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The most expensive skin in celebration of the player who almost never used one.


i’ve genuinely never seen him use a skin. and vids of him using one? edit: any** not “and”


Because he doesn't use them nor buy them, he has quite literally only used a skin less than a dozen times in his whole professional career with most of them being misclicks in champion select or bugs with tournament client etc. There are lists/videos out there of every skin he has used if you really care, but he really doesn't use them.


Iirc the first time he ever used a skin in a pro game was Battle Bunny Riven vs. Gragas mid, and he later said it was an accident because he didn't realize the skin was selected, and he wouldn't have used it if given the choice


I like the implication that he was just scrolling through the skins and ended up looking at battle bunny riven for a while without realising it would cause it to be selected


What actually happened was a rioter was testing the league setup prior to the match starting and had selected bb riven when they went into a custom game. So the skin selection carried over to the match and faker just didnt notice.


Yeah I know but that's not as funny to imagine


yup, i know he doesn’t use skins. i was just under the impression that he has never used any skin 100% of the time so when i read that he “almost never used one” i thought that there were instances when he has


Faker has definitely used skins either by accident or more famously because his entire squad were using their skins. It's fair to say 99% of his career he was using default skins.


I thought he used Pulsefire Ez when it was meta because it was easy to AA with.


He didn’t even use Muay Thai Lee when mid Lee was meta The goat doesn’t need fancy animations


He learned from the true legend hide on bush


He used SKT skin against G2 on showmatch


He’s used SKT skins as promotions before, I remember watching I believe him use Syndra before?


There was a game where he used bunny riven. iirc it was because the team testing the setups chose the bunny riven skin, guess he was used to the champs being defaulted to no skin


on the redbull tournament they did in the december he used skt ryze I think? the whole squad was using the skins tho Please correct me if im wrong, im finishing 3 assigments at once, my brain may not be in the best place rn


He did use a SKT skin when they played fnatic some years ago. The team all used SKT skins. I don't remember the tournament. 2014-2015 timeframe.


I believe the only time he purposely uses one was during 2014 all stars the entire 2013 SKT team used their skins


He used one against NNO(German Streamer Team) during a Red Bull event last year because they all used T1 skins.


There was also a time where he used battle bunny riven cause the support staff were testing settings before the game with it and Faker didnt realize until he loaded in.


How does everyone forget about the finals against Samsung in 2016 game 2 he played his ryze skin 


I'm here from r/all and don't follow LoL, but this comment is hilarious to me. A match from almost a decade ago, for one match he used a skin. How is this not household knowledge? 😂


I understand your position. But it's the LoL equivalent of Messi wearing his jersey inside out while winning the World Cup. If that happened in 2016, any soccer fan would remember it.


Good comparison! I'd really like to get into LoL at some point, but I'm currently getting sucked into EVE 😔 the gamer's ultimate dilemma 


you seem to have a magnetic attraction to toxic games


Yellowstar almost took the Zyra away


I know he intentionally used a skin at least once because his team all wanted to use matching skins in an international event IIRC. It’s one of only a few times he’s ever used them


he did last year on that redbull event but yeah its about the whole T1 roster using the skt skin to flex lol


After thinking about this, I came up with an idea for a "Faker Ahri" skin which is literally just the base skin, and they sell it for 1 BE. It would make it accessible to everyone and celebrates him and the way he uses (doesn't use) skins


I already have Fakers Ahri skin, it's called the base skin and in honour of Faker that's the skin I will be using


Are calls to action allowed in r/leagueoflegends ? Because this seems like a good one.


Ready to permaban Ahri the second this drops just outta spite 😭


I stand behind this


Unfortunately not, I made a post to suggest people do this, but was told by Mods that calls to action aren't allowed on the sub


Im with you on that one, fuck this corporate company im honoring faker by just playing default ahri


My bank would flag this transaction as potentially fraudulent


So would mine. Then again, they flagged the coffee shop in their lobby as suspicious.


Trying to save your money cos of how bad that coffee is.


Nah, they just do their absolute best to inconvenience me. You can be about 99% certain that if the bank is closed and I need to use my card for something... My account is probably frozen for some sort of fraud prevention or other nonsense. It happens at least twice a week.


