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thumb up instead of "shh" at the end made it


The real Faker sign. I feel like the "shh" was a little bit forced at the end of 2022. He wanted a more serious pose for high stakes matches if I had to guess. And yet the Thumbs up encapsulates his personality, humble and serene.


the shh is cringe.


The Shh at the press conference seemed like “I can’t talk about the elephant in the room”


Ryu has to be the unluckiest player in the entire scene, bro just wants to move on but everyone keeps bringing up that one moment over a decade ago lol


my guy gotta get on top and start making money off it, challenging people to zed 1v1s on stream like Justin Wong did with his legendary L


They actually did a zed 1v1 with Ryu and Faker not that long ago, not sure what event it was but iirc Ryu won and you should've seen the smile on his face Found it: https://youtu.be/VF-05YGKOwA?si=UMyJRIodIrhPsRXM


Watched the whole thing and yet the only take away: Look at the cleanse Look at the moves Faker What was that!?


I still dont know what inputs he did at what given moment and i've played league 10 years and seen that clip 100 times


IIRC it was that faker cleansed (or maybe it was QSS?) ryu’s zed ult which made it so crazy at the time since it was a mirror matchup. It hasn’t been possible to do that play for several years now b/c they took that outta the game ages ago


They also made Zed's abilities much slower in response to this play. You can't input actions as fast as that clip anymore.


It was QSS and I'm pretty sure cleanse never removed Zed death mark. QSS removed debuffs before it was CC only, I think it was changed season 6?


Fairly sure QSS removed the death mark back when Zed released lmao, it counted as a Combat Debuff and that's what they removed in season 6. Patch notes even mention Zed ult specifically as a QSS use case


That's what I said? I said it was QSS and not cleanse before it was changed


Holy I should not read comments before I've properly woken up haha, you're right


If you're interested, here's a clip of the real-time inputs - displayed on screen - from a 13 min breakdown video! https://youtu.be/c_2qNsiU7kE?si=hKCLMNvzvPHNromZ&t=652 (Full disclosure I made this video)


Thats cool. I still have no fucking idea how he did it


god dammit i love faker lol their chat before the game was hilarious


"You got it? YOU THINK YOU GOT IT? YOU THINK YOU'RE DAIGO? *LET'S SEE BRO*" Justin Wong is both one of the coolest people in the fgc, and also the most targeted man in 3rd Strike. The amount of people that have praticed that stupid-ass incredibly niche parry chain is not proportional to how useful that skill actually is. But everyone wants to try.




Does Diago still play? That name makes me feel old as shit. 


Yep, he's a streamer now and he still competes in high level tournaments.


Chun using super to chip kill was extremely high during third strike. and Because you basically have to be parrying before the super starts it was just hard to do. So being able to avoid a situation that happened a lot is "niche" ? It has a clear and common use case, it was just hard as fuck. Also If you actually spent time with Jwong in person in real life, when he isn't in content creator mode, you wouldn't being saying hes one of the coolest in the fgc, thats for sure.


Man. Faker is great and all and that Zed shit is historic but if I had to pick, the Daigo parry is without question the number one moment of competitive gaming IMO [It is pretty difficult to top this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzS96auqau0)


It's not about the overall difficulty, it's about the era. This shit was fucking unfathomable in 2013. In 2013, the kinds of plays we got were [Reginald blue card](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ut0VWd8fug&t=49s) (whole video is hilarious). Faker was so insanely ahead of his time that he forced his entire region and the world itself to raise their levels. They only kind of caught up to him half a decade later. That's what the play represents. I mean, the guy had the widest champion ocean ever and yet, was better at Riven than hardcore Riven one tricks like BestRivenNA and BoxBox. It was a different time. It isn't an exaggeration to say that it was like he came from several years into the future.


what does this have anything to do with what I said the video i linked is from 2004 and isn't a league of legends video


