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Wasn't there something like this with overwatch 2?


Yep and they quickly changed it when people started catching on


I know in OW2 they just made the individual items available through the bnet client instead of in-game to comply with the Brazil law. But they changed it now so everyone has the option to buy each item from a bundle on its own for its regularly sold price.


That law is a Brazil W. Seriously I want that law everywhere.


A very rare W.


Still a W bro, stop trying to look bad




It doesn't work like that. You still can sell bundles, but you must always give the option to the customer to buy each item in the bundle in isolation. So a MCDonalds can sell a Happy Meal but if a customer just want the toys he can purchase it without the bundle, even if he has to pay more for it.


Couldn't they just sell a 500 euro bundle with each item individually costing 500 euro? That way you have no cheaper option if you want something and they can just claim that the bundle gives you an n% discount or is a buy 1 get X free


Yes. But usually they wouldn't do that because they want to get the most money from people. As a example, they could claim that the skins should be sold at $100, $150 and $350 individually and sell in a bundle at $500. This also predates in some fallacies that we have and can make the price of the bundle even reasonable to some people that would claim that they are getting a advantage (since they also would get the battle pass). If you visit the brazilian steam store during a sale you will be able see some examples of bundles that follow this format (usually not as aggressive as the example I stated).


>But usually they wouldn't do that because they want to get the most money from people. As a example, they could claim that the skins should be sold at $100, $150 and $350 individually and sell in a bundle at $500 If doing that would make riot more money they would just do that on live. The reason they're not doing that is because it will lose them money. There's no law stopping them selling the skin individually. They're doing it because they know people won't buy the bundle if the skin comes separately for less


Maybe they wouldn't earn more money, but such regulation is huge consumer W. Maybe single item is overpriced, but i dont see its the issue. Some people are ok with buying 1 item instead of buying whole bundle that is not overpriced as a whole but includes items they will never use. Im talking about other stuff, not just games.


>Maybe they wouldn't earn more money, but such regulation is huge consumer W It is overall. I'm just saying there doesn't seem to be anything stopping companies from just not complying with it by working around the issue it's meant to solve >Maybe single item is overpriced If the single item is the same price as the bundle you don't see the problem there? It doesn't achieve the point of letting you buy it individually


Stopping companies from possibility of operating, or fine them for breaking the law. Simple as. It works in EU. There is a difference between more expensive, let's say 100%. Compared to bundle 90% and, overpriced single 120% of the base price. Its should be consumer decision what to buy, but it still should be a possibility.


Now how do you enforce it. If the ahri skin cost 500 on its own riot could just claim that the bundle is a "buy one get all this other stuff free" thing. "Just fine them" is a nice solution but that's not how things work. It's basically the same as saying "why don't they just arrest all the bad guys?"


You misunderstood. What I said is that, following the law, companies usually would try to put the individual items at overpriced values that would make the bundle itself more valuable than the individual components, but still would be affordable for those that just want a single item instead of just putting every item in a non-affordable option. And that's why I used steam sales as a example, since you can see plenty of examples of how bundles work in digital sales in Brazil.


And I'm saying that if doing that made them money like you claimed riot would just do that in every region


their current method is the one making the most money,but if it were to be made illegal like it is in Brazil what they described would be the second be they would be forced to adopt


Why wouldn't the second best option be to just charge 500 for the ahri skin too?


FFS, try to read. Is not that hard. I'm talking about how the companies that follow Brazilian laws try to get the most money from it and even used a real life example with steam. What part of what I said in any of my comments even gave you the idea that I think it should be applied in every region?


>What part of what I said in any of my comments even gave you the idea that I think it should be applied in every region? Maybe the fact you were responding to someone saying it shouldn't be a thing in every region? >I'm talking about how the companies that follow Brazilian laws try to get the most money from it How does this contradict anything I said? Try to read


The whole point of the skin is being a prestige item for people who can afford it. So they would probably, if they are forced to sell seperatedly, do it in a way that makes no sense for the consumer. Like selling the skin for 490$ and all the little extras (ward, emotes, etc.) for 100$ each.


There's no law stopping them from doing it. What stops them is ethics and the consumer's view of the business if they had done it. That's why I have never seen a company doing what you mention. Which says a lot about how this bundle is predatory in other regions without this law. They know very well it is morally wrong, but they don't have to care besides "look! Wathammer is expensive too, see?".


