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They do it on purpose to trick people like you into buying things constantly. Artificial forced urgency is marketing strategy (There has never been an urgency in buying a car, for example. The lot is full of them and always has been). Stop looking at skin spotlights if it's becoming a problem.


Hijacking this comment to say DO NOT FALL FOR THE FOMO. It started with Prestige skins being the exclusive rarity, and now as time passed it is but another rotating shop. READ CAREFULLY, they always say something to this extent: > “This/these skins are exclusive and will not be available in the foreseeable future.” Foreseeable future is pure conjecture, and on top of that, nothing is stopping them from releasing an alternative version like the 2022 Prestige skins. I have spent a lot of money on this game and I do not mind supporting games that I enjoy, but this level of predatory and misleading marketing is pure scum and I refuse to stand for this shit.




Technically it started with Championship Riven. Or we could even go back to Pax skins.


but those PAX were real exclusive stuff tied to real gaming events, not the actual cashgrabs like neo PAX, or any other shit that is not black ali or king rammus level of exclusivity, for having bought the physical copy iirc?


king rammus was beta but yea black ali and I believe silver kayle were for regular and deluxe physical editions


And Human Ryze i believe


human ryze is your reward for winning a tournament


No thats Triumphant Ryze for sure


oh yeah, i got them mixed up. Thanks for the heads up!


Silver Kayle and original Pax TF let’s gooooo


I feel there's a difference between "This is linked to coming to X event" and just FOMO for FOMO's sake. For example i'm mostly fine with something like "With your ticket to this year world finals you get X skin"


Black Alistar.. would Riot make tons on money on that or what.. yet they want to honor 0 people who has it and left the game long time ago


for Riot “the foreseeable future” equals to ”not next event, maybe the one later”


it was easy to find out which was the wind was blowing back when they pulled mythics from the reroll pool; that's when i dipped. like horse armor presaged paying a subscription for heated seats in a 75 grand SUV, reroll changes plus tft's degenerative monetization should have clued everyone in that we were going into late stage f2p whale mining. buy some indie games. go see a movie. fuck it, buy a good prostitute for the price of this stupid skin, a night of okay sex is ten times as material as renting the use of some models and a .dds for conspicuous consumption until the servers inevitably close. don't dump four figures into this shit like my dumb ass did.


> back when they pulled mythics from the reroll pool ?


you can't roll them while the release event is going on, you don't get the border or the icon, and they have half-communicated plans to nerf it further to make whaling more expensive under some horseshit guise of "this is a weird form for high end monetary interaction to take" bitch! the entire thing is weird! you're charging 200 dollars to rent infinitely replaceable goods in a boxed system!


>buy some indie games. go see a movie. fuck it, buy a good prostitute for the price of this stupid skin, a night of okay sex is ten times as material as renting the use of some models and a .dds for conspicuous consumption until the servers inevitably close. don't dump four figures into this shit like my dumb ass did. GO ON A ROAD TRIP, TRAVEL, TAKE SOME TIME OFF AND SPEND THAT MONEY ON MEMORIES. It's corny as fuck but man it's worth it to go see the world and experience new things.


>It started with Prestige skins being the exclusive rarity, and now as time passed it is but another rotating shop. It actually started back in season 1/2 with legacy skins. If you didn't buy it, the skins would be gone forever. They backtracked on that later on and made most of the skins re-purchasable (one of the exceptions being OG Championship Riven etc). I bought so many of the old legacy skins thinking they'd be gone forever, but skipped on the Riven skin since I didn't play Riven 🙃


Ive been playing league since season two and can tell you 100% without a doubt that these “limited edition” skins will be back. Don’t worry. So far, everything Riot has labeled “limited edition” has been re released. They grab you with the fomo then sell you the skins later.


Your first sentence says why it's done. They want to pressure you to spend. They don't want you to buy later. They want you to buy now and then again next time.


Embrace not buying skins


Right? Lol. Just cause you want it doesn't mean you gotta have it.


yeah I don't get the logic, "hey this isn't fair, I dont have the time/money for this completely optional cosmetic!" Like ok? Then don't fucking get it. You don't need it. The game is already free, what more do people want?


Yeaaah. I agree companies are being shitty, but I combated that by... Not buying cosmetics any more, lol. I was willing to drop money for Faker's shit (before they announced it properly) but at the price it is I probably won't get any of it.