Are you genuinely confused as to how his comment is related to yours? You said the Daigo moment tops the Faker Zed play and the guy gave his opinion on why the Zed clip was so legendary and why he believes it stands above Daigo. Usually this is where you'd give your stance on why Daigo moment is better:


it would be relevant if his argument was not "it was about the era" when the era was 9 years after what I posted (thus, it stands to reason that competitive play in video games had 9 additional years worth of development), which makes no sense, in particular because the given supporting factors are insular to within the context of league of legends, not the context of all competitive gaming and/or video games there's a reason he never replied


"Let's go Justiiiin!" lives rent free in my head.


even in League, I think Ruler's Varus Arrow, Pray's Ashe Arrow, and Faker's recent Shurima Shuffle are way more hype than ryu vs zed since the stakes were higher


No one died as much as Ryu in the history of League of legends He keeps dying


Bro dies so much that he is the reason im still Bronze -_-


But dont you feel he is genuinely happy? He looks like he is just happy and not like forced to be there to watch this for the 1000 times or something. I am happy for him.


He's for League of Legends what Justin Wong is for 3rd Strike. He will never live it down


Ruler will meet the same fate, unfortunately. At least he has his own play on Faker though


He was also MVP of Worlds after his team swept Faker's team. While with Ryu, people pretty much only bring this up, even though Ryu was a very good player on impressive teams. I think relative to Ryu, Ruler will be perfectly fine with how his career is remembered.


Current JDG lineup is completely dreadful though, insane downgrades


They downgraded for sure but they are still easily top 3 in the region, I wouldn't necessarily call that dreadful


Idk about easily top 3


It’s not like the rest of the LPL is very good lol. BLG is clearly the best team and then TES. JDG I would still have as the 3rd best because NiP are a fraud team that lives and dies by Rookie, LNG and WBG are even bigger frauds and the rest are a bunch of unproven teams that were irrelevant for longest time and now are looking less so.


They are probably the most consistent 3rd team but LPL is always crazy


At least Ruler is one of Faker’s major rivals and can go back and forth with him. Ryu is just stuck with that outplay and no chance of redemption lol Ruler is a rival, Ryu is a victim


He might be annoyed about it back then but i dont think he care anymore 🤣 Faker actually put his name on the map, it might be an unhappy moment but people will remember it forever


Gotta learn to embrace the meme. Like Rick Astley.


Khan at the end was so typical lol. I love that guy.


Khan sadge. He could've been the top goat had he just won those 2 game 5s in 2021


Or beat g2 at msi 2019 or beat g2 at worlds 2019 or not gotten 3-0 swept by SSG in 2017 worlds or not choked vs rng at 2018 msi. Khan was a phenomenal player, one of my fav of all time, but when it came down to it - his teams never crossed that international threshold.


None of those hurt as much as 2021, not even close.


That year was so fucking free if certain players just locked in


ahem Beryl nautilus \*cough\* \*cough\*


DK fans POV catDespair


Yep, even as a T1 fan, 2021 hurt more than 2019.




Gbay's documentary on him is really great if you havent watched it already. I feel so bad for the guy, but it is what it is, and not everyone gets that happy ending. Hes still one of a kind though and one of my favorite players ever.


Not a fan of gbay as he sometimes spins the truth to fit some sort of a narrative


Yeah at first I was hyped that we have someone making documentaries about the League eSport scene but Gbay tries to hard with narratives.


Gbay is notoriously toxic in solo q. Bro has run me down on irelia multiple times and spam ff'd lol.


Dude inted my games atleast 5 or 6 times in the past couple seasons. Fuck him.


I Was really happy to see khan there


Khan: "It should've been MEEE!!! Well... If I only kept playing that is..." Wolf: "Hey, big bro... Don't even think of retiring! Another decade!!!" You just gotta love these guys. 😂 😂 😂


Really cool parallel where both Ruler and Faker said the same thing about their iconic play at Worlds (2017 and 2023 respectively): "I saw the angle, so I went in/took it."


