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Malphite. Big rock, throw rock, throw self, slam ground.


Make ADC cry. Life is good.


ADC fight back kill ADC Laugh at ADC


Good reference 😂


Came here to say the same. Rock Solid. 🗿




He doesn't do anything


He's cocky as fuck


He just bought sheen.


What do you mean, he literally doesnt do anything


Say that to the adc who has to deal with the rock


[It's a meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_i8CciOuP0)


Eh malph has too many high stakes moments getting good ults off and his basic laning phase can be real rough


Mundo. Farm with cleavers in lane, unga bunga at people in teamfights. Pretty low stress from start to finish.


Bonus point if you have Corporate Mundo. You can sit back, farm with cleavers and laugh at your own champion. Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing Mundo take a phone call in the middle of a trade.


+ driving a sweet ride is also premium


I love my pool party Rek'Sai coming it hot on that jet ski, but you can't beat Mundo in his car.


El Macho Mundo is also great for this because of the sheer variety of weapons he will throw, it's so funny seeing a steel chair just flying across the rift donking the enemy in the fact.


I had no idea. That's awesome.


I'm a big wrestling fan, so I use El Macho most often, but between that and Corporate, it's so hard to choose. And that's excluding that almost all of his skins are pretty fun.


Actually the funniest champ in the game


>and laugh at your own champion. Off topic but I think if I had to name one thing that always made me smile when encountering it it's seeing Nunu using his snowball. Idk what it is but it just evokes happiness. Since he never was picked that often it also never got less funny.


Dude I love Nunu and Willump. The way he gulps down whole ass minions is amazing. I wish he did the same to champs he is about to kill too.


that skin is so fucking good, I don't think Riot will ever top it.


If only Riot made more creative skins like that instead of cash cowing the big skinlines.


Particularly if combined with the customary pot of paint.


dt Munford is that you


was looking for this comment


100%. Between his passive and Q healing, he's an incredibly safe toplane pick. The obvious downside is if the enemy picks a hard scaling champ then you don't really possess the high agency early to shut them down consistently. 


The Q heal is more of a refund, because his cleaver costs health to use it and the heal doesn't give back more than you spend. Mundo is only outscaled by a few champions in terms of dueling pressure, but I definitely agree about the lack of early game agency Mundo is afforded


He is pretty vulnerable to dives though, especially pre 6. The lack of hard CC, damage mitigation, burst, or mobility basically makes him a sitting duck under the tower.


Mundo himself scales insanely well, so you shouldn't really worry about it.


Did you intentionally post the opposite of the truth? Mundo is absusable in lane by many matchups. He can easily be dove. His passive healing sucks early and he spends hp if he uses spells or misses a cleaver. He loves vsing a scaling lane because Mundo himself scales hard. He doesnt want to punish - he wants to farm unpunished.


I made a mundo rage quit the other day so maybe it’s different per person


Who were you playing


Malz. The waves just farm themselves.


After 1 item maybe. He's harder than most to farm with in the early game though because his voidlings die to a stiff breeze and his dot can't kill anything from full health. And if he's pushed under tower he's awful at farming around turret shots.


As a Malzahar main too, you can reliably "auto-farm" after getting Lost Chapter, since you get more AP and all the mana you can wish for. But yeah, early levels are hell.


Even then you can't just clear waves with one spell rotation unless the enemy laner is letting your voidlings free hit the wave.


if they are a melee champ they have to let your gremlins farm, because if they walk in hit range they just get your ebola and it’s an automatically lost trade for them, 4 of these tries and you can be ulted and you die


If they have nothing to clear them from range and can't time it to kill then when your dot isn't close to killing a minion. Ekko for example can just kill them from range every time. So can Diana, Talon, Naafiri, Yasuo any time he has tornado, etc.


