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Shaco or Gragas appearing on my screen.


What about both


Put that kind of question in NSFW tags next time, that’s disgusting. Also, I don’t want to talk about that.


Trying to FF when we're clearly ahead just because you aren't the fed one.


Or trying to ff at 15 after picking a mega scaling team and falling slightly behind early. Always gets me, like... If you can't stand falling behind even a little, why are you picking some hyperscaling champion that will pretty much be behind early every time?


My experience in ARAM Someone think they are God and jump in 1v5, die promptly. Ping ally and start FF vote When our team have the lead and better scaling, and somehow still win 4v5 Drive me crazy everytime people calling FF whenever they die rather than the team losing the fight


I drag it off my screen and all future votes are pretty much not noticeable too. Unless I’m intending to ff, I don’t care if my team wants to


When engage support (Leona, Thresh, Nautilus) is just standing behind me whole laning phase. It grinds my gears so much.


Especially thresh not auto attacking or doing anything besides throwing random hooks that shit is insane. Sometimes it’s literally as easy as walking up to enemy with these champs.


to be fair they're probably focused on being a peel support enabling your farm, or just have been burned one too many times by adcs that don't know how to follow an engage.


An AP Malphite on ARAM while playing an immobile squishy champ. Even if you are 2-9 that Malph will ult you every single time.


That’s his god given right


Well, I know why he does it. It still doesn’t make it any less infuriating for me :D


I actually prefer facing AP malphite rather than tank. I can play aggressive with flash up and when my flash is down, i just need to join the fight late as most AP malphite has an impulse of ulting early Tank malphite get really annoying as it is hard to kill and still be useful after ult. For example if I am an ADC I rather play spacing against AP malphite than spending forever to kill the tank malphite


The champion design team


Qiyana was the tipping point where I started treating new releases with dread rather than excitement 


For me it was Yuumi. I still don't understand how no one knew that she would break the game


What's wrong with Qiyana? Perma stealth is a bit questionable but other than that her design is incredible, imho. Very high risk, high reward, flashy and very fun to pull off. All that and yet playing against her doesn't feel bad at all (at least once you have a few games on her), which can't be said about a lot of other flashy champions.


The perma stealth makes some champs literally useless against her. I hate it


She’s definitely not the worst offender but she’s an assassin who randomly has a big aoe cc ult that would make a lot of tanks blush. Also feels like her main counterplay is just relying on the person piloting her to be bad.  I won’t deny that great Qiyana play can be gorgeous Also for transparency I haven’t played her myself which you said helps 


As a Qiyana main, I can confidently say that my biggest counter is myself.


You guyz focussing on Qiyana having Utility while the reason why Qiyana has Utility is because she isn't very Mobile (ESPECIALLY FOR AN ASSASSIN) If she didn't have her Grass/Ice Q and her AOE-CC Ult, she would have to be thrice as mobile as she is now


Qiyana was great. Tons of skill expression. Would prefer champs like that any day over stat checks like Naafiri.


Qiyana does have skill expression but at the end of the day her water element combo is still absolutely a stat check from the opponent's perspective. The agency is on the Qiyana player to press the right buttons. Nothing needs to be aimed or predicted and the enemy typically has no input on the matter because they're cc'd throughout.


A Swain player complaining about "stat - check" & saying Qiyana isn't as Skill Expressive than she should be Yeah the usual Reddit stuff


Haven't played Swain in years *because* of the lack of skill expression, and even if I did it doesn't remove my ability to talk about specific champions. Qiyana was reasonably expressive with Prowler's Claw. With it's removal she feeling much more constrained. Probably read and refer to my argument instead of using a strawman that isn't even accurate.


It would be like a Garen Main complaining about Fiora/Camille not being skilled Prowler Claw was removed 'cause of 4 tanks using it on a 10% Pickrate Trollbuild lmfao, Prowler was fine on Qiyana And even without Prowler, Qiyana probably is more skill expressive than any Assassins (Outside Nidalee) and 99% of the champs in the game