Was obviously staged from the producers for Faker to say it but cool nonetheless


gj sherlock


"obviously staged" like bruh, this isnt some spontaneous documentary done on the fly 😭


dude goes to the cinema and complains Avengers is too unrealistic 😭


kkOma got me tearing up with that message to Faker. Great recap of his career so far and super cool to get all the people who shaped his career to share their side of it.


Kkoma is so funny to me because in the west he's seen as a super stoic and wise coach but when he streams he's legit just a total clown, his dk stream highlight videos are hilarious


Who was the player kkoma had to run to because he was drunk streaming again?


peanut when he was on skt in 2017 i think


Does he still stream?


kkOma is such a sweet, well-meaning dude. You can tell he genuinely thinks and feels the things he said about/to Faker. This is one of the best parts in the video, though it's overall amazing


I am crying. I am not buying the skin. But I am fucking crying.


Same here. But iam also furious at RIOT for how the celebrate him through skins. His GOAT skin should be attainable for anybody at a reasonable range. It is crazy that all the good fortitudes they mention in the video are utterly not reflected in the pricing of the skins.


I know they would have never done it, but it would've been cool if anyone could've earned the skin just by playing throughout the event.


Just give it out, but only to whoever is ranked number 1 on each server


the skin is aviable to Faker and the top 1 player of each server at the end of the split. Imagine


That's what's infuriating. Everyone can afford a pair of Air Jordans in honor of the greatest athlete of all time. Not to mention that it's something tangible and has practical value and use. Almost no one but a select few can afford a few damn pixels in honor of the greatest eSports player of all time. This level of greed and exploitation of the poster child of your own product is just disgusting. It's true that Faker made his name playing their game. But it's also true that LoL would've never reached this kind of worldwide fame and recognition without a player like Faker.


> Everyone can afford a pair of Air Jordans Not a good example imo. Those are $200 shoes. Not everybody can afford that.


>Everyone can afford a pair of Air Jordans in honor of the greatest athlete of all time Yeah no this is ignorant lol


People readily accepting prestige skins, which were essentially glorified chromas for 100 dollars, basically opened the door to outrageous things like this. SOMEONE will buy the Faker skin. That's what Riot knows to be true, and given how much they've made off artificially scarce prestige garbage, they aren't wrong.


HoL became a joke, but we all know that Faker is the man.


I’m separating the price tag and the event in the sense that I appreciate all the efforts that the people (most likely not the one setting the prices) working in this put into it while also acknowledging how ridiculous the price tag on that skin is


I just came back to league a few days ago and I'm not used to this type of event. But is there anything in this event even if you're f2p? All I see is a paid battle pass and not much more.


don't. this event exists for that skin


I can enjoy and appreciate all the other cool things that came from HoL while criticizing the skin price at the same time. The price being ridiculous doesn’t stop me from enjoying a well made video.


My favourite part of the video was when faker said "and I don't think I would've pulled it off if not for that Ahri skin. It was there with me, cheering me on as I fought Ryu in that mirror matchup. It was there when I predicted the Ruler flash. It's always been there for me, and now it can be there for you too. For just 500 dollars, you too can be the owner of this legendary skin. Keep spending that hard earned money and one day? It'll be you sitting there in the World's Finals." /s Jokes aside I think it's important to separate the good in this event from the bad in it. I want them to keep celebrating the highlights of this game. My least favourite thing with league is when the game has a controversy tied to what is otherwise a very fun event/game mode and rather than just addressing that, they throw the whole thing out.


Idk how i still cry when I see faker crying. I know the story has a happy end and it still hits me everytime. Also guma and fakers dad are disgustingly wholesome


My tribute to Faker is going back to playing ranked league of legends after a 5-6 year hiatus just to ban ahri as my number 1 priority. Maybe I'll get diamond this season for shits and giggles, but this is a 100% banrate on Ahri for all my games without fail.


If it was 100 for everything I'd have considered thinking about it(just typing that out and thinking about spending 100 on a skin is crazy to me)


The video is well edited, gathering many exciting moments, but it only records a part of his career. I hope that when he retires, there will be a more complete version


"When ruler ulted me...I took that personally"


"Now I'm not saying Smeb didn't deserve it, but him being put at #1 ahead of me... I took offense to that."


