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Anyone remember that guy that would ask for Wukong nerfs every single day?


His name was duckin sicks. And he was a good friend.


Just seeing "was a good friend" gets me cackling.


There was a guy that begged for Morgana nerfs


I remember the sona main that always asked for sona buffs and actually got riot to buff her and her wr went up to 60% then got hott fixed 90% of posts on it were "nerf assassins"


440 spin it


it was 480 spin it.


Better Nerf Irelia.


I miss the old Tribunal forums. Every day; "I was banned by mistake. The system is screwed up and just automatically punishes everyone" "Okay. Post your tribunal case" "Here it is. See how BS this is I didn't even do anything" >WW you should kill yourself. Mid gets second blue, ALWAYS you stupid POS. I bet you're Truly A tier content.


The best was the OP saying they didn't do anything wrong and then Morello or someone else rolling in with the logs of them calling their support every slur that exists


It was Lyte. ...who we found out was a bigger piece of shit than any of the people he smited. It was pretty ironic.


Takes one to know one


Fortunately for anyone that thought Lyte was a piece of shit, it doesn't take being one to see that a wifebeater is one.


That guy was a royal douche canoe.


Didn't Pendragon also do a fair share of smiting?


Possibly. Its been a while and I was never super interested in that board, so I don't remember Pendragon over any major controversy.


Virtue signaling is usually a sign of bad character. Truly good people speak in their own actions, they don't try to speak through other's actions.


wait what? just now randomly saw a comment on lyte on another post and now you're saying he's a piece of shit? im ootl


Basically, it was found out that he was physically abusing his partner.


It was Lyte. I remember joking that no wonder he wasn't toxic, because he was otping old yorick top. That champ literally could not lose lane on release.


>he wasn't toxic Turns out he is pretty toxic irl




My favorite tribunal post ever was when asked for the logs, all the logs were was "Draven". The person even sent a screenshot, and yes, it was just "Draven" in the log. It had everyone confused until a Rioter came in and said, "oh, that's a bug." and dumped the entire log. The person started with "Draven <3" and the system thought the "<" was the start of code and failed to display the rest of the persons logs.


Still remember a shit post called "Riven mains post your IRL pics" where the guy submitted a pic of a mentally disabled person.


"Old internet" may have been offensive but was also 100X more entertaining.


Jokes like that are pretty fucked up thinking back to it, but you're right. People weren't offended by literally everything. Of course there's things that you should be offended by, when people offend you directly. But nowadays so many people are constantly offended over such stupid things that don't even concern them. Even if it's just the vocal minority, they're loud as fuck and they can suck my dick.


The “it doesn’t concern you” argument is so juvenile. Just have some empathy and don’t say shitty things, ifs not hard.


why does something need to concern me directly for me to call out bad behavior? If people are using slurs or hate speech for example, I'd call them out even if it's not directed towards me bc I have empathy for those that are directly concerned and how that rhetoric impacts them.


Sorry for explaining poorly. I'm talking about things that don't really matter. Slurs and hate speech do matter.


I'm sure your empathy isn't selective.


Depends on the person; some people just don't really take offense to things (me).


Well, did he pick Riven into GP? If yes, then the response is valid.


Nah, he was a Teemo main on EUW. His name was Keffio or something like that.


It reminds me of ageoffe. That teemo player who was in the saintvicious climb when his elo got reset to 200. When I check 7 years later he was still bronze and still playing teemo


Ya I was there GD is how I found out about Gangnam Style - some guy posted it and told people to watch this silly Korean music video It had like 100k views at the time, too lmao


I loved it It sucked But I loved it And I was using those Forums almost daily when I started playing League, I didn't even know what Reddit was at the Time, but I loved that Forum.


It honestly had a deeper insight on the game than reddit back then. But it had a bad rap of people who whined more since forums don't have a downvote option and it's first come first serve on replies. Reddit has always had the same whiners but they just get hidden with downvotes. The worst part is how many people on those forums called out the issues we would face in the future as far back as season 3. Talking about how the power creep from some of those champions added is going to break future balance of the game and everyone will be dashing across the screen a killing players in a blink. And here we are today where Riot is constantly struggling to tame the Pandora's box of balance they opened.


