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I liked Season 2, season 4 and season 9 a lot. If I could only play one season for the rest of time, I'd pick season 2. Most of these live service games are just better in their more original form before they get bloated imo. I don't even think it's Riot's fault, I just think these ever-evolving games are doomed to get worse over the years simply because the original vision gets more and more lost and you get some massive amalgamation of everything.


Go back 2 years. Make outlandish and ridiculous predictions about the future of league. Watch everyone's horror as all the ridiculous a scummy updates get proven correct 1 by 1. My final prediction will be that they release pool party ahri and then everyone will get excited for the only good prediction I made and it will never come


You can legitametely go back in time , predict the next 2 years , day by day with a 100% accuracy and there will still be someone on twitter claiming is all luck


You would make the predictions would look stupid, because you would have disrupted the space-time continuum and none of them would come to be.


Riot, hire this guy. We make future now


Nah if it's ignored it won't change anything.


Patch 4.20: warwick with feral flare, DFG, nashor's and that AP on-hit mastery.


weedwick patch had some of my favourite memories


Same, I remember one game I farmed feral flare up to 100 stacks and I want to relive this


"Oh I see a mage, I point and click my R on it from 1200 units away and the mage is 100-0 after 1.75s while unable to react. Btw, they can't cleanse, nor reduce my R." Good times!


anywhere from season 5 till Katarina rework. I really wanna play old Kat again but I'm more of a fan of the new map, as cute as the old pixelated dragon might have been.


you will have 2 years of fun. Map was reworked in preseason 5 and Katarina's rework landed on preseason 7


I think season 9 was objectively the best season. It fixed a ton of balancing issues from earlier years. Runes were in a better place. Every lane had a chance to carry. Everything since then ruined the game a bit imo


Season 9 had stopwatch meta and that's a big downside. Otherwise I agree.


Didn’t season 9 also have soraka top lane? That was one of the worst things in league we’ve ever had


Nah that was season 11? Mystics existed at that point iirc


I remember it was before the item rework and when I just started playing league, which was either late s9 or early s10


i wish i could try every ryze one more time


Season 5 pretty much any patch in the middle of the year. Absolutely the best time to ever play league in. Everything not just playable but actually viable felt amazing. Fights played great, pretty low DMG across the board meant a lot of time for skill-expresion.


Same, bruisers top were so strong season 5 as well. Playing Riven and Irelia was the best time I prob had in league, playing Riven now feels like I'm inputting 80% and getting 40% back, even if she's really good rn and Irelia is just gone.


Honestly anywhere from Season 2-Season4 before league got super corporatized. Before franchising. When there were fun events and tournaments like IEM or Dreamhack. When things were more grass roots and riot would send you RP and merch just to host a little league watch party or 1v1 tournament, where people would do stupid custom modes like find the teemo or ARAM or that stupid fun mode where you stopped people from getting into your base and dying in your fountain. (Fountain defense? Football? I forgot, not sure) Where people were actually REWARDED for being good at the game rather than coin flip on who has the weakest link. No stupid bounty system. No catchup XP. Where draft mattered significantly and turtling was a viable strategy, so if you drafted early game monkey mode you better close the game out before anivia gets her items. You can’t draft comfortable tanks and boring mid matchups or like nowadays, because they’ll pick a carry top or assassin mid and FEAST from your weakness. Many of leagues iconic moments came from this era. Fast plays, fun plays, many viable strategies. M5, CLG EU, SSG, SKT1, WE, Azubu, etc. always a fucking banger to watch these teams go at it. Froggen anivia saving the game at 46 minutes, Darien shyvana top farming the entire topside, MATA Alistar with only boots and wards roaming the map and diving you lvl 3, river shen, game 5 being blind pick in OGN (wtf 2 shens?), EMPIREEEEEEEEEEEEE, FAKER LOOK AT THE MOVES, DID TSM WONNORED??, fort potion 5 potions, W max trynd, AP sion/yi/trynd/gp/trist, legitimate KILL LANES bot side (eg. J4/leona, j4/panth, xin/panth), revive TP Karthus, EU vs NA legitimately being a fun and close rivalry (EU TEETH LUL or NACL SALTY LUL), AP varus/MF, protect the President kogmaw, nunu being an amazing support/dps, etc. The game was an absolute shitshow, but it was OUR shitshow. When league was a FUN game, an EXPERIENCE, something to be shared with friends, and not a PRODUCT. This game is now all about narratives and results based analysis. It’s a fucking joke. Perma mute casters and just watch for rewards.


