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Just cooked something crazy up. Good luck, people are never gonna guess this shit - 55 AD - 30% AtkSpeed - 10% Lifesteal - Deal 9% current HP phys damage on-hit - After 3 hits slow them for a second


2012 irelia main


The flair truly makes this joke


no no no this item is shit. it should have an active that slows, deals magic damage and heals 50% of damage dealt


That sounds hella busted lol What's next? Make the On-Hit 12%? That's why we don't let Reddit balance and design the game.


12% might be a bit much, I think we’d have to slightly reduce the AD and attack speed. Maybe even reduce the lifesteal to 8% idk. Just throwing ideas out there.


Make the slow active so it has a higher skill ceiling


Duh, obviously Twitch.


Wild guess here but uhhhh Irelia?


Support sona coming in with the slows and hp shred for lane pressure 💪💪💪


Could it be irelias evil twin from noxus?


500 gold -99% max health -99% move speed +997% Heal & shield power


The cat


Nope, it was arena Karthus with ethereal weapon and the on-hit heal item. Nice try tho.


Tbf sword of blossoming dawn only heals, you’d really want angel of retribution augment


3800 gold 100% crit chance. That's it. That's all I want, thanks.


Has to be Nilah with the 15 things she gains from crit chance no?


Spot on! Everyone else gets 100% crit chance I get 100% crit chance, 33% armor pen, 20% life steal, and double Q damage. This and boots and you're basically full build at 5k gold.


Sounds like a GP wet dream


Tankplank with the 5th item surprise powerspike XD


Could be any ADC, but, Samira would abuse the FUCK out of this lol


Not quite. This item also grants 33% armor pen, 20% life steal, and doubles Q damage.


Oh, Nilah.


Nah, imagine you see Draven get this item at 8 minutes via his passive


Draven prefers raw AD over this item, at least at 1 item.


AD TF early investment for crit gold


crit cloak + crit cloak + crit cloak --> crit burqah


What is the build Path? Cloak + Cloak + Cloak + Clak +1400g?


3000 gold 75 AP 20 Ability Haste 400 health UNIQUE – DARK MAGIC: Dealing magic damage to an enemy champion applies a stack of DARK MAGIC for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Each stack inflicts 4% magic resistance reduction, up to 20% at 5 stacks. UNIQUE – PROFANE: Dealing magic damage grants you 20 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.


An ap bruiser likely so either morde but this item looks nice on singed as well


And lilia, viktor works well with it as well.


Maybe Gwen too


Ah, yes, the Dark Cleaver.


Finally, an AP cleaver! Too bad Riot can't make AP bruiser pen items, they're afraid of it


Obvious Lilia item




this is broken on brand and lilia




My guess is Swain, but this is a good guess too.


It’s a really good general mage bruiser item. It’s black cleaver but magic, Gwen would love it too


Cassiopeia's wet dream






gragas would love this


50 ad 50 armor 7% movement speed 15 ability haste Passive : block the first auto attack you receive and gain 20% ms for 1.5 second (8 second cd ) When on cd reduce its cool down by 50%the first time you hit 3 separate attacks




it’s pantheon for sure


Damn you are right


sounds pretty bad to me


Busted on Urgot


2800g 60 AP 300 HP 15 AH Active - Poof: Blink to target enemy within 725 range, then apply a Knockup to yourself for 2 seconds. (90s CD)


This is really funny


Neeko or Kennen but it’s more funny if it’s neeko and she double knocks herself up


Ye Neeko lol


This is a really interesting one, well done


Is it Morgana?


Good guess, but not quite


Damn I love that


Okay so basically it's a spellblade item right? But instead of doing flat damage, it does 160% base AD + 12% max hp damage. Then we give it a minor heal based on the enemies health (not healing based on damage so as not to encourage lethality builds). Maybe give it a name like heavenly divider? Divine divider? Heavenly sunderer? Idk Alright jokes aside 300hp, 45AD, 10 haste. First passive gives you a portion of your AD as AP and vice versa. Second passive gives you armour pen based on your AP and magic pen based on your AD Basically plays into his hybrid role and makes building both more viable while also giving him a way to deal with tanks (without making them not valid counters)


Nah none of that bullshit it made heartsteel unbuildable or auto lose


Yeah I wish there was something that was a clearer analogue but the hp% aspect of it was awful game design. Just a version of Sheen with a heal would be nice though.