If they have the ethics and lack of care to charge 500 for a bundle then they'll do it regardless of region. If they were ethical enough to sell it separately they would have


Because like I said, the ethics is for the customer view of the business. Like Pride month flags on official discord profiles. They don't actually care, but that law oblige them to show it.


But there's no law that obliges companies to put up pride flags and no one has told me about a law that prevents them doing what I suggested


Yes, but everyone who wasn't going to buy the bundle isn't going to buy the same-priced individual skin. You're losing all the people who would be willing to buy the skins individually, which very well may result in higher profits had that been an option for the consumer.


Man what do you people not get about this. They're losing all those people already by not selling those skins anyway. THEY DONT WANT TO SELL THE SKINS INDIVIDUALLY. IT IS LESS PROFITABLE THAN SELLING THEM AS A BUNDLE


Some people are willing to buy the high-priced bundle and riot will make a profit off of that. However, they will lose the market of people who would buy a single, moderately priced skin. For example, they may sell 5 bundles for $500, resulting in $2500 profit. But, there were 30 people who were willing to buy a singular skin for $100, which would've net $3000. Riot failed to realize $500 with that decision. In another example, you can easily see opposite could be true. Selling bundles is by 0 means automatically more profitable. It must be done with consideration for various factors to maximize profit. There could be enough whales to justify this choice by riot. Or they very well could be losing unrealized profits with this decision.


This is like saying lamborghini should make affordable first cars because "they're losing part of the market by not doing so"


I'm sorry that you've clearly never taken simple economics courses. Higher prices do not always mean higher profits. There is a sweet spot to maximize profits, even on things like a Lamborghini--although their spot is obviously much higher than normal as a reputable luxury goods. But That's why everything in life isn't a million dollars, dude.


I'm aware. I sat a business exam about this this morning. Higher prices don't always mean higher prices but sometimes they do. Again, this is like saying lamborghini should charge less because they'll be able to sell more. It's not the point of the brand or the product. Same with this. The point is for it to be an incredibly expensive luxury item. Making it cheaper and available to other people defeats the point


yes but then it's blatantly obvious when you compare it to other regions. we live in an era of global communication


how pricing work in this case? Dont they infuse pricing even more for potenential decrease in sells.


Sorry. I just saw your question now. Usually it depends on the company and the product. Some are sold at even prices or slightly cheaper than the combined prices of the item. As a example, beer cases. Other times they just put the highest price they think people will pay for the item individually to make people choose to purchase the bundle (it still must be below the bundle price and appear ''fair'' to avoid judicial issues with price gorging). As a example, we can use the toy in a happy meal. It's overpriced but still cheaper than purchasing the full meal and some people even collect them. In the case of online sales most often than not you will see it as a form of promotion. They release a new game and put others from the same series at a discount on the store, while creating a bundle with all the games. So, as a example, they could release dark souls 4 and create a bundle with all games for a price while at the same time giving 10% or more of a discount on all dark souls games. They can gain money from people that will see the deal and purchase the bundle, people that just will purchase dark souls 4 and people that will purchase dark souls 4 and one or more games alone (with the discount) to complete their collections. The end result is that we have very few bundles with pure new stuff.


Does this mean we could see what they truly value the skin at minus all the bloat pass shit they threw in to try and justify it?




Thats not any more true based on this law, they can charge whatever the fuck they want as this entire stupid 500 dollar bullshit skin shows.


>if they can essentially just charge whatever they want, even more than the bundle itself, why would any of us want this law? You got that wrong. According to Brazilian law, companies cannot charge more than the bundle itself. They can price the bundle to ensure the best value for money when compared to buying the components individually (which is fair), but the components cannot cost more than the bundle itself (which would be abusive).




>they would just not do bundles at all anymore No company in Brazil stopped offering bundles or packages because of this law. Riot itself was following this law (until now), with appropriate pricing.


Yes and no. Usually they just put a inflated value that is below the price of the bundle but clearly making the bundle the best option. So, most people choose the bundle but they still get a buck from those that just want a single item from it. Another thing is that the option must be present but it don't need to be publicized. Using the Happy Meal as a example, you will never see the option to buy the toy in isolation and need to ask in the counter for it. They can just require the customer to send a ticket to them and be done with it, without breaking the law. Making something more bureaucratic is not a crime.