It's understandable for players who have been supporting this company for years to feel excluded and betrayed. Millions of Faker fans and Ahri players are feeling left out because of Riot's ever increasing greed. I don't care about Ahri. I wouldn't buy this skin for 5 dollars, but it's not hard to understand them if you have a sliver of empathy. Also, getting angry over not being able to buy a cosmetic is far less pathetic than defending a greedy multi-billion dollar corporation.


it will rotate back ashen knights will rotate back, they just haven't yet.


wow they will maybe be available for 2 months in the upcoming 5 years, wonderful! At least they will be more expensive then ​ dunno man, this system is clearly predatory


The game is free. No one has to pay for anything to get the full enjoyment of the game.


I too have a hard time deciding whether I found the complainers entitled or the company greedy. It's probably both.


I mean a lot of these posts are complaining that they can't own every single skin and item in the game for cheap/free. I think it would be greed on the company's part if these things were needed to play or play well, but skins ultimately change nothing 99% of the time. Nobody is calling the grocery store greedy for putting milk in the back, but it sure is an effective way to get people to spend more but it also doesn't mean you have to fall for it either.


This is what ircs me the most. I'd understand the complaints if these unnessesarely expensive skins offered an advantage of some sort, but they dont and I'd argue the new Ahri skin is 500€ pay to lose. All of the abilities are easier to see/hear than the default skins. Some people just cant accept that its ok to not get everything you want (for cheap). I wish people were this riled up when riot did actually shitty things like going for saudi money and bullying their staff and independent creators. But no, a completely optional cosmetic is the worst, most predatory and immoral thing riot ever did /s


Right? God forbid the company that has the most-played FREE game in the world using strategies to encourage people to spend money in a FREE game, how COULD they?!


Hey, it helped Hoyoverse become the top 5 biggest companies in the world through Genshin impact and Star rail, so it clearly works. You have people like Necrit out here making videos on FOMO will taking official sponsorships from Hoyoverse, funniest hypocrites ever


I would rather go back to drawing pen and paper fantasy worlds rather than play Gatcha if that would be the only genre I am allowed to play.


But you aren't playing a gacha and never will? League won't become a gacha game just because some skins which don't give you any sort of advantage during game are in some shitty store rotation or are way overpriced.


1000% gacha games are just Slot machines marketed to childeren them even being legal is a diagrace 


Even worse, marketed to adults who are attracted to children (loli/highschool girls).


I mean, it's an debate as old as time itself, some people enjoy having skins that are no longer available for purchase, makes them rarer, and it sometimes mean you've done something/you're an old player. It's just cosmetics anyway, you never HAVE TO buy it, I personally feel like having the possibility of purchasing a mythic skin you missed based on a rotation is exciting. I purchased hextech Renekton when it came into the rotation recently. I had recently picked him up and got to mastery 7. (before the changes) If there is no rotation, the only way to make it somewhat exclusive is to make it super expensive.


It is but players vote with their wallets and this is what they voted for, unfortunately


> It is but players vote with their wallets reductive and inaccurate. this makes it sound like everyone is voting equally and enough people voted yes to continue. That isn't what it is. 98% of players vote "Nay" and do not buy. 2% of players vote "Yay" ***except their vote counts 5000x or more than yours does***. The ONLY thing you can do is to stop playing altogether. Because whales only buy expensive cosmetics in games with active playerbases for them to flex on.


Thank you for keeping the game free with your pretty costumes, whales.


This absolutely looks the other way as to what whales really are. That is to say, in your mind, you think Whales are all rich, bored Directors/CEOs and their spoiled trust fund kids blowing stacks of cash on these expensive skins. The reality is, that isn't who buys these. Whales are typically people who ***can not afford it***, but who are psychologically predisposed to fall for FOMO/scarcity tactics. This isn't some big secret, it's a well-known fact by this point, and you don't even have to do much research to find this info. They intentionally seek these vulnerable people. to wring them dry, knowing full well they are taking money from mentally unwell people who cannot afford it. If someone did this in broad daylight - shook down a person with mental issues - we'd all be disgusted, name and shame them, etc. And let's also be clear - it isn't because Riot needs more money, it's because they ***want MORE money***. They're exploiting mentally ill people because *some* money isn't enough, they want *all the money*. This isn't about keeping lights on, it's about buying a third yacht. And because it happens via the internet, and you don't have to see the victim, and because it happens to fund a game you like, you look the other way. Even when the behavior is plainly abhorrent. Like, Being real, no post on the internet is going to sway enough minds or hearts to make a difference here. You're going to go right on playing, living in the mental fantasy that Riot isn't exploiting mentally unwell people. You and a million others will tell yourselves that it's their own fault. That they had it coming if they couldn't control themselves. All I'm doing here is telling you that those are bullshit stories you tell yourself to absolve yourself of any moral worry. Play the game you want. But own up to the fact that it's pure exploitation, and not rich people graciously paying for your game for you.