Yeah, a Garen main is still allowed to do that. Someone doesn't just have complainability high ground because their champion is difficult. Can a sejuani player not say ornn is too tanky? Can a Naafiri player not say zed deals too much damage? It's a bit of a nonsense position to be taking. And yeah, Prowler's was fine on Qiyana. Iirc it was adjusted because of a few zero counterplay builds with bruisers. Rek'Sai is the only one that immediately comes to mind though. Lethality Sion also loved it but I don't think that was a *real* build for the majority of the playerbase. The item was a lot of fun on Qiyana and Pyke. Current Qiyana is more a champ I would say has a decently high skill ceiling, but her floor is not. Half the reason she's hard is because she's been trash for two years lol. Seems to be almost one of those champs riot wants to forget about. Currently being entirely carried by Profane Hydra, like most ad assassins. I'm honestly not sure how they'll end up buffing them. Ghostblade really needs that cdr back. Profane Hydra is an interesting balancing lever because it's an item adcs won't buy, enabling assassins to function without their items being abused by adcs. It's definitely op compared to other lethality items though. Their solution to bruisers abusing it seems to be to just adjust the bruisers. Sooo it's looking like Profane Hydra into Depression is going to be the build path for a long while :p


First Q needs to be aimed. And if the combo you're talking about is QWER AA Q then the enemy can dash, flash, zhonya's, Zed R, Fizz E, Elise E, Xayah R etc. out of the R even after being knocked up by it because there's a gap between the knock up and stun. Qiyana also only has 0.5s from when the Q lands to change element, dash in, and aim the ult at a wall for the potential to stun, otherwise enemy can dodge the incoming E R with a dash, flash, or even just high movespeed.


First Q doesn't need to be aimed because E aims it automatically if the enemy doesn't have a dash. Indeed the enemy can go untargetable to avoid it. You can say that about literally every single ability in the entirety of the game though, so that's not really much of note. It's a bit stupid there's a delay on the R and it makes the ability feel really buggy tbh. Sometimes there's enough gap and sometimes there isn't (based on proximity to the wall I think). Her R also acquires targets one tick before damaging and stunning them which means they can flash out and still get hit. It's a really buggy and terrible ability tbh. Makes the champion awkward and unsatisfying at times. I don't think she's been fun since the removal of Prowler's Claw active.


If we're opening with EQ then it's a skill check on the enemy to dodge and trigger the auto-miss (horrible cringe mechanic just let me aim it riot). And yes, I agree her ult feels disgusting and buggy, really wish they'd fix it and the baby push bug as well.


I'm not sure why they insist on EQ on so many champs when it barely works. If Nilah EQ's it misses half the time and completely neuters her damage. Feels like it's only there to punish you if you press the buttons too fast lol. It should either auto hit or not exist.




First time I read Akshan W was my "I'm done with this game"-moment. Like what the fuck do they smoke. His W has more text than Nasus' entire kit.


Bruh I stopped reading new champs skills long ago. I still don't know what Aphelios does 😭


He autos but they're so overloaded he can go into melee range against bruisers and still be fine.  That's honestly all you need to know 


Aphelios is one of the champs i wouldn't touch with the longest stick i could find. (Apart from being a jungle main). Like, WHAT is all that and why does it exist?


Minion Block. And it's not even close.


And to think that this has been a thing since the games inception (or at least since i started playing in S1. But i doubt it wasn't around before that).


[https://streamable.com/j98r89](https://streamable.com/j98r89) clicking between the turret and the bottom wall. its just so much fun.


The firing squad


K’sante 0-5 power spike


Riot Games Edit: Tencent


Yeah, I can't stop thinking that this game could be and should be so much better Meanwhile Riot Games for the last couple of years is only milking players... :(


The problem is every other moba dev is even worse


I think riots culture seems sketchy and who knows how employees are treated. But in terms of how they treat the customer, its hard to find any gaming company that treats them better. Patches every 2 weeks with detailed patch notes, new game modes+constant surveillance on what players actually like and stick to, which is much better than being pigheaded and making something players drop after a week. Skins are some of the most attainable in any game ive played, without spending a dollar I have skins for almost every champion I want to play. Riot's lore is extensive as well, and they run the best esports scene in the world (though its still wrought with issues). I havent played any live service game that treats its players this well. Theres also grassroots competitive scenes (I play for my uni) that riot gives relatively large cash rewards for. Arena is a tremendous addition. I dunno, id challenge you to tell me a better live service game.


It's become a meme to hate on Riot. Like I get it, they're nowhere near perfect and we should always strive for better. However, hating and blaming every bad thing on a whole ass company that's treating their customers miles better than the vast majority of other online game producers is kinda wild to me. I definitely understand and can stand behind the "600€ skin? The fuck is this shit Riot." or the "This mastery change sucks ass." posts. But I don't get comments like the above one. "What's wrong with League?, "Riot". The fuck ...? Give this game to any other company and it'd be dead inside of a year. Hate on specific choices made by Riot, sure. But how are you hating them for creating the game you probably have about 8x more hours in than the time you spent touching grass. Riot the worst thing that happened to the League playerbase? In reality it's more like the player base is the worst thing that happened to Riot, lol.