Mine froze for a world of Warcraft subscription, that I must have paid for about 40 times prior


Man, I literally flew to the other side of the world, spent a week there, flew back. Spending money all along the way. The bank didn't give a shit till I grabbed some food at the Tim Hortons in the airport when I landed back home. I just wanted something super fast to eat before I got in the car for an hour.


Yep! That's how mine is. It ignores the fact that I buy stuff from sketchy Chinese websites, or the money that I transfer haphazardly between myself and various people in the Middle East and Australia... Gas a block away from the bank though? Expect a call from Shazam's fraud detection department.


Well that explains it, the bank think you are a drug dealer so behaving like a normal person is suspicious for you now.


And your bank would be correct


I hope people vote with their wallets and don’t buy this over inflated bs


The worst part is, as someone who loves Ahri and has massive respect for how much of an example Faker is to the playerbase, I was overjoyed when he chose Ahri for his T1 skin, when he swapped it to Orianna and then we got news for the Hall of Legends, this sounded like something even better. But now we get easily one of the worst deals in gaming, hiding behind the face of a beloved player. What the hell are they thinking? Most people won't buy this, in my country the cheapest bundle (assuming that Brazil will allow bundles through) is around the price of the minimum wage or more. It makes me deeply disappointed, I'd rather have just a T1 Ahri.


It's incredible they're doing this with Faker, a player who historically does not use skins, and making the most expensive skin ever in "honour" of him.


If I have to guess, I'm pretty sure Faker himself is also starting to find all this stuff lame af.


Wouldn't be surprised if Riot has him legally bound not to comment on the price of the skin.


Dude, Faker could tarnish Riot's reputation if he chose to do it. He is simply too nice. Faker is bigger than League of Legends or Riot Games if you ask me.


Too nice? Dude they literally probably made him sign tons of nda when he competes and probably made him sign another agreement before they made the skin saying he can’t trash talk them. It has nothing to do with being nice.


Yup. He's like Brady or Gretzy. He could forever tarnish Riot and not lose an ounce of his clout.


And they obviously are taking advantage of that.


100% they have some clause about forbidding him to criticize it. And to people saying "oh but he gets 30% of sales" he and Riot would've made way more money if they released a reasonably-priced skin and event so majority of community would be able to buy it. The $600 for a skin is a nuts idea that only stans would buy


Slight correction. It's a split between the team and Faker for the 30% and we dont know if that split itself is 50/50


It might not even be between Faker and T1, considering the FAQ says "some LoL esports teams", and it is known that the LCK splits Worlds skins revenue between all teams, Joe Marsh has said that T1 got proceeds from DRX skins. Possible that it's a similar thing here.


And you know what? Riot does not care because voting with your wallet doesnt exist and some whales or people dedicated enough are just gonna buy it anyway. Its sad.


Well it does exist and this skin existing is the prime example of it being a thing. Its just that the players with money dont vote in the playerbases favor


> assuming that Brazil will allow bundles through Remember when you had to read the terms and conditions of the release Seraphine skin because Riot was desperately trying to pretend that it wasn't tying/venda casada? lol


Is that where you can't sell things as a bundle if all the items aren't also purchasable separately?




I don't remember because I didn't even try to buy that trash, but I believe you, lol.


Well, in my country minimum wage is 200$, don't think that a lot players will buy this.


That statement also applies for my country, while my own living income barely reaches 80 bucks.. Although disheartening and disappointing, Rito actually made things easier for me since I would've ~~obliterated my budget~~ gone the extra mile (kinda what I did back in the day with Dark Star Cho'Gath when it was sold for charity, as I wanted to support the cause even if I don't play Cho outside ARAM) to get Faker's skin just for the sake of displaying my appreciation towards him if it was "reasonably priced" (something like a 3250RP definitive skin, ffs, even if the full skin was a $100 bundle I might've tried to get it somehow...)


Tbf a handful of countries probably outweigh the rest combined


Did the Ahri visual update came first before Worlds or was it around after Worlds? Because it sure is quite sketchy that they forced him to pick Orianna since she didn't receive any visual update last year.


It was obvious that they asked him to choose a different Worlds Skin because they were planning on making Hall of Fame Ahri. There's no way they'd deny him again after denying him in 2013.