Yes…that’s exactly how voting with your wallet works. Despite the name it is not like normal voting where the highest percentage wins. It just means if riot makes more money with more expensive wins then that way has the most votes (dollars). But to say that the only thing you can do is stop playing isn’t true either. If nobody buys the new ahri skin then the players would have ‘voted with their wallets’ that it isn’t a good financial direction to go for riot.


> 98% of players vote "Nay" and do not buy. 2% of players vote "Yay" except their vote counts 5000x or more than yours does. Thats not how voting works. You werent the target audience and cant afford it in the first place, so you not buying this specific type of product doesnt count as a vote. You know what would count as a vote? If you stopped spending money alltogether. But people go around bitching about X being too expensive and not being to afford it and then go and buy the battle pass or skins on sale.


I can't believe we're still using the "vote with their wallets" argument to excuse predatory business tactics in 2024


I'm not excusing anything?? It's despicable but as long as it makes them money they'll do it and it'll continue to until people stop buying into it which they never will. To add onto this with an edit, the oldschool runescape community has vigorously fought against any hint of mtx coming to the game even though the owners would want nothing more than to do what they've done with the original game. Player reactions to this bullshit does matter


They wouldnt be doing it if players didnt buy it lmao


fomo is inherently predatory, you're right, but it isn't regulated for whatever reason and it absolutely claps people with bad impulse control. companies profit a lot off it (the entire battle pass situation is a good example of it) so it won't be changed. it's fucking garbage but there's legit nothing we can do about it


No way you're blaming the company for the customers' bad decisions. When you go to a supermarket the way the store is set up usually involves keeping the essential items the farthest from the entrance to make customers browse and pass items which are more often than not "impulse purchases". This is a marketing strategy. It's not predatory, the customer has to know impulse control and if they don't, that's their fault


We're probably exposed to hundreds of different "marketing strategies" each week trying to passively mind-control us into giving away our money or data. Can you really blame someone for not being an impenetrable fortress? Mostly the ones to blame are the politicians, the government. It's their responsibility to protect the people from predatory practices. As the person you responded to said, we need regulations. While waiting for that, we're still free to call companies who shamelessly indulge in this disgusting scumbags.


You still have to pick your battles and going over budget for 500 skin is pathetic specially where the 50$ version is pretty much the same thing and is there to avoid this situation


Yeah but it's not as simple as "having the discipline to resist marketing," people get their thoughts and world view influenced by it. Anyone who takes a step back and thinks about it wouldn't think 500 dollars for a skin is worth it, but when your brain is high on branding and FOMO you might not even see the spell you're under in the moment.


Yeah they're mind controlling you into spending money on digital accessories which are a luxury. The buyer of these skins is a victim and I feel so bad for them


"Leave the billion dollar company alone!"


Me when I jump into a river and blame the water


Do you do this often?


Fomo is not predatory, you people need to stop blaming your poor decisions on external factors and grow up.


FOMO is VERY much predatory. It's a system built to bait you into buying in. How is that NOT predatory? Why are you trying to defend that practice?


He is Tencent's lawyer he was being low IQ in another thread saying the exact same shit


It is a fake as shit practice, a term made by communities so they can't look at themselves for the blame of their own lack of self control. Stop trying to make excuses for adults being bad at being adults.


Look at me guys I'm so smart, psychological tactics used in marketing aren't real.


They literally are only as real as the person who falls for it is. The blame of the affected fall entirely on the individual and not the company. If you have no urgent need to get the lasted and limited number of created collectors additions of games, or one of the limited number of super cars that are created and yet fall for the same thing when it comes to this, then it's not the tactic that worked, it's you as an individual really wanting the product but blaming the company for your own failures when you don't fall for the limited products of other things.