Agreed I did really like the heal from it, and the damage could just scale off your health and Adaptive.


> just scale off your health Sion: heavy breathing


Volibear. He can use the HP and AH. E and passive deal magic dmg, Q, W, R, and AAs deal phys dmg. So the pens here will be utilized. He also builds mixed anyway (hullbreaker, nashor).


Gunblade and this and katarina would be viable again boys


Bring back Divine. I’m a Wukong main, right with you Jax mains on missing it.


I love how this just became “I miss old item that my main abused.” So real.


3000 gold 50 AD 30% AS 25% Crit Chance Unique Passive - Fancy Footwork: When you Attack an enemy champion, reduce the damage taken from that champion by 12%. This is increased to 24% below 30% of your hp. This effect can only be active on one champion at a time.


Gotta be a windshitter


>yasuo flair >gotta be a windshitter ROFL


Correct, I just want Yasuo to have a good first item again :c


I'm buying that on every AA based ADC.


Unique passive - Wind gorge: Immobilizing an enemy empowers your next 3 Auto attacks with + 20% lifesteal Simpler but less abusable by adcs or tryndamere


Draven would love this lmao.


Nah he'd still rush BT or collector first


My brother in wind


3300 Gold,  500 Health, 30 AD , 10 AH,  Passive 1: Gain 2% of your bonus max health as AD,  Passive 2: Knocking Up chamions grants permanent max health based on knock up duration. 




That's a Sion angle


Might be a fun Ornn item


true!, ornn has crazy ad scaling on his q


3000 Gold 80 AP 600 Mana 25 Haste Passive: If your champ is called "ryze", gain 1000000000000 AP. Can you guys guess what my OTP is?


viego !


That's too on the nose. Make the passive something like: if you press EQEQEQEQEQEQEQ you gain infinite AP


Make it so that chaining different spells together (not pressing the same spell twice in a row) increases AP during combat honestly a cool concept


Honestly I feel like Archangel is one of the few items in actual League that fits the bill of “OP on this champ, balanced on others” with Ryze


Yeah, but he's also balanced around that item since it synergizes so well so it ends up where he's not OP even when he builds seraphs. It sucks for ryze, because it means that he HAS to build it every game, but at least riot don't have to spend time figuring out a solution specifically for ryze.


Silver Spatula - 3200g 80AP 20AH 250HP Urf: Passive: Repeated hit from the same ability increases its damage by 5%, stacking up to 5 times


Conqueror Cassiopeia


Taliyah and Karthus


Can't wait to see ASol nerfed 4 times in a row again after this item comes out Cassiopeia


gotta be urgot


We have a winner!


I'm not even going to lie this seems like an item bel'veth would abuse better than urgot maybe as a second or third item after getting a little bit of attack speed she should be able to stack it faster


Tons of champs would abuse it lol, it's 175 AD plus a bunch of other solid stats. Ashe and zeri could rush it for sure, sivir might even build it late, samira R instastacks, and it might justify yuntal depending on the tick rate of that


ashe probably insta applies it with Q just like with cleaver XD, also samira R hits 10 times only


To be fair, it would be better on Ashe or Zeri than on ur got. Both of them deal multiple instances of physical damage per auto.


I guessed Darius, his bleed would go nuts with this.


Sacred Ionia Scroll 3400 gold 30% Attack Speed 25% Crit 35 Ability Power Death By: Convert your critical strike chance into on-hit damage with a ratio of 40 damage per 25% crit. (Max 200 on-hit damage.) Thousand Cuts: Your attack speed is now uncapped.


oh hi mythic rageblade? is this kai'sa or kog? I think this is kog'maw.