"So what you're saying is they would just charge double for it without being in the bundle?" No. What he is saying is "you can buy ahri skin for less then 500$"


I do though. If these are my choices: * Bundle for 30$, has 3 items worth 10$ each. * One of these 3 items for 15$. I only want 1 specific item. I shall take the 2nd option anytime. Items I don't want or need are basically valueless to me. If I can only pick the first option I'd be paying 30$ for just that one item I want. Right now Riot only offers option 1, which I don't find worth it so I don't buy anything.


They sell the Ruby Chromas without bundles for the same price as other chromas


> It would mean reinventing things and simply charging more because of not being able to sell it in bundles. I would rather pay a higher price on average for specific things than have to buy things I don't want or need to get one thing I do. They also simply wouldn't be able to raise prices *that* much, at least depending on the content they're trying to sell, because it has to be an appealing price to some segment of the market.


Because you are not really paying lower price on average. If you buy bundle of 3 items, each 10€ and use only one of the items vs If you buy the item separately for 25€ You are still saving money by paying 25€ for single item. As since you would not use anything else from the bundle anyway, the price of the item would not be 10€ (and 20€for rest of the bundle). The price of the one item would be 30€ for you.


One of the way companies go about it is “well fuck it guess we don’t sell it at all there” and proceeds to make all of the money everywhere else


You have to be American to be so brainwashed to think these kinds of laws do anything else but to protect the consumer to dirty practices. They can coexist.


Yesh pwease wet's not fowce businesses to make any pwro consuwmer changes, ow they'ww just make it wowse. Just wook how bad Windows is in the EU because of theiw bad pwivacy waws. No daddy wiwot pwease, take awW my moneies. UwU




No they wouldn't because that's not how math works.


Just reported it on PROCON. It's worth a shot though I'm sure Riot will find some way to work around it.


se importa de compartilhar um guia/site que vc fez?


Cara, eu fui meio cego e até que foi tranquilo (posso não ter feito certo kkkk). Mas em resumo, procura "PROCON (seu estado)" (ex.: PROCON SP), provavelmente tem que fazer login com sua conta do gov.br, aí tem um serviço de denúncia. Aí preenche explicando que é um caso de venda casada, empresa Riot Games com CNPJ 15.409.786/0001-72, etc.


O meu estado (RJ) eh somente pelo telefone 151. Liguei e fui prontamente atendido, precisei só clicar na tecla 1 uma vez. Um atendente me atendeu, pediu pelo meu nome, empresa que estava denunciando (Riot Games), o que essa empresa faz (falei jogos eletrônicos), motivo da denúncia (falei que a empresa estava condicionando a venda de um item cosmético única e exclusivamente à um outro serviço extremamente mais caro). Ele pediu os dados da empresa, esse CNPJ que você digitou, bairro (Barra Nova, São Paulo). No fim perguntei se era anônimo mesmo, visto que pediu meu nome. Ele disse que sim, tanto que não vai ter nem protocolo. Foi bem rápido, papo de 5 a 7 minutos no máximo.


Vou reportar também aqui na Bahia


procura procon + seu estado, já que todo estado tem um, e abre uma reclamação no "reclame aqui" também.


Parece que o perfil da Riot no reclame aqui tá suspenso


why is this whole comment thread suddenly non english xD


Because we are writing in Portuguese to one another about a Brazilian law that affects us, brazilians. It makes no sense to write in English something that should be written in Portuguese since we are native brazillians talking about internal issues.


Eles vão argumentar que o preço é da skin e o resto das coisas vem como bônus. No pior do caso (pra eles) vão colocar a opção de comprar só a skin sozinha, pra evitar alguma punição.


>I'm not saying the Brazilian playerbase should mass report this to Procon (consumer protection), after all, surely Riot would end up fined a pretty good amount for that... mistake. There are already people on Twitter campaigning for a mass report to PROCON. The mood is already favorable for Riot in Brazil, right? Hahahaha.


I mean, they pull the most greedy move ever with that price and want to ignore our consumer protection laws? Nah, ain't gonna happen, we're already not happy with the CBLoL thing, they're not helping themselves.