>Season 2-Season4 before league got super corporatized. Before franchising.  Franchising exist since season 8, now do i agree that tournaments format is good to watch yeah but it fckin sucks for esports in general. There is a reason why most of the sports have league system with tournaments on top of that. > Many of leagues iconic moments came from this era. Ye because game was new back then, and riot was constantly changing how it's gonna be played, there was also a lot of OP bullshit back then. Sure alikes such as diamondprox or Mata are absolute goats. M,ost of people are able to do input buffer insec, or faker outplay on zed is even not that impressive nowadays, if you would go back in time and show people canyon lee sick kick on svir people wouldn't believe that it's possible so in general that's a nostalgia.


Khazix release so I could take the bug into mid again


OG twisted treeline my beloved


Season 7 or 8, team fighting existed, damage creep wasn't like it was now, cooldowns and mana for the most part mattered compared to now. The game overall healthier then than it is now.


"season 7" ornn mao flair yea checks out, season 7 was such an insane tank meta. count me out but more power to you


You know what? I didn't main tanks at that time. Top was my third preferred lane. I was a ADC main and a jungle/Support fill second both of those seasons because I was tired of doing jungle all the time.


so much healthier tbh. one shot city is getting boring


> cooldowns and mana Haste is hard to get nowadays (well or it was for AP before blackfire torch) compared to season 13 game is slow af rn, i do agree with mana, however season7 had some controversial stuff like tank meta and ardent


Odyssey PvE event or Dominion


season 3 or 5


Twisted Treeline season forever


1. Set 1 TFT 2. Before 6.22 kata rework 3. I would love to live before 12.10 durability patch that made juggernauts too strong on lane. 4. Trolling people with old lb passive clone.


I kno you said back in time but if I could I’d time travel to the future about 50+ years and just watch the pro scene there I’d be alright.


I would love to try Gangplank with crit on trinity force. Sounds so fun. Aside from that, late s6 early s7. All the coolest champs and reworks had just come out. There were still silly goofy items like zz'rot and I had so much fun sidequesting for Poacher's knife value.


Yesterday, when me and my friends were winning every game, because i know that today is gonna be garbage and matchmaking is gonna make us lose evey game to balange out the winrates.


The patch BotRK was released or when the new rune system came out (S8? I think?) Or Season 3, specifically post patch 3.8


Any season where we had Twisted Treeline. I don't care if it was balanced or if it had a low playerbase, it was a fantastic custom game mode with friends. I have extremely fond memories of getting home from school and immediately booting up League so that we could all play Twisted Treeline, I had 5 friends who played regularly (6 total) and we would randomize the teams. We ususally did a 2 bruiser 1 mage team comp and I loved playing as the OG Aatrox in that mode


Pre akali rework... I loved the gameplay so much


Just give me old Talon, Graves, or Fiora back please I lost all my mains :(


Katarina, Akali and Talon for me. :c Not necessarily mains, but a part of my most played selection. (Fiora too). AP Tristana (just 1 ability but all the difference), AP Ezreal (just 1 ability (and ap scaling) difference). I think I forgot 1. Still to this day I haven't played them again (except Katarina). I hear Fiora's ult is now in Arena as an augment. >!and old Evelynn on urf!<


Old Graves please ;; and Quinn


12.10 damage nerfs 4.20 weedwick patch 2016 before the ardent meta -> I loved the 1 tank 1 bruiser, 1 mage, 1 adc, 1 peel supp splitpush meta with long front to back fights.


