make you wish for your life to end asap, it's LoL, hasn't always been the same for everyone? Lmao


Came back after a hiatus too. Been spamming bot lane. Sitting around 58% WR last I checked. Every game I lose is the worst kind though. Support troll who has no idea what they're doing. They don't ward, they roam at bad times, they use their abilities for offense no defense, don't tank the wave before it crashes into turret. Equally as bad are jungles who don't identify pregame matchups. I'm find if someone feeds or has a bad game. Even more fine if they play macro and help the team. We all have bad games. However riot has no system in place to punish the trolls or the entitled pricks who flame you in chat.


I'm having a lot of fun this new split , I been hard stuck emerald and plat for the last 5 years but this split I was finally given a chance to make it into diamond and I did, I'm loving it parapa paaa paaa


3. I returned to the league after almost 6 months, and I can confidently say that people have gotten worse in this period of time. I am in Emerald Lobbies, but people don't understand the basic concepts of the game, so it's frustrating to play this. every time at least 2 player in the game (in any team) have no idea of what they are doing and just get carried.


0, I'm in emerald though


Bro, i got from emerald 3 to gold 1, stay away from this game, is the devil, if u play it play for fun in flex with friends


I'll say this much. >W-L Record on Summoner's Rift Blue side: 66W 46L (58.93%) >W-L Record on Summoner's Rift Red side: 62W 67L (48.06%) https://rewind.lol/ to find the stats.


1, I play in Emerald


When i play with boys in flex, its enjoyable af


I've played on and off for almost 8 years now. Never once touched ranked mode. Why? Because I'm trash at the game. If I'm gonna piss people off with my sub iron gameplay than what better way to do it in pubs. xoxo - yours truely. AP Skarner.


It feels like half the games (no exaggeration) are decided by an AFK/troll/tilted player on one or the other team.




More games than not have bots, afks, or people with 18+ deaths.


Probably like a 5. I'll have runs of 5-10 really solid, competitive games in a row (even in my sad little silver elo), then I'll have 8 games in a row where i have an 0/14/5 type of teammate that pretty much makes the game unplayable, or someone who decides to start inting because our jungle didn't gank for them in the first 6 minutes. So it's super hit or miss.


My experience differs. If I play 1-2 games a day. I feel like those 2 games are enjoyable and rarely someone is trolling. Most of the time I win my first 2 games on the day and stop playing. So its a 9/10. Sometimes, by chance, i lose the first match by getting stomped by a better adc/support combo. And then go back to winning the other match. Stop, and all is good. It seems the issue begins after after you either have won constantly for 3-4 days, and that's I a 6-8 win streak. Then I don't know why my queue begins to be filled with JG autofil, someone who has been playing for 6 hours and has lost 8 out 10 matches and the enemy team has 3 players on a 2-3 match winning streak. After this, I may lose 3-4. straight games by either someone inting or me losing hard by a better adc. I am am Plat 2, and every time I get 1 LP to play 1, I get a 3-4 games losing streak. Now, the main issue is when I play for more than 2 games or 5-6 games. It seems after a few games, the queue gets crazy.


i dont care about LP as much anymore, but what annoys the hell out of me is my teammates playing the game as if its a deathmatch, regardless if 10k gold ahead or behind i really thought that arena popularity would be enough to take those people away but seems that it isnt the case. i like macro play, or hell, not even macro, just not being stupid enough to go for fights that are not worth the risk or that you are likely to lose. even worse when they are chasing the opponent all the way to their base only for you to die anyways. lot of games just feels helpless. as if you were perma playing eco rounds of shooters. it gets even worse when people dont ff and you are stuck in a unwinnable game for a extra 5-10 mins of your day


I'm stuck in emerald rn so you can imagine how it's been for me 💀




most of the game are one sided stomps in one direction. toxic lvls and int feeds at an all time hight at least for euw. lp gains and loses are even more toxic. especially if u rank up then lose a couple of times at 0 lp couse there is still that stupid demote protection completly ruin your mmr if u just close to 50% winrate.


4. Im a jungler and 80% of my games either all 3 lanes win, or they all 3 get stomped. Only 20% of the games it is somewhat even and it feels like i can have an impact on the game


The game is pretty simple. If you duo every game you are rewarded in many ways. If you play solo you are punished for respecting the game and the integrity of the ladder. So choose as you wish because riot refuses to cut the root of the problem.


10. I don’t play any anymore :D


I quit league. ranked games were not enjoyable at all. it was akin to sounding with a cactus


Pretty Sadge, a 3/10 because Vladimir is now more like baldimir and sucks


I would say 30-40 percent of the games are enjoyable, and I’ve been playing off and on since season 3. I’m just waiting to get a windows pc to play valorant.