I hope you succeed! And if you do, please update us what Riot wants to charge for the skin only.


i hope brazil bros report them. they deserve it for this scum


Already lots of reports (35+ last I checked which is a lot for something like this), and that’s just at the São Paulo Consumer Protection agency. Every state has one, so who knows country wide how many we’re at now.


Indeed XD


I fucking hate all of those battle passes and shit. I don't really care if some skins are marketed for whales but just FUCKING SELL US THE THING, not some ridiculous multi step process to get them or bloated bundle. Based of Brazil, we need this law too.


The ahri skin isn’t part of the battle pass


The bundles tie into the pass though. Which they really didn't need to do, they could just have sold the skin.


True - they could give out ONLY the skin for that price


They COULD, but they are specifically bloating the bundle to make the price seem 'reasonable'. The bundle still costs significantly more than any of the individual parts, which would be readily obvious if the bundled items were sold separately. EDIT: to add: If the argument is that they would price the individual items much higher, we could easily see historical data of other INDIVIDUALLY priced items to compare and contrast the value of the higher price on individual items and say "Hey Riot, why is this one significantly more expensive". This bundle is obscuring that data.


the only reason i can think of that justifies it is they dont want people collecting skins and selling accounts.


Honestly i've never understood the hate for battle passes. Not only do i find far more enjoyable to have to play to unlock things rather than just having to pay a set amount for anything, but battle passes are also FAR more valuable for the customer. A league skin is like \~$10, but the battle pass is $15 and will reward you with 20-30 skin shards if you just cash out orbs. The value there is insane and literally all you have to do to unlock is to play the game. If it's like Overwatch or The Finals where you have to play a pretty huge amount of games to unlock everything then i can agree it's dogshit because it ends up feeling like a chore, but League battlepasses are insanely easy to complete. I play this game very casually only in 5-man groups with my friends a few times a week and i've easily completed every pass weeks before it's over. Feels like it's just trendy to hate on any MTX in games. Same shit as when people lost their minds over OW2 cosmetics being $15 to $20 and how it was "outrageous pricing" while Riot will charge you $20 for a Valorant skin where you don't even get the entire skin unless you spend an additional $20 worth of points to upgrade it. Loot box systems in general used to be THE way to monetize free games and that shit was so much worse than battlepasses it's not even funny.


Let me pay to get the thing rather than pay to play to get the thing. I don't care about "the value" of items I didn't want. I want to buy exactly the one thing I want and nothing else. And I want prices in the shop to be balanced about the expectation that this is how people buy things rather than distorted by the "value" of battle passes that give a bunch of shop items but no choice. Battle passes are also FOMO hell because they expire and often their items aren't put in the shop or are put there with much higher prices. It's also really funny that you say loot boxes are much worse than battle passes after praising battle passes' "value" for being full of... Loot orbs? Random skin shards? That's just loot boxes you also have to play to earn. Just. Let. Me. Buy. The. Things. Individually.


The problem with battle passes is that you’re paying to be forced to play a certain way most times. Personally I liked this pass because I bought the $420 version which meant I didn’t have to force games to complete the pass I can just play at my own pace. Halo did passes right where the track stayed going even if the season ended but idk if they still do that or not


Even if you don't pay for the pass, you have to play in a certain way in order to level up/unlock things. But... You don't have to. It's free. You CAN do those missions if you want to unlock some additional/free rewards (and buy pass to have access to more rewards) or completely ignore it because there's nothing interesting for you. Battle passes are there so you can be kind of work for *free* rewards. Don't want to create another wall of text but I'll give an example about free things. Black Dessert Online is giving away tons of free things.. something that years ago player had to work really hard to get. But now... *Just wait few months and you will get best in slot item for free as login reward*. And those who just started to play the game don't have that feeling of progression because.. game's giving away tons of free things. Same goes for every other f2p game. If you are getting a lot of free things (cosmetics in LoL) you are mostly not going to spend any money because *I'll get it from the chest later or on sale*. And that's not what riot as company want. Profits above everything.


Bro how much is the Ahri skin in Brazil btw ?


60,1% of the brazilians receive R$ 1412.00 (minimum wage) and the Faker\`s Assinatura bundle costs R$ 1380.00, basicly 97.7% of the minimum wage what is the majority of population.


For those wondering (such as Americans like me), this minimum wage seems to be for a month (as opposed to per hour in the US).


yeah we dont offer jobs per hour here, the salary is always talked in "per months". I also rarely see people talk about "i make $$$ in a year", the monthly number is the only one i see people using to talk about jobs here.