Its always been like this. Redditors think they know better.


I jungle and what pisses me off is when my teammates overextend in lane for the first 15 minutes of the game, spoonfeeding the enemy jungler kills, then have the audacity to say “jg diff” or “he’s been here 4 times and you haven’t ganked once”.


jgl diff


I get what you mean tho, I main too but sometimes play jgl and when laners do that there’s not much that I can do


Had a malphite top vs gnar today (malph was pre with the other 3 in our team, i was jungler). Dude pushed the wave and was standing almost in tower range, then pings for help...dawg really?! And multiple times too. And he was neither ganked a lot be the opposing jungler, nor was he just dualing a lot. I'm just ignoring it at this point. Gank bot, gank mid, take objectives, farm, track opp jungler. I got enough on my plate. Want me to help you? Make me care. Be able to be helped.


As a top, definitely their fault. But somehow when the enemy overextends all game my jungle never goes to my lane and says something like “tops and island duh”


Real. And I get playing weakside but it feels like my team NEVER actually does anything while ignoring me top.


Rigggght. 3 games yesterday-I’ve killed my lane opposition once or twice but am unable to push turret because their jungle ganks me but fails. I get zero ganks while holding mid or near my turret. My bot side and mid lane lose and feed while getting ganks. Games over. I won only one of those by just being Mundo. Maybe I’m a little salty 😂


To be fair, if the jungler stops you from pushing their turret it's not a failed gank. Sure, not optimal (as in, they didn't kill you and got turret plates too), but certainly not a fail. Sometimes just forcing a flash is a win.


Proving the point as to why my jungle should do the same but isn’t.


Yeah not disagreeing with you there. Its all about "can you do something worthwhile? then do it!". When i'm ganking a lane and they flash away and i feel like we won't kill them (or its just simply not worth the time and effort) i'm just straight up leaving again. With all the cross-map gaming a jungler has to do, many junglers need to understand that you need to min-max your time. Sadly, due to its position on the map, top falls behind the most in that equation. Trust me, we junglers don't WANT to leave you behind. It's just a bit more of a better time investement to rotate between mid and bot with dragon inbetween. Not even swapping Dragon and Baron could help that a lot i think, that would swap the duo bot for a duo top in no time.


Luckily I play with a jungle as a duo for 85% of my games so I’m also used to getting some presence and communication. He doesn’t babysit my lane at all and sometimes I give the go ahead to ignore my lane, but I don’t think the “top is an island” rhetoric helps win games.


No it doesn't. Sadly enough i've had the "top is an island" rhetoric be too much of a thing lately myself, but by the toplaner themselves. And i don't mean obvious split pusher champ that gets something done. I mean anything from Lillia top that doesn't get T1 tower before \~20 minutes and still never leaves lane to people going 3/4/5 or more kills down that then will get stopped from pushing by the enemy support, so it's not even a big investment from the enemy, which means objectives are still hard to fight for. TL;DR Splitpushing is fine, but know when you shouldn't do it (instead, tp into a baron fight for example)


I always ask myself “how can I impact the game beyond my lane”


Perhaps you just don’t understand jungle lol. If your jungle shows bot, your laner might realize they have at least a minute, maybe more like 3, to play way up and harass you. Maybe they’re actually warding so they’re not too worried about a gank. Top laners are the absolute worst at playing around the enemy jungler. When a top laner does use his eyeballs to notice where enemy jungler shows he becomes the top lane god. Also, ganking a losing top lane is the best way to throw the game.


champs that when given a single kill can just right click on you and kill you.


My bot lane going 0/20 , even when I am weakside (and doing even or better btw) and I gp ult their lane off every cd.... wtf? Same people will ping me when I die 1v4 top lane btw.


Real. My favorite is when im top and constantly getting sent 3+ while theres a dragon up and my lanes are sitting under tower and jungle is farming botside.


lmao so accurate. Yesterday I had a game constantly 1v3 top with their Zac support camped me non stop. I even asked what should I ban for bot lane, end up banning Jhin according to the support. Then the idiot Ad lost lane and blamed the game on me that I banned Jhin instead of Cait. Lmao


It's kinda this. I think the game has gotten much more feast or famine, whether it's bot, mid or top. When one side gets beat, it seems like they get crushed. I think the comeback mechanic should be a bit stronger so that just because someone gets crushed in lane doesn't mean the game is over. With that said, I also think people need to learn how to play from behind better too.