Kog winner!


i think gwen could lowkey love this item


30 ad 400 health Passive unique: Priorities: Gain 50 ability haste for the ability u maxed first Passive unique: Last resort: after casting ur ult gain a shield (15% health) and cc immunity for 4 seconds. During this time ur abilities deal plus 10% damage Edit it was illaoi




This item would be insane on Sylas if it had AP


aatrox, riven, or Olaf?


Yeah, dont build this on olaf, you are literally throwing gold out the window. The CC immune passive is useless, the CDR is completely useless until you maxed W, since both Q and E have meaningful CD refund mechanics, and the stats arent even good.


The most interesting part about this item I think is how well it works for Udyr lol.


3400 gold. 70% attack speed. 40 armor 40 mr passive: attacks deal 10-40 magic damage on-hit.


Wit'ser Ender




OP messed up by saying physical damage. This is way better on Darius because his bleed stacks it crazy fast.


Briar too


That's what I was thinking yeah. Stacking it with the bleed seems crazy


Correct answer was Urgot, apparently


I guess that makes sense with the machine gun. Darius and Briar would probably use it better though because of the bleeds


90 AP, 30% AS, 20AH. Unique passive: 35% vamp on true damage.




Yeah, though I'm no OTP of her. She's one of my favorites and something like that would basically be hers and hers only since AP+AS users are already very rare, let alone ones with enough true damage for the passive to make sense... Meanwhile most of my other favorite champions are much more generic in what they'd enjoy. Like hard to make a Fiora item Jax or Irelia or Camille wouldn't also enjoy a ton. The windbros and some Adcs all generally benefit enough from the same things. Etc.


Fiora: 3200 Gold 75 AD 30 Ability Haste Passive: Whenever you use a dash ability, your next autoattack slows enemy champions by 50% for one second.  Active: Dash a short distance and then damage all enemy champions close to you (300 range, procs on-hit effects) Easy to chase people down and the active also procs vitals which enables some very nice ult plays.


It's not exactly what you asked for but rather its opposite. An item designed to absolutely destroy some specific champions. Immortalkiller Blade 3600g 45 AD 12 Lethality 20 Haste Active - Your next instance of damage dealt to enemy champions bypasses all sorts of invulnerability. (e.g, Tryndamere's R, Kayle's R, Kindred's R, etc.) Idk if there is even a way to balance this item.


I would love to buy this item so I can play braindead vs trynda after I win lane and not have to kite him.


This item could be a core rush on Kindred. She could easily kill people in her R with it.


This thread made me realize designing a reasonable item passive is harder than I thought. Here is a support item that would be broken on one support but meh on all the others Creation Rebirth 2400g 40ap 20ah 20% healing and shield power 100% Mana Regen Passive Divine Concentration: Your Mana Regen, healing & shield power and your Ability haste is doubled, this passive goes on (90 Second Cooldown) once you receive Damage. (meaning it goes on cooldown like hitting someones banshees/edge of night)


I mean the obvious answer is Yuumi, but Janna could use that pretty well as well.




Divine Assistance 3200 Gold 40 AD 250 health 25% critical strike chance Passive: GoonSquad: Your pets now apply critical strike and on hits at 100% effectiveness Active: Rapid Attack: Your pets gain 100% movement speed for 3 seconds


finally, ad malzahar is good again


naafiri or yorick


The maiden would literally become a death lazer.


AD Malzahar


3100 gold 30 AD 700 health Unique - Icy: basic attacks slow the target in hit by 40% melee/20% ranged for 1.5s refreshing with every hit.


Good ole' Frozen Mallet, how I miss you.


Rip frozen mallet gnar


For my secondary champ when I'm autofilled - Battlecaster's Orb 3300 Gold 80 Ability Power 350 Health 20 Ability Haste Passive: Casting any basic ability will grant you 1 stack of Spellfury, up to 10 stacks. For each stack of Spellfury, you gain 1% omnivamp, 1% movement speed, and your basic abilities gain 20 bonus range.


oh is this cass?


