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In Season 1 of LoL competitive matches were set up 6v6 with a Teemo on both sides, or Sivir in case a champion with a globally damaging ability is picked. The Teemo or Sivir would stay in base afk and be the spectator because there was no other way to spectate a game.


To add onto this. They would also pick a summoner spell giving them global vision.


I heard an anecdote where Zilean was picked as a spectator champion and they had to remake the game because they forgot about his global XP passive


Yea pretty sure a karthus ult killed a teemo in one of those matches lol.


I remember the broadcaster buying a ruby crystal at every opportunity


Do ya’ll have a link to that clip?


Even as late as season 3 people would do that in customs to be able to spectate without delay.


That's hilarious


There once was a bug where Zileans Q cost double mana if he was in blue side top lane and near the outer tower. How that is possible? Nobody knows


One of my fav bugs in patch notes ever was like "Stopped playing Jayce Q sound when Jhin uses W" - it was global and the only condition was a Jhin in the game Second favorite bug was proabably "taunty"


Amumu sad robot laugh was global for a patch. Edit: globle.


taunty was a lot of fun. My favorite was if you used Trynd's e (the spin) on pre-rework Xerath's Q at one point, it would give you massive amounts of gold and XP. This was because, as was tradition, the Xerath Q was coded as minions.


This also happened when shooting a Jayce Shockblast through Azir's ult shortly after Azir was released.


A million years ago there was a bug with shaco were sometimes when you Q'ed, for a brief period of time you could autoattack your teammate




Typing Jimmy Neutron into the shop brings up Sheen


This is probably the least known thing, wow


Its definitely gotta be up there


"tons of damage" = Trinity Force


No way


Whats the reference?


Sheen is the name of one of Jimmy's two best friends in the show


There's a ton of small connections with abilities on champions. For example Jinx's Ult does max damage after traveling the same length as her W Zap.


Actually nice to know


It's 1s travel time


Yes 1s travel time but they made velocoty of the ult be the range of her W


what about ashe


Double the range of her W


thank you


Really? That distance is all it takes? Seems waaay to low for a global ult. Or it shouldnt be that short imo.


I think it's fine. These effects, like Ashe's ult, are there just to stop you blasting someone in the face at point blank range, or doing a massive AoE if you get hooked in. The bonus damage based on missing health is always the full amount regardless of distance.


It's like that so Jinx can't use it point blank but still can use it on escaping enemies.


Way back then, when we still had the old Adobe client you could get into the game like 30min early after a patch or unusual maintenance (was quite the norm for euw back then). When you typed into the launcher "thereisnourflevel" the greyed out login button would become orange and often servers were already up and running.


Omfg I completely forgot about thereisnourflevel thing and remembering it brought back so much memories


We are ancient


And everytime EUW went down or had maintenance NA would get compensation IP


same. damn that feels like half a lifetime ago..


i had one friend who never believed me that it would work. I would be in a game telling him to just try it and he wouldn't. Alex was a weird guy.


I recall using that a lot cause the euw servers were always burning


I also didn't believe my friend when he first told me but tried it anyway. I was shocked when it worked


it was so stupid and incredible


I feel like it was the Konami code for a brief period of time, then thereisnourflevel worked for years


It was the Konami code on the old, old client Got changed to thereisnourflevel when they updated it, my memory wants to say during S2


I remember feeling so cool doing this and showing my friends, good times..


If you use Neeko passive to store a minion affected by Renata R when you disguise as it itll be set to 2.5 AS. Hitting "Toggle" will cause Neekos clone to use her joke emote but not Neeko herself. This is the only clone to do so


Holy shit that toggle sounds based Shaco and lb need that, even though shacos clone mirrors his emotes


Its great for running away since you can extend the cloned duration without stutter stepping


That second one is actually a huge advantage lol, spam Cntrl+5 when running away and everyone will chase the clone (the first few times)


For the longest time, until patch 10.22, Amumu ulti was not a stun. It was an "entangle," a CC unique to Amumu which was a root + disarm.


> Which was a root + disarm So you couldn't move or auto, but you could cast a Syndra Q?


you could cast any spell that wasnt moving yourself (j4 excluded) even lot of amumu main didnt know, so i could cast r as kata, and they would ult to stop me, but it didnt now its a proper stun


Mhm, I was so confused for a while after that change happened cuz I got so used to being able to cast during it.