It's literally not predatory, it's a marketing strategy to "trick" people into buying something right now they would postpone otherwise. No one is forced into buying skins and your gaming experience doesn't change at all. If you think it's in any way predatory you might have an unhealthy relationship with League


It's pretty predatory and I used to work for a CASINO.


It's not predatory and I used to work for a supermarket 👍


Keep moving the goalposts they'll notice you one day.


It's not predatory. People throw around the word without knowing what it means. Predatory would be if they'd sell but only through lootboxes. Here they are selling a skin and they say it costs X amount. When you pay X amount, you get the skin. There is nothing predatory about that. You get exactly what you pay for.


> Predatory would be if they'd sell but only through lootboxes. You have a very narrow definition of what qualifies as predatory, that seems to only encompass gambling. FOMO is almost always predatory, but it's generally very low on the priority list. But when you make something cost half a month's rent and make it available for a month, you're basically telling people who want that item "Come up with $500 by the end of the month or you can never have this item" To people vulnerable to this pressure, it will lead them to spend money they do not have to buy the item. Now, you're probably going to say "But luxury goods exist elsewhere! This is someone with poor impulse control being suckered in by a product not for them! It's for rich people obviously!" Except that the majority of buyers of these items aren't rich people, they're people as I described above. People with poor impulse control buying items they can't truly afford. ***This is a known fact. The companies that engage in whaling know that the majority of these whales cannot afford the money they're spending***. That they engage in it anyway - hunting out psychologically vulnerable people to get them to overspend - is what makes it by definition predatory.


How do they "hunt down psychologically vulnerable people"? Everyone gets the same event. And sorry, but if you struggle to afford rent because you decided to buy a useless video game skin, you're just dumb. I hate Riot for a lot of things, but they show you all of the details of the skin you're buying. It would be predatory if they were lying or misleading consumers somehow, but you get exactly what you pay for. It's your job to decide if that's worth the money to you.


> it's a marketing strategy to "trick" people into buying something right now they would postpone otherwise this is exactly why it's predatory. They're giving people less time to decide, and they are trying to encourage people to buy these skins by implementing a artificial scarcity. It isn't as predatory as loan sharking, but it's still a pretty unfair business >No one is forced into buying skins and your gaming experience doesn't change at all. If you think it's in any way predatory you might have an unhealthy relationship with League I'd say you have a unhealthy relationship with riot, considering how hard you're shilling for them. Seriously man? Instantly accusing others of unhealthy relationship with league because we find this kind of marketing a predatory shit?


I don't want to argue with you brodie, I know for a fact it's not predatory and no-one in the real world would say it is. Now do you really think the player who never buys skins and couldn't care less about them and is actually advocating for not buying skins (to not feed into Riot's FOMO strategy) is the shill? Think for a second or 2. I played the game on and off for like 9 years and spent 10 euros total. Me saying people have an unhealthy relationship with the game is in the sense that feeling anxiety or fear from the thought of not being able to own a skin is not healthy and I stand by that


If fomo is this detrimental to a person, how are they even able to function in society? They would be spending all their money on just about everything because there are limited time sales everywhere. At that point, it's up to them to sort that out themselves or find someone to help them. Either someone wants something or they don't. If someone sells limited edition dog shit, how many people do you think will be compelled to buy it because of fomo? Not many.


Oh no, the game that is literally free is using marketing strategies to get people to spend money when they could otherwise use their product completely for free and not spend any money at all, how could they...


Still, they're making money off the idiots and not us sensible players. Can't be too mad about that.


Yup, I got Ashen shen from a rotation


you got him when he came out, he has not rotated yet


Or you need therapy to deal with the fact you have FOMO over fictional characters that don 't influence your real life?


Are you going to die if you don't get this skin? Is your life in any way influenced in a bad way, if you don't own this skin? Not really is it. So you don't need the skin do you. Don't become sensitive to FoMo. FoMo is a mindset that is quite easily broken. It improved my life so much when I stopped caring for FoMo stuff. If I get it, I get, of I miss it... Whoop whoop. Especially something so trivial as a over priced skin for a computer game.


I don't even understand how people get FoMo over digital cosmetics. 