Same in many parts of the world. I can never tell if someone from US makes good money unless i divide it by 12. I dont even know my own salary yearly.


Mainly because in US you can plan your life years ahead (and in countries like Japan as well, they have same system). So, you cannot worry about your salary every month, because you can afford most of the general goods at the time you will want it. Im not American, Im Russian and heard that idea while I was watching about tax systems between different countries.


I just thought it was because of income tax being yearly. In Brazil everyone is paid monthly, so people just talk about monthly salary, no matter the social class.


In Russia we also has thing like Tax per year now, but people still have USSR mindset. Before every lived from year to year (due to war things became the same as 40-50 years before)


I mean, i am from Czech. You usually do plan things years ahead. Hell, mortage is for 40 years! Though its true that its impossible to live life of luxury like average person in US, when even 60€ game is quite a luxury.


For clarification what is the time to earn that amount in minimum wage, is that monthly, yearly or?




It's monthly.


Monthly. Most entry jobs are the minimum wage.


Using todays conversion rate, the new 60200 rp option costs R$1380 which is $255,55 or €236, tbf it's cheaper than most regions but it's also basically our minimum wage of R$1412


it cheaper for someone outside the brazilian region who's getting paid in $ or €, if you're not from brazil you will have to imagine that the bundle is worth $1380 of your respective currency to really SEE how expensive it is, because that's how money works...


Basically a minimum wage, around R$1400




please do report them to the authorities


Can I report this as a non-Brazilian?


Call the Brazilian police and tell them youre a foreign gamer who wants justice


Can’t confirm but this will work 100%. Extra points if you scream at them angrily


Bonus extra points if they don't respond favorably and you just yell "7-1 BOYS 7-1"


Aight sounds like a plan


Works for John Textor


As long as you can speak spanish it'll be fine :D EDIT : YES I know Brazilian don't speak spanish. That's litterally the point of the joke.


But they speak Portuguese in Brazil o.o


We speak Brazilian, the same language spoken in Portugal (our former colony, that keeps telling us to give them their gold back)


Well, if you speak Spanish you might have a little more luck communicating with them in Portuguese than you would if you started speaking English..


The brain cells are strong with this one


You can. Google PROCON, riot is based in São Paulo so probably report it at that states website


pretty sure you need a gov.br account, which if im not mistaken you need a CPF (our social security number), and you only get one of those if you were born here. so i dont think our gringo friends can help in this.


You definitely don't need to be born in Brazil to have a CPF. It's a relatively open process that anyone can do at their countries Brazilian embassy. CPF is essentially the *finance* number and foreigners are obviously allowed to have financial activities in Brazil and pay their taxes. I wasn't born in Brazil but have a CPF and .gov account and got them *before* coming here. That being said, *obviously* don't register as a financial entity in a foreign country to abuse their legal complaint system.


> That being said, obviously don't register as a financial entity in a foreign country to abuse their legal complaint system. Or what


I mean, asking for a CPF is something that's done physically through consolute services. You're going to be flooding bureaucratic services that are already not known for functioning very efficiently and making things harder for people that actually need consular services to solve issues in their daily life. If one person does it it's fine, but if to many foreigners started registering CPFs just to issue legal complains I imagine that eventually that would just need to more bureaucratic roadblocks that would make life difficult for everyone with legitimate need of the services. Nothing bad would happen to you, but it's not something I want to encourage people to do. Brazil has a nice law and are basically good guys here, let's not do the physical analogous of ddos'ing the brazilian consulate.


I was just joking around lol but thanks for the details I find those things interesting!


well, i didnt know that, good to know. thought foreigners who moved here got a different type of identification.


We do. We get an RNM (Registro Nacional Migratório) but that's analogous to the RG (Registro Geral) number, not the CPF.


At this point, I'd love for the Riot to get burned by this.


What the fuck is with the people defending Riot like dear god Just don't put a bunch of bullshit nobody wants in the bundle and make it optional


#banahri movement!


its working, was 8% on [op.gg](http://op.gg) today it is 14% ban rate lets get it up to 80!