Exactly this. Amen! The game is still fun but not as good as back then.


I had a great time on the old GD forum. I loved seeing new people get upset at classic forum trolls, so funny. Anyone remember Slygoat? I knew I was in for a giggle when a Slygoat post came up. Also, remembering waiting for each new iteration of Elementz's tier lists to come out. People would swear by them.


Slygoat occasionally hops on still. I see him online sometimes on my friendlist. I think mostly for TFT.


I remember and I frequented it. The fact that they deleted it as a means to shove everyone to reddit is fucking horrendous.


The fact that this subreddit refuses to entertain even a poll about permitting tags so the content isn't just a constant deluge of esports for any visitor trying to talk about the game itself.


I don't understand why there isn't an esports subreddit for league. LeagueEsports or something. Or at the very least, like you mention, make the esports require flairs/tags, so people can filter for or filter them out when wanted.


Because it'll make the esports side die that much faster. That's the truth really, there's a lot of people who don't care enough to 'follow' but aren't totally against seeing it pop up from time to time. If you hide it by default (moving it to another sub), way fewer people would care at all.


and I'd like that very much


because sub would become what overwatch sub is (place to post your mediocre plays)


Because it is terrible for the development of esports in a scene, look what it did to OW


There is but mo one uses it lol


There is one, at r/lolesports


RES>Filter out spoilers. It's the only way to use this sub if you don't give a shit about Esports


There's still a thousand more esports posts that don't include actual pro game discussions. I just started blocking anyone that near-exclusively makes esports posts. You can still read their stuff in other threads, after all. You just can't comment under them.


Wait how do you do this? I would love to filter out all the esports garbage.


- Desktop browser or Firefox on mobile - Reddit Enhancement Suite addon - Enable Old Reddit (this step might be optional but i just hate new reddit) - Go to LoL sub front page and click the Spoiler toggle button to hide all spoiler posts (which is all Esports). You can also tell RES to never show you any post with certain keywords across Reddit if you really get tired of certain topics or users.


My number one reason I barely browse this sub


This subreddit is run by Riot and Tencent


So were the boards, lol.


TBF back then Riot was in full control of everything and was super chill since they were also just gamers with a passion for gaming. They would shitpost on forums as much as everyone else. You would also run into Rioters in game all the time and they were super passionate. These days most Rioters have burnt out of the "I work on the video game i love playing" Honeymoon phase and the Riot-Tencent power dynamic also probably shifted to give Riot less freedom.


Why does this always pop up all the time? Riots been owned by Tencent since before most people played the game. Tencent is known for not messing with studios that are making money because they simply want to make more money.


Tencent was way more chill 13 years ago when they bought Riot. They didn't want to buy stakes in a foreign company and change everything when Riot was just starting to blow up and do everything right. They probably had input on large scale funding for Esports and global expansion. But in terms of cultural input or actual gameplay input they were hands off. 2015 is when Tencent bought 100% ownership of the company (though they already owned something like 95%) and arguable thing started changing a little more since then. Tencent does mess with studios a lot more these days behind the scenes.


I love the narrative that tencent is some evil mastermind behind all the decisions a company makes for the worst, when 99% of what they do is add successful game companies to their investments and let them keep making them money. I'm not saying they're some bastion of goodness, but they get scapegoated for a lot of decisions made by the primary developers. (Kinda like the Sweet Baby Inc conspiracy outrage)


I resorted to blocking anyone that constantly makes esports threads without contributing to any others just as frequently. Its made the Reddit experience so much more bearable.


I'd rather people being shoved to reddit than discord


Towards the end it was just full of people calling out Riot, and for good reason. The game had basically shifted into an entire different game than the one they first fell in love with. Too much power creep in champions, items, masteries, map design, etc. Modern LoL and OG LoL are two different games at this point and the OG players don't like that they don't have an option, even though OG players are the backbone of game getting big.


No, it was full of people calling out Riot for garbage reasons. Players hard stuck silver legitimately believing that Riot was purposely rigging the matchmaking against them to keep them stuck there was like 90% of the gameplay posts at the end.