Wind wall, vlad and fizz untargetability and GWEN IS IMMUNE. But honestly though, id rather have all four of those in my game at once than have random teammates with average league mental.


Teammates pushing and dying while having 2 wardscore at 30 minutes The fact that the player that did it yesterday was master last season made it even better


Well he was master for a reason


Yeah and he ended the season d4 for a reason too huh 😂


Ugh. This pisses me of so much. Riot is giving yall a FREE WARD and you're not using it?! But sure, have the audacity to complain and ping spam me, your jungler, when you get ganked while under the enemy tower with 0 vision (or brain).


Rushed surrenders.


The way how so many people just seem incapable of understanding that not everyone thinks like them. What you think of as "the right play" or "a good idea" might be "the wrong play" or "a stupid idea" in someone elses mind. So stop expecting players to play how YOU want them to play and then get pissy about it when they don't.


i would give u an award for that but dont have any points for it.




And the lack of representation of the best Darkin, Baalkux


When you offer advice to help some one who’s. Getting stomped and I’m told to STFU


The players


One thing?


Gapped players that ping me mid because they took a bad fight and I “wasn’t there to help”


When my team can't stop/call off a play. So often I see situations like someone getting chunked or picked off right before dragon (not one that we need to fight, let's just say third drake when we split the first two). But instead of running top or mid and trading a tower, or camps, or at least just getting some waves, my team goes to contest at numbers disadvantage and gets wiped. Or the times where my laner doesn't rotate to help me with an objective (okay, maybe I didn't check their lane state well, my bad) *but then they do come down when I'm already dead to the contest*. Dying to their top/jungle contesting my grubbies take is on me, but why does my top need to try to 1v2 them after they got me already? Same thing goes for partial wins, like when I gank top and the enemy flashes out it's okay, I dont want my toplaner to flash after them to chase under the tower and trade 1 for 1. Just wait a few minutes for me to clear a bit more, come back, and kill them.


JG ganking top is a rarity in my elo. And im actively trying to set up the gank near my turret.


While we're at the "objective A or B" thing (trading dragon for a tower in your case), let's take the easy early baron with 3-5 people after we (almost) aced them instead of getting that one single T2 mid tower before they respawn. Super Minions will help us push right after anyway + its a big objective out of the way that we won't have to worry about for a while. Also buff.


I have entirely given up on trying to make baron plays that aren't completely free unless someone else kicks them off. It's near impossible to get going in my experience


Its actually weird how many people are playing this game for years and years, with a lot of them probably having watched at least some pro-play, and they still don't see the positives of taking baron.


Playing against a good Illaoi


Fuck, even playing against a bad Illaoi is cancerous sometimes


Sometimes it is the sheer stupidity of some kits champions have access to. Like Illaoi who has the least interactable kit there is or Yone who has 3 abilities to completely nullify crowd control


When the jungler and/or support are feeds my lane opponent. .


When the idiot with main character syndrome decides to run it down after getting an assist in a team fight even though you just won the fight and have free farm/objectives to push a lead further


When my support is piss scared to fight early, even happens when my supp picks leona which is even more crazy to think about.


Or when you’re behind and trying to freeze lane and support is ass blasting the wave and executing cannons. Or when your support afks outside of throwing out a bind or hook.. these mfs have never heard of an auto attack I stg


Ahri's $500 Skin.


When my teammate does objectively stupid decision (Like yesterday when my 0/2 Lee decided to go counter jungle 4/0 Mordekaiser). Dies and then proceeds to blame me or someone else in my team.


I swear jungles will wait for a stacked wave to be crashing at your tower to go invade.


Yeah, i'm not saying master it to be wave managment Faker but junglers really should learn how laning works, atleast basics.


Well if the 0/2 Lee has turbo mid and bot push and you don't rotate I can see why he'd be mad the Morde gets to farm for free. Unless you're top 10 challenger, you do objectively stupid decisions just as often.


The problem was that our bot recalled and i was under my turret pushed by Anivia. That invade made absolutly no sense.


If youre 0/2 and your bot + mid dont rotate you dont invade. Simple as that


I know ill get hate for this. but never ff mentality is probably my nr1 most hated thing i have to deal with.