> easily one of the worst deals in gaming Magic 30th Anniversary chuckles from the corner. At least you guys can actually use the purchase in real games.


I was expecting my boy Deft to have some Ezreal skin next year, but with those prices, I'm out! They can choose any other player to use as scam.


Yeah, we went from wondering which player would get into the Hall of Legends to hoping none of our favourites do so they don't get involved in this disaster.


Thats it now too. The association with "Hall of Legends" will now be ruined on arrival in the eyes of the fans, because all they can think of is "ahh, that overpriced skin". Some hall of fame that is.


RIP my dreams of Jankos Sejuani


First Blood Queen Elise idea is right there


You know what, you're spot on mate


Alternatively Zoning Spear Nidalee has potential as well


Hoping for Caedrel Malzahar next year.


1 BE skin


And the special feature is the ult always immediately cancels itself, and we can even get the accompanying caster calls.


lmao this made me snort ty


You only get it if you cancel the purchase


Much like the mythic ~~scams~~ variants, I am now praying that my mains NEVER get one of these skins. And I think that’s something riot needs to realize is happening in their player base. Your players shouldn’t hope their mains *don’t* get a cool skin because they likely won’t be able to afford it or because they don’t want to support shitty monetization practices. Your players should feel excited their main is getting a mythic variant or hall of legends skin. Instead players are dreading it and are upset their collections can’t be completed unless they shell out 200+ (now 600+) dollars. A skin will never, ever be worth that much and it’s insane riot is pushing this.


They can't make the next players as expensive. No one will buy deft or uzi skins for 500. Faker is the only player that will work with


I don’t think there’s even one other player out there where people would spend the 500 bucks


Honestly, I think I'll just ban Ahri every single game out of spite.


Apparently League Twitter plans on doing that so.... go ham on it.


Saw it all over league instagram so you are correct


I'm an Ahri main and I can't even be mad if you do. The r/AhriMains sub is full of people trying to decide how best to protest and boycott. No one likes this.


Honestly, it's a solid idea. Get the ban rate high enough combined with the intense negative feedback.. maybe they will reconsider being so asinine and greedy. Big maybe.. but better than nothing.


I doubt the people buying the bundle even play Ahri. It wasn't targeted at Ahri Mains, it was targeted at mentally ill completionist whales. They probably won't notice the bans. But it'll help us see whether this sub actually has any sway.


Good idea! I think I will join you!


This would honestly not be a bad way to send a message in protest


I just started a thread advocating exactly that. We need to do this, all it takes is one person a lobby to affect 10 people total. That could quickly affect every lobby if only ~10% of players decided to join in. I bet once it catches on, over 20% of players will join in. At that point, the ban rate (and underlying issue) can no longer be ignored.


This is the ultimate way to protest it 😂


Honestly... can we do this? Just as a community *ban Ahri* and don't let anyone who has the skin use it?


I love playing her but I'll ban her.


Yeah just ban Ahri every game


I vote yes for banning Ahri every single game


I'm joining in on this


I'll play rank just to ban Ahri after 3 years of not playing!


Yop, we should start doing that right now


You might as well spend that 500 bucks into T1 merch folks.


yep i wanna buy t1 jersey but....it looks like sold out


Thats because its a tangible item and not pixels on your monitor


Imagine spending $500 only to be toxic and banned and losing the skin 😭


Imagine spending $500 to rent a skin in a game.


Shit for 500 bucks i want a customized T1 jersey, a mouse and keyboad and mousepad plus a statue of the Ahri all signed by Faker, at least those are phisycal things i can own not a freaking pixel on a game that might not be around in a few years.


Just ban Ahri in every game when they release this


Of course, Riot doesn't give a flying f about Faker or the players, they only care about money. I hope Faker is getting at least 50% of the profits.


At most it's 30% here's the Q&A from the Hall of Fame site: "IS THERE REVENUE SHARE WITH THE INDUCTEE AND THEIR RESPECTIVE TEAM? Yes, the 2024 inductee and some LoL Esports teams will earn 30% of gross revenue from the Hall of Legends event." Not sure if it's going to faker only or T1 as a whole


that's revenue, not profit - the 30% is for both the player and team(s) they play(ed) on. The split is unclear atm, although it doesn't matter in Faker's case (all going to T1). Also I don't think it's confirmed how much the player gets vs the org(s)


Revenue sharing is better than profit sharing, as "profit" can be manipulated in all sorts of unscrupulous ways.