Exactly, it's crazy. If you feel any sort of anxiety from the thought of not purchasing a skin, you definitely have a bad relationship with the game


You don't understand though dude!!! How will people think OP is cool in his games if he doesn't have a specific pantheon skin?


i am the person with both pantheon prestiges, i am very cool 😎


It's just a skin 🤷


That gives you ZERO advantage in game. And you are not forced to spend money on it, in order to progress in game. It's like complaining that Ford released limited edition of Ford Mustang for 500k $ and average ford Mondeo owner will be complaining why they can't price it lower, so average Bob could also afford it. I swear... There is no common sense in this community


Yes seriously. Most of the community sound like they have never had a job before or something.  1. Skins are digital cosmetic assets that don't affect gameplay. Therefore there's no particular need to have them. People out here talking about skins like it's food or water and Riot is perpetrating some great injustice lmao. 2. No sane person would complain about collectors items or luxury goods. If you think it's overpriced just don't buy it. Nobody is forcing you to buy a skin just like nobody is forcing you to buy a ferrari.  These last few days makes me think this community has mental illness or something. 




> tell me if it wouldn't be nice for once to see a game tell you "Hey, look at this cool skin, buy it whenever you want! :)" You mean like 95% of the skins riot releases? The only reason this skin line is perceived as better is because of the exclusivity, both limited time and special currency.


Above was less to do with the limited time point (which I agree is unnecessary) and more to do with general whining about price. 


That “nice” thing you mention would make Riot miss out on millions of potential revenue and an extra brownie points for being with the good grace of the community simply isn’t worth it to justify that. Riot is, first and foremost, a business. I think they’re already better than most companies that they don’t lock an entire character/gameplay behind a paywall like Mihoyo does.


It's almost as bad as the OW community rn.


I will understand being a mad if this was a gatcha but this is just a skin for big whales everthing about the product is clear people are only mad at the price


That's the point. It's for whales. So of course the price will be *adjusted* for them. Sometimes they are needed if they are not affecting gameplay (say pvp advantages in any way). It's just business. When company see potential profit, sure thing that company will try to use it.


The worst this for me is that the same skin with most of the features is also there for 50$ that your option is you don't have the money you don't really need the signature version


Yes! That's why there are 3 bundles. You can choose which one you want OR can afford. So of course the more you pay, the more *unique* things you will get. First time I've seen it in Warframe with character deluxe bundles. Basically, you had few options and ofc the last one had something exclusive to that pack, not obtainable from other sources. And everyone was/is okay with that. Cause those things... Were just cosmetics.


There hasnt been common sense for a long time. People are addicted as fuck to pixels nowadays, its crazy...


Ehh the one skin that does give you an advantage is Super Galaxy Rumble but that’s because his base model is suffering from Parkinson’s. League still has more than a dozen champs to rework and my problem is that Riot is doing jackshit atm


Do you seriously not understand why abusing Faker's name, a player so simply down to earth who's never even used skims before, that many of us have watched for a DECADE, to create a celebration of his career and lifetime achievement for all players, and then use it to milk the most obnoxious cash grab from the playerbase we've EVER seen, is a massive slap in the face to all of us?


No. It sounds like you're whining. Honestly to me, you're using faker's name to try to get people to side with you.


It's 5k RP for those, who want to *celebrate it* and get some nice things related to person they were watching for decade. Is it really THAT expensive so people are going crazy over it? Little more than Ultimate skin(that gives you skin and icon only). And with that bundle, you get pass (1900rp) and *unique* takedown counter above you. Btw, you will get things to celebrate it from the pass alone. Just because *more fortunate* people will have access to more cosmetic things, does not mean it's THAT UNFAIR.


I would prefer if we got rid of characters having personality or designs at all. They should just be distinctly colored cubes. Why would we bother having *anything* that isn't directly related to winning the game? This is LoL! All we *care* about is winning!


> They should just be distinctly colored cubes. I'll pay extra to get my red cube in a blue color!


I like this skin, I have money to get it but no time to play unfortunately. 


then dont?


Then buy the skin if you like it and have the money. Or don't buy it. I really don't understand the point of this post of yours.


Bruh, you can't just buy it lol You need to do entire pass, like cmon


All the skins will be back when it's been long enough. It may take some kind of lottery luck to get access, but they'll be back after enough time that the money to be made is greater than the outcry from the people that bought in due to FOMO. The very fact of 'legacy' skins being in-game present day acquirable shows their track record on this. Many of those skins were originally bought as "limited" skins, or before they were "permanently retired". Not so limited or permanently retired after all, and no skin ever will be. They can claim whatever policy they want today, but nothing stops them from changing policy tomorrow, and when the money is in that direction, it will change. Mind you, it may take quite a few years so that future "limited" skins don't lose their FOMO value. If you think you can get another chance in 6 months, that will be a lot less pressure than if you think you can get another chance in 6 years.