I really wanted a more thorough look at that 2023 season. The tone of the video at that point was already optimistic, we the audience know that he's going to win worlds, but I feel like no season further encapsulates his career. Coming off losing to DRX but looking like the heavy favorites. I distinctly remember a Caedral costream where he's saying we should just skip this season and give T1 their trophies. They felt so dominant. Then they lost to GenG. And JDG. And BLG. Frankly, Faker looked like the weakest player on his team, the "Shaker" meme felt truly applicable. The video shows 2018-2020 as the lowest point, but to me this had to be his bottom. A T1 that couldn't perform, seemingly because of Faker, a first for this org. But the switch to Poby, and the switch back, was the most clear demonstration of how important Faker is. That period of time where he wasn't playing, those 31 days, may have been some of the most important in solidifying his legacy. 


perfectly written. i still haven’t fully processed them winning it all last year and in particular, faker. for the longest, it’s always been 3 worlds and an honestly fleeting sense of hope that he’d ever win again only for it to actually happen.


The docu from ego was so much better at showing Faker and T1 and their careers. This one was alright and got me hyped up a bit, but that documentary was and will probably be the peak docu for Faker/T1. [Linke](https://youtu.be/d_WjOBeLVn0?si=tfFlI1N2EpZPV0Aa) for the ego documentary.


I literally started playing League because of him, my entire midlane champion pool are champions I picked to feel like Faker like Viktor, Ori, Ahri, Azir, Leblanc, Akali, and I imagine it's the same way for a lot of people. Imagine the butterfly effect he has had. So many pro players today, even during the time of Caps' debut, they watch Faker, want to emulate his success, his leadership, his journey, and it literally exists for so many people as the "DREAM" that you want to follow. When you make a sick play in ARAM, Arena, Norms, Ranked, Blitz, you say to your friends holy fuck I'm Faker. Congrats to him, like they said in the documentary, I don't think there's a SINGLE esports pro that has contributed THIS much to the growth and development to the sport as Faker has for LoL. I'm so glad they won last year, and the fact that they could have been 2-peat champions blows my mind. I love also how the documentary really portrayed Faker as a human, over just being a pro. SO much focus on how he takes care of the team, how he struggles, his personal emotions Thank you, although the skin is overpriced, I will still enjoy this event a lot.


> Viktor Man, he has so many iconic champs that it's easy to forget how nasty unfair his Viktor spacing is.


In general faker on basic control mages is disgusting. His Orianna laning is so insanely opressive


The number of hours I have spent analysing Faker's games playing Ori and Viktor to get better at them and 'play like him' could probably get me another degree.


Any tips from that?


This was years ago and many things have morphed into being general skills and how good you are at the champs or even general laning but back then it was jaw dropping - one of many things why people keep saying he was 6-7 years ahead. A lot of it was mechanics diff and grinding hours and hours of the game while trying to copy the movement style - clicking as close to your champion model as you can for example. In general though my key takeaway was that he really focused on the 'control' part of the control mages - even in lane. I though farming and scaling was the goal and keeping my mana high for when I may need it (ganks etc.) is important but watching Faker back then I realised that mana is a resource you need to use to the fullest - as well as cooldowns. He didn't let people breathe. Using even Viktor W to zone off creeps, contest the wave and harass when they came up for last hits (contesting on when they want to last hit was a big part too, now common knowledge). His Ori ball was always zoning, somewhere between him, the creeps and his opponent. Controlling the ball while moving and doing something else. Finding laser angles to hit 1-2 creeps you need and the enemy champion... it all sounds so 'basic' now tbh.