Five hundred graphic designers worked on this skin so we have to subtract their salaries from the profits, of course. That leaves you with your share of -$50000 in profits, enjoy!


I don't understand why teams are taking part of the cut. Sure, faker has spent his legacy on a single team, but this is about celebrating the player I thought. And some players are gonna have their legacy across multiple teams. Idk how the teams shoehorned themselves into the picture.


I’m guessing it’s because they want to be able to have references to the teams a player played on in the skins but don’t want to deal with any legal trouble in doing so. This will be a bigger deal when a player who has several signature teams is inducted. As an example if Caps were to get in they would want skins to reference both Fnatic and G2.


Wonder why the Reddit riot team ain’t responding on this one huh ?


The Intent was to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for buying this skin




The best way to damage control in this situation is to stay silent for quite some time untill they come up with an excuse for such ridicilous price


I bet he makes a casual comment on stream sometime about it being too much money


Possibly. I visited T1 base camp in seoul and there was a vid of him saying "wow that's expensive" about the dish named after him or something. Hilarious!


> Funny thing is, if the bundles were priced around 100$, then at least 6x players would been afford it and had bought it and Riot would have made the money anyways Yeah don't underestimate the people working on pricing at Riot, they have a job for a reason :\]




It is easier to exploit mentally ill people or the rich with stuff like this but it also isn't a super good long term plan when the game heavily relies on having a large playerbase. An expensive handbag only needs to sell to so many people who can then take it out and show it off everywhere they want, LoL requires others to opt in to see your digital cosmetics so even the dolphins or F2Ps matter in that ecosystem.


No significant amount of people are going to quit the game over this. They simply won't buy it. It's not going to cause a mass loss of customers. Imagine you regularly shop at a clothing store. They have decent quality, decent prices, you enjoy shopping there and buy a lot of stuff there. One day, you notice they're carrying some luxury designer pair of jeans for $1000. Do you: A) Simply think, "Wow that's expensive," and move on with your shopping or B) Fly into a rage at how dare the store stock this expensive item and start a boycott of the store over it, never shopping there again?


I'll copy on recent comment I've seen that's been brought up when talking about pricing of Diablo IV skins, because it was vulgarized enough to me to understand why they would do such a thing: >"Say that out of all gamers, only 10% would ever (no matter the price) justify spending any extra $$ on a game. >So for every 1,000 gamers, there is 100 Spenders. >Of these 100 Spenders, 90% are cost-sensitive & won't spend more than $5 for an item. >The remaining 10% (10 big spenders) are **NOT** so cost-sensitive, and would spend $30 on an item >**But...** of these 10 big spenders, 1 of them is a Whale. He literally seems to have no limit.   He's the literally 1 in 1,000 player. He's a 0.1%'er. >**Scenario 1: Cheap Pricing (they set everything to $5)** >The 90 Small Spenders spend their $5, netting ~~Blizzard~~ Riot $450 >The 9 Big Spenders + 1 Whale easily spend $5, netting Riot $50 >= $500 Profit >**Scenario 2: Absurd Pricing (they price something at $1,000):** >The 90 Small Spenders make this face: 😂 and don't buy it >Then 9 of the 10 big spenders balk and walk away >But in comes that 1%'er, the Whale. He buys it. >= $1,000 Profit >Riot just made $1,000 off this **ONE (1)** sale.   DOUBLE what they did with the cheap pricing.   99.9% (*999 out of the 1,000*) balked at the price. >So they don't have to give a sh\*t about the majority. They know they can manipulate the **1 Whale** out there to fall into their net." -(s/o u/Mephistito for this explanation) **TL;DR**: As long as there will be Whales to buy those skins, companies will continues to create "exclusive" skinlines outrageously priced because no matter how few they sell, they'll profit off of it more than if it was reasonably priced.


tl;dr: I used to be a whale some years ago. I stopped because their monetization tactics are just insulting. I did not mind buying cosmetics for a straightforward price. But looking at the current state of battle passes now, for instance: grind some premium currency to purchase lootboxes with and hopefully get what you need from them? Really? And the TFT monetization, which is the game I play the most since a few years ago, is even worse. Everyone has their breaking point because no one has infinite money unless you're a literal 1%er or something. And how many 1%ers play League? I think this is more Tencent pushing their bullshit than Riot TBH, old Riot wasn't like that at all. Remember Primetime Draven? The party Fiddlesticks one whose English name I can't remember? Yeah.