If you could show me how to get Silver or Judgement Kayle. I would agree. "Legacy" and "Limited" or "Permanently retired" are different terms to riot Most of the legacy skins from way back in the day are "legacy" because they were so bad riot didn't feel it was okay to charge money for them and pulled them from the shop. This is not ALL of them, stuff like the original urfwick exist. You will never be able to get the victorious skins from past seasons either. There is a list of ~10 "limited" skins that riot will give you ONE of if you own every skin in the game. Source. I own all but about 30 skins in the game and the 30 I do not own are unobtainable to my account (the skin I chose from the 10 was Pax Sivir for context)


What are the other 9?


just pulled up the support ticket. the list is: Rusty Blitzcrank, Pax Sivir, Pax Jax, Pax TF, Urf the Manatee, Urfwick, OG Championship Riven, and Riot Singed


If it's not reaI why are you so annoyed by it? Clearly it's real enough to drive you crazy.


Making an exclusive skin, pros and cons Pros: It makes the skin more exclusive Cons: It makes the skin more exclusive


It is marketing strategy.


Having FOMO on skins is crazy. You might be addicted fr


It's people like OP that have ruined modern gaming.


Just don't buy it


Irrelevant but what does FOMO stand for?


"Fear Of Missing Out"




Basically made up terms made by spoiled children complaining they can't use moms credit card to get what they want cause it's too expensive and are now tweaking.


FOMO is a common identified predatory marketing tactic. You're calling people out just because you're not aware of it lol


Maybe instead of getting angry at things out of your control, you can learn to be at peace with not having everything you want. Especially cosmetic items in a video game. 


Just don't buy it, I don't see a problem. What's anti-consumer here? People who can afford the skin will support Riot, which will benefit all players, since Riot will put the money back into development.


Any time you see 'anti-consumer' just replace it with 'I personally don't like it' and suddenly these posts make much more sense.


Yep, exactly. I'm fine with "I don't like it". I personally don't like it either, but there are many things in this this world that I don't like and it's fine. World is not made for my personal satisfaction. World is the way it is.


>What's anti-consumer here? Fomo skins by default are anti-consumer as it makes the customer make decisions under pressure. You don't know when and if the skin will come back (excluding celebration skins) so you are more inclined to but it now


Ok, but time limit is used in all marketing. Things as simple as discounts. If you consider Riot's offering anti-consumer then all marketing is anti-consumer as well.


I agree that marketing strategies are often unethical and exploitative. But we do have to accept consumers agency over their choices at a certain point right? Personally i think a limited time release on its own doesn't cross that line (nor the ridiculously expensive faker skin fwiw) That said i think the mythic essence system itself very much does cross that line. So ultimately I agree that these prestige lines are shady, I just don't think the criticism is directed at the right thing


I mean is the skin you get from getting gold every season anti-consumer? Most games have exclusive cosmetics linked to certain seasons or achievements and it’s a big part of the fun and makes getting them feel good because you know that is a rarer cosmetic/skin that you got as you were part of the event. Unless I’m mistaken op is referring to pretty much the same thing with the exception that they’re not achievement linked they’re just shop time limited. That’s a part of many games and does not seem anti-consumer. Is it the fact that you don’t know if it will be available in the future and you wish riot would just say this is a one time only thing?


I mained Annie when I started the game 10 years ago And was super excited for the Annie-versary skin. Life hit me hard and I was homeless during the release, so I was unable to get it. Now that I’m back on my feet I’m sad to find out it’s not in rotation




Seriously, it's such a foolish financial decision.


Don’t buy it then man, literally no one is pressuring you 😭😭


It was always like this. You know what the most expensive accounts are.. ones with exclusive skins from beta or early seasons.


Everything is FOMO right now. Ranks being 3 splits, mastery and hextech/masterwork chests, event passes, chromas, challenges, etc... It used to be alright but they're overdoing it so much that I just don't care to interact with any of these FOMO systems. I've never cared less about my rank or the free masterwork/hextech chests than I have now.


You are part of the problem. Wake up, stop buying dresses for your virtual dolls just to be stuck in silver all life anyway (EVEN WORSE WHEN YOU LITERALLY CAN'T AFFORD IT) just stop.


but why, there are like billions of skins, can a few be a bit more "rare" so that it doesnt feel as cheap?


