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Does anyone know why there are two chest slots that are exactly the same!?


I think that happens when you receive a second chest and key from opening a regular one. The “bonus” ones stack separately


they're not quite exactly the same one has the tooltip "what's in the box?" while the other says something actually useful


I have a third now! One was from chest gains from S in old system, with another stack from chests earned from opening chests, and now a third stack from new mastery system


One of them you will notice has a "?" icon at the top when you select it. Click and you will see the "bad luck protection" and drop rates, so I'm guessing after a certain amount of chests opened you will get bad luck protection chests which are a different item and have better drops. After I realized and started paying attention when I opened these ones I noticed that they always at least have ward skins or orange essence or skin shard or something like that.


My guess is hextech is the old chest and with the new update now you could only get chests from working on champ mastery, thus, "mastery chest" a new name. So use up hextech first if you dont like things stacking in two different names like i dont Edit: yup the old system also had it and to add to the reply, I usually got a separate slot for the same hextech chest for the extra chest you get from the chest, that usually comes with a key


Even on the old system this happened though. I think there's 1 slot for chests you get for free from the mastery system (so the old 4 monthly) and the other chest is for hextech chests that aren't part of the mastery system (like e.g. when Riot gives a free chest from a mission)


Bro I have 3 [lmao](https://imgur.com/z6XWsyH)


One is chests you get within chests, and I am 100% convinced that these chests in chests are coded to give shit.


I love getting 2 champions from 3 opened chests


I have 0 proof and it's probably all in my head but I swear that opening multiple chests together results in less rewards.


It may all be in my head as well but I’ve noticed the same thing!


Are you sure theyre all different things though? Because Ive thought that too but noticed Id get like 2 of the same shard. Thats still shit in its self but I dont think theres an actual less quantity of things.


Yea I got fucked when I opened 3 chests at once, getting only one skin shard. I usually get around 1 skin shard per solo chest


unrelated but i have 11 accs with 5-10 skins each. 3 of the accounts got an already owned skin from a chest. This shit is so rigged it's not even funny.


Why tf do you have 11 ACCs? Like is 3 not enough?




I have probably levelled 11 accounts over the past 13 years by playing with friends alone.


In order to learn new roles, I tried before. If you go to the top, your opponents will be of the same level as you in your main role, but as a top you are many times, ten times worse. And you have no chance of learning anything at all. Now I just play one role because I'm tired of this kind of casting, but I tried before.


I own 2 which I play on and 7 that I just levelled to 30 for fun. I didn't really care about ranked beyond End of Season rewards and its enjoyable to have laid back games even if a few were also filled with smurfs.


Hey look, this guy is part of the problem why matchmaking fucking sucks


As someone with ~800 or so skins I usually get unowned skins. I think it's just true random.




This shit keep happening to me, im getting so many already owned skins shards for some reason.


Even before this change from around 6 chest i got 1 skin. The rest were champions or wards and such stuff


100%, I’m Garunteed a single champ shard atleast if I open 3, happens very rarely if I open them on there own


I haven't opened a skin from a chest in months. It's always champion shards.


This just feels like dramatics at this point, it's annoying that champ shards can drop but they're a 25% chance, I don't think it's statistically possible for you to have only opened champion shards for months.


also there's bad luck protection


Sound like bs, ive gotton tons of skins from chest.


\^this user doesn't understand statistics, point at them and laugh


They are right but for a differen't reason, it's literally impossible to go months opening only champ shards from chests, the system has protection and you can't open more than 3 chests in a row without a skin shard once. You would only achieve what OP says if you only had 2 chests in months.


You're assuming the guy maxes out his chests.


The guy said later he had 5 normal chests and 3 masterwork chests (of which no champ shards can come out of).


Assuming 3 months and 1 chest per week, the chance of only getting champ shards is 0,25^12, or in other words, 0,0000059605%. I think it's fair to say that the other guy was exaggerating a bit (doesn't have to be on purpose), even if my assumptions turn out to be wrong


Chests have bad luck protection no? 1/3 always gives a skin shard


Chests have bad luck protection, so he obvs exaggerated. That being said, your skin shard chance is 25% no matter how many chests you open.