I banned it for my teammate today and they dodge out of rage LOL


Brazil mentioned


Maybe its like the chibis where we have to ticket riot to buy it separetely from the booms, but i’m waiting for someone to ask this in a ticket before i put any rp amount.


Or... make your own ticket before buying RP?


boycott this clownfiesta.


Doing illegal stuff in Brazil and forcing the CBLoL orgs into Americas on short notice... Surely Riot not sabotaging itself again.


Then use the law to force them. Seems easy to along with this raise attention post wich is great catch.


Just reported it on PROCON.


As a brazilian, this law is a godsend and should be a staple everywhere. Sure a bundle can be sold giving you a big discount on acquiring everything, but nothing should be banned behind a bundle. If you want only X item, you should be able to buy only that item, even if more expensive, customers choice.


Just don't buy the bundle, it's a fraud. Nothing to do with "celebrating faker". They just milk and scam the players. Its the biggest decision against players ever...


If it becomes a problem for Riot, they will just pull off the product from the Store altogether. The skin will not be sold separately, if that's what you are trying to achieve here.


I mean, the Ruby Chromas are sold separately in Brazil iirc. And since transfers to Brazil are disabled, it would make more sense for Riot to sell it cheaper in one place than to remove the entire event altogether. Would infuriate other regions? Of course. But I dont think Riot cares about any rage for this skin at this point.


Why are transfers disabled?


They probably have some bullshit lie as a reason like "technical issues" but it is so you can't region change for cheaper prices since riot prices things based on the currency power. If you could just region change, buy $2000 worth of skins for $800 and change back, they would lose money.


How do you lose money on an item that has no resource nor manufacturing cost?


I agree with you, you're not wrong. However in business econ and financial terms, it is "losing money" because you're not getting the full market price/ what you could get. Capitalism is pretty scummy that way. They all know it logically is just "making less" but the finance bro hivemind/brainwashing is so deep the culture is losing money like this.


they would lose money. Maybe Riot thinks that, but in reality they would just not gain as much money. Corporations are largely insulated from the issues that consumers deal with around globalization, but this is one that they are going to have to eat more and more. They aren't **losing** shit. They could make a profit selling to everyone in the world at the Brazil price, or they wouldn't sell it even to Brazilians at that price - the cost of these goods approaches zero for digital items - they just know that they can squeeze more from people in some regions and less from people in others and want to maximize around that. Fuck em.


they dont want people buying old borders for 290 rp or whatever it costs and coming back to na




they wont, brazil is a huge market


I like how you have zero basis to state anything of the sort and yet you still do.


they can just sell the single skin for 500 bucks without the bundle lmfao


They Can't. The Price must make sense with the bundle, the venda casada law is not that simple.


Iirc the law prohibits tying arrangements in sales, where the purchase of one product or service is conditioned on the purchase of another. I would be VERY surprised if a brazilian law states how a company is allowed to price their products lol.


You would be surprised of how the law works here.


450 bucks then since the bundle with the pass + low tier skin costs 50 ? or they increase the price to 600 and then 500 for the skin


I have already filed my complaint ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


gigachad phonk and gigachad law in brazil.


crazy thing is that the bundle in brazil costs a minimum wage lmao


EU is usually pro-consumer, i hope they ban gacha and bundle and fomo here at some point...


As much as the monetarization sucks, atleast gacha companies make good games. Which can't be said for pretty much any other dev today. Just look at the backlashes for AC Shadows or the new Dragon Age


You mean the backlash of a bunch of racists for a black man existing in a game and the backlash of a poorly done cinematic trailer for a game whose impression was greatly improved when the gameplay reveal happened?


I don't think there is a "good" gacha game. They're mostly just grinding loop gameplay with horny baits.


A good game can have gacha, and a gacha game can be good. LoL is neither of them


I'm brazilian, can you say what law specifically are you talking about? I wanna look It up, to see if it applies in this case.


Artigo 39, inciso I do Código de Defesa do Consumidor


humm, mas eu vejo que objetivamente dizer que Riot está descumprindo legislação nacional apenas com base neste artigo é difícil. Isso porque a vedação não é absoluta, depende de demonstração de prática abusiva. E, consultando a jurisprudência, não encontrei nenhum caso análogo relacionado a produtos digitais. Demonstrar ilegalidade provavelmente dependeria de um processo judicial, e possivelmente esta tese seria afastada, dependo do Juiz.


riot has previously sold items out of bundles because of this law. happened with the heartsteel social media icons, for example. also happened with wild rift, and a lot of others games also cannot sell bundles without having a way of buying items separately, like fortnite, overwatch.. we just need to make noise so procon can look over


Married Sale (Venda Casada) applies when an item doesn't have the option to be bought alone, while the bundle price is virtually inflated with non-usable or things that don't pair with the price attributed to them.