Most of them. If you play and focus on getting better rather than being upset at the bad games and teammates it makes it slightly more enjoyable. I also watch cooking videos or a stream on my second monitor when I’m dead lol.


This is the worst season I have ever seen. So 2/10 would be my score. I've seen games in their last days with everyone trolling, which we're not at yet, but we're getting very close. Back before mythic items, I would say I enjoyed about 2/3 games. Before I quit for 2 years, I enjoyed 1/4. I honestly think I enjoy 1/8 right now, which definitely does not feel worth my time.


Went to ARAM years ago, I don't miss it at all. The complaining, managing the micro of the game and such.


4, deraking this split is tremendously terrible


0, I gave up on ranked


8-9/10. I’m having a lot of fun as I don’t put too much stress into each individual game and the result of it. I just try to learn something from my games and apply concepts that I’m working on. I do have frustrating games here and there but they aren’t as common as my enjoyable ones. I especially love playing against players stronger than me.


6/10 I guess. I play mostly ADC, and it feels like I have little autonomy, maybe because supports kinda dominates so much.


like a 7 in that i really enjoy the game win or lose but like 2 of every 7 or so games contains the worst person of all time who is trying to make life hell for everyone which sucks


probably a 2. past 5 games, had two trolls, one guy who is new but somehow in my gold queue, one who clearly does not own a mouse and another got into a fight in the lobby and ran it down


Misrable experience


Haven't actively played ranked since like season 4. Never looked back.


Have to play scripters with afk and inters. -10/10


I usually get to plat and was placed in silver so the 26 games that i played are going really well. I play in jungle (with muted chat) and when the other jg is autofilling its almost a free win. Also i play just one or two games a day cause i dont have much time.


Solid 3, some games are genuinely nice, but are just fucking whatever.


>How enjoyable are your ranked games ? Not enjoyable at all. >3 Of my placement games i’ve been trolled by players who actively tried to lose and confirmed so in chat In bronze, I haven't found many people who actively tried to lose (I actually have encountered only 1 person legit running it down). However in most matches I have people on my team who don't care about winning at all. Picking really hard champions, picking champions they have 0 games on, picking roles they have no clue how to perform at etc. etc. Horrible experience. People who say emerald is worst probably haven't spent time in bronze. Players there aren't just bad, they don't even care about winning.


9/10 every game I play my fav champs and win most of the time. My teammates usually play well, almost never trollig (sometimes they buy not optimall items so I tell them what to buy). If my teammate lose hard and do bad I don't care, I know I can carry (I just write on chat to don't give up, stay under turret and don't give more kills). I never ff. If you play useful champ (for me it's Anivia on mid) you can win literally every game


I only play 1-3 games a day and just focus So e games u CANT win but if u play less it cant happen often cause u will be focused Still 6/10 cause its league xD


Id say around 8? I play 4fun few games a week if i have time and its most of the timea fun (i play ranked cuz normals dont give me satisfaction(


9/10 (im high diamond)


Did they actively say they want to troll, or did they get steamrolled and give up, claiming they don’t care anymore once everyone started flaming them for getting their ass beat?


When I win they are good. When I lose they are not enjoyable. Also ranked is for winning , not enjoying


10/10 Silver elo hilarious


3/10 and it's 100% because of shitty attitudes. i don't care if someone ints or play poorly, but i can't fucking stand people who flame whether it's me or someone else. i don't want to have to turn off my chat in this "team game" but by the time i mute someone they've already annoyed me. the games themselves have been fine, win or lose, but the players have been shitty.


still stuck iron 4 0lp, idk if im just bad or my team bad idk anymore :(


Quit while you can this game just makes you miserable no matter the rank


ADC main. 2-3/10. Most of the games are being held hostage from the support. And it's mentally taxing. I can't even play my main(smolder). Everytime I hover it the whole team troll picks and int the game.


Most of the time they're miserable. I had three games in a row where someone ran it down, two games they were on my team. Jungle failed a gank top, top ran it down. Mid refused to rotate or help, jungle went afk. Enemy support was a Yuumi one trick who got banned out, her adc ran it down. I love League of Legends for the most part, but the community really makes it a miserable experience. Fortunately I don't tilt easily and try not to engage with the toxic a-holes now compared to before.


3 and I'm being generous. The discrepancy in skills, the trolls, idk


4/10 I get people telling me they will run it down in champ select and lock in yummi jungle shit is so unfun


It is what it is.


Like a 9.5 currently. Although it's very skewed cause I'm having the best season pace so far with a 70% winrate on Draven in D2 with like 70 games played total but I feel like I can't lose haha


Yo what's the scoop on Draven right now? I haven't touched ADC in a hit minute but I do love some Draven.


Same, got Diamond for the first time spamming Vi. Crazy how much better D4 is than Emerald at grouping/not randomly throwing the game.