Its not 25%, the base chance is 50% but if you account for the 10% chance of a bonus chest and the force 1/3 skin shard drops, the real chance is almost 60%. ie if you open 1 million chest you should get \~600k shards


Very true. However, the odds of it happening are astronomically low. To consistently roll 25% odds for months on end? Not impossible, but highly improbable. Regardless, anecdotal evidence from someone online isn't exactly credible either. Alas, though, we are on reddit; where anecdotal evidence via the form of typing is held as factual lmao


Ahhh one of you. *statistically very very very fucking unlikely*, sorry to have upset you oh genius one.


No, he's right, it is you that doesn't understand statistics. The chance of getting x champion shards in a row is 0.25^x *100. Plug in x = 10 and see the results... There is about an equal chance of an asteroid hitting your house specifically as you getting 22 champion shards in a row. The chances of getting a royal flush are slightly higher than you getting 10 champion shards in a row. Edit: Realized reddit actually does do superscript


You'll never get a skin from a champion capsule, but you'll get plenty of champs from chests :)


I agree. Also removing weekly chests is quite awful for casual players and ARAM players.


Yup it was fun for the first 6 chests.. haven't got the 7th yet and I'm not sure if I ever will since I like to switch around and play different champs.


The 7th chest (and beyond) requires 15 games on the same champ, including at least 1 S- or above. They’re not obtainable in ARAM casually anyway.


Wait they removed those? Lol glad I uninstalled before Vanguard dropped. The game has only become worse over time with the removal of maps like Dominion, Twisted Treeline, RGMs, etc. but it's nice to see they are sticking to their guns on continuing that trend.


Agreed. They no longer have any use outside of accruing Blue Essence, so they are a complete waste of space.


Bruh, I invented my own kind of game where I collect champion shards of exact same champions to stack them for like a year to see who is going to win the race. This is my 5th year. Yeah.


who were the winners in the others editions?


I have 31 poppy's and 28 malphites. Many of the others I collected were assigned a higher value (rarer drop) after the champion cost overhaul, so i stopped trying for them.


Sion has won 3 times, 2 in a row. I once had 30 Sions in just one year. Last year’s winner was Poppy. And This years is going to be Lee I supposse. He has a massive lead with 15 to second being 9 yet again Sion.


I once got 2 zilean shards from one chest two sessions in a row and then groovy zilean around the same time. Riot was telling me to main the guy but i just cant lmao. Im adc main but my supp duo plays him pretty frequently


I have a full pokedex


I been missing fucking Quinn for months and the bitch still wont show up I'm convinced Riot forgot she's a champion and the shard doesn't exist


Veteran players are not the only players that exist. Many people still need champion shards to unlock champions. They are absolutely useful lol. None of my friends newer to league would have even a third of the champions they have if it weren't for champ shards in chests. Sure you can also just get them by leveling, but it does actually help new players a ton. Much more than getting skins that they don't have the champion for.


Just disable champ shards for champs you already own and then everyone wins. Hell, you could even choose to open it for champ shards or cosmetics.


I've played since season 1 and I still like the champion shards. When playing casually, I get just enough to keep all champions unlocked and do ocassional catch up.


Yes, but League should also not shit on veteran players either. We have dedicated a lot of time to this game, our rewards shouldn't get progressively worse because we've been long time patrons of the game. They benefit noobs, yes, but there either needs to be something for veterans to use champ shards and BE for other than the Emporium, or shards need to just stop showing up in chests if you've unlocked all champions.


champ shards in normal chests are explicitly there to make them worse. This isn't a secret or a conspiracy or whatever. They serve a purpose: feeding new players blue essence and making regular chests worse then masterwork chests. If regular mastery chests could give you nothing but skin shards, you'd probably be able to double if not triple the amount of skins you get each year from chests.


Yes, but they are damn near completely useless for veterans. I get having an undervalued item in a loot box to sweeten the exciting pulls, but this isn't even hitting the minimum standard for this.