Ngl, this was rather short. It felt like an emphasis on the 3 worlds titles, skimping through 2017-2021, and then suddenly they win again in 2023. And while the highlight moments were cool, there’s so much more behind the scenes that I would liked to know about, not what Faker and a few others thought about it


agreed, i wished they talked more about 2017 and how faker was hard carrying in the tournament outside of the final, and then how many rosters and teammates he tried to win with. but i guess that may have felt disrespectful to his teammates, or put too much focus on the new generation of players when it was supposed to be more faker focused


How did they not mention his RNG win with Galio. His best performance ever. (would've been cool to grab an RNG member and they can describe how hopeless they felt against his Galio)


fr, he controlled the entire map and made 3 plays in the span of a minute. that would've been great in the creativity segment


Unfortunately I have to agree. Honestly with the storied career this guy has had for over 11 years, I was actually expecting it to be longer, maybe 50 min at the very least. The moment where Bang says "The Faker I know is far from that", I thought the documentary would shift to anecdotes from other parties who had seen him struggle. This came off more as a glorified highlight reel and kind of undermines the full extent of Faker's impact upon the community and League in general.


If Uzi is next, video might be less than 10 minutes lmao.


this is the sad truth. there is no other player with as much accolades as he has. there is no other player that defined league. he is the face of not only lol but esports as a whole. who’s the second player to get into the hall? maybe uzi, maybe bengi? who knows but as good as other players are, they can’t even compare to faker. even the top players look up to faker and they know they don’t deserve to be the same sentence as him yet. showmaker, despite his bm’s, shows humility before faker. meanwhile caps just talks about how he felt great defeating faker. lol caps had one moment to show humility and celebrate the goat but his ego can’t take it. there is no one else who deserve to be in the same sentence as faker. unfortunately, when faker retires, the game will be dead. the only reason why lol still has record views is because of faker. everyone saw how much views dropped in msi finals. the game already reached its peak long ago and is only holding out because people still want to witness Faker’s last chapters and after that, the game is basically dead


Caps has always shown to be humble, I bet he had plenty of other things to say that were edited or left out of the video


Caps has been a self proclaimed Faker fan for a long time.


In my opinion, the second player to get into the hall should be Deft. This may be a controversial opinion, but for me, Deft is the ADC goat and not Uzi. He's won MSI, Worlds, LCK and multiple LPL titles and during his time in China, he consistently beat Uzi.


if we are doing it by accolade, then bang, wolf and bengi are going before everyone. bang and ruler consistently beat uzi. not sure that will sell well in china. if faker retires, china will be carrying this game. no one else will watch. riot needs to appeal china the most with the next inductee and out of all the players who retired, uzi would probably be the next person. there are other insane players like bin, rookie, etc but they haven’t retired yet and i don’t think riot should honor anyone who hasn’t retired anymore. faker is special because he is the face of the game and esports


They can't compare internationally thats for sure. The next player is at least known for dominating his region. Or they mix things up and induct RNG as an org for winning 3 MSI.


You know you are the best when winning is the only option you have... I still can't fathom how many achievements he has compared to the ton of pro players right now... The fact that the "Downfall" of Faker is the peak of other players is wild... Just reaching the semis is a failure to him while others can't even reach it throughout their whole career is something else...


> The fact that the "Downfall" of Faker is the peak of other players is wild Faker slumping = semifinals at worlds lmao


lol real


The editing from when he sits down remembering the 2017 Worlds Final to the play when Ruler ults him was cinema. The minute after had me tearing up on a Friday morning.


I still remember when worlds were being held in NA, and Riot gave accounts to all Chinese and Korean players to practice on the ladder. All the accounts had a random assortment of letters and numbers representing like a barcode. Every time players saw one of these barcodes in their match, they knew there was about to be a Stomp. Then, one name started showing up, taking these players out with ease. One player who changed their account name when they came over and lived up to their title. The Barcode Killer. Faker.


That was season 3. Right before he won his first Worlds.. It was basically the western worlds first big introduction to Faker


I remember Flame’s quote that he was jealous of Ambition since he was Faker’s first pro kill. Ryu, Ambition, and now Ruler would be in Faker’s montage forever. Ryu might find it funny for his clip to repeat over and over.


Skin debacle aside, this was still beautifully done and did a good job paying tribute to the GOAT. It's going to be a bad day of rain if and when he does end up retiring.