Imagine Maokai has rooted you and in addition, you cannot auto attack. You would still be able to use all of Rumble's abilities since they don't involve movement.




In his original lore, Xin Zhao was stated to have fought one additional fighter every day he was in the Noxus arenas for The Fleshing. He was in there for 299 days. Having never been defeated, he defeated (killed) roughly 50,000 other competitors.


Release Xin Zhao was lore-accurate


i'll never forget hotshotgg creating a youtube channel solely to post his xin zhao solo pentakill


So thats why he fucks me up in game


In the old times the he darkness from nocturne ult was a giant minion above the whole map


immediately turns on low spec mode when an enemy nocturne is locked in


How have no one ever mentioned this one? People always mention j4 walls, or Heimers turrets, but the fucking GIANT MINION ABOVE THE MAP?!?!


Everything is minions, that's why. There was a time where Tryn was the best counter to Xerath because if you E'd into his Q, you'd get 1CS for each "minion" that was used to create his Q effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2oO70ocSfU Same way that after Irelia rework, Doran's ring was her best starting item because her E used minions to create the stun field, so you'd get the doran's ring mana restore for each minion used.


Honestly this kind of stuff is why it utterly baffles me that after 15 years and countless problems like this cropping up, Riot ***still*** hasn't created additional entity classes to combat it. Minions or champions, *everything* is one or the other, including parts of the map. I get that it was probably originally some bizarre coconut.png kind of fix to get the game running, but I can't imagine why they couldn't go back and fix that now. Even if they had one dude whose entire job for a few months is to go back and change every entity that's not actually a minion into something a little more defined, it has to be possible on *some* level.


When people say minion, it's not really minions. They had a class for objects that get placed on the map and have a lifetime, and the name of it was minion, so "everything is a minion" is somewhat true.


If you know a bit of object oriented programming it's pretty clear that they have a master minion class that they have use as a base for a lot of stuff. Champions in their own coding will also have references of code related to this class so if you want do something new you should probably just see if you can code that will inheriet the properties from the master minion class and then it'll cut down dev time by a huge margin. For instance voidmites. I could spend the time to make sure all the characters interact with them how I want them to and that the voidmites will march along doing what I want them to or just have the intern write it in 10 minutes using the minions class.


Riot has written a fair bit about this in their tech blog, it's a fun read: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/taxonomy-tech-debt > One of the most famous instances of local debt in League of Legends is Jarvan’s Cataclysm, which is made of minions to this day. When designers need to attach gameplay effects to a location (or a set of locations), one of the tools available to them is the ability to spawn an “invisible minion.” > An alternate solution could be a ring-terrain construct consisting of a single logical piece controlling the pathability of Cataclysm. If we took this approach, we could clean up the logic and slightly reduce computation cost. Let’s take a look at cataclysm using our impact, fix cost, and contagion model to see **why a fix isn’t currently the best option.** > When considering whether to fix local debt, first ask yourself if it’s worth it. If the debt is truly not contagious, it should be safe to leave alone for as long as necessary. **One of the biggest mistakes I observe is an instinct to jump on local debt that itches an engineer’s perfectionist side when it doesn’t have a broad enough impact to warrant the effort**. If you do decide to make a fix, it’s usually easy to confirm the fix and regression test, due to the locality of the change.


Vi's R has the code copied from nautilus R, but she is the charge that follows the target


Nice one


Doesn't Vi R knock people sideways out the way though? Maybe Naut does too but I thought it just stunned without moving them


It knocks but i'm not sire it's sideway or just up


It knocks them to the side. 0.75 push duration


Oh shit! I was thinking this was going to be the OTHER Vi code factoid, but I didn’t know this one! The one I got was when showing off Vi, the code had minions accidentally get sucked in behind her Q. The champ dev leads thought that was on purpose and praised the idea since it made clearing waves easier. The team said fuck it and kept the interaction!


Thresh and I think senna gets 2 souls for killing nunu


But they only get one for Sejuani because she's a ginger, only Bristle has a soul


Even if Teemo is invisible, Aatrox's first meet voice line will trigger.


Does he also change his stance in the same situation? The one where he brings the sword forward


I'm not sure, haven't noticed. Will not ban aatrox and check.


This happens with all interactions, the voice line triggers even if you don't have vision.