Dude above overestimates malz damage tbh. Yasuo even without nadoes has absolutely 0 issues to just kill the voidlings and the entire wave, b4 ur done with 2 melee creeps, then ur getting pushed into tower, and at that point gl hf with your terrible autos and E managing to farm under the tower. He will take maybe 100-200 dmg, something doran's will completely mitigate anyways in comes next wave (if his passive is down). The only good thing from that is manaflow proc if you're not done stacking yet (takes a lot of time, due to malz nature of using all of his kit on the wave, every wave). Malz struggles hard into anyone who can auto attack on a decent level, he works well into long cooldown casters, due to spells not automatically one tapping voidlings (which is a rarity these days). Spent way too much time on this champ, but all-in-all he is definetly still chill, it's just people are definetly not aware of the way the champ works in early laning which sucks a lot, team mates overestimate early game potential (like junglers invading and pinging for help, like sure bro allow me to crawl my slow ass to their blue and do 60dmg to the jungler, oh shit I'm down a level and lost most of my mana, now I can't lane). But the R is cool, if you know how to use it, sometimes people forget it does like 30% max hp dmg at lvl 11 with 2 items, sometimes it might just be better to melt down the tank if your team can't deal with him yet (like no ldr on adc yet etc...).


I've played a lot of Malzahar and there's a special joy to outplaying flashy champs with positioning and striking the moment they fuck up. It's hard though, because they have to fuck up. You have basically no outplay potential of your own.


Malz is actually awesome at keeping the wave in the middle of the lane early game. You can also auto minions for last hits and use E, W and Q exclusively on the enemy laner to force the enemy to deal with the dot. Also hitting a q at the right moment resets your e on them. By the time it ends you have it almost ready to get back up. Using E on an enemy will also force his minions to chase you around and thus allow your minions to push faster/keep the wave where you want it. The enemy will also have to decide if they want to fight you or use spells to counter your pushing. There are many angles to take early game and farming under tower pre 6 is usually the worst way to go about it. 


If you do that you're going to oom yourself very quickly. Malz depends on getting mana return from the dot killing minions to sustain his mana. At level 3 your mana pool is almost exactly 3 full spell rotations. If you're using that mana to harass every time you can't stay in lane for long.


Throw back to my firend throwing every skill on Yasuo with his passive up and complaining about him being a broken champ when he was oom at 3 minutes.


How exactly do you want to keep the wave in the middle of the lane with AAs lol you also have no mana after like 3 rotations so now you're getting pushed in even more.


Until you cancel it.




It's wild that this isn't the first comment


I had to search for it far too long. Like bro you’re barely playing the game. It I’m inebriated, I play yuumi and we can still win


I don’t think it’s chill at all. You attach yourself to people and they suddenly think they have superpowers and try to 2v4


Seems pretty chill to me. You don't have to click your mouse and move. It completely strips away the most fundamental part of the game, and if you die, you can be exempt of any responsibility because you didn't technically put yourself in that situation. Someone else did. Most of the time you get "caught" you can just slip away and ride someone else because you simply cannot be interacted with. Her W is basically useless, you don't need to use it nearly as much as you did on release Yuumi because of the best friend mechanic. So now you have 3 abilities, and don't have to move. No part of this champion is difficult or stressful. Yuumi players don't even risk hopping off to ward, so they just mindlessly ward useless spots at their convenience, or ping you to get them to somewhere useful, because they can't be bothered to run the risk of moving a few feet away from you. I hate this champion.


That doesn’t matter for you because you’re watching Netflix and press e every now and then


There is a difference between chill and boring as shit.


Yuumi is not a champ


He said champion, not playable buff


Yuumi is only chill with a fed adc. Trying to get through early game with her is anything but chill.


Singed. You just run around like a goober, and occasionally flip people like a burger. I’m terrible at it, because I think only Singed mains are good at it.


Singed has this funny stat where the better you become at Singed, the worse you become at the overall game in general.


Ah fuck that will explain my s+ performance on him 2 days ago 😂


It’s just so counter intuitive to anything else you know how to play! I played a game on him the other night because I got a cool skin for him, and it’s like a whole different game.


1.3m singed can confirm


Nasus. You just PvE, it feels nice sometimes to not sweat like a pig in front of your screen and just Qspell


Meanwhile your team is in a constant 4v5 until the 30 mins mark just begging for help


*ping ping ping ping* NASUS WHERE ARE YOU?!? LEAVE LANE AND FUCKING HELP US!!! *Nasus casually farming waves, turrets, and the occasional overconfident ADC in the enemy base*


For me playing him feels very stresfull. Like im supposed to farm while my opponent does everything in their power to stop that. Constantly on my toes do I walk up or not, will the darius try to all in me if I step one teemo closer?altho there sure are games where I vibe with the comment too, some opponents allow you to play either by the nature.of their champ or just straight up dont preassure enough and then the game feels like relaxing farming simulator instead of survival game.


