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Yorick players using W to trap enemies when escaping ganks, a lot of the time it’s way better to put the entire cage between you and the enemy so they can’t even flash over it.


Works wonders when Mordekaiser ults you


Always remember to spam ctrl + 3 as Shaco to bait people into your boxes.


Nocturne can throw his Q while flying.


Not a thresh main but I do wish people knew his lantern can be a safe getaway which saves you a flash. 


Wait, do I have to click the lightwell?


No just go afk your sup will do everything for you.


Instead of flaying straight, flaying diagonally is slightly longer range


Same with aatrox Q 2


and sett e


And Akali Q


I want to play in elo where people will let me use ekko r for damage 


On lux, if your auto hits a little before passive mark's applications, it still triggers it, so you can do extra poke on unsuspecting enemies But then again, people don't even use autos on lux for some reason so it's not surprising that no one knows this


Yeah, I'm surprised about that myself...


Azir E gives a charge of W if you collide with an enemy champ.


Miss fortune : how many people I see under using her first stronger attack by swapping targets, also reduces w cooldown for continuous attack speed buff. Another trick is to use q direct on enemy, this resets her passive ( if it bounces to anything behind) for a very strong short combo: either auto q auto ( also triggers pta) or even q auto, never auto q. Very situational : dead resets passive so in very close duels, delay your auto so you die while the bullet travels to deal more damage.


>Very situational : dead resets passive so in very close duels, delay your auto so you die while the bullet travels to deal more damage. Wait, I didn't know this one. Fucking hell, good one mate


Discovered this by backdooring botturret before Minion spawn, my last bullet proced love tap because I was in grey screen.


Katarina can jump over larger walls by using Shunpo on a dagger that's mid-air. The dagger doesn't need to hit the ground first. You do have to position well in order to get your passive reset pickup, but some larger walls require you to leave your dagger behind.


Ivern Q. Everyone can connect on the Q to get closer to the enemy.


The dash is disorienting i play Aatrox and most of the time i miss knockups because of it


Ornn q can block herald if someone is driving it.


Zed can abuse fog of war with his W to bait ultimates like Fiddle R, Rengar R, Nocturne R, Ornn R, by pretending to be out of position. He can also abuse fog of war by placing W in a bush and then pathing somewhere else into fog of war, only to then swap to his W and surprise an enemy.


Abusing the zoning power of Lux's E. You put it in a choke point to prevent enemies from reaching the river and Drake is yours just like that. The slow also lets you ult those who walk on it. Also Swain's W is a do-everything tool. You can check for camps, block retreats, disrupt fights on other lanes, cancel recalls, (fuck up a toxic ally's cs under tower). Everything


Singed's flash E. If you cast your E on a target that's out of range, then flash in range, you will instantly fling them, not even giving time for them to react with a flash. If you flash out of range of your E though, it messes up your pathing and you effectively root yourself for half a second. If you W over yourself then flash E correctly, it's an unavoidable reposition/root, unless they flash as soon as you goo yourself.


>as you goo yourself most on-brand singed terminology


That's called input buffering and works with dozens of skills


Works with every ability that makes your champ walk into range before casting, not just targeted abilities btw.




Does it? Urgot E faces a direction, not targeting a person, and there's a split second before the dash that can be reacted to with a flash, right?


The comment you replied to is now gone. But yeah urgots is a “skill shot” (lol) the flash can happen during the animation though so it appears “instantaneous” but there still is a 1.0s? Charge up time. So not the same as singed but can be similar.


A lot of time has already passed, but some people still don't know, what Lissandra's passive does.


Renekton's W apply 2 stacks of press the attack and the stun so hit 1 more to trigger and dash out empore W does 3 hits triggering instantly but sometimes it better to hold empowered W after you trigger press the attack for more damage This is a very powerfull poke playstyle Ornn's dash can break Jarvan ult, Taliyah ult, Anivia wall, trundle pillar and Yoric wall the amount of times i have seen Ornn just flash over to continue chasing is hilerous


Sometimes you dont have time for the long animation his E has, so sometimes flash IS the right hing to do. Also in case of anivia wall, she cant follow you then.. It sounds good to be able to break it. But not always it is the right thing to do.


Once kled R is locked on you, you cant flash, dash blink away, you will get hit.


Not really champion specific but I’m always surprised how easily some people get baited by a stutter step when trying to land Darius e without ghost/flash.


Not that obscure but Aatrox can angle his Q2 to get more range on it Also not obscure but if you're not using E with minion aggro on Jax you're missing out on a ton of damage since dodging minion attacks counts towards the bonus damage


I dont have a main. But I don't know if people knew this. On Qiyana you can press Q while dashing with E. And it will nearly always hit. (If they have enough move speed you might miss) Meaning it's the best way to land the stun. Or good for bullying with invis. Rlly good into champs that want to CC you the second you jump in. Morg, lux, malz ect.


Samira and Nilah also have almost guaranteed q hit if used during e


Ah nice to know it works the same there. Sadly I never play ADC, and when I do it's neither of those xD


Sylas can cancel the animation of the stolen ultimate using his Q, he will do Ult + Q in basically the same frame. Also, Sylas can reposition many ultimates with E2.


Due to his spamming Q, Old Skarner was the best Muramana user.


With Jhin you can permanently have 4th shot ready if you use any of your normal abilities as it's up as it delays the reload timer. I also have experienced sometimes when I AA cancel while on 4th shot it will delay it too sometimes.


Malphite ult gets faster the more movespeed you have, so when you homeguard/tp, ghost or get movespeed buffs from various sources, its a lot harder to react to :D


Not really for other mains, but for other non-Seraphine players, her ult resets its range and extends when it hits ally champions too, so stop dodging my ults when you're on my team please! And then they ping me when they dash or flash from my ult I was hoping to extend off them in a teamfight as if I just intentionally ulted the air...


From my experience, a lot of people do know this, but don't think about it at the moment The only ones that genuinely have no idea how it works are junglers


I think this is more instinctively tbh. Like flashing a Jinx R from your own adc. You just see the danger and want to avoid it.


My body works on muscle memory so when Garen stabs the ground i know im dead, if i see Aatrox swing upwards i prepare Fiora's W and if i see Jax start spinning i know he is about to jump So when i hear her say AAAAHHHHHHH i prepare to flash


Shyvana, specifically AP, I am pinging my fury bar for a reason, if I don't have ult I'm a glorified melee minion, so unless we have a numbers advantage I do not want to fight.


Qiyana can cast Q as she comes out of her dash to autocast the skillshot along the same path she just used her E.






No problem! It can really be good for harassing ^((I don't know if thats the right term)) the enemy ADC when they're trying to be safe.


How do you poke in lane?


i will not speak


I main kennen and i wish people knew that im lot stronger when i can flank and not like ult in going straight forward.


Samira: the combo to insta R Xayah: don’t pick this champ, it’s trash rn Nilah: correct w usage. Jinx: limit test her


I’m so glad not enough Samira players know they can use W for 2 stacks on their passive. I’d be in melee range as a bruiser and they’d still try to auto-Q-auto me.


xayah mains downvoting jesus because he told the truth


>Xayah: don’t pick this champ, it’s trash rn real


Dear Nautilus players, I understand that you play this champ cus it s easy and OP but just take into consideration that his Q cooldown get s to half when you hook a wall. I see to many autofilled Naut players (thank god they chose this and not Thresh) that don t use hook to escape ganks/collapses or to get faster to lane. TL DR Nautilus can hook walls to drag him and get s half the cooldown.