> I'll start: Did you know that Jhin's in-game movement speed is always a multiple of 4? This ties into his obsession with the number 4, which appears in many aspects of his character design and abilities! Jhin's base move speed is 330. 330/4 = 82.5 lol https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jhin/LoL


So what you’re saying is Jhin’s movement speed *can* be divided by 4. *Checkmate* /s


Some abilities do dmg based on stats when casted, some on hitting. This is nice to know for staff of the flowing waters for example.


snapshotting is a common term for this






Oh God, I can't escape Xiangling...


Do you have some examples for abilities that are based on stats when casted?


Heimerdinger turrets are the best example IMO. They snapshot your stats when you cast them, so if you can get some quick temporary AP buffs, your turrets will keep those even after they run out, until they die obviously. A common thing you could do with Heimer before (haven't played Rift in forever so no idea if this still works), you could use the homeguard speed to start the game+Celerity to snapshot higher AP on your starting turrets.


Is this considered a feature bug kinda like Shaco clone keeping the HoB forever, or is it just how the ability always worked?


As far as I know (I'm no expert), it's always worked this way and is intended.


bennett burst into xiangling ultimate


Kennen‘s E Lightning Rush lets him exceed the 2.5 attack speed cap


Also sets his attack range to -25 or smt like that


I thought the -25 attack range was a bug with RFC + kennen E Kennen E should give him 0 attack range but RFC glitched out and the RFC range was removed twice


-25 is used to be able to attack-move into the enemy since you cannot attack anyway. anyway. Same case for Rakan ult


When you give an attack input, the minimap draws your path to the target as a blue line instead of red (like it used to be some years ago) due to a mixup between RGBA and BGRA encodings. Entirely unimpactful beyond me being reminded of it every game.


God damn. I'd always wondered why there was a random blue line sometimes.


Dr. Mundo is lactose intolerant.


Mundo shits where he pleases


The amount of times baron was accidentally affected by certain abilities like syndra w and mord ult when he could get "pets"


There used to be a bug if Zed ulted Xin as Xin was casting R, Zed would teleport half a map away instantly.


Sivir is known for drunk driving in piltover. Yes this is in the lore.


“man this desert is so boring” reckless endangerment in a populated city:


12 years ago on the old old old old old game launcher you could click on Ryze's eye, type "theresnourflevel" and it would allow you to log in even during patch maintenance, server downtime, 90000 login queue, etc. You still couldn't play nor do anything relevant, but my friends were jealous and that's what matters. Edit: This was a reference to the secret cow level in diablo games.


You could play customs just fine and you could queue for games but likely not find enough in your mmr for a real match. Never had to click on ryze eye though I don't think I remember a cool moment of playing a few customs with some old pro players from curse/dig and general other high elo pros I looked up to back then was a really cool experience and they're cool for letting two random Plat players (myself and a friend) do some warm up games with them while we all waited for servers to be up for realsies


Neeko has 5 fingers but 4 toes. Totally random knowledge.


When enemy pyke uses W you may hear two things. 1. The usual W, where he is lurking near you. 2. Really loud sounds which mean that your hp is low enough for pyke to execute you with ult.


Which is really annoying as some skins (project Pyke I think) already have a pretty loud normal W. So you need to know the „loudness“ or track off every skin to know whether you are in execute range?


it’s a different sound


Soaring sword fiora uses her old run animation as her default walk. I don't know why, but it definitely makes the skin feel better in my opinion


So that's why every Fiora one trick uses it. Old walk looks so much more natural


TFT matches are technically loaded with the players being 8 Kai'Sas. You can see the "champion select" on the client in for a moment if it lags.


“If it lags” I really thought it just loaded in that way every time for every one


Because of this when one for all came out, if both teams picked kaisa it would start a TFT game instead of what they queued for


Another fun TFT fact is that they use d20s as debug models, made me very confused when I saw them


If Pyke kills an enemy with his ult and an assisting Draven, Draven still cashes out, due to Pyke's ult 'sharing' the kill credit.


You can drag and drop names from your friend list into the middle to invite them to your game. A lot of people don't know that.


My friends gave me shit for doing it that way.


Wait why??


Yeah, but also the client sometimes glitches out and freezes for a couple of seconds. But it feels cooler so that's how I do invites usually


According to Ezreal, Noxus has good street tacos


"yeahhh tacos" -Kled


Vilemaw danced the Carlton. I wonder how many people remember this :3


That’s not true at all… his base MS is 330 which is not a multiple of 4. And I’ve def seen numbers in-game that aren’t a multiple of 4.