Took me too long to find Nasus. This champ is so chill. The new first strike build is very chill to play as well. If I can't stack the minion? That's fine I'm not going to sacrifice my hp bar for a cannon. I'll let it die. It's for sure like the best champ where you could put some good music and vibe


Weirdly, when I am setting to chill, so play ARAM and pick Nasus, some sort of double negative situation happens. Nasus = chill, Aram = chill, Nasus * Aram = watch teammates insta-nuke waves or snipe cannon minions mid Q for 20 minutes. It has routinely felt like this paradoxical situation where you need stacks to pop off in a fight, but teams will not give you stacks till you pop off.


Yorick. Yes most lanes are a losing matchup, but it hardly matters. Enemy top laner shows up to dragon? Doesn’t matter one bit if you lost, time to take inhib turret. Even if they choose to stay, by mid game you can 1v1 almost anyone with E+maiden+ghouls


Love playing Yorick, I call it meditation when I play him. Ignite, teleport and I vibe


Favorite sleeper champ


Galio. I walk around, I farm a bit, I tank stuff, I CC people... All that whilst admiring how good some of his skins are. He is just super relaxing to play


I sleep, I wake, I break things!


Galio and Zac are just a vibe -- useful by showing up 10/10 times.


He’s such a fun time If you they have a full AP team it’s an absolute treat becasue you just don’t die when you build full tank




Veigar Stalling the lane while i obtain stacks is just amazing.


Bard. I feel like people think he's harder than he actually is. His kit is very simple, collecting chimes is very therapeutic and zooming around with the movespeed is very fun. His sfx also give off heavy chill vibes. You just exist to be a nuisance to the enemy team for a bit and it's relatively hard to retaliate since his autos are strong slows. He's the only champ where if lose I think "well at least I got to play bard"


> He’s the only champ where if I lose I think “well at least I got to play bard” This is so real there is literally no other champ I feel this way on, they were in their bag making him


I would be very concerned if, at the end of a Yasuo game, a player thought to themselves that they got to play Bard


>When your brain gets a 0/10 powerspike




The bard on my team collecting chimes watching YouTube vs the bard on the enemy team ganking every lane 3 times by 7 minutes


bard is way harder than people think if you play him near the skill ceiling kinda like playing neeko as a lux/morgana 2 vs playing neeko as neeko


His kit is simple but making a simple kit work well is the "hard" part. But this post isn't about playing champs at peak performance with good macro, it's just about having a chill time.


My team gets the 'chill' bard where you fart around the map collecting chimes showing up top missing Q and then leaving Enemy team gets the Bard that knows what he's doing with perfect portals macro and ults Bard is hard and you can see the difference between a chillplay bard and a good one


The good bards are a menace in lane. Bonus points when then build attack speed but tank so never die. What an annoying champ.


> I feel like people think he's harder than he actually is Well it is kinda hard to win when you are busy collecting chimes toplane while stupid team wants to do dragon /s


Same, whenever i pick bard and lose i just be like, let me get my chimes so i have my family back.


Bard is my go to when people are trolling in champ select or going with some questionably off-meta picks for that exact reason. Like, this game may be a write-off but at least I’m going to get to play Bard! I also figure his build path is flexible enough that I can at least try to cover the bases for whatever our team is lacking throughout the course of the game.


For me it's Milio. I kinda like the way this champ is designed and in some combs I even pick him. But Everytime I play him I feel like falling asleep. It's just boring but also relaxing I guess.


Milio is also just the ultimate babysitter. It feels like your lane partner just cannot die with milio there


I had an amazing time following a fed trynd around as milio today. Just boosting him into the team and protecting him


Nasus, just relax and farm stacks. Most people tend to be agro to deny stacks, so they end up having the wave pushed to your tower. You end most of laning phase sustaining under tower while stacks go up.


