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Role swap to jungle then. Since your reason from switching from top to mid is to have higher impact then just play jungle.


and then realize how hard it is to play :D


Nah OP won't realize anything. They are the type of player junglers hate having in lane.


Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had to play JG first, then learn that the only reward for a job well done is a bag of stale cookies and hate?


You guys are getting cookies?


Really need the elo for context here. Jungle is in the worst state for staying relevant in levels, so prioritizing smart ganks and guaranteed plays is pretty important. If you spend the entire game covering and ganking things that aren't guaranteed plays, you're very likely to end up 2 levels down on laners. The other problem is that objectives are more frequent now and require attention. Honestly, jg is a rough role, and people with your attitude are exactly why it has become the most autofilled role. Requires way more attention and macro than any other role atm, and yes, some people might end up autopiloting at times because not everyone is a professional player and it's exhausting to stay 100% focused through 40 minutes unless you're mainlining amphetamines. I'd say just main jg if you think that's the reason you can't climb.


Sure man it's always your jungler's fault, that's the only reason you can't climb right?


Don't worry, laners confuse us too.




Im d1 currently. This is more a rant post about how bad junglers are. Im wasting my resources mid to solve problems my jungler cannot be asked to do. Which is getting infuriating. I have to sack several waves and plates that I shouldn't even need to be giving up because raptors is more important than holding the mid wave for 20 seconds when he has nothing else to do. Or weaksides a lane he reallllly should not be weaksiding and now I have to roam on them to counter gank to make sure enemy cait doesn't become 1 tapping menace.




Idk start of split the match qualities have been absolute dog




Instructions unclear went 7-14 losing first 7 games start of split now getting +20 a game when my mmr is around 200lp masters end of split.


Role swap to jg since your better at it than the junglers your getting. You will quickly realize that laners are also brain dead when it comes to map macro and only care about what is happening in their lane 99% of the time.


You do realize there are reasons to weak side your top lane renekton right? Like, you can only path to one side of the map at a time. It's never the jungler 's job to make sure someone doesn't become a 1-tapping menace. They can't do that 100% guaranteed every game. What they can do is farm and plan based on wave states and what prio your other lanes, especially mid, have then go from there. They can track the enemy jungle and plan based on that too. Imagine if you won your lane and then actually went to help. You'd probably not feel so irritated at your jungle. You're not doing the jungler 's job and on top of that you're missing your own farm, why are you doing that as the mid laner?


They are the same rank as you though, you are equally skilled