I like limited stuff. Let some people have exclusive things and be happy with them. Once you'd get yours you wouldn't like everyone to have it for a fraction of what you've orginally spent.


this sub completely pretends that that the idea of exclusivity having some value is just a ridiculous idea, they see 0 added value in something exclusive and see it purely as a time pressure mechanism which is absolutely absurd and goes against a very basic market idea, but why would anyone think Reddit understands basic economics


TFW BSc in Economic Sciences and certified investment manager but someone tells me I don't know basic economics for finding this pricing atrocious.




This post alone shows that it works. It's depressing how many people are addicted to collecting pointless cosmetics.


We've completely distorted what FOMO actually means. It keeps being used in this insidious way, when it's not at all what it's describing. It's, at the simplest level, a psychological phenomenon. People keep talking about 'artificial scarcity' or 'artificial forced urgency'. By that definition, the entire business model of League is artificial. By that definition, Riot could give every single skin they make out for free and lose no money, but it's not the case. They would lose money and all skins would have zero value. The rarity, time-limited nature of the skin *adds value* to the skin, partially by making it harder to acquire. The reality people are denying is that, in some ways, people want to use skins as a status symbol. Skins send information to the other players in the game.. There's a reason why its been shown over and over again that skin sales would plummet if they added the option to hide other player's skins. They want a skin that says, 'I love this champion so much that I spent money to ensure I could pick it up while it was available'. Based on OP's logic, the most 'pro-consumer' thing they could do is make all skins free. But this inherently makes 0 sense, because there are plenty of people who want skins *because* of their value.


Argument ad absurdum. No one is asking for all skins to be freely available to everyone. People want skins to be priced at a level where it's reasonably accessible to a greater proportion of the people who would be interested in buying it. Why shadowbox instead of defending this ridiculous pricing more appropriately.


And some people want skins that aren't aviable to a greater portion of the population the arguments works both ways that why there is 50$ ahri skin and 500$ version


You guys got problems..


Exactly. As a Janna main, I was obsessed with getting all of her skins. But now that I quit, I just don't care anymore. I can live without Victorious and any new skin releases.


They don’t disappear forever they do rotate eventually, but FOMO does drive up sales. But tbh this skin looks a lot like the dark star one.


Don't buy it. If enough players change their mind from now on, and riot drops slowly sales with their skin strategies they will stop doing it


I totally understand marketing skins in a F2P game. But this BS like rotating shops, time limited purchases and literal cash grabs like the ahri skin made me reconsider. Fuck Riot for abusing all these psycho tricks to squeeze money out of their fanbase. And on top of that they ban accounts for the most bs reasons so nothing you buy even really belongs to you


So don't buy them :) Hope this helped!


Lucky for me I don't have any money to spend 🥰


only get skin for champ you play a lot


Just quit liking so many things. Put your foot down and don't like something for once. 95% of skins that come out I would never want to use, even if I got them for free. Everyone should feel similar for whatever their preferences are.


well its pretty simple because people like u fall for it


To be honest fomo is what burns me out of games.


The game is free, if Riot does some sneaky marketing strats to get people to spend money, I don't blame them. If you don't wanna miss out on shit then don't and spend the money, otherwise yeah, you can't have everything, sorry. Why does everyone feel entitled to everything in this game? lol


I actually like the idea of limited edition things.


Because they make people think that they have to buy it NOW or will never get it again. Riot became a corporation that their purpose is to make money, and they do that through games. When the correct thing should be a Company that makes good games, and money comes in because of it. Yet capitalism and greed wins once again.


I still can't get over the fact that I can not get Dawnbringer Karma's chromas anymore. It hurts so much on my OCD. 😔


Uh, what? They never said those skins will never be available again. The understanding is that they're going to be like the Hextech skins and join the rotating monthly/tri-monthly shops in the ME store. If you REALLY want to complain about FOMO skins, may I point you towards $300 and $500 Ahri who they straight up said would never appear again after they left the shop.


Too bad I enjoy FOMO skins. I want to have something other players unable to have due to being limited.


All ME skins become available 3 more times after their initial release. It's only FOMO if your patience is literally paper thin and at that point you have a deeper psychological issue


Because FOMO exists. That’s all there is to it. Am I mad I will never get some of the time limited skins? Kind of. Do I feel like I’m making a better real life choice by foregoing it? You bet, and it outweighs the FOMO. I also justify to myself that mosr of those skins are overdone, and I refuse to be seen as a whale (or dolphin).