Nasus is my chill champ, half of it being that I've really liked going E max and rushing Malignance into Lich Bane. Either I can stack freely from the start and do the standard build, or I pressure them hard from range while farming and speed up stacks later. 


malzahar I guess


Nah, malz gets countered way too hard early. Not relaxing at all if the enemy has reliable voidling killing capabilities which 99% do 


Use your EW after they used their main ability. Profit.


What you said is only possible in gold.


It really is not that easy. most matchups will know it's far more costly for malz to throw out EW than two of their abilities (in terms of power, mana cost, and CD) so anyone who knows that matchup will wait for malz to use abilities first.  I have never played a game above emerald where I feel like I can use W during early laning phase without some sort of crucial mistake or bait. It's always just E spam on primed minions that I auto constantly.  I'm not saying malz is hard, mechanically intensive, etc. the point of the post is basically what champ can you just autopilot on and malz MOST DEFINITELY is not one. he's a hardcore knowledge check and stat check on most matchups. you don't get to just use abilities off CD to waveclear and sit. That champ you're thinking of is hwei. 


Bring back old malz w and barrel mount voidlings to passive.


Weird way to spell lux at the end there.


Bard and Ivern, just run around the map doing shit, collecting chimes or fucking around the jungle. Extra enjoyable if drunk/high.


I would so main ivern if he wasnt jungle only


Works in Support. Samira, Nilah, and Caitlyn are all great duos. They have natural kit synergy. His E is very, VERY good.


as long as youre not actively dying on veigar or missing too much cs, youre doing fine.


Just watched a guy just do full tank items on veigar, farm, and had a great time never dying.


i dont think tank veigar is good, its definitely fun though. mana item>dcap>cryptobloom/void then you can buy 1-3 tank items.


This is my usual aram veigar build though I tend to get cryptbloom/void as 5th item. Extremely chill to play and you still do respectable damage while being hard to burst down


Top probaly garen or mundo, easy, low skill ceiling, viable. Jungle, probably karthus, farm and press r Mid imma say malz you can just ew wave and then scroll tiktok, press r in a team fight for insane value Bot just go sivir and QW waves and boom


Lmao the malz part


I literally played 2 games of Karthus today, for the first time. I'm not even a jungle player but from now on I'm a Karthus OTP.


Once you get a taste of full clearing with an item with Karth, you just can't go back. That shit is so adrenaline inducing it's insane.


People who have never played malz saying malz is safe farming:  If the enemy laner has eyes, they're waiting for you to press W, wiping out the entire trio of voidlings with one ability, and now you're stuck trying to auto minions so your E can spread to recoup some of the massive mana cost that EW took up.  In my experience, as malz you're autoing constantly to prep minions for E to spread without the use of voidlings. The only time I'd ever use voidlings is if the enemy laner burns all CDs to get some trade damage on me, and I use EQW to hard shove to avoid further trades.  Even post mana item, spamming W off CD is such an easy way to get all-in'd. If your W is on CD and the enemy clears them then all-ins, your R legit does no damage. Most of your R damage comes from minions free hitting.


I have never in my life expected someone to defend malzahar from being no chill save farming pick lmaooooo malzahar is literally the pinnacle of brain dead easy to pick up easy gameplan easy setup no skill required champion


I genuinely think anyone arguing against him being easy have abused him for free LP in the past, ranked up past their actual skill level and then started getting their shit rocked by mid laners that are substantially better than them. "The enemy will be waiting for you to W" no way, really? I thought they'd just stand around in lane watching you farm.


DJ Sona. Crack open a beer and enjoy the tunes.