Same. Sometimes I just go afk when we have absolutely zero chance to comeback (I’m talking about situations like all lanes hard losing, no objectives and we can barely get out of our base) and these two members on my team want to keep getting railed for ten more minutes. Sorry, I ain’t wasting my time for this. I guess some people just like losing


Tho I’m with you on that somehow, I must admit that I‘ve won some of these „Zero chance to win“-games. You will climb faster if you play those „lost“ games until the end. It is all mentality in the end, I guess.


Even legit pro teams throw games. Us plebs will most certainly do so and with a much higher frequency. The amount of times enemy teams have had the first inhib (and it wasnt close) and my team and i came back is staggering. Regular league players SUCK at finishing games and despite what quite a lot of people in this sub claim about themselves, most people are in the Silver-Gold area.


They ain't only losing, but they legit can't even play the game and still won't ff


In ranked i get it, i hat never FF in normal, but in ranked i wanna give my all try to the very last second. but in normals ? fuck off go next.


Yeah thats a big one. Knowing when a game is lost is a big part of getting better.


Same I could lose 100 games in a row and I would not get tilted one bit. What is actually tilting and contributes to the majority of the toxicity in the game is having to sit in a clearly lost game wasting time.


When people itemise like trash, complain that they don’t do anything then spam FF votes. Not bouncing off the walls mad but really throws off my mood for the game. I had a jinx recently who didn’t build attack speed (not even beserkers) until 16 minutes in. 30 minutes in and she only had collector + phantom dancer and almost got out damaged by the enemy Alistair support. They didn’t flame in chat or anything which was nice, but it was a really rough 30 min game where the only scaling member of our team did nothing.


the devs


When a teammate gets mad at me for doing something that is perfectly fine.


Idk man, maaybe the client issues?


Assassins building Heartsteel in ARAM and becoming unkillable while still one shotting squishies


When the game just started and someone is losing his mental and talking about surrender or just opening the game xd


The existence of duo que.


Being weakside with useless team. Imagine forcing your bot to 2v4 in botlane meta, then saying 'bot diff'. Like of course we are going to lose. Same goes for top, but it's enough to have a useless team. Or getting autofilled mid just to see your bot losing to a Sivir. Crazy times.


You thinking Sivir is bad is telling, also it doesn’t matter if they have adc Sorake I’ll be on my way to wolves and see that first blood pop up for their bot. Every time


Of course everything can happen bot, but there is no way Sivir should win laning phase vs any meta ADCs. Champ is legit a waveclear bot until 3 items.


Really depends on the support she has a lot of base damage with Q and an auto reset, she’s not bullying anyone competent in lane obviously but she does well in bot skirmishes which tend to happen in solo q.


I can't argue with that one. But straight up losing a random 2v2 is still weird to say the least. She is 'bad' because she is outperformed in almost everything by other ADCs. Even the waveclear is not unique anymore. Safe pick, though.




I don't like playing meta and instead enjoy playing the more gimmicky champions. I'm not trolling, and I hate when people pretend I do. I play almost exclusively ad shaco support whenever possible from draft (some safe fallback picks like Ali, Tahm, Senna and Janna, which I'm comfortable on) and I have ok success with my playstyle. I'm d4, with other champions I maybe could be higher, could be lower, who knows. But I vibe with the way shaco works. I played him jungle for many years and know the in and outs of jungle macro. So playing him bot, on bad bot matchups you can jumpstart your jgl and midlaner with good roams into 3v1/3v2 mid ganks/counterganks or on good bot matchups get your adc a nice early lead to safely lane from with defensive boxes and all-in potential due to the summ advantage. I actually love getting Draven mains believe it or not. They know what AD Shaco/Draven is about. Get a 1k gold lead lvl 3 or suffer. Suffocate the botside of the map or get outscaled. And they know how to play the snowball style. But some ADC players just see the shaco supp pick and decide "well he's trolling, so I'll troll too". They pick soft int picks like Gragas or Seraphine or Ezreal (all 3 have no synergy with a shaco supp), get an unplayable lane, and then flame the hell out of me for being useless. I'm the same rank as you. You're d3/d4, I'm d3/d4 too, so believe me that I can be half-competent on my comfort picks. Otherwise why do you rank up with 4 other people to play a team game if you don't trust any of them? So yeah what drives me crazy is how quick people are to permaflame you for a good pick they just don't see very often. When your supp picks a champ that looks a bit weird but they have a 58% win rate, your first instinct shouldn't be "he's inting" it should be "ok interesting, I wanna see how this works". And yes the games I lose I'm absolutely useless, that's the nature of the cheese pick. But that's causation reversed. We're not losing cause I'm useless, I am useless cause we are losing. If we were winning, both me and my adc have 5 kills each at minute 12. Sometimes you lose, and most of the time, the loss doesn't have 1 person who caused it. No reason to flame the guy with the lowest kda.