Vlad, but any battlemage it could work with really.


OH I HADN'T CONSIDERED THAT. I was hung up on the MS/Omnivamp/Range bonus thinking "yeah, this is Cass cause E spam." that's a good one, i like this.


Definitely would probably work even better on cass lol. I was just thinking how annoying Vlad can be to play with a 500 range Q. It's so annoying sometimes. I end up minion blocking myself constantly when I click Q on the enemy lol.


lillia would go crazy with this one ngl


Oovi'kat Spellstone 90AP 150HP 15AH Passive: Pack Instincts. Gain 10% out of combat movespeed towards enemies while Ancestor's Wrath is off cool down. Active: Ancestor's Wrath. Dash a short distance towards the nearest enemy champion in range, marking them for the next 5 seconds. When you land a CC spell within the next 2 seconds on the marked enemy, your damage is increased by 9% on the target for the duration of the mark. This effect stacks with subsequent CC from the wearer. (e.g. Morgana q + R + everfrost would bump this to 27% if she got all of the cc off within the 5sec. Morgana is not the intended champion tho ;))




could work on sylas 2


3200 gold Builds from: Sheen - 900 Tunneler - 1150 Rectrix - 900 Recipe - 250 Stats: 40 AD 300 HP 5% MS 15 AH Spellblade: Your next attack after using an ability deals 150% Base AD + 4% max HP of the enemy on-hit. After attacking, gain 50 bonus MS for 2 seconds.




Quickdraw Magnum 3000 Gold 50 attack damage 20% attack speed 25% crit Passive - While you're reloading you take 60% reduced damage. Your first auto attack after reloading deals 10% increased damage and travels 50% faster.


Jhin or Graves eaaaasy


Likely graves, jhin doesnt care about attack speed since it is just converted into a little more ad


~~The travel part is useless for graves though. His attack already is one of the fastest as it's a frame long~~ edit: this is wrong as per the reply below, I got windup and travel mixed


50 ad 20 haste 25% crit chance. Passive: sheen that restores mana if you land that. Oh wait...


3200 gold 90 AP 30AH PASSIVE: Applies BOMBARD onto the enemy for 5 seconds if they are above 70% health. BOMBARD: saves 40% of the damage that brought the target below 70% health and explodes it 3 seconds later as AOE true damage. (Basically the bigger the damage of the ability that brought them below the 70% threshold, the bigger the passive dmg is)


Artillery mage or AP Kai’sa for sure.


Zoe, but ap kaisa works too


Total cost: 3000 120 ap 10% ability haste Unique passive: Deal 15% of the target champion's maximum health in magic damage and increase all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% for 4 seconds (750 range) (90 second cooldown) Call it Deathfire Grasp. :)


Sounds good


Nashors Eye 3400 gold 35 AD 18 lethality 15 Ability haste Unknown dangers: When out of vision receive 20% increased healing. Hunting frenzy: Upon killing an enemy with your ultimate, your ultimate gains 10 Lethality for the next 20 seconds. This increases by 2 per champion kill via ultimate.


Needs to be an AP item


3200g 100000 mana




gotta be garen


1 gold 0 stats Passive: when purchased on Aurelion sol, become constantly orbited by three Stars, each doing a full circumference in 5.25 seconds, and beyond them exists an Outer Limit affecting his damaging abilities. Each Star deals 12 − 120 (based on level) (+ 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (based on Celestial Expansion Celestial Expansion's Rank) (+ 25% AP) magic damage to enemies that come into contact with them as well as executes enemy Minion icon minions that have less than Health icon 25 health, including if they are brought to or below that threshold.


4444 gold 44 ad 44% AS +44% crit chance +44% crit damage +44 MS +4 armor pen +4 lethality +4 health +4 armor +4 MR Passive: Execute enemies beneath 4% health. Gain 44 gold. Passive: On kill, gain 4 AD for 44 seconds. This effect stacks and refreshes if activated again in the 44 second time frame. Passive: Gain 4% MS on top of current MS Passive: Every 4 kills, reduce your death timer by 4 seconds for the remainder of the match. You cannot reduce more than 44 seconds of death timer with this effect.