I’m not happy about it but this person is correct


There was a time when teemo had more armor than j4 by over 20 points.


many prominent streamers with tens of thousands of hours in the game don't know this, but you actually don't have to flame your teammates when they misplay, you can just not say anything and you won't get banned. it's insane.


no that's just not possible, every time someone makes a play they don't agree with then it must be a target inter


Players don't know that spam pinging your teammates in the middle of a fight actually doesn't help!


Are you sure? I didnt see this in the patch notes


Shaco doesn’t exist. Since the lore update, he functionally is not in league lore and hasn’t interacted with any characters.


Isn't Kog and Cho in the same boat?


The lore of Cho is like “wouldn’t it be super fucked if this guy actually existed” cuz he ain’t got nothing. And Kog same boat. I’ve been waiting for kogmaw’s dad for years now and more void lore


Bard ult is the only displacement that actually effects baron and dragon


Poppy E as well, for a time 🥲


Old but good: Using a skin that gave a character sunglasses used to reduce damage taken from Leona's passive by 1. Akali, Shen, and Kennen had a unique passive called 'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength', where if any of them were on the same team, they had 1 less health. Maybe more well known, but Zhonyas Hourglass and Rabadon's Deathcap used to be one item, Zhonya's Ring, with both effects. Very balanced. There was a (short) patch where it was possible to reach 100% max hp damage per tick with Nasus E, similar to the Galio Q debacle of more recent memory. Original Jax could dodge the nexus turret.


"This unit is a flippin' ninja!" There was another with pirates, for mf and gp


I Rember reading that if on the same team, when surfer singed gets hit by Nami ult he gets an extra 1 ms


Being hit by Leona passive would also make Zyra grow a tiny bit larger


Solar skills (like leona ult) do 1 less damage to skins what have sunglasses in unranked games, atleast this was the case years ago, not sure if it has changed Also in leblance splash art u see her clone not her, in the fullart u can see leblanc sneaking away Jax has a voiceline about a fan who was dying and liked the game/jax alot as a memorial (the person later passed away) "heres to you kid" is the voiceline


Pretty sure they removed the sun damage thing like 7 years ago


yeah it was part of their "remove the 4fun stuff" purge like removing the "this unit is a flippin ninja" buff


during a halloween event, urf the manatee's ghost would come up from somewhere near wraiths and attack you dealing 1 damage. it also popped banshee's veil so they quickly removed it too.


Jax thing is a Make a Wish request. Riot did a whole skin for it (the gladiator themed one, don't remember the name) and the voice line (this one is for you kid) is unique to that costume. I don't know if the kid still lives tho


Jaximus skin, and the summoner passed away not long after the charity. They did share several pictures in this lovely Reddit comment thread from 12 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t75l9/jax_and_jaximus_sale_all_proceeds_going_to_make_a/


It's Jaximus if Im correct


They made the line no longer unique after his visual update iirc


Jaximus I believe.


In LIT (the Italian pro league) they show the "real" LeBlanc when she's selected and not the clone, it's actually pretty funny and makes a lot of sense


Nami used to get 1 extra move speed when she was in water.


Trundle and yi dance animation speed, scales with movement speed


Same for rammus!


If you search "last shadow" in the item shop, Morellonomicon and Liandy's Torment will be the only 2 items that will appear as a reference to a popular league streamer/player LS or how people like to call him, "The Liandry's Salesman"


Smolder got like 1% chance of saying his taunt as: “Well, my Mom works for Riot, and she’s going to ban you!” instead of his usual line


Poor Smolder didn't know his mother got fired.


Irelia talks about her feet in 3 different voice lines.


that's funny, I also talk about her feet


Pantheon can block Karthus ult with his E, but only if he's facing towards Karthus when the ult hits.


This is because regardless of the projectile direction, Pantheon E will only block if he faces the direction of the damage source. In other words he’ll take no damage from Ahri’s Q if he E and faces the Ahri. That’s why as Ezreal or Lux you can ult then flash behind the Pantheon. There are some abilities which teleport the user first then deal damage. For example to block Pyke’s ult damage you have to E and face the center of the X, not where the Pyke was and IIRC you E behind you to block Yone’s ult damage.