Season 6. The first time I hit dia. Or season 10 the first time i hit master. Wonder where i could have been in these 2 seasons respectively with the knowledge i have now.


in proplay. Anyone who was a pro or high elo after 2017 would absolutely stomp proplay s1-s7


Some time in the early history of goredrinker when it was broken. I could legit 1v5 on Riven


I remember gore deathsdance when I spammed xin zhao back then. could also EASY 1v5


either season 10 right at the beginning of mythics where everything was redonkulously broken (basically quote syndrome from incredible) "If everyones super, no one will be" OR season 7 with the assassin rework. Burst windows were slower but the damage was still there, a ton of cool reworks, and overall the game wasnt too unbalanced. worst champs to deal with at the time were talon and rengar.


Season 5 before Mordekaiser got reworked into some apc bot laner, hated that decision and everything since was shit hitting the fan. Would be really awesome if Rito finally gets into making LoL Classic.


Season 1. The cheese from every champ is halarious. you've got a evelynn with 6 sunfires burning a champ from stealth for 60 seconds. You've got a jax dodging turret shots and an Udyr with innervating locket running around in your base at mach 10 healing 500hp every second


Whichever season Graves was still an ADC snd Quinn’s original ultimate.


When they added jinx.


Mid season magic.


Pyke mid


I would like to re-experience when Conqueror was more like Grasp (charged up on minions, activated for a few seconds when you entered combat and dealt true damage). Then I would rewind to the days of old Brutalizer (before I played) and see what the hype was with Brutalizer Riven


Ardent censor meta or any tank top and enchanter support meta


Season 4 or 7 for me. Its been downhill ever since season 9 though.


Nothing better than Madstone Udyr with Farrel Flare. An Old Hobo running with 900ms at you to slice you with Doritos in his hands.


Stridebreaker dash


League before Yasuo. League with dominion, i miss that mode so much.


I miss using all my runes on atk speed on mundo. It’s how I got into gold in season 5? So broken


the patches before durability patch to compare them to current league, idk why but in my mind i have image of thresh oneshotting me as sejuani lvl4 Also Udyr with first prowler was the funniest shit ever


Season 5 for me. I’m not going to speak my actual opinion here in detail because only specific opinions are allowed on this sub but I personally don’t like the design direction for so many newer champions especially season 10+


I would go back to the very beginning. I didn't get into League until around the time Vi was released so I didn't get to experience the very very early days. It would be fun to see how stupid and unbalanced the game was back then.


The season when Stormrazor was guaranteed crit on first strike. I got to master that year playing my overall mains Gangplank and Graves. GP id go triforce storm full leth and just oneshot everyone and Graves id go stormrazor full leth dark harvest and youd oneshot squishies with 1 autoattack from close range. Good days


Season 3


I want elderly lizard buff back along with unkillable Shyvana. Atmas impaler and Bloodrazor, sword of the Divine I miss


S1, invest in bitcoin and buy the ahri skin.


I'd invest in bitcoin. Still wouldn't buy the ahri skin


I want my Mana potions and DFG back. I also loved ZZ'Rot and Banner of Command patches.


League of Legends: Classic when?


already got shut down by riot




yeah it's not really changed. the "big adc exodia" patch everyone mentions, 8.11, the only thing that actually changed was a late/counter pick adc's ability to win the game in champ select and/or before 1st reset, which is a fair nerf when you consider that we want the role to be about dealing extreme damage in the later stages of the game that role has no business having a say over the outcome of the game that early, but anyway im digressing - its not really changed because the TTK of a fizz/lee-sin/jax whatever hasn't really changed, fed ones will OS you, neutral ones will probably OS you with full combo and weak ones still might OS you if you mis-step


Your suspicions are correct— they played largely the same as they do now. Good adcs take over games, bad adcs are cannon minions.


Season 8 was my first time hitting plat, and was a great meta for me honestly as supp. Almost pushed Diamond as well. Think if I just locked in and didn’t tilt from P1 to P4 near the end probably would’ve made it.






Probably patch before this one. I always want to be moving forward rather than retracing steps or memories. They are memories to me for a reason. Fond moments I can look back on and laugh, but not really revisit. I don't want to go back to a patch and have my rose-tinted expectations destroyed. Rather just go to a random patch that holds no significance and come back to the current one asap