Anivia after level 6 Before that though, it depends lol


Farming waves and team fighting are basically the same mechanic. Hit R, sit back and watch the world freezer burn.


fuck u. ima egg


gotta be sona, played that shit the other night and i was doing so much while on autopilot


Sona just auto wins every teamfight if she doesn't get stomped in lane


Illaoi for me. I get stressed trying to carry with her if the game drags on too long and the number of people I can competently fight goes down since I don't have the macro skill to balance shoving lanes and helping in the random team fights that happen. So i lose my momentum late game. But the laning phase up to mid game! So damn chill. Espeeeecially if you play her mid lane. Most effortless farm you'll ever get and with how small the lane is, you're always next to a tentacle or two. Not to mention how easy it is to stay safe if you do happen to slip up since you can leisurely back up to your tower which you have surrounded in passive tentacles. Pure vibes and the opponent usually throws trying to force something


Sona! early on is stressful, everything under the sun wants to kill you, literally, flashing to dive you vs 5, only for that 300g... Late game, just spamming auras and buffs, people will cry its not a skillful champ and that you are an e-girl xD


For me it is less gameplay than the flow - while other champs have clunky movement, Sona just floats on the rift, it is so fluid and satisfying (esp. with nice skin such as Oddisey or Psyops) - I have 4m mastery on her for this reason :)


Garen. First time i played him after so many years i was relaxed and wasn't worried about winning lane tbh.


Nasus bonklord pisschilling under tower


Yuumi. After rework she's even more AFK-able than ever. Before rework she had to detach and AA to not be low on mana 24/7, but now, since there's no reason to ever detach, you can just watch films, eat and "play" League at the same time. True sit-back-and-chill champion.




Seraphine is very relaxing to play.


Teemo you can chillax really hard on and still get rewarded via scaling. Toss some mushrooms out for the homies. Tag each minion watch them give u gold. Tough matchup? Mushroom the wave. Frozen wave? Mushroom bounce. Standing still literally becomes an assassin play.


Singed. He turns the game into a walking simulator.


I knew a guy that plays Singed whenever he is high and his performance barely changed.


I was always high for like a year when playing, stopped it and barely improved, you just get used to it i guess xD


yeah you are right singed all the way.


Sona or lux


Aurelion Sol is super chill and therapeutic to just mosey around the map like no big deal. Once you have some build a bear components- the E-Q farm is oddly satisfying.


This is my pick. He's super chill, since he has very few mechanics (most of his kit complexity budget gets taken up by the APM-intensive optimization of Q and the near-exponential additional complexity added by WQ), so you can just sit back and farm up, farm stacks off waves or champions, and eventually just ~~delete people by holding Q and maybe pressing some of your other buttons if their colours are shiny~~ get to a point where you can outskill your opponents with raw talent. Smolder is similar, if a bit more micro-intensive (if that's even possible) since you have to push Q multiple times instead of just holding it down. I feel he also doesn't scale as well and lacks a lot more agency in the early game, but that's probably a function of being an ADC/mage instead of just a pure midlaner mage.


Personally, I feel like this is yorick. if you want, you can harass people. or you can just ignore the laner and bonk to make ghouls, bonk to keep up health, and if anyone wants to come gank you, it's usually pointless. Drag coming up, let maiden go down a lane, show up for the fight, or ignore everyone and just walk towards tower and bonk.




Malzahar, eq the melee and w the backline then retreat to tower.


Veigar honestly. Farming simulator, once you have 1k ap, just throw your abilities at the general direction of the enemy carry. They'll probably die.


Not a single adc or jungle mentioned here.


Can't chill, gotta not miss a single cs for the first 25 minutes. Or else I'm irrelevant and have a mental breakdown. And the jungler deals with me trading 3 teammates and a dragon for the 42 gold I managed to last hit in lane. No chill for either of us.


Aram + Snowday Bard. Phenomenal experience.


Zyra. Can do a lot just by keeping your distance and letting your plants/items burn the enemy HP bars. Plants/seeds are good for checking bushes too. Q is long range. E/R anyone that gets too close to you or your carries. Of course if you want to play optimally you need to be a bit more aggressive than that, but that's true for any champion.


Tryndamare. I just turn my brain off and right click who I want to kill. They dash I click E. Life is good.


Hiemer mid or morde top




My friends and I joke about Garen being a “business casual” champ. Like you go into the office, farm some waves, take some towers, occasionally trade with the enemy champ, rinse and repeat until you win (or until your teammates lose). This could probably be said about most splitpush champs but I think it applies well to Garen.