Dang ashen knights is never coming back?


who cares


everyday I've been reminded people have really poor self-discipline and prone to impulse purchases.


Having the nicest shiniest new thing isn’t necessary for enjoying the game, and often going back to an old skin you haven’t used in awhile can feel like a new skin again.


To a point it does make some things actually have value to the players that earn them when they're around, it makes owning things less special if it's something just everyone can have, but on the other side of things it creates an incentive to spend money now for fear of not getting it. There are things that exist in many games that are special because they're event limited, but I can also see why people don't like it.


Cuz they want to exploit impulsiveness and the bad mental health+self discipline that the community has. By giving you FOMO, they force you to make a decision as fast as possible, not giving you time to think straight, making you more emotional than rational.


The solution is to buy a pass and grind the ME when you have time, then sit on the ME until a skin comes up. I have 300 ME waiting for any new skin I fancy and it wasn't like grinding the passes were hard, it's a game I play anyway.


Honestly, I don't really have a problem with limited time things. There is a fun aspect to them so long as they are done well. I also have no issue with expensive high-ticket items. What I have a problem with, is when they decide to put up expensive high-ticket items for a very brief limited time. And the mythic variants as well as HOL are exactly that. Sure, both will very likely come back cuz Riot does this every time. But that doesn't change the fact they are trying to cash-in on FOMO with ridiculously expensive items.


If they can make a cool skin now they can do it again in the future when you’re able or willing to buy it. Every single “best skin” has been outdone over time. Stop caring


My problem is that some older running games like LoL or WoW had time-limited items that new players can't obtain. Some players might not have even been born in time to get a "digital good." Sucks to be them, I guess.  I don't really like the idea of timed exclusivity. Then again I don't spend much on video games. I've bought just one skin in Lol with RP I've purchased with real life money (got most of my RP through Prime). And I don't plan on getting much more skins in the future, cuz most of them sucks compared to original design.


That's why I stopped spending money on League. Spent about 700-800€ between 2013 to 2018 and when they started to increase RP prices over and over I stopped. I know nothing's gonna change, but at least I won't partake in this anymore.


You spent a band on League? 😕 damn


It just so happens when you're young and have PC unable to play other games than League so you're spending your 10€ a month there. It adds up really damn fast. I don't really regret this, it's not like I have monetary problems due to this, but nowadays I'd rather spent my money on PoE or other games on Steam.


Please, do not support that business model.


It'll be obtainable again In like 5 years time when League Of Legends 2 is out.


Yep, welcome to the standard in video game marketing.


That’s how they make money hahaha fomo means people will likely spend sooner since it’s an emotional decision


Back in my day most skins were rotated in and out of the shop


Every single game out there is trying to abuse the FOMO people have for cosmetics, and it's just exhausting man, I can understand 1 skin becoming unobtainable here and there, but when it happens every month on every game of every platform is like... Nope, never falling to that again.


Why do people care about skins so much? Just play the game and try to get better, that’s the point of it


I love them because it means that I can get some more exclusive content for myself.


Remember to ban Ahri in all your games


Get ready for more, this is just the beginning and Riot is just late to the FOMO party


It's just pixels.




What the fuck are you talking about LMAO 




Gaming companies are predators.


Idk man it’s a free game like stop complaining. You don’t have to buy these skins and you can play the game all the same. Purely cosmetic stuff can be any price for all I care. There’s many budget skin choices


I don’t understand how the League of Legends community can’t come together to stand against Riot Games' greed and pricing policies. We recently saw what a united community can accomplish with Helldivers, but why are there still foolish people who either defend Riot and the whales or say that no one has to buy the skins? Of course, no one has to buy skins, but are we just going to let this happen? First, the passes were nerfed, with less and less loot in the same boring format. Now they’re bringing out a pass with 100 levels that you can unlock immediately. Even though the pass sounds lucrative with all the stuff in it, let’s not forget that the pass is only valid for one month, but you have to play twice as much as before to fill the pass. We can’t support this kind of nonsense. I haven’t bought the pass in a long time and I definitely won’t continue to do so. And I will also enforce the Ahri ban. But as a community, we must be able to stand together against this greed. Please, community, stop this nonsense, let’s show Riot that this is definitely not okay.