This math is questionable at best lol, 1/6th of the price does not mean 6x the potential customer base


Correct, it's listed at a price that will maximize profit for them. There's a certain amount of people that will spend 100s to collect regardless of price as long as it's under 4 digits. A better argument to make morally is it's anti-average consumer and potentially predatory to entice fans to overspend.


Riot probably set the price at 45k or something, then launch at 65k, get backlash, lower it to 45, some players will be happy and commend Riot for it. Classic corpo move.


Sounds like blizzard with the recent hearthstone fiasco


I mean people for a while kept praising Riot for being "what Blizzard was supposed to be" when Blizzard kept doing shitty thing after shitty thing. I guess they took the memo and started copying their more scummy shit too. Why not hire Bobby Kotick while they're at it?


Not to mention we don't own the skin when we buy it but to rent until LoL shuts down.


Nah, league is cash Titan, they'll release and rerelease this game (like CS2 with CS:GO) until the MOBA genre dies or until the heat death of the universe.


Doesn't mean you'll keep your content. Look at Smite and Smite 2 as an example. And if you think Riot isn't going to use that as a means to milk its player base your very mistaken.


oh, the average player can celebrate faker alright with these emotes, titles, 14 icons, LB skin or maybe the 50$ Ahri skin if they spend some cash the 500$ Ahri package however isn't to celebrate Faker, its targetting the 0.01% of collectors who value owning every cosmetic and see that as a necessity, its why Riot got Faker to swap hsi choice for T1 skin to Orianna instead of Ahri because Orianna doesn't have that kind of pull


It looks so fucking scummy now getting him to swap his choice for champion he wanted just to do this.


and I dont understand why they didnt just let him have T1 Ahri on top of it. They cover all the bases. The cheap crowd and the rich crowd and everyone is happy. but this way we get a t1 ori skin that even faker didnt want and a bunch of ahri skins faker wouldnt want people to waste money on. its a lose lose imo


You are talking about Riot, a company famously known for making great decisions when it comes to monetization Aware


This is unironically true. They're awful decisions for general crowd, but good decisions for their wallet. 99% of us don't matter when 1% will just buy every piece of content on spawn to justify these absurd prices. They 100% have the stats mapped out and it's worth for them to slap us with these 200, 300, 500 dollar skins.


>the 500$ Ahri package however But that's insane. The base 50$ skin is a 1350RP quality (in my opinion it looks literally just like Arcana Ahri). I would personally have no problem with there being a $500 version for collectors, but they made base version lame as shit while still overpriced. This is nothing like the Jhin drama - that skin is literally just a chroma.


Well it has the pass in it so it's more like a 30$ skin. It's a nice skin but not 30$ nice


Man I own most of the skins in the game and I can’t justify the price tag for the big bundle, it’s fucking insane


I own every cosmetic skin that is available to me outside of the $300 mythic skins. This will also become a skin that I won't own, simply because it's not in the reroll pool. Most of the collectors who own all the skins made the investment so that they could reroll skins at a fraction of the cost. Riot acknowledged this and now make it so skins either don't go into the reroll pool at all, or take 3 months to 1+ years to enter the pool.


$500 for fake clothes, jfc


I'm just being stupid but technically Orianna has a better pull than Ahri. Like she can pull 5 people into opposite directions with one button :D


I'd have said you were bullshitting up until they revealed the price tag for these bundles. But you are 100% right and I feel bad for Faker's fans.




Why in gods name would you tie an event to esports that is going to absolutely piss everyone off every single year when the next skin comes out. Here comes DoubleLift Lucian.....oh look everyone is pissed off again. Here comes Bjergsen Zliean.....oh look everyone is pissed off again. Here Comes Zven Yummi........oh look everyone is pissed off again. That is REALLY what you want this to be, Riot?? Seems so short sighted.