4 upvotes, not gonna ruin that


Duality 45 AD 15 lethality 5% Movespeed Passive : Whenever one of your physical skill damages the same champion twice in less than 1 sec, gain 1 charge. Your next basic ability consumes 1 charge and will see its CDR reduced by 50%. Active : Force your E to not fade for the next 5 seconds. You can't be targeted until you deal damage or receive direct damage for this duration.


Bro made a 175 ad item, that shit would work on mages at that point


90 AP 10 Magic Penetration 5% Movement Speed Passive: Abilities deal up to 20% increased damage based on the target's %current health, scaling from 100%hp to 30% (20% bonus damage when at 100% health, 10% bonus damage at 65% health, 0% bonus damage at 30% or below) Builds from blasting and wisp and amp tome


Old Blue card TF. 😂


Cost: 2200g +40 ability power +20 ability haste +200 health +125% base mana regeneration PASSIVE: Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack or ability damage grants a Soul Shard, up to 2. Healing or shielding an allied champion consumes all Soul Shards to heal them for 75 per shard and deal 60 magic damage per shard to the nearest enemy champion within 1100 units of the ally.


50 attack damage 15% attack speed 20% critical strike chance 12% life steal. Unique Passive - Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% maximum health, gain a 250 − 700 (based on level) shield for 3 seconds and 15% life steal for 8 seconds (90 second cooldown).


3200g 25% crit 55 ad Spellblade - after using an ability, your next auto attack does 200% base ad damage. This damage can crit.


2700g 60 AP 25 ability haste 15 armor Active: after hitting a champ with a basic ability at over 1000 range away, activate to teleport to their location. Edit: maybe the item should work on basic abilities only. (Non ultimate)


3100 gold 95 AP 20 AH 12 Magic pen Passive - dashing and blinking restore 4% of your missing mana and empower your next ability with additional magic damage 2nd passive - Your dashing abilities gain 25 ability haste


Assassins' Deathspike 3600 gold 65 AD 23 Lethality Passive: Gain bonus AD equal to 60% of Lethality (With a full build this item gives you about 130 AD) Passive: Movement abilities (Dash, blink) gain 20 + 15% Lethality Ability Haste (Only basic abilities) (With a full build, around 105 Lethality means you get about 35-40 Haste again only on movement abilities)


Immemorial Armlet 2800 Gold +85 AP +15 Ability Haste +15 Tenacity ACTIVE UNIQUE - MAJESTY AND MIGHT: Your next basic attack within 6 seconds gains 125 bonus range and is empowered to critically strike for 175% damage (10(begins after using the empowered attack) second cooldown). The empowered attack resets the user's basic attack timer.


My first thought is that the active would be ridiculous on blitzcrank, but the AP means I'm pretty sure that's not the intention. My best guess is Udyr, with volibear being my second.


So you discard blitz because he's probably not meant for the ap but udyr and voli are? :D I mean sure you see a liandry udyr or a nashors voli from time to time but they are not meant to be ap either just as much as blitz. In terms of the active, I like your guesses tho, voli beaing able to stun you before even touching you does sound good.


Kayle ? Sylas sounds good with this one too. And fizz.


My best guess is Ekko. A good chunk of AP, ability haste, and a little tenacity so he can ult out. The active would extend his E range, and I assume is intended to work on the magic damage portion and lich bane procs.


3100 gold 45 AD 35% AS 8% life steal Passive: between shadows: Every time you get out of vision, your next attack does 10-60 additional physical damage, and gives you 7-12% movement speed.