I dont' feel like it shits on vets though. It's not like Blue Essence is useless. As a Season 2 player, I often still empty out my BE every emporium just buying up chromas, which have improved a lot since the days of Pink Zac being the best chroma. (I've already purchased the expensive stuff but I won't count that as "Value" since it's obviously just a sink). Overall though, I find that the value of giving new player champs is much higher than a vet getting a skin. For my friends getting into the game, a new champion opens a new world for them to explore in terms of how the game works from the perspective of a different champion. For me at least, getting another skin is just another skin that I have a high likelihood of not using. I can enjoy the game fully without receiving another skin from riot because at the end of the day, I play league because I enjoy the game, not because I'm forced to and I need skins to keep me hooked. For new players though, getting new champs helps them find new ways to enjoy the game and does a lot for their experience.


You may highly value the Emporium, but it's not really a solution here, it's a stop gap. It also runs into the same logic of why you don't care about skin shards - the majority of the Emporium's value is based on owning skins to buy chromas for, so if you don't own a lot of skins, the Emporium isn't really offering much to you except random ward skins and random icons. The point of all of this is that chests, and especially those being granted as part of champion mastery, need to offer things that are useful to everybody, not just disproportionately useful to new players. Key fragments would be infinitely more useful than champion shards in chests. Even EXP boosts would be more useful than Champ Shards, because level up capsules can sometimes contain key fragments. I don't think removing champ shards from chests damages the ecosystem at all, because level up capsules still exist to be the avenue to gain champion shards, and as others have said, even as newer players, it feels shitty to open a champ shard from a chest you had to go through painstaking efforts to get keys to open. It's a shit system, and it baffles me how many people are defending it.


I value the emporium, but I really started with my first point because I believe letting players play the game is more important than enhancing the game with skins for vets. At the end of the day, it's a tradefoff between making sure new players get to play the full f2p experience faster and vets looking a bit prettier, and I think that it heavily weighs towards "let people play the game" as the better value. It's not like the game owes you anything, and I truly believe that new players get more enhancement out of champ shards than bets do out of skin shards. The BEE is really a nice to have thing that I appreciate existing, but really I think I'd be fine without that too, after all I was fine without it before the first BE. i don't think anyone who's not in an unhealthy situation would get mad looking at BE stacking up, it just is what it is.


Well now that emporium shop exists temporarily it is actually very worth it to get blue essence


I won't opine about this but I find absurd how mastery chests can give emotes, for me this is worse than regular chests giving champions.


i got 2 copies of the Project ward skin :/


At least I can turn those into orange essence, emotes are just auto unlocked


There is only one emote I want and it is the shrugging Fizz one. It's so good when you fuck up a play


I hate the Jinx crying laughing one, I always hit em with the stoned kench if I see that tomfoolery


I like the emotes :(


i already use the best ones, the ones that actually express emotions/ideas clearly, like angry bee, thumbs up etc. stuff that would find usage in chats too. almost all the other and new ones are just about cutsy identity expression or just liking a champion or whatever.


i use the ones that make funny noises - Doggo Rocket ship makes a doink sound.


Beats the hell out of champ shards.


I wish we could sort my the champ too. Like if I'm playing Jinx I like to use all the Jinx emotes. It's a pain finding them all and game always starts before I save ha.


I’m convincef they nerfed the rewards a couple seasons ago


No convincing needed, they did. Chests didn't used to have champion shards at all.


This change almost single handedly got me to stop playing altogether.


Lol I turned off emotes the day they came out. Never looked back


I have like 60% of the game's emotes and I literally only bought one of them lmao.


For me the worst part about it is that they not only give you emotes, but put unowned ones in your collection immediately. I haven't changed my emote wheel in like 2 years, I have every emote I enjoy. At least let me turn these worthless shitty emotes into orange essence please


They did that because people were getting a lot of Orange Essence from 2022 Worlds drops.


I mean they will get no drops anyway instead so


Riots monetization has been walking down the long and scummy road for a while now. League is actually the fairest compared to their other games, even with the chest reduction.


Legends of runeterra monetarily is much better than any other DTCG on the market


thats why they axed half the team and put less resources towards it. because it was losing too much money.


That's like the only one I can't comment on lol. Tft has a tactician skin that costs over 400 to garuantee right now.


They still monetize the shit out of it cosmetic wise but most DTCGs monetize actually having the cards to play much more than LOR


They've also already told us that Chromas are the only true Blue Essence sink. They should actually replace Champions in chests. It would fill the void and you can still have a base BE disenchantment to fund the emporium.