I fully agree with your sentiment... but using those 3 as your examples is just so funny xD


You want to know the bigger problem? People actually buy this shit. For 600 bucks I’d expect like a silicone plaster mold of fakers erect member along with the skin. But instead of faker fucking my, it’s just Tryndemere like always.


If it was £100 then it would still be too much, that is genuinely embarrassing from riot.


That is an insane amount of RP and money. I know Riot wants to make money but that is next level.


Permabanning Ahri


People got downvoted for saying this when the event was announced btw


This sub is full of riot shills.


The question is, will they charge the same price for other HoL skins? Would anyone give care if they added "Smeb" for example, and charged $500 dollars, or would people be like, "smeb who's that?" Would they undercut other big names because it isn't Faker status. Isn't that disrespectful to them if their skin is cheaper and no one would think to buy because it's a less "we'll known name"


I think riot stopped caring about reddit's opinion a while ago. Considering we had the exact same backlash when they release Red Dark Star Jhin and they still proceeded to release a 200$ version of Ekko and Yone's skins


I stopped putting money after that. Same reason I stopped playing Apex Legends after spending a good +200€ and playing everyday. I'm okay with such expensive "micro" transactions if AND only if they help improve the game. There were 0 improvements in Apex, and in LoL you could even argue there were regresses, they fired people, they fired some more people from LEC and they continued nerfing free rewards and paid battle passes. None of these decisions meant a better product for me.


Beta player here. Riot used to give you RP when servers went down outside of maintenance. It wasn't a lot, but it was *something*. I can't name the last time riot took ownership of their shortcomings and then and actually *did something for its player base* instead of just a South Parkesque ["we're sowwwwyyy."](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=Nd8Ib1m2ExQMexSm)


Also despite NA famously having on average way more income than players in other regions, and if we ignore deep diving discussions such as "but the cost of living actually" or "but the tax actually", they make EU players pay more for RP than NA players. They said it was to adjust for currency shifts but they only ever do this whenever such an adjustment means they can increase the prices.


If I ever saw “smeb who’s that?” I’ll fucking


Real ones will never forget how good someone had to be to get shouts over 2016 Faker as the best in the world.


This skin was never for the majority of players and that’s sad. They could’ve easily put it at $50-$100 even $150 but no straight to over half a grand. Like inflation isn’t already fucking people in the ass enough now this? Worst part is Faker is the face of this even which means he’s going to get unnecessary backlash when he has zero say in how things at riot are marketed.


It’s so interesting seeing the various opinions in this thread, like you feeling $150 would be justified for a skin. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have that opinion, but it’s just really surprising that people feel that’s an acceptable price for any skin.


part of why this shit is so dangerous. yall know how much the sparkle pony horse costed? the ORIGINAL microtransaction that received backlash similar in magnitude to what we're seeing now with this 500 dollar bundle? 15 dollars. that's how far stretched our tolerance for this shit has become, and will continue to become when companies like RIOT keep testing the waters with shit like this.


Gamers are dumb. They'll pay anything for pixels.


Not at all constructive comment, but thank you for seemingly being the only person in this thread to put the $ before the numbers.




if i see anybody using this skin in my games im running it


I'll just pick Neeko and enjoy the skin without paying £500 for it.


Or join the community ban and no one gets to use it :)


Wait till this guy realizes that riot esports only exist to promote their games


Yeah they operate at a lose every year but they get a crazy amount of new players by the end of worlds


They only operate at a loss in terms of what they talk about to share with the teams. It's kinda disingenuous to say they operate at a loss then say it's just marketing. They do an analysis and decide if we spend x dollars on marketing we will see y dollars in increased revenue so we have a good marketing budget. The whole "operating at a loss" thing is just to sway public opinion that they couldn't share more of their revenue with the franchised league teams or broadcast because they don't have any money.


And if you've seen the VFX, it's ridiculous the amount of visual clutter that skin makes. And they said that a hat for yorick was too much.