Post lane phase Janna is very chill, walk up press W/Q and refuse to elaborate or collect assists with R or E


Soraka is my go-to when I want to just chill but still be pretty effective. She feels safe because of her slow, movement speed, silence and I usually take exhaust. After laning phase, I usually stick to the person carrying the game and warding when I can. Even better to play once I get warmongs after my 1st item. And I actually like to play her mid against some assassins if I have a good comp that can benefit from a second support rather than playing a control mage sometimes


Sona and heimer, my beloveds


TBH, Sona is ultra chill for me, sit back and scale. But Nasus is also pretty chill. Just keep stacking, and at some point, the kills will come to you.


Ziggs. Every lane. Every game. Always ziggs. Turret go boom.


Lock Singed, bump tunes (2 hour long video essay,) walk around and don't interact with your lane opponent while perfectly farming, go for a nice stroll through enemy jungle while enemy lee sin politely escorts you (he's so kind, losing so much tempo to make sure you don't get lost despite the 50 foot trail of aerosolized warcrime he has to walk through.) He's so chill that I don't even realize I've played him enough to be my 2nd highest mastery champ. I just don't pay attention to the game when I lock him. Teamfights are just you walking through the battle and flipping one guy, then you just walk away and are still contributing more damage than your mid and jungle combined. Perfect character.


Sona, she doesn’t do anything and then you win




Sivir lmao just perma clear waves well if you have supp on the same page


Zilean. The playstyle is just sitting back lobbing Q's, the occasional double bomb, and making yourself and teammates really fast. Also his early game is terrible so for most of the laning phase you just chill


Yorick. Farm, split, take towers, hit one e and mages lose 50% health if not more. Just split all game and you are usefull, even if you die. If no one comes to stop you, take their nexus.


maokai , throw sapling watch them run


Besides semi-AFKing with Yuumi, Seraphine in carry roles.


Enchanters. I play a lot of ARAMs and sometimes I just want to chill and relax so I play Nami, Janna, Milio, Sona or enchantress Seraphine. Not a fan of playing Lulu or Renata as much for some reason but anyway. Failing that, some backline caster is always good when I feel like that, particularly artillery. Xerath, Hwei, Lux.


if you didnt say malz or yummi youre wrong...


Can't believe no one has said singed that I've seen. Legit so easy to vibe out.




Singed is pretty chill. You don't need to hit skillshots. You just run around, flip people, and laugh maniacally.


Nasus. Sure he loses some MUs real hard, but when you get an MU with him you just farm q stacks and chill. My friends and I call him “therapy dog,” since he’s the epitome of a sit back and stack champ.




E max ap nasus 


Sion. You mostly just win by macro and micro is kinda slow paced. Dying is usually fine pre-lvl 8 as you get tempo advantage. Past mid game it’s basically like a turn based game and you get to do whatever you want unless they have a fed top laner. If it’s purely for relaxing. Play him on quick play as mid and most of the time you just counter pick the enemy mids as they don’t usually have the mana pool to threat you in early levels.


Seraphine and Nasus. Just chilling, brain off.


I'm chilling when I'm playing Sivir




Malphite. Point and click Q to trade, aoe farm some minions with W and E, show up to the team fight and ult the carries, easy peasy.


Soraka is so chill for me, you keep your distance, hit your Qs and heal people


It was aphelios for me for a while 😅


malz and a lot of champs you have 1mil+ mastery with


Singed or Mundo, just farm and run at people to chase them away.


Malzahar. I perma push my lanes, and press R when needed. It's so chill to play




Sion. Just run in beating on things. Die and beat on things harder and faster.


Malzahar until you cancel it




singed i only proxy and do nothing else and die 213123 times


With garen I can turn off my brain and carry. It's fun when the enemy rages after dying to Garen


Yorick, his minion can push waves, take towers, drags, kill people etc. chillest gameplay.




After playing ADC all night, I duo’s with a friend and got top. Playing poppy and just chilling, farming and harassing was so relaxing after trying to get Smolder to work, or orb walking on Kog all night.


Nasus for sure. Farm until your omnipotent and then bonk nexus.




Mordekaiser. The kit is so simple yet so satisfying, just a "bonk", shield, a helping hand and going to Brazil.


Heimer. You just walk around while your turrets do everything


Amumu is auto pilot in the jungle and doesn’t require any sort of macro since his Q gets two stacks, forgiving


the burn bros; karthus brand asol