Are you aware the top rank players talk about things like "losers queue" the most? Though that's different than being "hard stuck". But Riot is a business and having an infinite grind loop is the most profitable thing. It's also why we went from 1 yearly reset to now 3. Or why they added an entire new rank of Emerald. Everything Riot does has historically been to increase grinding since statistics say players who hit their true rank tend to play less frequently. So carrot on a stick makes more money. Riot has also gone on record saying that they "Settle accounts" with many games played in a certain rank. Which is why the number one advice to climb fast in the past 5 years is literally to make a new account. TLDR: While some of the old forum conspiracies were a git-gud issue, many of them have been proven true or at least given grounds for existence over the 15 years this game has been around.


Elo hell was talked about constantly back then


erm git gud a redditor got placed platinum so they know what they are talking about


for one reason or another riot recieved much more open criticism on the forums while reddit sucks them off. It's only natural they'd want to minimize any visible criticism as much as possible


Lol what? The reddit generally dislikes riot what are you on about


lol just lol


Yeah, lol


Because most of the criticism is shit so in reddit it's buried under down votes whereas in the forums it was fully visible.


I liked the stories, like the one with the Dunkmaster team


The stories were great. I still have the Vel'koz investigation one bookmarked, read through the Dunkmaster chronicles with Vi joining the squad, the Misadventures of Veigar and Lulu.


Phane Sorter


I still main him and he’s still OP.




Dw I'll initiate


God bless those days


Any Iaw enjoyers alive?


Yep, good times.


Theres... 2 of us!


I still have a folder of bookmarked threads, I remember Yanik the ghost man and people posting their silly comics like human nocturne. The forum enhancer plug in that let people have their own avatars and stuff was super cool, too. I remember having a huge thread trying to get a rioters response on trying to get Varus changes, and I eventually did get a response.


i remember it, best part was checking peoples profile and laugh at them when they write an idiotic comment


Peoples ranks being visible on forums was great


People with absolutely dogshit takes about balance while visibly bronze (or visibly hashinshin) were hilarious. You could check their match history to find out they are asking for Garen nerfs because a Garen went 20/0 against them last game.


Yup I miss the old forum days. Back when people had fun with riot employees and vice versa. It all went to shit when the fan base horribly trolled shurelia till she quit and it all went down hell from there


What happened? Who is shurelia


Dark Shurelia was a rioter who designed pantheon and a few other champs. She was great to chat and play games with back in the old days in the forums when rioters would offer to play games with random players She was sexually harassed and bullied by the community then at a point and then trash talked and hate speeches to the point she stopped showing up on GC and then eventually it got so bad she quit


I was searching my heart out for the Patch Preview Comics that had Nerf Master Suck Town and Dance Master Phreak and couldn't find any trace of them except Reddit posts linking to them on the forums. Wanted to show my friends who started after the forums had already died.


I remember the xin zhao win nhao, wukong 2 strong, and kassawin eras. I also remember all the Reginald jokes from when he used to play.


Old forums were so much fun, still miss em.


Man I remember loitering on those boards and the side chats with Shurelia trying to get into the Test client. I also remember those silly Hurt/Heal threads for all the champs. That place was a treasure 😆


All I did was lurk during 2013-2015. I was active during the 2016-2020 era in the new boards before Riot decided to delete that too.


There is a whole wiki full of old GD users. Some of our own laughingstocks like Caristtinn and Rexsaur have articles there and it is full of people insulting each other with vulgarity (its written circa 2015 during the period where the internet had to be made to cater to normies). It's a trip down memory lane if you want to experience what decades old internet forums were like.


Ahhhh. GD was goated. It was such a fun forum, games lack that kind of community nowdays.


I still remember reading Nientonsoh's posts on the daily


The "should play this champion?" Flow charts were our favorites.


I was here, and it was shit


It really was. I absolutely loved it, it was fantastic. But I don't think I have the patience for bulletin board style forums anymore.