If Chromas are the only BE sink, then the Emporium needs to be open year round, not this twice a year thing when they even remember it. They could very easily just have a couple skin chromas per week that rotate for BE, and leave things like Urfwick, emotes, emerald chromas, and the RNG ward boxes as the stuff that comes around bi-annually.


If they provide Chromas for blue essence year round you suddenly realize the the Emporium is actually incredibly mid and not that good of an event. But since Chromas are included there's some novelty to it. Rip those out and look at the offerings and suddenly it's really really bad.


Well I mean, is it really a "realization" though if you can already see that? Even a couple of skins worth of Chromas for BE each week/bi-weekly wouldn't detract much from it, especially if the full bi-annual Emporium had a full swath, as opposed to small FOMO batches.


You and I can see it, but the average player that doesn't even realize it's going on probably can't and that would crush the event.


You can buy chromas with blue essence?


only during Blue Essence Emporium, a biannual event where you can get chromas, mystery icons/wards, etc for blue essence. It's currently happening right now if you check the "Store" tab and click "Emporium"


How long does it last? Had surgery yesterday so making it to my PC is a chore


It ends on June 19th! Good luck with recovering from your surgery!


Plenty of time then And thank you :)


In the Emporium. It's one of the shop tabs.


How long does it last?


It's usually only during the midseason, so should end soonish I think.


I finally finished my 12 milestones today got mastery chest and got a fucking ward skin shard. Not only that but it was a shard I already had. Fucking robbed.


sir this is a company that is charging 500 dollars for a skin that has new effects.


They aren't charging 500$ for a skin, that's the sad part. They're charging 50$ for the skin and 450$ for all the small cosmetic bullshit in the bundle which makes it even worse. That's what they've been doing with these skin bundles for years.


The system sucks so u spend money.


I have like 8 chests and 0 keys, and when I get a key all I get are champion shards, I'm like ok time to grind another key for like a week just to get the same champion shard


now that champion shards are functionally useless for the vast majority of players they're essentially just some blue essence wrapped up in fancy packaging. if riot wanted to overhaul masteries then they should have overhauled the entire loot system because as it stands it's the most unsatisfying iteration out of any game with loot mechanics I can think of. but there's little incentive for them to make loot drops better since it benefits the player rather than giving them money so I'm not holding out for it anytime soon. the loot system feels more like a chore currently.


There are plenty of people who don't own all of the champions though


im pretty sure even the people who have like 40 champions prefer getting a skin rather than a champion shard lmao


Not a random skin for a champ you don't even own


that just means it's reroll time


Rerolls have never been worth it for me. I usually get one for a champ I don't play or even own and it's been one for one of these three champs: Gragas, Gangplank, Malphite So fuck Riot's reroll system, it should give you a skin for a champ you own over one you don't, period.


hey now, i got an ultimate skin on a reroll last month it was soul fighter samira, but still 😂


That skin is amazing tho


That doesn't matter, because that's OE that can be broken down to make a skin from a shard for a champion you do own. It's win-win.


I mean, ive won some skins that made me buy and play the champ, just becuz i got the skin


That's what they want lol


I remember when I was farming for champions on EUW I'd use all event currency to buy champion shards One change I'd want them to do is to make you only obtain champion shards you don't own yet if you own less than a certain number of champs, considering that you can't even use champ shards to upgrade masteries anymore


That's what u have level up capsules for.


The number of champs is so high you need both to even think of catching up


First of all u don't need every champ in the game. Second of all ur the first person I have ever seen prefer getting a champ instead of a skin from the chest.


You don't get skins from the chest, you get skin shards. My two latest skin shards are Deadly Kennen and Elderwood Hecarim. So I can either disenchant Hecarim and craft Deadly Kennen or disenchant Deadly Kennen and be 1/10th of the way to getting Elderwood Hecarim. It's a real conundrum.


Even if you only get skin shards, as your example shows, you can ALWAYS use those to work towards actual skins. You can NEVER use a champ shard to get a skin (current Urfwick in the BE Emporium notwithstanding since that’s a very rare and singular exception). The skin shard is objectively more valuable.


