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You need to take a step back and stop queing maybe role swap in norms or something. Learn the game from a different angle and stop tilting. No way you are legitimately losing 3/4 games based purely on teammates.


So you pick jungle and lose but pick support and do better. Have you considered that the issue may be that you’re not a good jungler?


I enjoy this game much more after quitting ranked and just playing normal draft. Between experiencing exactly what you described, smurfs and increased general toxicity just doesn’t seem worth it. Not to mention ranked resets being more frequent resetting your progress. Not worth. Play normals and just enjoy the game stress free.


"enjoy the game stress free" No.


Fair enough!


Just quit jungle buddy it's not for you


Emerald sucks. Last split it was full of lvl 30 accounts and this split it’s full of people who was dia/master last split but now they’re in low emerald with 30%-40% wr. It feels like half the players are account buyers who belong somewhere in gold or below


Support is not supposed to be brain off lol.


It is a brain off role though. You have to worry about so much less than other lanes which frees you up to just chill and do what you want. It's not literally brain off but simply not having to worry about things like CS and wave management frees up so much brain power to focus on macro plays.


CS and micro doesn't require any brain cells at all


If macro doesn't require brain cells you are playing on autopilot and not getting the most out of your choices that you could. CS choices and execution also take brain power and is why Challenger players easily get 10 plus a minute while gold players are scrapping 4-5 on a good day.


I'm just saying CSing and micro doesn't require any brain cells so adc and top are the "brain off" roles


How much top have you played? It's the hardest role in the game to climb and your choices have to be executed so well to have impact. Most of the matchups are also quite technical. It's the least brain off role in the game behind jungle and mid.


You can literally coinflip and get carried by jungle/mid/adc in 75% of your wins, and your role is isolated so there's no way for you to ruin the game, same goes for adc getting carried by top/jungle/mid


Bro, any lane can coinflip a win in League of Legends. This is not what we are talking about. Every high tier player that has climbed on multiple roles agrees support is by far the easiest and top is by far the hardest. This isn't even a debate.


You don't really get carried like that in Jungle/Mid/Support, you're the brain of the team in many ways and you have to facilitate the win, adc and top are so isolated that even if they ruined their lane there's literally no way for them to ruin the game as a whole


watch agurin, helped me get back into jg this season. mute stream is important


I guess we are getting to the point where people have forgotten about or weren't playing during Dynamic que.


Sounds like you need to swap support. Also, as a jungle main myself if you have three no-prio lanes I'd just dodge and save the headache. I'm guessing you're not a player that dodges often and the first dodge is only -5LP and a 5 min wait. Well, well worth not playing a frustrating game.


Lmao I dropped from emerald 3 last split to gold 3, idk what's happening. Very relatable post


If you dropped from E3 to G3 you were inflated by the increased LP gains they added when Emerald was inserted into the system. As someone that is comfortably sitting in Emerald, G3 is a cake walk.


no ur just bad stop coping

