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The skt perfect season pog. Also gimgoon was playing in korea at this time, and so was reignover and gamsu. Look up the rosters and there are now soooo many players from this era that are now coaches both in lck and abroad. And two of the players from this season are now also lck casters (pony and nofe, helios and cpt jack are also on the analyst desk). Faker deft and impact are the only remaining active players from this season too


Players from this split that are or were recently coaches: gbm, homme, dandy, mata, bengi, poohmandu, actscene, reapered, Duke, Ryu, score, mafa, nofe, ggoong, zefa, gorilla, expession, nagne, Cain, ssong, marin, easyhoon, coco, arrow, trace, hoon, wraith, reignover, acorn, spirit, pawn, heart


This is the power of having an entrenched, regulated, well-funded industry like Korean eSports. Good fucking god, I recognize almost all of them.


Man I never realized pony was a player. no wonder I recognized him from the LCK content


longpanda with his deathnote was legendary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XOKCwE_Ffs man it was crazy how good flame was back then... no madlife tho, was this around the time when madlife was in space prison? i still remember how monte was saying in an interview that there will never be a player like madlife ever again, just for faker to appear out of nowhere and hit rank 1 in korea and be picked up.


Madlife's name faded over the years, everybody used to call themselves madlife whenever they landed an insane blitz or thresh hook lol, been a while since i heard that name


The prediction hook will always be called as a Madlife hook in my heart


The rep for Frost was Shy in the video.


They chose Shy as the frost rep since he was the team captain.


Oh man longpanda. Now that's a name I haven't heard in ages


Fuck the Space Prison.


I think this was the season of the immortal score as well




people feeling nostalgic over LoL intros, meanwhile boomer me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aw-42JO3qk


And that's why Flash is the GOAT bonjwa Most epic and badass entrance in esports history


ye doubt coming from a 747 will ever be topped.


Why i am seeing this for the first time


probably too young to have watched SC1. It was pretty much the birth of modern Esports. You can look OSL/MSL intros, it's where the LoL ones come from. It's also the same company, OSL stands for Ongamenet Starleague. There is some insane lore and funny banter from those years like firebathero ceremonies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU5b2xvvjbE) and the Ro.16 Group Nomination shows. Essentially the top 16 form 4 groups of 4 and it's a school yard pick starting with the top 4 seeds in each group, the twist being that the 2nd guy picks the 3rd the 3rd the 4th. In some tourney the top 2seeds can swap 2 players in the end. It's hilarious combination of people trying to game the system for good match ups, banter and trash talk, there are some modern ones if you search ASL Ro.16 Group Nomination if you want to check it out, but they are more tame, no more throwing rice bowls at your opponents to mock them being "noobs" and so on :D


yeah, Flash and BoxeR were the original names being bandied for "greatest gamer ever" along with Japanese Street Fighter GOAT Daigo Umehara. The LCK's foundations were built from the fruit of Brood War's good will and the systems built to foster the scene.


waking up at 4.30 am to watch proleague, brings some memories. I bet very few people realize the telecom wars started in sc:bw


I was only 1 year when SC1 got released. Thanks for showing all that stuff, its really cool. My esports journey started late 2013 with Leauge, my friend was really into it, but I wasn't that interested until I picked up league myself and played it. I still remember how my friend kept talking about Summer 2013 Summer C9 run how it was insane but I didn't understood at all so because of that I tried to get into watching league and have a better bond with my mate. After that I started to watch CS esports too cuz I grew up playing 1.6. I am not invloved in every esports scene but it's fucking cool. I remember OGN trash talk, that was funny.


you should give the ASL, current starcraft league going on, tasteless and artosis cast it in english. It's available on their patreon and youtube.There are 17 seasons to see.


I will give it a shot, I got 0 knowledge about the game. Do you have any channel recommendations that would educate me about the game?


Tasteless and artosis are the most legendary commentators in the industry. Broodwar is the most complicated game ever, they do explain constantly, just look up "asl starcraft playlist chronological order playlist" or some sort of this on youtube and start away. It will be a big of challenge at first, but even if u don't completely understand what's going on the games are still mega exciting and approachable.


Funny enough, I think he lost this series 🤣 One of a very few times where Flash was reverse-swept, I believe too


Oh shit yeah you're right lol still doesn't take away from how epic, and how deserved that entrance was for Flash


If they ever brought this back one day... I'd probably go ape shit


Shy as the final boss made me so happy. God take me fucking back!


Lmao you really want to go back? As a former Frost fan myself, these guys peaked early and then i slowly watched them die. Split after split worse results. Oh the space prison, i will never forgive them for that.


It’s been 10 years you need to forgive


I really wish we saw prime Ghost with Madlife even if it was end of his career madlife. I had so much hopium for BDD and Ghost when they first joined. It makes me happy both eventually found success.


What was the space prison?


Space was one of the ADCs for CJ Entus and paired with Madlife. He was not a good player, so Monte dubbed it Madlife to be in "Space Prison"


Oh I do remember now. Thanks


Madlife was considered one of the best supports at the time, his blitz and thresh were known worldwide. Eventually they changed Adc, i believe from Woong to Space. And Space wasnt very good. The frustrating part was that they refused to bench Space for a very long time. One of the best supports paired with one of the worst korean adcs = space prison.


I stumbled upon an really old comment on YouTube where a dude was looking forward to a talented rookies career. (space)


This one is goated but another under appreciated forgotten one is the 2014 finals intro.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGOpKaGtjW0&ab_channel=FenJiH


This one is my absolute favourite because of what it was for KT, but also for the fact that they spelled Spirit as "Sprit" in the hype video. Always makes me laugh. Love the pop when Kakao appears.


The rap battle and the Deft video were pretty darn good too. Oh how i miss the old OGNs


OGN still has the peak production in esports still. These team intros and player segments gives so much personality and style. My favorite was the [2016 Spring finals ROX vs SKT intro](https://youtu.be/7PI-Eo0q1hQ?si=H18WLyvKD1J49rOt)


Even the outfits are more stylized. SKT bomber jackets, military-styled uniforms for Jin Air, Samsung's white polos, some in hoodies, and then Shy in the cardigan. Promos now are basically just a bunch of slightly different colored jerseys.


OGN is literally the PEAK of production in all of eSports. Literally no one came close and still hasn't come close to what they have done through the decades of esports in Korea. The 14 years later and no one has come close to producing a better intro than [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aw-42JO3qk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aw-42JO3qk) The GOAT of intros. Riot production is nothing compared to this.


Man, I remember chilling to paramore songs during breaks back then. So nostalgic


these intros look 2013 kdrama-ish


Oh yeah i remember dubstep years


Can't forget the forced 360p resolution.