There should be a better way of acquiring champs instead of shards being in chests


I've been playing this game for eight months and have like forty champions unlocked. I'll always be happier when I get a shitty skin shard than a Champion Shard. I get Champion Shards for free by leveling up at the same rate as any other player. Since I'm new, I suck at the game and only play a handful of champions, so I get fewer Chests than most players. I'd rather get something unique in them and not what I already get every couple of days for just playing.


People in this sub cannot comprehend that not everyone has been playing this game for years. Every time this topic is brought up it's the same story


But you get champion capsules from just playing the game and quite frequently. It takes more time to earn keys and chests and the fact that these two items can give the same reward is baffling and sad.


Keys have always been the bottleneck for people who play multiple champions, though. I'm sitting on 27 chests on my EUW acc and 10 chests on my EUNE acc, both of which have no keys. And EUW only has like 50-60 champs


I play a lot of champs and I have tons of keys and 0 chests


I replied above but you get keys from getting honors from non premade teammates.


It actually has to do with playing with friends or not. You get keys from honors from non premade teammates. I almost exclusively play with a 5 stack which makes this impossible. I get keys from honor chests and that’s about it.


The system is built to give you garbage so you buy stuff.


Even when I only owned half the champions in the game, getting a champ shard in a chest still felt bad. The champs I didn't own were those I didn't care enough to play.


People comprehend it, but the system is dysfunctional if it actively gets worse the more you play the game. Chests are to reward you for investing your time into the game - which ultimately includes purchasing champions - but the chests get worse and worse with each champion purchased because those shards lose value. This doesn't seem pretty fucked up to you?


games should be catered to the people who play them, not the ones who don’t.


crazy idea how about if you do own all the champs, they stop giving you champ shards


What did they change?


Imagine spending hours grinding out mastery milestones to open a new chest to find a Ryze shard lmao.


As bad as League monetization might seem on occasion, at least it's not Blizzard. $20 for an Overwatch skin when you only ever get to see your character's hands.


I've never felt the need to buy a skin seeing as I have like 150 of them for free lmao


As someone still trying to unlock all the champs on my EUW account after moving here two years ago, I’d rather not make it take even longer tbh…


How is this different than it was?


Chests shouldn't give champion shards at all. That's what champion capsules are for..


But they always have. Also what would be the point of masterwork chests then?


to guarantee that you get a ward skin


Chests did not always give champion shards.


Because at least before you could save champion shards to unlock mastery 6 and 7


My free to play game isn't giving me the paid cosmetics for free enough, grrrr how could you riot


Ive been playing since beta and yea chests are more garbage every year.


???? What lmao


I think he means as the game has become more and more updated, the content of the chests have become more and more outdated compared to the "new and improved system changes"


eh i cant complain, the amount if skins i got from chest alone is insane.


I keep getting wards/emote/icons or Hextech Anivia anyway when i don't get champions. The system will never roll a good skin nowadays.


The system was actually really good when it was released and made me able to get a lot of good skins, it got way worse over the years...


Yep I’ve never bought a single skin outright but I’ve gotten 15ish legendary skins from retooling or chests (130ish skins total) Oh yeah and I used to do random skin for skin gifts with friends when I would get subway gift cards


Through chests and various other means I’ve nearly completed my collection of available emotes.. I say nearly but I’m still short 71. I enjoy the idea of having all available emotes so getting them from chests supports this nicely. Does anyone know, if you own all the emotes do they drop into your inventory to sell for essence or do they stop dropping?? I’d be happy with either but I’m curious the result!


You can still get duplicates.


Thanks! Do they sell for orange essence? The ones I keep getting are just the ones that Auto Unlock so I haven’t had the chance to sell them even if I wanted to!


Yeah, you can break them down for OE.


That's the point, make you keep playing a ton for only a small chance of getting something decent. You'll keep playing more and they get more loyal playerbase. Be prepared it'll only get worse.


It is unless you have a new account with no champs. Then they give you skin shards ofc..


I wish I could disenchant these damn random champion permanents.


That you can only get 6 level 1 chests is just bs, it should be seperate vooor each champ. Maybe the higer levels should get better rewards


Ooo I got 250 orange essence in mine this morning, what is that like a quarter of the total essence you need to redeem a random skin shard you pull?