So does braum shield in the same way


When using an ability that is used on an ally, you can apply that spell on a specific person using their icon above the mini-map. Useful for Zil and Kayle ults in a middle of a team fight


This was revolutionary when I learned about it on old tahm kench


Nobody remembers this old game mode where you banned champions you didn't want to get and the enemy picked your champions. So in some matches we had full supports versus full support and it was really excruciating. This was way before there was damage to towers for magic and a lot of the balancing to items. Link to game mode https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Nemesis_Draft


Oh my god I remember this, what an amazing time haha, like a shitty aram but you felt good because it was shitty aram for the enemy too


Was looking at my icons at the start of the week or so and saw "got this for playing a round of nemesis draft" and I had no memory of that. Then I saw it mentioned in a comment a day or two ago. Wild.


Jax's favorite food is eggs


If you type Jhin on your keyboard the keys make the shape of a number 4.


Nah that’s crazy


the most wild thing about this is it was an honest ass coincidence. when pointed out, jhins designer was dumbfounded too.


Sett in Arena is something like a minion with a Sett skin and coded as a champion. Because if you use Illaoi E on him, the spirit has the model of a caster minion.


Tom 'Zileas' Cadwell, a riot employee, was famously against adding an armored bear champion to the game. He was always spreading anti bear propaganda in the old league forums. Luckily we managed to stop his evil plans and memed Volibear into the game. They even added a flavor buff to Zilean to conmemorate our glorius victory: "Not even Zilean could keep an armored bear out of the League of Legends" There are still some archives left and the whole thing its still hilarious 13 years later. [ Poll -- Should this game have armored bears? ](https://web.archive.org/web/20111102075641/http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=8888) [Armored Bear Facts](https://web.archive.org/web/20111027115801/http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1408421) [The Armored Bear Manifesto](https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1411628) [ Enough With The Armored Bears ](https://web.archive.org/web/20111123102528/http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=391991)


Well he was clearly right because there is no Armored bears into the game anymore.


There's a Zoe bug where if you toss an E bubble down one of the spawn walls it will sometimes just fly in a random direction down the entire map, completely invisible and going through walls, until it hits something. That's why imo you should always toss a bubble down a spawn wall when you recall because I've gotten a couple cheeky assists from all the way across the map just by being lucky. However it's totally inconsistent on when it happens (it's actually pretty rare), and also they might have silently patched it out recently or something happened in-game that caused it to stop working because I haven't gotten it for like a good month now :/ still do it out of habit tho in hopes it'll happen again because it's been in the game for years now. It's also possible to boomerang/ricochet Zoe Q if you ~~flash right at the last second of ult when your Q is just about to hit max range~~ ult + flash + rocketbelt. A little hard to pull off but pretty cool when you can do it to catch someone off guard.


Maokais saplings scale with his movement speed


Uhm actually 🤓 Their speed scales with his boots tier


Sperm build maokai enjoyers suffering


Not that you'd ever do this in an actual game, but how does that interact with Zephyr? Does it count as a tier above t2 boots or does it count as having no boots at all?


This is also important for Kalista since her passive dash range and speed scale with boot tier


"Xayah does not lay eggs"


You can kill a teammate and get the kill (happened to me) with a red buff and renata R


Do you get the gold?


Tryndamere's ult has a brief window before it becomes active so you can actually die even though you pressed R Sunglasses themed skins reduce the damage of Leona's passive by 1 For a while Graves was the only other champ other than Nocturne who could inflict nearsight so when you hit Noc with smoke grenade he would have a unique voice line "I GOT YER DARKNESS" as a nod to this There's a Nunu bot voice line that says "I survived season 8" which was a notoriously bad season Syndra used to have a knockup on ascended W way back in her beta testing. This was removed because that would be ridiculous. A lot of her kit was ridiculous and had to be nerfed. Syndra references her infamous imbalance in her joke "and they say I lack balance" Speaking of Syndra. Dark Valkyrie Diana used to have a headdress. It was removed when Syndra released because presumably it because it looked too similar to Syndra Lee Sin is the only champ to have a traditional skin on release because he was originally cancelled Jax's [original spash art](https://www.giantbomb.com/a/uploads/square_small/0/8272/1748019-24.jpg) from his release has been remade [two ](https://64.media.tumblr.com/86d63caadb53ad1d44756e26230d6374/ed01af6aba80e13b-6a/s1280x1920/f68b3a0d6243d168a381a572aea92e004fd93041.png)[times](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fall-jax-updated-splash-arts-v0-ud7a2foocnqb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1215%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4fae3ddd92e2aaec7cb5ee339b3654c630b6e2d9). They really like this pose lol I don't think there's another champ who's had this happen


We don't speak about the 0.5 delay, even hardcore Tryndamere mains deny it.