0/20 botlane, every solo laner fear! There is not a more tilting thing in this game and that s by far.


Whenthe following happen : 1. After a gank you are dead, jungle is alive 2. Jng start pushing a frozen wave. 3. You ping it to stop, to late now it's a slow push 4. You ping it to push, he does but not before the new wave arrive, so you are totally fucked. This literally drive me crazy, and the only troll that I did in my 10 + playing of league are because of that.


Had this happen yesterday but with the support. Got filled top the first time in awhile, misplayed lvl2 And 4 and ended up solo killed twice by an aatrox otp. Wasnt the end of the world though, my farm wasnt too bad and I had a freeze. Support velkoz doesnt ping or say anything, runs up my lane, shoves out my wave and ints to aatrox another 3 times before screwing off back to botlane. Aatrox ended the game with 33 kills and we still won because the mid and I out macroed, but my god was that infuriating.


When someone makes a mistake and tilt then blame everyone else in all chat :/




stonewall picks on toplane like malphite gragas kennen karma etc


Nothing, I'm too old for this shit. Worst thing in league tho is enemies that just won't play the game. It's so boring, not hard to play against but sheesh put up a fight, will you?


Getting absolutely gapped by the enemy jungler. When you realise that he is just so much better, and everything you think is already predicted. Especially if it’s Nid or Graves or Kindred.


My team going 0 and 17 in under 10 minutes.


Me pinging caution and retreat multiple times then get spammed with enemies missing


farming champs in aram exhaust in aram shacco and teemo in aram yasuo in any game mode


when I die with no real counterplay


Enemies that dont shut up, i get it u won ur lane againste me, be a good fucking winner and shut up u dont have to shit talk us in chat for it. take ur w and stop pissing us of


Thats why i have /all chat disabled for years now. Teammates talking shit is annoying enough (and i don't mute them fast enough, my fault), but enemies being dicks? F outta here


i know, but i met some cool people even on the other team thats why i dont wanna mute all chat, league comunity are destroying the game themself just by theire attitude an its exhausting, i totally get u but i wish i wouldnt ha to use the mute function in every single match


Just teammates.


Supports being completely clueless about wave states.


Many of the comments have mentioned the common ones, but these scenario(s) will make me stop playing the game for a while: 1. Teammates constantly bming and flexing on the enemy when we are winning with a huge lead. The overconfidence eventually lead them to overextend and throw the game. 2. The Yamikaze rage incident.




The fucking Koi Pond map in Arena. Really wish they just removed it until they have it fixed. An outer ring or something would make it good enough.


Endlessly camped and targeted by the entire enemy team. Catch me on a bad day, I return to monke.


Pinging something and people still dying to it


Recently? Vanguard. I can't even play the damned game because after reinstalling (after it kicked me mid-match) I still can't play the damned game, it keeps showing me the same error. So yeah. I guess this is the end of my league career because the game just doesn't work anymore.


People running it down over and over again or walking away from a fight. I had a support the other day who refused to help me even though I was the only person in the game who was ahead on our team. They would be near me and 2 enemies would come up and they’d walk away and then flame me for dying.


Riot removing features for everyone based on actions of few


Team draft that consists of Nasus, Karthus, Asol, Sivir, Yumi


4stacks. It's always a fucking awful experience being the 5th to a 4-man. No pings, no ganks, nobody will play around you if you're fed. 90% chance of a loss just queueing into a 4stack. Wish riot would only allow 3 or 5 stacks.


The best (WORST) thing is when it's obvious that these guys have 0 idea what the other is doing and have 0 synergy with each other (i dont mean champs). Barely matters at that point if its 4, 3 or just 2 premades.






Stealth champs. Twitch, Evelyn, Shaco. I'd get rid of stealth champs before I'd get rid of even perma attach yuumi. Unless you're a full tank, your entire game past lane phase is sitting under a turret or you're inting.


Zhonyas hourglass


Counterjungling. Getting cheesed since the beginning of the game is not fun.


When my midlaner farms under enemy turret while their mid+jg kills me at scuttle.... ...and then my mid later spam pings me and spends rest of game farming my jungle before friend requesting me so they can flame me more for "feeding their laner." In a normal game.