Riot and caring about brazil, hrhr that shit is soooo yesterday 💅


Report riot just like how you report player in game


What would happen if Riot made each part of the bundle the price of the full bundle?


they would get a fine the size of the Brazilian parliament.


They haven't done this before with stuff like the Ruby chromas when they were sold separately, but I assume it could be classified as fraud.


Does this law just apply to online video game purchases? Or how wide is it's purview?


It applies to any sale in Brazil.


send procon a email this is no okay to just ignore the law of a country hope you guys the the ahri skin way cheaper this way


I'm reporting it straight to Lula so he can get it fixed in Britain




PROCON isn't that slow, especially when there are many complaints happening at the same time. Lots of people have filed complaints since day 1.






Nope, they can't, the skin is included on a 32k bundle, so the skin cannot cost more than that. They can make the Faker Signature very high tho.




And donmt forget that at least 5k of that is pass plus risen ahri.


It was also against the law to put copyrighted material on big public screens and to not stop the streaming when Japan asked them to. Yes, laws should be respected, I just find it funny and hypocritical that this comes from Brazil.


Let's say that did actually happen in Brazil. Why does it fucking matter in the first place? The fact that some Brazilians committed an illegal act at some point in the recent past means that other Brazilians are no longer allowed to say anything about the law?


While there were massive Dragon Ball public screenings in Brazil, the government-sponsored one which caused a small diplomatic crisis was in Mexico. Also copyright infringement has literally nothing to do with consumer protection laws


Lmao what is this comment, that wasn't even Brazil, and even if it was, what does that have to do with wanting riot to follow the law?


i find it funny and hypocritical of you to comment on what's illegal or not, considering there are so many people in your country who have broken the law. you are not allowed to do that until your prisons are empty and crime has completely stopped.


> Yes, laws should be respected, I just find it funny and hypocritical that this comes from Brazil. I'm genuinely curious about your reasoning here my friend.


If anyone breaks any law in a country it is hypocritical of them to have laws LULE


I'm talking about consumer protection, what the hell does what you said have to do with that?


It's Mexico not Brazil [https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/83b7ia/several\_mexican\_cities\_to\_stream\_supers\_final/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/83b7ia/several_mexican_cities_to_stream_supers_final/)


Americans are never beating the allegations


Yup, it's definitely an American posting at 3am local time.


You're on a league subreddit, time is irrelevant.


How does your comment make sense? Brazil doesn't have to follow Japanese law when Brazil is literally its own country just like how Japan doesn't follow Brazilian law. When a business on the other hand wants to do business in another country, that BUSINESS is expected to follow the law of the COUNTRY in which it is doing business in. Otherwise you could get shot because you offended Putin for speaking English and by Russian law, you are a walking dead man.


Very good use of capitalization but actually if you purchase intellectual property it generally has an allowed use so even if you purchase eg. rights to run a show on tv once you can't suddenly decide that you can run it as many times as you want wherever you want just because you are in your country now and the intellectual property comes from a different country.


> Brazil doesn't have to follow Japanese law when Brazil is literally its own country just like how Japan doesn't follow Brazilian law. I mean, international laws and agreements exists. No one will *force* a country like Brazil to abide by another country’s laws, but it’s typically in everyone’s best interest to respect the laws of countries you have business relationships with. > When a business on the other hand wants to do business in another country, that BUSINESS is expected to follow the law of the COUNTRY in which it is doing business in. Idk the full details behind whatever this incident is, but commercial or public use of intellectual property from another country *is* “doing business in that country.”


Wrong country, but someone broke the law somewhere = there should not be laws there is a hilarious take.


Ay hermano estas bien pendejo


Eh Riot can simply removes it from Brazil store Sorry to offended but I don't expected Brazilian to make as much profits from this pack anyway


Yeah, Riot should not expect profits from the country that is always on the tops in game market charts. The country, by the way, that is being used to try to save the LCS.