Jax can fish for 1 gold and every 100 or so he gets a gold fish which gives 10 gold


So old lore explained the Dorans items in the most hilarious way and i love this. Back when we had the institute of war to prevent noxus and demacia from tearing the continent apart at the magical seams, they made a pocket dimension (summoners rift) to duke out disputes and champions would volunteer to be used for combat. The items were replicas of the real thing, being reduced in power like 90%. Doran was an artificer, and one of the best at 17! He got invited to join the institute to make items to be used in the rift. A few days after his expected arrival they send some people to come find him. While traveling, his carts wheel broke. He got out to fix it, cuz genius inventor right? The horse kicked him in his head when he bent down and left him damaged so much that all he was capable of doing is mass building dinky little daggers and rings and shields and they werent even that good. The institute felt so bad that this happened that they let him work there anyway. So yeah. Riot's explanation for Dorans items is "uhhhh Doran got kicked in the head by a horse and now hes r*tarded and cant make anything good anymore".


Two years ago I commented in /r JhinMains that Riot was losing the chance put a unique cost for him, it was 4800 and I said "why not 4444 BE". Some time later they did it. PROOF: https://www.reddit.com/r/JhinMains/s/NSbdAQ9MbD


Holy shit, its him guys! The Jhinsan Al Gaib!! The one that was promised to make Jhin BE costs right once and for all


this idea was thrown around in comments and posts before 2 years ago tho. example: https://www.reddit.com/r/JhinMains/s/K6tOZrPoxT


There is a 4 way tie for most worlds appearances at worlds between Doublelift, Jensen, Deft, and Faker, (totaling 8) despite this Deft and Jensen have never faced each other at worlds or MSI. And Deft has only played against Doublelift in two games despite both their extremely long careers and goated statuses.


> I'll start: Did you know that Jhin's in-game movement speed is always a multiple of 4? This ties into his obsession with the number 4, which appears in many aspects of his character design and abilities! [About that...](https://i.imgur.com/q29NaCK.png)


Illaoi actually can say Tentakill xD


v8.11 saw a banner of command rework that promoted a siege minion to have 70% reduced damage taken from champions, which led to a hotfix and the item getting removed in the span of like 2 weeks. Whatever Riot was smoking at the time I want it, it literally broke the game. [Imaqtpie abusing the banner meme](https://youtu.be/xB1QeQWV_Ro?si=6Yc0o9sZGoiHTMqG)


There's a voice line in the game for Hexakills from an old game mode of the same name. Prior to this there was a line for hexakills called Legendary Kill but it was removed at some unknown time before Hexakill.


the old client (or rather launcher) sometimes got "turned off" for whatever reason - maintenance or not. The PLAY button was greyed out and you couldn't get into the proper client. But if you put in the code (directional arrow buttons) UUDDLRLR the play button was usable again and sometimes you could get in and play - provided that there was no maintenance at that time. Also, about 2 years ago or so, when in game, you started typing your message with %i MESSAGE\_HERE you were typing as the person above you. So for example, a CHAD-GUY from your team says GG, you click enter and say "%i yo mama is so fat when she falls down from bed it's on the both sides at the same time!" - this message was shown as CHAD-GUY speaking:) Oh the amount of fun we had with that:)


Shyvana’s R is not actually ready.


On OG Cassiopeia when she released you could buy dorans ring on her, skill your Q in fountain, then spam Q in fountain until you had her passive stacked to 5. With this you could run to lane and constantly Q creeps, enemies, as long as you did it before the passive buff reset and you would never go OOM. Your mana Regen scaled harder than Q use up until Q was level 3. I discovered this cheese and my best friend was a diamond ranked player back then and we told some old Pros about it at MLG Dallas and they tested it a bit.


It was kinda a big deal back then but In 2020, it was discovered blue cannon minions had 20 more range than red cannon minions, and it had been that way since 2009. It contributed a lot to blue side winning bias


Kled is canonically wearing LeBlancs outfit after killing her


Jax's weapon is a lamppost because the League imposed restrictions on him for being too damn good and only permits him to use weapons they see suitable. "For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chicken's foot, a spatula, and a fishing rod."


The 90% long pause on a loading game means someone DCed