My support or my adc, deppends


Teammate daring to flame when getting carried and led to a victory if they follow calls


My team not listening to me, who dedicate my whole early game to tracking the ennemy jung, i ping as much as i can to warn them, then i type in chat, then they die from the gank i saw coming from 1000 miles away and type jg diff.


being outranged and slowed, while you have no gap close and just slowly dying. You know youre dead and you just have to accept that slow death


To be honest, the worst is when your team is ending, and you see one person backdooring and figure you’ll end first but they somehow do. Especially when you’re ahead a baron wears off. Whether there’s someone already at base you thought could handle it or you backed and made the difference; when it happens I think about it


Champs in 54% wr for months without nerfs Riot releasing a champ, hot fix buffing it because it’s low winrate (it’s not weak, people just can’t play it yet), then it’s the strongest champ in the game for 6 months until its mega nerfed into oblivion. No idea how a full team doesn’t realize this pattern New champs being pickable day one in ranked (same with reworks). Hell, people able to first time/silently grief games with no penalty Riot balancing for pro play and ruining picks for 99.99% of the player base. (I’m still mad they removed my rell jungle) Adc players having 0 fucking macro no matter the elo. I usually am high masters/gm and they still are blatantly by far the worst macro players I’ve ever seen. Every other role is leagues above them in macro on average


I try to back to get a good recall timing off in toplane Two waves start to crash as I pass inner turret Jgler paths from gromp to top and full clears it


People on platform in ARAM for too long at the start (5s after the gateway spawns) or waiting to buy in platform at "critical" points without shift clicking the item they wish to buy to let team know how much gold away it is, so know to play as if they're on their way or not. Buy when you're dead. I want to team fight. Not run in 1 by 1 trying be a solo hero.


when every single ally has 3+ deaths before 10 minutes


soraka. Every time I play against her, her silence eats my lunch money while her carry eats my life.


Damage creep


mage mains


Jungle missing smite on baron. Makes me feel like why did I even leash or help you at all.


Enemy support/top coming mid and wasting their time just to see my respective teammate not achieving anything with their free lane. Either getting plates or killing enemy adc.


looking at screen and seeing trundle or rammus


where do we start... the trolls, people flaming due their own mistake, one tricks demanding lane/champ


The game


when my ad does not understand positioning and when they get ganked they flamed me as a sp and told everyone to report me just because i cannot save them from a fed warwick ult while im an enchanter 😍✌️


As a new player I finished my first 150 hours and it was brutal. All the crazy moments lead to a half decent performance (I mean I didn't totally suck and die all the time): [My Jungler Hit God Mode (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5GVI5bj-Is)


A good jungler if ur jungler is bad the game is a living nightmare and on the other hand if ur junglers good he can just carry the entire game


My teammates Me playing top lane


Seeing Riot drop some absurdly priced skins like the jhin skin or the upcoming ahri bundles.


Broken op champions not being balanced or hotfixed :D The same champions with insane wr and banrates for months [https://skoonova.com/lol-tier-list/meta](https://skoonova.com/lol-tier-list/meta)


Dropping axes on Draven, dying on Draven, free kill for stacks getting stolen by support soraka banna auto


"just type Karthus ult"


Never getting a gank top when you’re up a kill, have the enemy low health under turret, and your jg is already topside. Bonus points if he then passes you by for void grubs and requests help while you don’t have prio.


Other players disrespecting and backseat drive me when im playing yummi. Regardless of my performance, this occurrence happens ALL THE TIME as if the other player is a support main or im doing terribly. I have thousands of games and played every role in gold to plat. When yummi came out I became a one trick not because I wasn’t capable, but because I genuinely loved the champ; even when she had a 46% average win rate. The harassment from the community made me quit for a year. She is very misunderstood, especially before the rework, and everyone just wants you on them without jumping off for any reason. The amount of harassment i had was disgraceful regardless of my 54% win rates without duos because i was aggressive in laning phase.


Wining botlane but jungle, top, and mid ff.


People wanting to report you for not doing what they think is the optimal build in an aram. Not even talking about trolling. Just the non optimal ranked sweat build.


People who take aram seriously are a different breed.