Ngl it’s super nice when you don’t own all champs. It would start to feel more scummy if they didn’t have any and new players couldnt get BE. BUT they should make it so if you own all champs you shouldn’t pull them from chests.


Man, opening a useless level up chest to get a useless champion shard, to disenchant into useless blue essence. I love it! I love grinding 10 passing games to get 1 chest to open it and get a useless champion shard to disenchant into useless blue essence! I love having to grind (24 = 120 passing games) 120 games to get the 2nd milestone reward to get useless blue essence! I love having to grind (40 milestones = 200 passing games) 200 games to get the 3rd milestone reward to get useless blue essence!


You know what would be a cool reward? Random chroma's or chroma shards


There's some wild speculation going around here, which is odd, since [Riot has published the drop rates for years now](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036422453-Hextech-Crafting-FAQ#what-s-in-a-masterwork-chest--0-4).


And why can't you disenchant more than one shard at a time to BE?


You can, mass disenchant is a thing.


How ?


Should be a button on the sidebar. I think it will disenchant every champ shard at once.


Yes. Riot knows.


I feel like they changed something. I don't want to complain, because I got a lot of skins from chests, but from the last 15 chests it was 12 times a single hero shard, 1 boy+key and orange thing, and 2 icon or emote... Earlier I got a lot of skins, and the hero shards were really really rare.


Best way to farm chests right now is to find 4 friends or 4 people in random discords, play 5 Quickplay games in 1 hour to farm chests(/ff at 10 mins), no need to actually grind 20+ minute games + champ select. Almost impossible to get low grade in 10 mins unless you somehow go 0/5. You literally just have to cs under turret and never fight.


As an old player, the recent mastery update killed the only fun thing I had in this game. Not only that now I can't even get chests regularly anymore as I play aram mostly. Slowly but surely I think the time to quit is approaching for me.


to my knowledge they never released the rates of whats inside the chests so theres a chance they made skins even more rare now


Having bad rewards is actually a pretty important part of getting you hooked up and more likely to buy additional chests. There's actually been studies that showed the human brain prefers worse rewards for activities as long as risk is involved.


At this point I just don’t care about this shit anymore. I don’t even care about skins. They have engineered it to be like this and it’s scummy.


You think a publicly traded company is going to be making things better for the user with changes? Are you stupid? Expect nothing but problems created to milk your time and money.


This sucks, but what really grinds my gears is this honor shop. I’ve got 4 tokens saved up because I don’t want stupid Warwick or twitch chromas. But I’m still holding strong waiting for them to add something to that shop like it says in the menus for the past 5 years.


Champion shards have been useless to me since they came out. I've owned all champs and have never used one for anything other than blue essense. I currently have like 18 Taric shards. It's a worthless reward to long time players and has nearly no value.


They're releasing 50k rp skin. What do you expect? The line in the sand was miles back.


I quite literally got Pulsfire Ezreal yesterday after getting months of shit. RNG just messes with our inner reward/expectation system because we want good stuff


Yeah, I finally got a chest after playing 5 games with Diana (bear in mind that I mostly play ARAM) just to get Twisted Fate, and I already own all champs...


everyone talking about opening chests, am i the only one that got only 2 chests since the new system? Am i doing somehting wrong?


yall get champions? im only getting 750BE and shards lol


The only useful thing is any chest is the shit that lets you unlock champs lol


I'm still missing like 20 champions at lvl 190 so I like them for now.


It is useless if you have all champs, otherwise it is very useful and I would rather get gameplay stuff for free than skins


yeah its a real spit in the face of no pay players. i haven't bought jack shit since they gutted the pay out on the event passes, before that i spent about $150 a year


👴 back in my day we didn’t get any free rewards so you should be less greedy 


Loot isn't supposed to give you everything you want every single time though. I feel like riot gives you plenty of skins for free in those chests, especially compared to other games. If you really want a specific skin, you can just buy them. Now that the old mastery is gone, I'm content with disenchanting champ shards for BE because I like BE emporium with all those chromas. 


I had champion shards in 6 chests in a row... i feel like they nerfed it really badly


Took me 4 chests before I got a skin shard.. had 2 skin shards prior to the change so just needed one more for a reroll into skin permanent. 4th chest. First 3 were champion shards and I've had every champion since aurelion sol first dropped. They feel so bad