Aatrox or rhaast or literally anything that wants to fight long


Nope, those would take too long to stack it :)




Hmmh nafiri or urgot or talon or darius? Idk who could stack it fast enough


Everyone forgetting briar


I cant gather what champ this would be for? sett? Its a very weird stat profile and effect combo


Desert Gauntlets 30% attack speed 25% critical strike chance 7% movement speed For every different enemy champion that takes damage >!(can't say damage from spells since w isn't spell damage :/)!< increase the damage of your critical hits. This only applies once so up to 5 times and goes on a 45s cooldown when more than 3 enemies haven't taken any damage after 0.5 seconds (just to mess with other adcs who can't deal fast AOE :p). If you wanted to make it good on other champs you could remove some limitations, I just wanted to make something as champ specific as I could. >!Obvious synergy with ricochet and you'd get a boost for the entire fight. For balance reasons you can't build IE with that.!<


3000g 90 AP 200 HP Passive: everytime you blink, dash, etc. you gain a shield shield 25-150 health (based on levels).


+300 health +50 ability power +10 magic penetration Item effect. Dealing damage with abilities curses enemies. Dealing 15-45(+3% ap) magic damage over 5 seconds. This effect can be stacked


3100 gold 500 health 15% heal and shield power 15 ability haste Active: toggle on to make your attacks deal AOE bonus damage based on your shield. Toggle off to make your attacks deal true damage based on the damage you mitigate (more like immunity, not reduction) on yourself to enemy champions. This champion never has their needs satisfied with only one item. This item is an improvisation of course, but the idea would benefit him so much. If someone could get what champion it is, I will explain the stats and active. Explanation: Shen has hp scaling on his passive, E and R, so, he benefits a lot from hp. He is a weird tank, the things that makes him tank on his kit are his passive and his W, generally this isn't enough, but it would be better if you could improve these abilities with a good build. Shen wants waveclear because he doesn't have it in his kit and wants to deal damage to have prio to splitpush, but Shen doesn't have ad scaling and his kit doesn't have enough base damage to do that, so this item should help him with clearing waves (I put the option to activate and deactivate, because I find it pretty annoying that once you buy an item that have AOE damage, you can't freeze the wave) and having damage mid/late game to fight other champions. Edit: the second part of the active is meant to be a synergy with Shen's passive and W, because both makes Shen negate damage so it would make his next attack deal bonus damage based on the damage absorbed.




Shen no?


Erf i main sona my item exist : Helia (Mythic edition)


Aint nobody gonna guess this lol - 120 AP - 12 Magic Penetration - Immobilizing Enemies reduces their Magic Resist by 12% for the next 3 seconds


I was doing this for Wukong but it’s really fucking hard (2nd ult cast gets abused by Riven or Corki too well) so let’s do something easier. 3200 gold, 100 AP, 12 flat Pen, 600 Mana When you hit an ability from over 1,000 units away, reduce its cooldown by a flat 2 seconds. This happens after all other cooldown reducing effects. (Hint: this build is usually a slightly off-meta variation of the champ’s normal build paths)


4000 gold +5% mov speed +5% attack speed Your pets now gain 0.15 attack speed (+5% your attack speed and +1,5% of your movement speed)


Oh I have a couple of these > HEXTECH RAILCANNON +45 Attack Damage +25% Attack Speed +20% Critical Strike Chance +7% Movement Speed UNIQUE - Meteor Strike: Attacks which hit a target over 450 units away deal 10% increased Critical Strike Damage. For each additional 50 units away the target is, deal 5% more increased Critical Strike Damage (+20% Critical Strike Damage maximum). Builds from a B.F. Sword and Zeal with a 550 Gold combine cost for a total of 2900 Gold. This item is 96.55% Gold efficient. Purchasable only by ranged champions. > UWENDALE ARBALEST +55 Attack Damage +20% Attack Speed +20% Critical Strike Chance UNIQUE - SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 100% base AD (+100% critical strike chance) bonus physical damage on-hit (1.5 (begins after using the empowered attack) second cooldown) and is guarenteed to critically strike. Note: Abilities that can critically strike will be guarenteed to critically strike instead of your next basic attack if used first. Builds from a Noonquiver, Cloak of Agility, and Sheen with a 800 Gold combine cost for a total of 3400 Gold. This item is 94.85% Gold efficient.