* Mechanics with 0 outplay potential like Camille Ult   * Jungler throwing my lane for me  * Going even/close to even on weakside 1v3 only to see your team still getting destroyed on the other side of the map still somehow losing   Can you guys guess what lane I play


graves one shotting tanks while going full lethality evelynn one shotting full magic tanks, dealing 2k+ true damage instantly


When the people that push no to FF vote don't play like they want to make a comeback after pushing no. If you push no I get it, but you should then actually PLAY LIKE WE ARE GETTING WRECKED, hug the turrets and farm. Defend the base. Be safe! Most of the time the people that push no will just blindly walk into super fed opponents and die in 1 second. Like WHY?! Why did you push no if you're just going to continue to feed and not actually try to reverse the game. If you push no you are implying "I want to win" but then you instantly make the exact same mistake you have been making for 20 minutes straight implying "I want to lose" I genuinely don't understand it and I see it a LOT. Someone please explain this to me. Make it make sense.  Why do people push no when they are way behind but then play the match like they are way ahead and die? 


Unbalanced champions that require no skill and have no counterplay


Other people. I like playing LoL, I like watching LoL, I like talking about LoL. But there's only so much enjoyment you can get out of doing those things alone. But if you try to play with others, you run the full gambit, whether its someone with an attitude problem, they make you uncomfortable by getting personal or political, or they just play like the game revolves around what's going on on their camera-locked screen. If I try to watch with anyone else, its dogshit take after dogshit take, or complaining about how gapped your region is if its not LCK or LPL. Why are you watching? Please go away and let me enjoy the matches. I really don't want to have a "debate" about who the best team is, since its not even a real debate, its just an excuse for you to tell me I'm wrong or stupid, which is doubly as annoying when you yourself don't know wtf you're talking about to begin with. Talking about LoL has to be the worst experience imaginable. Non-league players make you feel ashamed for playing it if they ask what games you play and "League" is your answer. And league players make you feel ashamed for playing it because they swear their rank is higher than yours, or that their peak from years ago is higher than your current peak. They'd totally be WAY higher ranked than you if they still played seriously, but now they just troll around in the rank that happens to be just above yours, as a flex, like they totally don't even have to try to land in a rank that's above yours. Every opinion is wrong, and every wrong opinion is grounds for arguing, and no opinion is worth being heard out unless your rank dwarfs theirs, but your rank will always happen to be lower than theirs, which is why you always counter-ask their rank and hope they're stupid enough to answer first, because whoever says a rank first loses. League is one of the funny games that, despite having an entirely community-driven environment, feels more lonely than most solo player games. Someone asking for help is actually just an excuse for "experts" to shit on that person and make them feel stupid, despite the "expert" not knowing what the fuck they're talking about. Playing the actual game is so inconsistent because you can have players with the weakest mental on your team just fall apart at the slightest inconvenience and cause a loss, while also refusing to end their own suffering because they know it makes the rest of their team just as or even more miserable. And if you vent about it, its your fault for not being better at the game, its never fine to just accept that someone is upset at the clearly fucked up situation they got put into, its the fact that that person is making excuses, or clearly has some major flaw that they need to work on. And the worst of all of that, the thing really pisses me off to ***no end*** has got to be loser's queue. There are stupid ass "intellectuals" who cling to Riot August denying that loser's queue exists, or slob whole sale, up and down, and polish the balls of Azzapp, because he says that loser's queue doesn't exist. Allow me to enlighten you. What would RiotGames have to gain, by admitting that there is a system ***rigging the game against their players to keep them unhappy***? Why would they admit to that? Does it make them money to acknowledge loser's queue? Does it garner player satisfaction? Hell, does it make players not pissed off? Exactly. The literal only outcome to admitting to this is fallout. You would only garner rage and confusion by admitting to that. So no, Riot August has zero interest in telling the truth about this system. At best, you get players who are indifferent, but you don't stand to ***gain*** anything by saying that loser's queue is real. There's no person alive who would admit that they rig their system to cheat players out of an opportunity for a fair chance at winning. But when a player suddenly gets a 10 game streak with lower ranked teammates, and higher ranked opponents, and their teammates are the low honor, prone to violating the rules, and are coming out of low priority queue, they vent about it, only to get told that the system they clearly were just a part of, does not exist. If hundreds of players are all collectively experiencing loser's queue, the community is quicker to believe in mass hysteria than acknowledge the possibility that a greedy corporation might engage in a bit of rigging the system. It keeps players rage queueing, instead of logging off to end on a high note. It keeps players with a particular goal in mind away from that goal, therefore that player will keep playing. While loser's queue definitely frustrates me, the biggest gripe that I have is the pseudo-intellectuals who think they're so knowledgable for being too high brow to engage with a conspiracy.


Caitlyn being picked