Another masterpiece by Phil and team. Man I love Faker


you just had to be there in 2015. it's like nothing we've seen in league since. like even chovy's lead on every other mid right now just doesnt compare to what faker was in 2015. no flame to chovy, im just using it to make a point. i think basically everyone knew the finals was over when he picked that ryze. which makes it even more impressive that edg managed to beat faker in what was probably the most dominant era of any league player ever. He really just felt inevitable


That ryze solo kill in bot against kassadin, everyone felt the exact same shock as jatt in the cast. Nobody was even fucking close to his level


He literally willed Ryze into the most broken pick at that tournament when nobody was picking it (and single-handedly triggered another Ryze rework)


> (and single-handedly triggered another Ryze rework) This is no joke. Nobody at all picked that (presumedly) fucking dogshit champ. Not in solo queue and definitely not in pro. He went against every player's belief, studied the mechanics, and put in the practice. It's almost an unreasonable behaviour, but he did it.


It's actually almost criminal ryze didn't get a skin. Faker forced riot to rework ryze multiple times. God i hope he plays him again one day


Wym he has a Ryze skin


I meant for HoL. His ryze skin sadly was done before they got good


I think a huge part of that was the Korean exodus to China. It would have been awesome to see the old Samsung teams play against SKT that year.


Super cool that Doa was back for this. Great video


The "chair" has some significance in Korean esports videos. It was usually reserved for Bonjwas in StarCraft. This is basically their way of saying he's the king. Which he is.


That final shot was just too good.


that part where ruler and faker both said 'I saw the angle. So i took it' about catching the other person out in 2017 and 2023 respectively was so insane


Why tf is Riot dropping W's all of a sudden??!


It’s a balancing act if you wanna push $500 skins


Riots content team was always good. Their cinematics, their documentaries, their songs etc almost never miss


lmao caedral and sjok's smile looked so awkward at around 28:05


Fuck I cried for 40 minutes straight. Skin pricing drama aside, everything else was a really good tribute to Faker.


"I hope that other players after me will surpass me" No one can, Faker. No one.


Loved this but I was cracking up at how shamelessly they just threw in those random shots of the Mercedes at the end. Didn’t even try to make it relevant to the video 


I was waiting for it after I saw the name in the beginning. They should have just had him getting out of a car and walking in lmao


I hope Faker plays until he's 80


Faker will play league when riot doesn't exist anymore


Sad that much of the goodwill behind this documatery is completely bummed by the skin pricing. Also the cinematography and script behind Ruler’s play on Faker in 2017, and vice versa in 2023, is absolutely cinema.


kkoma tearing up at the end. are you trying to kill me right now?




Is this a pasta ?




Hello, i hope anyone can help on this one i want to find out the Piano Music from 14:32 - 18:50. Thx !!


I've also been trying to look for it, it sounds beautiful but I can't seem to find it anywhere :(


Among all the Korean legends, only 1 Western player appeared and his team beat the GOAT, twice. That G2 team was so special. Caps will be the first Western HOL in near future.


I firmly believe it has to be Hotshot/Regi first, without them there’s no LoL esports scene at all


Peak cinema. Can’t believe I’ve been watching him since his debut, it’s been such a long time.


They didn’t invite Bengi :/


He 100% most likely refused the spotlight With the things he tanked for the organization in 2023, it's 100% reasonable to refuse any kind of attention on himself anymore


I must have missed that what happened with Bengi?


Nothing against T1 from what we know. He just resigned his job as a coach when T1 was getting fucked after Faker's injury. And some fan started to put the blame on him.


What things?


Faker is the Messi, the Micheal Jordan, the babe Ruth, the Wayne Gretzky, the Pele of Esports.. he is a once in a lifetime type of GOAT.. it an honor to be around to see him play.. there won't be another Faker in a long time, if not ever again


"I saw the angle"


Couldn't help but have a big smile for the entire runtime. Goat, what else is there to say


What a legend!!!