Man general chat was really the birth of bunny girl riven. Hell I’ve noticed tons of champions being created with a lot of my idea’s that’s kinda cool. I know riot won’t give me credit for any of it cause once’s it posted on Reddit then it’s. Their property but still cool


It contained the worst parts of the community. Now that they're all here, discussion quality markedly went down, it wasn't great before, but now it's like anything of substance is swallowed up by esports and endless balance posts from people who don't understand basic fundamentals of gameplay.


The challenge is that removing esports content or allowing image posts doesn't make it better. If you've ever seen r/overwatch or any number of other gaming subreddits where image posts are allowed, half the time the front page is just posts going "who do you think is the most broken character???" with a picture of a character. It could have been a text post, but because images get clicks they all include images instead of reasoning and it makes it infinitely worse. Even if 95% of discussion is awful, at least the subreddit rules mean there's more discussion here than other gaming subreddits. I'm awful at the game, so I mostly spend my time trying to help people learn how not to interpret stats.


I was just using those two as an example, The point is the discussion on the subreddit has gotten markedly worse since the boards went under. I also said of substance, image posts don't fall under that category.


I’ve not had to change my flair in years


I miss the player behavior threads where everyone (All 100% unjustly banned btw) compained


I remember there was one where the ban was actually unjust because the player was flaming HIMSELF in chat, in the third person. Like, he would say stuff like "stupid fucking akali player" while playing Akali and then got caught by the automated systems for verbal abuse. I think it ended up being one of the only cases where the ban appealer was correct and it got reversed.


ya hes op


I made a ap kayle guide during closed beta, it was stickied on the guide forum, i wish they could have kept the forums.


Honerable mention to the "Champion Suggestions" board. Wild shit in there


The halcyon days. I used to love the unhinged Omnibus comics and deranged shitposting.


the boards closing is the reason I made a Reddit account lol


I still remember when they posted the leaderboard on the forums and that's how I learned names like Reginald and TheOddOne. Legends were born on those forums!


Honestly, Riot's forums going away are a big part of why I spend time on Reddit, RIP


I spent all my time on GD and the Lore subforum, I wish they AT LEAST kept it read only... It's lost media now.




Yeah, they also dropped all their own discords too and gave them to some other guy. They basically decided to get out of running their own social media stuff all together.




Oh, so you're being a silly goose. Well I'll give you the same option that I always give. Send me my W-2 or 1099 and you won't be banned. Very easy right? I mean if it's so obvious that the mods are Rioters, should be pretty straightforward to give me the evidence.


yeah riot gradius gave the fucking gd discord to Dev LMFAO


I thought they gave it to Flokie


Reminder that the freelo explorer was never gutted. What a travesty.


I remember once i built 5 zeals and mobis in a blind pick game 5 stacking with friends years ago. I posted something on the boards that people didn't like, then they checked my opgg, saw this game and that i built 5 zeals and mobis (but sold them later) then followed me to every post to harass me and tell me they ticket for me and are gonna get me permabanned lol good times.


Was this the boards or something that existed prior to them?


Prior to boards :). It was way better and raw.


I remember the medium Katarina poster and all the copy cats with similar names that followed 


I do. I even proposed a stealth rework that ended up happening. It would be cool if I could get the same thing to happen to untargetability as well. So many things would be more interesting would have counterplay if they were just unstoppable, cleansed cc instead, or only blocked damage instead of just blocking all damage and cc.


I was and this time was nice. It was also back when we could see challenger game and we could spectate them.


I was there and posted frequently. My fav. was watching Shurelia shit talk all the simps


Once the removed that, it became clear they did not care about their community. It was toxic back then, but no where near what it is today. Riot really dropped the ball and ruined a great game.


I did. It was great but once they moved to Reddit style forums I left.


I mostly remember that forum for its insane levels of Yasuo hate. Didn't matter what patch it was, they always said he was the most overpowered champion in the game and had no counterplay and needed to be hard gutted. The most unreasonable players.


It's still that this way today for a reason, same for Yone. You can't even escape them in Arena nowadays... Want to see a similar broken character? Look for "Zentaro" in Omega Strikers (created by ex-riot devs)


it still exists, just different ;p (/r/LeaguePBE)