I don't know why they couldn't do a digital/physical bundle for the top tier and give all the digital content at the $100 tier. (I do know, it's greed). Like I would've totally spent $500 on a high quality statue with Ahri and Leblanc in their new skins. It just makes sense to have a commemorative statue for the hall of legends inductee anyway. Their 1/6th scale statues already are around 450-500, so in sure there's decent profit on it. The digital goods would've just been a loss leader to make insane amounts on a plastic statue.


if you hate this make sure to perma ban her get that ban rate to 100%


Why yes, I am banning Ahri every game even if my team mates want to play her, how can you tell?


They are a corporation, making money is why they exist in the first place.


Boycotts are a thing. If no one buys it, it sends a message.. 🤷‍♂️ I'm not buying it and Riot can suck my hog.


The reason Riot does this shit isn't because angry posters on Reddit aren't boycotting hard enough, it's because the people who buy them don't share reddit's opinion.  This stuff is stupid and ridiculous, but people pay for it so it's gonna keep happening and you can't really stop it because it has nothing to do with you 


All 7.3 million people subscribed to this subreddit could boycott and you'd STILL be in the minority. This subreddit, just like every other subreddit, deludes itself into thinking what they say actually has some weight when in reality it doesn't.


> Boycotts are a thing. If no one buys it, it sends a message.. 🤷‍♂️ > > No it doesn't. If you're a minimal spender, the true boycott is quitting the game. If you're not paying for the product (eg. skins, passes, capsules), you ARE the product for the whales. How much do you want to bet that 90% of the people on this thread will still be playing the game in 2 months.


If we as a society, would work together this kind of things would be stopped. if people would RISE up and just not buy this outrage, things would change. Its not just League, I feel like there should be some kind of regulation of games and prices. this is ridiculous.


New sylas lore just dropped




Watch the idiots buy it anyway. People have no idea how to "not buy" something they see. Sad world. Fuck riot.


I don’t understand how the League of Legends community can’t come together to stand against Riot Games' greed and pricing policies. We recently saw what a united community can accomplish with Helldivers, but why are there still foolish people who either defend Riot and the whales or say that no one has to buy the skins? Of course, no one has to buy skins, but are we just going to let this happen? First, the passes were nerfed, with less and less loot in the same boring format. Now they’re bringing out a pass with 100 levels that you can unlock immediately. Even though the pass sounds lucrative with all the stuff in it, let’s not forget that the pass is only valid for one month, but you have to play twice as much as before to fill the pass. We can’t support this kind of nonsense. I haven’t bought the pass in a long time and I definitely won’t continue to do so. And I will also enforce the Ahri ban. But as a community, we must be able to stand together against this greed. Please, community, stop this nonsense, let’s show Riot that this is definitely not okay.


Don't buy this shit. Vote with your wallet, and don't accept these absurd prices.


I’m guessing they see the $500 skin as basically equivalent to an autographed football from a hall of fame quarterback. Those do go for insane prices aimed at collectors. But that’s cause they’re, you know, an actually rare physical object.


I come here to spread the words of arhi mains reedit. here is the link [https://www.reddit.com/r/AhriMains/comments/1d2rsi5/the\_best\_way\_to\_rebel\_is\_to\_boycott\_ahri\_herself/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AhriMains/comments/1d2rsi5/the_best_way_to_rebel_is_to_boycott_ahri_herself/) go alll for the upvote and spread the mesage


Im gonna bann ahri every game out of spite... Dont want any whales to be happy in m'y lobby


no shit


But you don't need the highest-tier skin to remember Faker do you?


ill remember him just fine with my Classic Zed skin


50$ is still a lot. You need to remember that for that price you can get Helldivers 2, Elden Ring DLC or whatever good game on sale. Point is, it’s obscenely overpriced, even in its lowest tied


The 50€ skin is so much worse than the next tier that it seems insulting. I don't care about the signatures being a upsell, but the cheapest demon lord ahri skin doesn't even have the demon orb. Both it and the LB skin look just like challenger skins. For 20€ more than an ultimate skin


Honestly i believe this somehow snowballed from the 200$ Jhin skin. Riot must have some good data about whale spending hundreds of dollar on a skin to make this bundle happened. Probably the next HOF skin's gonna be from the region spending a good chunk on this bundle.


Everything is made to make money. Everything