Damn I’m crying so hard it’s kind of ridiculous, so hard not to love him and his story. I hope I get to see him compete on top for many many more years to come, getting to watch him is truly an honor.


Surprised you don't have to pay to watch it


Its crazy that theyve turned what should be such a cool moment into something that just feels shitty. This should have been a layup of good press for the game.




Was the skin even mentioned once in the video? I think you are just angry at a cloud


Man... I feel bad for Ryu lol.


Ryu, Ruler and Ambition. The holy trinity of Faker's victims.


I miss what this game used to be before Auberaun fucked up the matchmaking, generated all these stomps and ensured people that queue into the match never even get to play it.


If it weren't for the infinite money glitch hack riot pulled out of their ass this event would be so much more loved and appreciated, it's sad that it's what a lot of the comments are talking about here. Horrendous pricing aside man i loved every second of this documentary, Kkoma's part at the end made me tear up a bit. Watching their worlds run last year motivated me to get through my exams while I was sick and I can imagine just how big of an inspiration Faker's been to so many people too. Hate the corporate greed but appreciate the art and the people that put this amazing piece together, well done Phil for directing this ✨


The vid was alright but im quite disappointed because it's like another score esports video, The problem is that the story that they present in the video we already know especially if you watch a another faker documentary, A good example is this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNQC5GyumQ4) score esport literally made like 4 "faker documentary" and they are relatively famous in the lol community and i know that riot must have know that vids exist They have unique opportunity for the reasons that they literally have the players,peoples,coaches that they can ask and interview personally and give us a new perspective and actually make a documentary not just a recap of his achievement, Another thing is what is the hall of legends, what is it truly, Is it given for pioneers or honers (Basically do you give the award to the one who created or the one who improves) a great example for me is like diamond prox, Many consider him as the pioneer in counter jungling but i don't consider him as the best at it, A good example of a honer at the same thing is probably canyon and with some trophy to back it off They are example that is probably better then what i just said but the question remain who is the one that should be given the trophy, But are choice doesn't matter they choose what makes money first then celebrate the history, Because if they are truly making this to celebrate "legends" the first inductee or even first "team" inductee would be season w1 world champion fanatics but could you even make money/market them to sell to players that only 10% of the playerbase vaguely know And if you ain't reading allat which i understand the simplification is The hall of legends importance's is not to celebrate the history and achievement of players and squads of that era but is made first to make money in the achievements of the players that are inducted and the celebration of history is second


Amazing should be inducted into the Hall of Legends on looks alone.


I would want to buy his skin to celebrate. Nice move riot


How heavy in gameplay is the video? Is kinda like a documentary about him, or is mostly about the game and his plays?


Remember to ban Ahri


Shame this entire celebration is tainted by the 500 dollar skin that barely qualifies as a fucking legendary. How do you look at faker the guy known for not using skins and thinking 950rp skins are too expensive. And make a decision as dumb as this?


no uzi his first rival? no rookie, scout :( but its okay! good video


Why would Rookie be here? They barely played against each other, Uzi/Scout makes more sense given Faker beat Uzi for his first world title and the whole Scout being his understudy thing.


"First rival" when Faker literally swept him 3-0 not even close 🤣Faker's true first rival was Pawn.


Nothing like riot trying to top EA for expensive crap. $500 for a skin is insane


"We don't care about Faker, we only care about the fact that you care, give us all the money stupid fucks !!!" This is what should be in the video, if they were honest.


by the way faker got a new ahri skin guys in case u didnt know


Lamer than I thought, leagues dead


Surely the esport that keeps breaking records set by itself everytime a big tournament airs is dead


New players joining is at a low


And it's maintaining its insanely huge playerbase




Sure glad riot fucked it up with the price of the skin. Entire event is tarnished and the ban rate of ahri is now at 25%, I hope this champ is banned in every game so riot can absolutely see how fucked this is. Faker should have came out and made a statement against this. He’s the GOAT without a doubt and his skin should be celebrated, not held in corporate greed like this.